910 resultados para LIPID-CONTENT
We investigated aspects of the reproductive ecology of Ochna serrulata (Hochst.) Walp., an invasive plant in eastern Australia. O. serrulata drupes were similar in size to fleshy fruits of other local invasive plants, but showed some distinct differences in quality, with a very high pulp lipid content (32.8% of dry weight), and little sugar and water. Seeds were dispersed by figbirds, Sphecotheres viridis Vieillot, a locally abundant frugivore, and comprised between 10 and 50% of all non-Ficus spp. fruit consumed during October and November. The rate of removal of O. serrulata drupes was greater in bushland than suburban habitats, indicating that control in bushland habitats should be a priority, but also that suburban habitats are likely to act as significant seed sources for reinvasion of bushland. Germination occurred under all seed-processing treatments (with and without pulp, and figbird gut passage), suggesting that although frugivores are important for dispersal, they are not essential for germination. Recruitment of buried and surface-sown seed differed between greenhouse and field experiments, with minimal recruitment of surface-sown seed in the field. Seed persistence was low, particularly under field conditions, with 0.75% seed viability after 6 months and 0% at 12 months. This provides an opportunity to target control efforts in south-eastern Queensland in spring before fruit set, when there is predicted to be few viable seeds in the soil.
Total lipid content in the thermophilic fungi—Thermoascus aurantiacus, Humicola lanuginosa, Malbranchea pulchella var.sulfurea, andAbsidia ramosa—varied from 5.3 to 19.1% of mycelial dry weight. The neutral and polar lipid fractions accounted for 56.4 to 80.2% and 19.8 to 43.6%, respectively. All the fungi contained monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, free fatty acids, and sterols in variable amounts. Sterol ester was detected only inA. ramosa. Phosphatide composition was: phosphatidyl choline (15.9–47%), phosphatidyl ethanolamine (23.4–67%), phosphatidyl serine (9.3–17.6%), and phosphatidyl inositol (1.9–11.9%). Diphosphatidyl glycerol occurred in considerable quantity only inH. lanuginosa andM. pulchella var.sulfurea. Phosphatidic acid, detected as a minor component only inM. pulchella var.sulfurea andA. ramosa, does not appear to be a characteristic phosphatide of thermophilic fungi as suggested earlier. The 16∶0, 16∶1, 18∶0, 18∶1, and 18∶2 acids were the main fatty acid components. In addition,A. ramosa contained 18∶3 acid. Total lipids contained an average of 0.93 double bonds per mole of fatty acids, and neutral lipids tend to be more unsaturated than phospholipids.
Rapidly depleting stocks of fossil fuels and increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have necessitated the exploration of cost effective sustainable energy sources focussing on biofuels through algae. Abundant wastewaters generated in urban localities every day provide the nourishment to nurture algae for biofuel generation. The present communication focuses on the lipid prospects of algae grown in wastewater systems. Euglena sp., Spirogyra sp. and Phormidium sp. were collected from selected locations of sewage fed urban lakes and sewage treatment plants of Bangalore and Mysore. The total lipid content of Euglena sp. was higher (24.6%) compared to Spirogyra sp. (18.4%) followed by Phormidium sp. (8.8%) and their annual lipid yield potential was 6.52, 1.94 and 2.856 t/ha/year, respectively. These species showed higher content of fatty acids (palmitate, stearate followed by oleic and linoleic acids) with the desirable biofuel properties. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Prolific algal growth in sewage ponds with high organic loads in the tropical regions can provide cost-effective and efficient wastewater treatment and biofuel production. This work examines the ability of Euglena sp. growing in wastewater ponds for biofuel production and treatment of wastewater. The algae were isolated from the sewage treatment plants and were tested for their nutrient removal capability. Compared to other algae, Euglena sp. showed faster growth rates with high biomass density at elevated concentrations of ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) and organic carbon (C). Profuse growth of these species was observed in untreated wastewaters with a mean specific growth rate (mu) of 0.28 day(-1) and biomass productivities of 132 mg L-1 day(-1). The algae cultured within a short period of 8 days resulted in the 98 % removal of NH4-N, 93 % of total nitrogen 85 % of ortho-phosphate, 66 % of total phosphate and 92 % total organic carbon. Euglenoids achieved a maximum lipid content of 24.6 % (w/w) with a biomass density of 1.24 g L-1 (dry wt.). Fourier transform infrared spectra showed clear transitions in biochemical compositions with increased lipid/protein ratio at the end of the culture. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry indicated the presence of high contents of palmitic, linolenic and linoleic acids (46, 23 and 22 %, respectively), adding to the biodiesel quality. Good lipid content (comprised quality fatty acids), efficient nutrient uptake and profuse biomass productivity make the Euglena sp. as a viable source for biofuel production in wastewaters.
