169 resultados para LACTAMS


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Estrella lausannensis is a new Chlamydia-related bacterium, belonging to the Criblamydiaceae family. As suggested by its species name, this bacterium harbors a peculiar star shape. E. lausannensis is able to infect a wide range of amoebal, fish and mammalian cell lines. Moreover, seroprevalence of 2.9% was reported in children and in women with tubal pathology, showing that humans are commonly exposed to this recently discovered strict intracellular bacteria considered as a potential pathogen. Antibiotic susceptibility was determined using two approaches: qPCR and cellular mortality assay. Antibiotics classically used against intracellular bacteria were tested, including β-lactams, fluoroquinolones, cyclines and macrolides. We showed that E. lausannensis is resistant to β-lactams and fluoroquinolones, and sensitive to cyclines. Interestingly, E. lausannensis is slightly resistant to azithromycin with a MIC of 2 μg/ml, which is 10 fold higher compared to Waddlia chondrophila and Parachlamydia acanthamoebae MIC's. A single A2059C mutation in 23S rRNA gene could be responsible for this unexpected resistance.


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The mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) plays a crucial role in the regulation of Na(+) balance and blood pressure, as evidenced by gain of function mutations in the MR of hypertensive families. In the kidney, aldosterone binds to the MR, induces its nuclear translocation, and promotes a transcriptional program leading to increased transepithelial Na(+) transport via the epithelial Na(+) channel. In the unliganded state, MR is localized in the cytosol and part of a multiprotein complex, including heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), which keeps it ligand-binding competent. 17-Allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG) is a benzoquinone ansamycin antibiotic that binds to Hsp90 and alters its function. We investigated whether 17-AAG affects the stability and transcriptional activity of MR and consequently Na(+) reabsorption by renal cells. 17-AAG treatment lead to reduction of MR protein level in epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo, thereby interfering with aldosterone-dependent transcription. Moreover, 17-AAG inhibited aldosterone-induced Na(+) transport, possibly by interfering with MR availability for the ligand. Finally, we identified the ubiquitin-protein ligase, COOH terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein, as a novel partner of the cytosolic MR, which is responsible for its polyubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation in presence of 17-AAG. In conclusion, 17-AAG may represent a novel pharmacological tool to interfere with Na(+) reabsorption and hypertension.


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BACKGROUND: Up to 10% of the patients in whom suspected betalactam hypersensitivity (HS) has been excluded by skin and challenge tests report suspected allergic reactions during subsequent treatments with the same or very similar betalactams. It has been suggested that the reactions may result from a resensitization induced by the challenge performed at the time of the allergological work-up. However, most patients did not undergo a second allergological work-up, to determine if the reactions resulted from betalactam HS or not. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to determine if children diagnosed nonallergic to betalactams have tolerated subsequent treatments with the initially suspected and/or other betalactams, and, in case of a reaction, if the reaction resulted from betalactam HS. Methods: We sent a questionnaire concerning the clinical history of their children to the parents of 256 children previously diagnosed nonallergic to betalactams. A second allergological work-up was performed in the children reporting suspected allergic reactions during subsequent treatments with the same and/or other betalactams. Skin tests were performed with the soluble form of the suspected (or very similar) betalactams and other betalactams from the same and other classes. Skin test responses were assessed at 15-20 min (immediate), 6-8 h (semi-late) and 48-72 h (late). Oral challenge (OC) was performed in children with negative skin tests, either at the hospital (immediate and accelerated reactions), or at home (delayed reactions). RESULTS: A response was obtained from 141 children (55.3%). Forty-eight (34%) of those children had not been treated with the betalactams for whom a diagnosis of allergy had been ruled out previously. Seven (7.5%) of the 93 children who had been treated again reported suspected allergic reactions. Skin tests and OC were performed in six of those children, and gave negative results in five children. In one child previously diagnosed nonallergic to amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid, we diagnosed a delayed HS to clavulanic acid and a serum sickness-like disease to cefaclor. Thus, the frequency of reactions resulting from betalactam HS in children with negative skin and challenge tests is very low, and does not exceed 2.1% (2/93) if we consider that the child which refused a second allergological work-up is really allergic to betalactams. CONCLUSION: Our results in a very large number of children show that reactions presumed to result from betalactam HS are rare in children in whom the diagnosis of betalactam allergy has been ruled out previously. Moreover, they suggest that, as shown for the initial reactions, most of the reactions during subsequent treatments are rather a consequence of the infectious diseases for whom betalactams have been prescribed than a result of betalactam HS. Finally, they suggest that the risk of resensitization by OC is very low, and do not support the notion that skin testing should be repeated in children diagnosed nonallergic to betalactams.


