842 resultados para Lariz, Jacinto de.
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide and the most common cancer reported in women. This malignant tumour is characterised by a number of specific features including uncontrolled cell proliferation. It ranks fifth in the world as a cause of cancer death in women. Early diagnosis increases 5 year survival rates up to 95%. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are complex proteins composed of a core protein to which a number of highly sulfated side chains are synthesised by a highly co-ordinated process resulting in distinct sulfation patterns, which determine specific interations with cell-signaling partners including growth factors, their receptors, ligands and morphogens. The enzymes responsible for chain initiation, elongation and sulfation are critical for creating HS chain variability conferring biological functionality. This study investigated single nucleotide polymorphism in SULF1, the enzyme responsible for the 6-0 desulfation of heparan sulfate side chains. We investigated this SNP in an Australian Caucasian case-control breast cancer population and found a significant association between SULF1 and breast cancer at both the allelic and genotypic level (allele, p=0.016; genotype, p=0.032). Our results suggest the res2623047 SNP in SULF1 may impact breast cancer susceptibility. Specifically, the T allele of rs2623047 in SULF1 is associated with a increased risk of developing breast cancer in our cohort. The identification of markers including SULF1 may improve detection of this disease at its earliest stages improving patient treatment and prognosis.
Breast cancer is a common disease in both developing and developed countries with early identification and treatment improving prognosis and survival. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are key components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) that mediate cell adhesion, motility, proliferation, invasion and cell signalling. Members of the syndecan family of HSPGs have been identified to be involved in breast cancer progression through their varied interactions with a number of growth factors, ligands and receptors. Specifically, high expression levels of syndecan-1 (SDC1) have been demonstrated in more invasive breast tumours while elevated syndecan-4 (SDC4) levels have been identified to correspond with improved prognosis. With genetic changes in the syndecans and their association with breast cancers plausible, we examined two single nucleotide polymorphisms in SDC1 (rs1131351) and SDC4 (rs67068737) within an Australian Caucasian breast cancer case/control population. No association was found with SDC4 and breast cancer in our population. However, a significant association between SDC1 and breast cancer was identified in both our case/control population and in a replication cohort. When both populations were combined for analysis, this association became more significant (genotype, p = 0.0003; allele, p = 0.0001). This data suggests an increased risk of developing breast cancer associated with the presence of the C allele of the SDC1 rs1131351 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and may provide a marker toward early breast cancer detection.
Late Sakmarian to early Artinskian (Early Permian) carbonate deposition was widespread in the marine intracratonic rift basins that extended into the interior of Eastern Gondwana from Timor in the north to the northern Perth Basin in the south. These basins spanned about 20° of paleolatitude (approximately 35°S to 55°S). This study describes the type section of the Maubisse Limestone in Timor-Leste, and compares this unit with carbonate sections in the Canning Basin (Nura Nura Member of the Poole Sandstone), the Southern Carnarvon Basin (Callytharra Formation) and the northern Perth Basin (Fossil Cliff Member of the Holmwood Shale). The carbonate units have no glacial influence and formed part of a major depositional cycle that, in the southern basins, overlies glacially influenced strata and lies a short distance below mudstone containing marine fossils and scattered dropstones (perhaps indicative of sea ice). In the south marine conditions became more restricted and were replaced by coal measures at the top of the depositional sequence. In the north, the carbonate deposits are possibly bryozoan–crinoidal mounds; whereas in the southern basins they form laterally continuous relatively thin beds, deposited on a very low-gradient seafloor, at the tops of shale–limestone parasequences that thicken upward in parasequence sets. All marine deposition within the sequence took place under very shallow (inner neritic) conditions, and the limestones have similar grain composition. Bryozoan and crinoidal debris dominate the grain assemblages and brachiopod shell fragments, foraminifera and ostracod valves are usually common. Tubiphytes ranged as far south as the Southern Carnarvon Basin, albeit rarely, but is more common to the north. Gastropod and bivalve shell debris, echinoid spines, solitary rugose corals and trilobite carapace elements are rare. The uniformity of the grain assemblage and the lack of tropical elements such as larger fusulinid foraminifera, colonial corals or dasycladacean algae indicate temperate marine conditions with only a small increase in temperature to the north. The depositional cycle containing the studied carbonate deposits represents a warmer phase than the preceding glacially influenced Asselian to early Sakmarian interval and the subsequent cool phase of the “mid” Artinskian that is followed by significant warming during the late Artinskian–early Kungurian. The timing of cooler and warmer intervals in the west Australian basins seems out-of-phase with the eastern Australian succession, but this may be a problem of chronostratigraphic miscorrelation due to endemic faunas and palynofloras.