The study was carried out to asses the nutritional qualities of smoked O. niloticus and to discover the best methods of storage to minimize spoilage and infestation of smoked fish. Result showed that the protein contents in A and D decreased while the protein contents of b and C increased. The lipid content increased only in A while it decreased in B-C and D. The moisture content generally increased over the period of storage and there was an increase in ash content only in C while it decreased in A, B and D. The samples packed in polythene bag suffered about 35% mould infection and a few were attached by rodents with some fouling. Samples packed in jute bag were in good condition but were slightly attached by insect. All samples packed in carton and basket were still in good state but there were insect attack in those packed in carton
Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is caused by abnormal accumulation of lipids within liver cells. Its prevalence is increasing in developed countries in association with obesity, and it represents a risk factor for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Since NAFLD is usually asymptomatic at diagnosis, new non-invasive approaches are needed to determine the hepatic lipid content in terms of diagnosis, treatment and control of disease progression. Here, we investigated the potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantitate and monitor the hepatic triglyceride concentration in humans. Methods: A prospective study of diagnostic accuracy was conducted among 129 consecutive adult patients (97 obesity and 32 non-obese) to compare multi-echo MRI fat fraction, grade of steatosis estimated by histopathology, and biochemical measurement of hepatic triglyceride concentration (that is, Folch value). Results: MRI fat fraction positively correlates with the grade of steatosis estimated on a 0 to 3 scale by histopathology. However, this correlation value was stronger when MRI fat fraction was linked to the Folch value, resulting in a novel equation to predict the hepatic triglyceride concentration (mg of triglycerides/g of liver tissue = 5.082 + (432.104 * multi-echo MRI fat fraction)). Validation of this formula in 31 additional patients (24 obese and 7 controls) resulted in robust correlation between the measured and estimated Folch values. Multivariate analysis showed that none of the variables investigated improves the Folch prediction capacity of the equation. Obese patients show increased steatosis compared to controls using MRI fat fraction and Folch value. Bariatric surgery improved MRI fat fraction values and the Folch value estimated in obese patients one year after surgery. Conclusions: Multi-echo MRI is an accurate approach to determine the hepatic lipid concentration by using our novel equation, representing an economic non-invasive method to diagnose and monitor steatosis in humans.
Em órgãos potencialmente importantes na resposta imune, como o baço, alternativas como o autoimplante de segmentos esplênicos, quando a esplenectomia total torna-se necessária, e a utilização de nutrientes com funcionalidade imunomoduladora vêm sendo estudadas, objetivando minimizar o efeito pró-inflamatório persistente da sepse abdominal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do consumo de óleo de peixe na modulação da resposta inflamatória em animais submetidos a esplenectomia total isolada ou combinada com autoimplante esplênico e à indução de sepse abdominal, verificando a possível otimização na resposta pró-inflamatória e a regeneração funcional do autoimplante. Utilizamos 64 ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, com peso variando entre 140-200 g, aleatoriamente distribuídos em oito grupos: quatro grupos-controle (100% óleo de soja) e quatro grupos-intervenção (35% de óleo de peixe), cada um com oito animais. Os dos grupos-controle (animais alimentados com ração purificada, segundo AIN-93, com conteúdo lipídico constituído por 100% óleo de soja) foram: I sem intervenção cirúrgica e, 16 semanas após, submetidos à indução de sepse abdominal; II esplenectomia total isolada e, 16 semanas após, submetidos à indução de sepse abdominal; III esplenectomia total combinada com autoimplante esplênico e, 16 semanas após, submetidos à indução de sepse abdominal; e IV esplenectomia total combinada com autoimplante esplênico e, oito semanas após, submetidos à indução de sepse abdominal. Os dos grupos-intervenção (V a VIII) foram submetidos a procedimentos similares aos executados nos grupos I a IV, respectivamente, sendo a única modificação fundamentada na substituição de 35% do conteúdo lipídico da alimentação dos animais por óleo de peixe. Todos os animais foram submetidos a sepse induzida por ligadura e perfuração cecal (CLP). Coletamos amostras sanguíneas de todos os animais antes da indução da sepse (período 1) e 2 e 4 horas (períodos 2 e 3) após a indução da sepse abdominal. Verificou-se, a cada três dias, massa corporal (MC) e ingestão alimentar (IA). Analisamos as citocinas INF-γ, IL-6 e IL-10 por meio da tecnologia Luminex. Utilizamos o teste T de Student para análise estatística, considerando significativo com p≤0,05. Os dos grupos V, VI e VIII apresentaram maior consumo alimentar que seus controles. Os do grupo V apresentaram menores concentrações de IFN-γ em todos os períodos e maior IL-10 nos períodos 2 e 3. Os do grupo VI apresentaram menores concentrações de todas as citocinas: IFN-γ nos períodos 2 e 3; IL-6 nos períodos 1 e 2; e maior IL-10 nos períodos 1 e 2. Os do grupo VIII apresentaram menor IFN-γ no período 3, IL-6 no período 2, e maior IL-10 no período 1. Não observou-se diferenças nos do grupo VII em nenhuma das citocinas estudadas. Este estudo demonstrou que a utilização do óleo de peixe em pequena dose, consumido cronicamente, como parte do teor lipídico total da dieta e não de forma suplementar, é capaz de manter a massa corporal adequada e reduzir a resposta inflamatória à sepse abdominal induzida por CLP, aumentando a IL-10 plasmática em ratos que não sofreram intervenção cirúrgica, e parece favorecer a regeneração funcional precoce do autoimplante esplênico.
A hipertensão é uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade no Brasil. Os hipertensos muitas vezes apresentam perfil lipídico e glicidico desfavoráveis. A alimentação pode desempenhar um papel importante na redução da pressão arterial (PA) e no perfil lipídico e controle glicêmico desses pacientes. Avaliar o impacto de uma intervenção nutricional adaptada ao padrão alimentar brasileiro no controle dos níveis pressóricos e metabólico de pacientes hipertensos em acompanhamento em um serviço de atenção primária de saúde do município de São Luís do Maranhão. Metodologia: ensaio clínico randomizado utilizando uma dieta de baixo índice glicêmico combinada ao aumento do consumo de frutas, vegetais, grãos integrais e laticínios desnatados que são os princípios do Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (dieta DASH). Foram alocados randomicamente 206 pacientes hipertensos que foram acompanhados por 6 meses. O grupo controle (GC, n=101) recebeu aconselhamento padrão, focado na redução da ingestão de sal. Resultados: Dos 206 pacientes randomizados, 156 (37 homens, 119 mulheres) completaram o estudo. A idade média dos participantes foi de 60,1 (DP 12,9) anos. Após 6 meses, houve redução na média da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) em 14,4 mmHg e na diastólica (PAD) de 9,7 mmHg no grupo experimental (GE), em comparação a 6,7 mmHg e 4,6 mmHg, respectivamente, no GC. Após o ajuste para mudança de peso corporal, PA na linha de base e idade, essas diferenças entre os grupos foram de aproximadamente 9,2 mmHg e 6,2 mmHg, respectivamente. Ocorreram tambem variações estatisticamente significantes na excreção urinária de sódio, reduzida em 43,4 mEq/24 h no GE, bem como o colesterol total (-46.6mg/dl) , LDL colesterol (-42.5mg/dl), triglicérides (-31.3mg/dl), glicemia de jejum (-9.6mg/dl ) e hemoglobina glicada (-0,1%). O consumo alimentar modificou-se no GE com aumento do consumo de vegetais, passando de 2,97 para 5,85 ; frutas (4,09-7,18); feijão (1,94-3,13) e peixes (1,80 para 2,74). Modificações importantes relacionadas à redução significativa de carboidratos, teor lipídico e carga glicêmica da dieta, foram observadas. Conclusão: Este estudo mostrou a viabilidade e a eficácia de uma abordagem dietética com base no padrão alimentar brasileiro, na redução da PA e parâmetros bioquímicos inadequados, podendo causar um grande impacto na saúde pública.
Twenty three small indigenous fish species (SIS) in the size range of 3-18 cm were analyzed for proximate composition and minerals (Ca and P) content to evaluate their nutritive value. The moisture content of different species ranged between 71.00 and 81.94%. In general, small sized fishes showed higher moisture content. The muscle protein content among the species varied widely (16.16-22.28%). In general, the muscle protein content of fishes showed higher value than the whole carcass protein content. The carcass lipid content varied between 1.87 and 9.55% and showed an inverse relationship with the moisture content. The gross energy content ranged from 19.51-27.30 KJ/g on dry matter basis. In the present study, the calcium and phosphorus contents ranged between 0.85-3.20% and 1.01-3.29% respectively. The calcium and phosphorus ratio (Ca/P) varied between 0.44 and 2.00. From the nutritional point of view, it shows that the SIS are good source of protein and minerals especially calcium and phosphorus
A 60-day long growth trial was conducted to evaluate the suitability of duckweed Lemna minor as dietary fish meal substitute for silver barb (Borbodes gonionotus Bleeker). Five iso-nitrogenous diets were formulated to contain 35% protein and each treatment had three replicates with 15 fish in each aquarium with a mean initial weight of 1.5 ± 0.2 g. Duckweed was used in the experiment to replace 10, 20, 30 and 35% of the dietary fish meal in diet 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Fish meal was used as the sole source of protein in control diet (Diet 1). Fish were fed three times daily at satiation level. In terms of growth, food conversion and protein utilization, the control diet and diet containing 17.07% duckweed showed the best (P<0.05) performance followed by diets containing 34.14%, 51.21% and 59.24% duckweed. Fish fed diets containing higher levels of duckweed had higher carcass moisture and lower lipid content compared to the control diet. Histopathological examination revealed abnormalities in the liver of fish fed diets containing higher inclusion of duckweed. It was noted that 10% of the dietary fish meal protein could be replaced by duckweed (L. minor) in the diet of silver barb (B. gonionotus).