Since the late 1990s, the International Contact Lens Prescribing Survey Consortium has prospectively gathered information about 285,000 contact lens fits from more than 50 countries. This article presents our 14th annual summary of current trends published in Contact Lens Spectrum. With only minor differences in the distribution of our surveys among markets, we have continued to adopt the same approach throughout the past 18 years. Through national coordinators, we approach contact lens prescribers in each country and ask them to record information about the first 10 patients whom they fit with contact lenses after receipt of our survey form. The information collected is generic, and respondents are weighted to reflect the volume of contact lens fits undertaken by each. For this 2014 report, we present information about 25,179 contact lens fits from 32 countries...
We have been collecting data on worldwide contact lens prescribing habits for almost 20 years. Over this time period, we have amassed prospective information about 315,000 contact lens fits in 59 countries. This article marks our 15th report in Contact Lens Spectrum and features a breakdown of more than 23,000 contact lens fits in 34 markets. As in previous years, our international network of coordinators distributed survey forms to eyecare practitioners in their market who then recorded generic information about the first 10 patients fit with contact lenses after receipt. Information is gathered about patient age and gender; whether the contact lenses are prescribed as a new fit or a refit; contact lens material, design, and replacement frequency; number of intended days per week of use; wearing modality; and care system. Contact lens fits are weighted to reflect the number of fits undertaken by each eyecare practitioner. The study data were entered and processed at the University of Manchester and at the University of Waterloo.
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a chronic parasitic disease prevalent in tropical and sub- tropical countries. This study focused on the development of immune-based therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors and/or activators, as well as cytokines as a way to treat VL either alone or in combination with conventional drugs. Since many chronic infectious diseases share mechanisms of immune suppression, these findings have broader implications for other infectious diseases, such as HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.
Con el objetivo de evaluar agronómicamente dos genotipos de quequisque (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott) (Masaya y Nueva Guinea), se estableció un ensayo comparativo en condiciones edafoclimáticas del REGEN-UNA, Managua, se analizó las variables morfológicas, fenológicas, presencia de enfermedades y rendimiento. El ensayo se estableció utilizando el arreglo BCA, cuatro bloques y dos tratamientos, la parcela contó con seis surcos con longitud de 10.8 m y 1 m de separación, con densidad de 108 plantas por parcela, distancia de 0.6 m entre plantas, con 864 plantas totales. La parcela útil la conformaron los dos surcos centrales evaluándose 20 plantas por parcela. Las variables morfológicas evaluadas fueron: altura de planta (cm), diámetro de pseudotallo (cm), número de hojas, largo y ancho de la hoja (cm), área foliar (cm 2 y número de hijos, las fenológicas: velocidad de brotación y momento de cosecha; de rendimiento: número de cormelos por planta, largo y ancho de cormelo (cm), peso de cormelos por planta y peso promedio de cormelo (g) y la presencia de enfermedades: virosas y bacterianas. Los genotipos no presentaron diferencias estadísticas en las variables morfológicas a excepción, la altura de planta y grosor de pseudotallo que a los 120 dds favorecieron al clon Masaya. Se reportaron diferencias estadísticas únicamente en las variables peso de cormelos/pta, peso promedio de cormelo y largo de cormelo a favor del cultivar Nueva Guinea. A los 150 dds 35.4 % de las plantas del cultivar Masaya y 31.7 % del cultivar Nueva Guinea registraron síntomas del Virus del Mosaico del quequisque (DMV). La presencia de la bacteria Xanthomona campestris (Pammel) Dowson en el cultivar Nueva Guinea fue de 38.5% y en el cultivar Masaya 34.8% a los 150 dds. En los dos cultivares la presencia de ambas enfermedades disminuyeron en la posterior evaluación. A través del análisis del numero de hijos por planta no fue posible determinar efecto alguno de esta variable sobre la ontogenia de los cultivares, igualmente el análisis de las variables área foliar y número de hojas no determinó diferencias en cuanto a precocidad entre los genotipos estudiados.