Morphometric characteristics of Lamellidens lamellatus were studied using a random sample of 138 individuals collected from Bathalagoda reservoir in Kurunegala district. The largest number of individuals in the collection was between 40-50 mm in length. They had a body weight between 60-80 gm. The most abundant bio-chemical component in the adductor and in the foot was protein. Carbohydrate and lipid quantities were almost equal while ash showed the least value. The total protein content ranged from 48.8% to 73.4%; the carbohydrate content from 12.64% to 23.8%; and lipid content from 12.0% to 28.1% of their dry weight. It was found that there were significant relationships between the length and the body weight; and between length and volume.
Small pelagic fish play a very important role in human nutrition and health. Lipids of these fish differ remarkably from plant and other animal lipids. The aim of the study was to describe the proximate composition of thirty-three small pelagic fish species commonly available in Sri Lanka. Fish species were collected from Negombo and Chillaw fish landing sites and subjected to analysis for moisture, ash, protein and total lipid content. Tiger tooth croaker (Otolithus ruber) was found to have the highest moisture percentage (80.0%) followed by Clarias sp. (78.9%), Indian anchovy (Steloporus indicus) and Comerson's anchovy (Stelophorus commersonii), (78%). The lowest percentage of moisture, 69.4%, was recorded in white sardinella (Sardinella albella). Indian ilisha (Ilisha melastoma) was found to have the highest amount of ash (10.1%) followed by Otolithus sp. (8%) and big-eye barracuda contained the least amount (2.5%). Carassius Carassius, pick handle barracuda (Sphyraena jello) and Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) contained higher amounts of protein, 24.3, 20.6 and 19.2% respectively. The lowest protein content (10.1%) was found in Indian scad (Decapterus russelli). The protein content of the fish was in the range of 13-15%. The results revealed that the small fish are moderate protein sources. The total lipid content varied between 0.6-8%. White sardinella recorded the highest percentage of lipid (8%) where tiger tooth croaker contained the lowest percentage (0.6 %). The study showed high fatty species to contain low amount of moisture and vice versa establishing an inverse relation between fat and moisture quantitatively.
The frozen storage characteristics of fish fingers made out of two different species, differing in lipid content for a period of six months are outlined. The study reveals that the lipid content of the fish meat used for making fish fingers influences the storage pattern in terms of the chemical parameters like peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid value and free fatty acids. The introduction of monosodium glutamate has improved the flavour of the fish fingers. Further, the application of batter on the fish fingers imparted some protective effect in the case of semi-fatty fish.