El siguiente trabajo se realizó en los terrenos de la Cooperativa Democrática "El Viejo", ubicada en el municipio de El Viejo; se evaluaron nueve lineas promisorias de arroz en una Prueba Preliminar de Rendimiento. Se utilizó un diseño experimental de Bloques Completos al Azar con cuatro repeticiones, el ensayo se estableció en condiciones de secano favorecido, con el método de siembra a chorrillo, por lo que el Programa de Validación Tecnológica (P.V.T) de la Asociación Nicaragüense de Arroceros (A.N.A.R.), inició el presente trabajo para evaluar los materiales genéticos ECIA y C.T. Los materiales ECIA procedentes de Cuba y los materiales IG y CT originarios del Centro Internacional de agricultura Tropical , Cali Colombia. Los datos cuantitativos se analizaron con el programa MSTAC, aplicándoles análisis de varianza (ANOVA), con sus respectivas pruebas de medias. En base a los resultados obtenidos en las evaluaciones de las características agronónúcas, componentes del rendimiento y adaptabilidad a la zona de secano, se realizaron los análisis, de las nueve lineas promisorias de arroz de las cuales se seleccionaron las líneas ECIA 31-6066, la ECIA 2l3-F4-A-153, la ECIA 382-4-2-J-6 y la CT- 9506-18-11P-2PT, además que en la selección de estas líneas se tomaron en cuenta todas las variables medidas, tanto las cuantitativas como las cualitativas, o sea que se seleccionaron aquellas que presentaron comportamiento de manera integral, las cuales seguirán siendo estudiada; para luego ser evaluadas en prueba de adaptación regional.
Duración (en horas): De 11 a 20 horas. Nivel educativo: Grado
Frei Domingos Teixeira, religioso da Ordem de Santo Agostinho e historiador, nasceu em Celorico de Basto entre os anos de 1675 e 1680 e morreu em 1726. Professou, em 1695, no Convento da Graça, em Lisboa e exerceu o cargo de Sacristão-Mor do Convento da Penha de França. Dedicou-se a escrever narrativas históricas, tendo sido acusado de plagiar ‘A Vida do Condestável’, de Jacinto Freire de Andrade, utilizando-se de anotações deste escritor. Trata-se da primeira edição da obra, que teve ainda uma segunda edição, custeada pelo livreiro Inácio Nogueira Xisto, na Oficina de Francisco Luis Ameno, em 1749. José dos Santos em seu ‘Catálogo da Livraria do Conde de Arneal’ nos diz que ‘a primeira edição é muito estimada e rara, sendo considerada obra de bastante merecimento para o estudo e história do Santo Condestável D. Nuno Álvares Pereira e dos seus heroicos feitos militares
Presentado en el Simposio "La imagen del sexo en la antigüedad: ciclos de renovación de la vida", organizado por el Instituto de Historia del CSIC y celebrado en Barcelona del 21 al 23 de marzo de 2002.
Referência: Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez / Innocencio Francisco da Silva, 1884 v. 6, p. 8
Seguido da Indagação da mais vantajosa construcção dos diques por Mrs. Bossut e Viallet ; e de hum extracto da architectura hydraulica de M. Belidor... ; terminado pelo tratado pratico da medida das aguas correntes, e uso da taboa parabolica do P. D. Francisco Maria de Regi ; de Ordem de Sua Alteza Real o Principe Regente Nosso Senhor traduzidos por Manoel Jacinto Nogueira da Gama.
Crustal structure in Southern California is investigated using travel times from over 200 stations and thousands of local earthquakes. The data are divided into two sets of first arrivals representing a two-layer crust. The Pg arrivals have paths that refract at depths near 10 km and the Pn arrivals refract along the Moho discontinuity. These data are used to find lateral and azimuthal refractor velocity variations and to determine refractor topography.
In Chapter 2 the Pn raypaths are modeled using linear inverse theory. This enables statistical verification that static delays, lateral slowness variations and anisotropy are all significant parameters. However, because of the inherent size limitations of inverse theory, the full array data set could not be processed and the possible resolution was limited. The tomographic backprojection algorithm developed for Chapters 3 and 4 avoids these size problems. This algorithm allows us to process the data sequentially and to iteratively refine the solution. The variance and resolution for tomography are determined empirically using synthetic structures.
The Pg results spectacularly image the San Andreas Fault, the Garlock Fault and the San Jacinto Fault. The Mojave has slower velocities near 6.0 km/s while the Peninsular Ranges have higher velocities of over 6.5 km/s. The San Jacinto block has velocities only slightly above the Mojave velocities. It may have overthrust Mojave rocks. Surprisingly, the Transverse Ranges are not apparent at Pg depths. The batholiths in these mountains are possibly only surficial.
Pn velocities are fast in the Mojave, slow in Southern California Peninsular Ranges and slow north of the Garlock Fault. Pn anisotropy of 2% with a NWW fast direction exists in Southern California. A region of thin crust (22 km) centers around the Colorado River where the crust bas undergone basin and range type extension. Station delays see the Ventura and Los Angeles Basins but not the Salton Trough, where high velocity rocks underlie the sediments. The Transverse Ranges have a root in their eastern half but not in their western half. The Southern Coast Ranges also have a thickened crust but the Peninsular Ranges have no major root.
I. Hitzaldia: - Andrés Alberdi (EIMA): EIMA eta ikasmaterialaren kalitatea. - Araceli Diaz de Lezana: Euskarazko terminologiaren normalizazioa: terminología batzordea. - Juan Garzia (EHU, Euskara Zerbitzua): EHUko Euskara Zerbitzua: ereduak ontzeko bideak lantzen. - Antton Gurrutxaga et alii (Elhuyar): Internet, corpusak eta terminología: Internetetik espezialitate-corpusak erauzteko teknikak eta horien ebaluazioa. - Josu Landa: Corpusen iraultza: maiztasunen korapiloa. - UZEI: Euskara juridikoa eta abokatuen hizkuntza-baliabideak. II. Komunikazioak: - Xabier Alberdi (EHU): Kalkoen eragina euskara akademikoaren garapen lexikoan: Lan Zuzenbideko terminología. - Kepa Altonaga (EHU): Arnaut Abadia (1843-1916), gure zientzia-prosaren aurrendari ahaztu bat. - Xabier Arregi, Ana Arruarte, Xabier Artola, Mikel Lersundi, Gotzon Santander eta Joseba Umbellina (IXA): TZOS: Terminologia Zerbitzurako On-line Sistema. - José Ramón Etxebarria (EHU): Matematika eta fisikako zenbait esamolde estandaritzateko proposamena. - Joseba Ezeiza (EHU): DB (Dokumentu Biltegia): corpus akademikoak sortzeko eta kudeatzeko azpiegitura teknologikoa. - Julio García García de los Salmones (EHU): Kalkoaren kontzeptua eta haren terminologia ikasliburuetan eta gramatiketan. - Jacinto Iturbe (EHU): Elementu kimikoen izenen formak hainbat hiztegitan eta gaur eguneko forma kanonikoak. - Itziar San Martín, Igone Zabala eta Joseba Ezeiza (EHU): Aditzetiko izenak erregistro-bereizle gisa: corpus espezializatu baten azterketa morfopragmatikoa. - Igone Zabala eta Agurtzane Elordui (EHU): Nominalizazioa estrategia diskurtsibo gisa: corpus akademikoaren azterketaren beharra.