The present study aimed production of a new product with various texture and sensory properties in chase of the impetus for increasing human consumption considering suitable resources of Kilka fish in Caspian Sea. Following deheading, gutting, and brining, common Kilka were battered in two different formulations, i.e. simple batter and tempura batter, via automated predusting machinery and then, they were fried through flash frying for 30 seconds at 170°C in sunflower oil after they were breaded with bread crumbs flour. The products were subjected to continuous freezing at -40°C and were kept at -18°C in cold storage for four months once they were packed. Chemical composition (protein, fat, moisture, and ash), fatty acid profiles (29 fatty acids), chemical indices of spoilage (peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid, free fatty acids, and volatile nitrogen), and microbial properties (total bacteria count and coliform count) were compared in fresh and breaded Kilka at various times before frying (raw breaded Kilka), after frying (zero-phase), and in various months of frozen storage (phases 1, 2, 3, and 4). Organoleptic properties of breaded Kilka (i.e. odor, taste, texture, crispiness, cohesiveness of batter) and general acceptability in the phases 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 were evaluated. The results obtained from chemical composition and fatty acid profiles in common Kilka denoted that MUFA, PUFA, and SFA were estimated to be 36.96, 32.85, and 29.12 g / 100g lipid, respectively. Levels of ù-3 and ù-6 were 7.6 and 1.12 g / 100 gr lipid, respectively. Docosahexaonoic acid (20.79%) was the highest fatty acid in PUFA group. ù-3/ù-6 and PUFA/SFA ratios were 7.6 and 1.12, respectively. The high rates of the indices and high percentage of ù-3 fatty acid in common Kilka showed that the fish can be considered as invaluable nutritional and fishery resources and commonsensical consumption of the species may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Frying breaded Kilka affected overall fat and moisture contents so that moisture content in fried breaded Kilka decreased significantly compared to raw breaded Kilka, while it was absolutely reverse for fat content. Overall fat content in tempura batter treatment was significantly lower than that of simple batter treatment (P≤0.05). Presence of hydrocolloids, namely proteins, starch, gum, and other polysaccharides, in tempura batter may prohibit moisture evaporation and placement with oil during frying process in addition to boosting water holding capacity through confining water molecules. During frying process, fatty acids composition of breaded Kilka with various batters changed so that rates of some fatty acids such as Palmitic acid (C16:0), Stearic acid (C18:0), Oleic acid (C18:1 ù-9cis), and linoleic acid (C18:3 ù-3) increased considerably following frying; however, ù-3/ù-6, PUFA/SFA, and EPA+DHA/C16:0 ratios (Polyan index) decreased significantly after frying. ù-3/ù-6, PUFA/SFA, and EPA+DHA/C16:0 ratios in tempura batter treatment were higher than those of simple batter treatment which is an indicator of higher nutritional value of breaded Kilka with tempura batter. Significant elevations were found in peroxide, thiobarbituric acid, and free fatty acids in fried breaded Kilka samples compared to raw samples which points to fat oxidation during cooking process. Overall microorganism count and coliform count decreased following heating process. Both breaded Kilka samples were of high sanitation quality at zero-phase according to ICMSF Standard. The results acquired from organoleptic evaluation declared that odor, cohesiveness, and general acceptability indices, among others, had significant differences between the treatments (P≤0.05). In all evaluated properties, breaded Kilka with tempura batter in different phases gained higher scores than breaded Kilka with simple batter. During cold storage of various treatments of breaded Kilka, total lipid content, PUFA, MUFA, ù-3, ù- 3/ù-6, PUFA/SFA, Polyen index decreased significantly. The mentioned reductions in addition to significant elevation of spoilage indices, namely peroxide, thiobarbituric acid, and free fatty acids, during frozen storage, indicate to oxidation and enzymatic mechanism activity during frozen storage of breaded Kilka. Considering sensory evaluation at the end of the fourth month and TVB-N contents exceeded eligible rate in the fourth month, shelf life of the products during frozen storage was set to be three months at -18°C. The results obtained from statistical tests indicate to better quality of breaded Kilka processed with tempura batter compared to simple batter in terms of organoleptic evaluation, spoilage indices, and high quality of fat in various sampling phases.
Chemical ecology is the science of study and analysis of natural chemical products in result of biochemical processes in organisms and their reactions to variations of ecological and environmental parameters. In marine chemical ecology the existence of natural products in aquatic organisms and their ecological roles in marine animals and their reactions to environmental parameters variations will be studied. Among them, fatty acids are the most various and abundant ones in natural products which had been extracted from many marine organisms such as mollusks and algae. In this study selected animals were the dominant species of mollusks in intertidal zone of chabahar bay including gastropods, bivalves and polyplacophora classes. Nerita textilis and Turbo coronatus species are among gastropoda, Saccostrea cucullata is from bivalve, and Chiton lamyi is from polyplacophora. After seasonal sampling, separation and identification of natural products of these species, fatty acids had been isolated and identified by GC mass chromatography and their seasonal variations had been identified. In addition environmental factors of the location including pH, salinity temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a and nutrients were measured monthly. Then the effect of seasonal variations of environmental factors on fatty acids had been studied by applying statistical analysis. GC/MS resulted thirteen fatty acids, which the most importants were myristic, stearic, oleic, palmitoleic, arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids. In majority of species palmitic acid was most abundant than the others and saturatedes had the most percentage levels than unsaturated ones. Although seasonal variations of identified fatty acids was not similar in species, but the majority of unsaturated ones had their maximum during winter, while saturated acids reached their maximum in summer. Statistical Analysis showed the strong correlations between Environmental factors and some fatty acids and temperature, nitrate, silicate and pH had strong correlations in all species. The species was studied from the point of lipid content and the results showed a good quality of lipid content in the selected species in the intertidal zone of Chabahar bay.