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This study describes a form of partial agonism for a CD8+ CTL clone, S15, in which perforin-dependent killing and IFN-gamma production were lost but Fas (APO1 or CD95)-dependent cytotoxicity preserved. Cloned S15 CTL are H-2Kd restricted and specific for a photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide PbCS 252-260 (SYIPSAEKI). The presence of a photoactivatable group in the epitope permitted assessment of TCR-ligand binding by TCR photoaffinity labeling. Selective activation of Fas-dependent killing was observed for a peptide-derivative variant containing a modified photoreactive group. A similar functional response was obtained after binding of the wild-type peptide derivative upon blocking of CD8 participation in TCR-ligand binding. The epitope modification or blocking of CD8 resulted in an > or = 8-fold decrease in TCR-ligand binding. In both cases, phosphorylation of zeta-chain and ZAP-70, as well as calcium mobilization were reduced close to background levels, indicating that activation of Fas-dependent cytotoxicity required weaker TCR signaling than activation of perforin-dependent killing or IFN-gamma production. Consistent with this, we observed that depletion of the protein tyrosine kinase p56(lck) by preincubation of S15 CTL with herbimycin A severely impaired perforin- but not Fas-dependent cytotoxicity. Together with the observation that S15 CTL constitutively express Fas ligand, these results indicate that TCR signaling too weak to elicit perforin-dependent cytotoxicity or cytokine production can induce Fas-dependent cytotoxicity, possibly by translocation of preformed Fas ligand to the cell surface.


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Abstract This thesis investigates the pathogenicity of a Chlamydia-related bacterium: Waddlia chondrophila, which is suspected to cause abortion in bovines as well as miscarriages in humans. Macrophages represent the first line of defense of the innate immunity against invading pathogens, we thus studied the interaction between W. chondrophila and human macrophages. We observed that W. chondrophila multiplied very efficiently inside monocyte-derived macrophages. Diagnostic tools to detect obligate intracellular bacteria are lacking so we developed a Waddlia specific real-time PCR based on the 16S rRNA encoding gene. Since W. chondrophila could be involved in human miscarriage, we analyzed samples from women having miscarriage or uneventful pregnancy. Waddlia serologies results confirmed an association between the presence of W. chondrophila antibodies and miscarriage (23.2% versus 14.6% in the control group, p-value 0.044). As W. chondrophila's pathogenicity was suggested, we studied its antibiotic susceptibility. W. chondrophila revealed to be susceptible to macrolides and tetracylines but resistant to beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones. This resistance to fluoroquinolones could be explained by mutations in the quinolone resistance determining region of the gyrase (GyrA) and topoisomerase IV (ParC) encoding genes. In conclusion, this thesis allowed to precise the role of W. chondrophila in human miscarriage. However, more studies will be necessary to fully understand the pathogenesis of W. chondrophila in adverse pregnancy outcomes. Résumé Le but de cette thèse a été d'étudier la pathogénicité d'une bactérie apparentée aux Chlamydia: Waddlia chondrophila. Les macrophages représentant la première ligne de défense du système immunitaire inné contre les pathogènes, nous avons d'abord étudié l'interaction entre W. chondrophila and les macrophages humains. Nous avons pu observer que W. chondrophila résistait aux effecteurs microbicides des macrophages et se multipliait efficacement au sein de ces cellules. Au vu du manque d'outils diagnostiques pour détecter cette bactérie intracellulaire obligatoire, nous avons également développé une PCR en temps réel, spécifique pour Waddlia, basée sur le gène de l'ARN ribosomal 16S. Cette PCR a été utilisée dans les différents projets afin de détecter la présence de W. chondrophila. W. chondrophila étant suspectée de pouvoir causer des fausses couches chez la femme, nous avons analysé des échantillons provenant de femmes ayant souffert de fausse couche, ainsi que, comme contrôles, des femmes ayant eu une grossesse normale. Les sérologies ont révélé une association entre la présence d'anticorps dirigés contre Waddlia et la fausse couche (23.2% versus 14.6% chez les contrôles, p-value=0.044). La présence de la bactérie a aussi été détectée par PCR et immunohistochimie dans plusieurs échantillons. L'implication de W. chondrophila dans la fausse couche se précisant, nous avons étudié sa susceptibilité aux antibiotiques. W. chondrophila s'est révélée sensible aux macrolides et aux tetracyclines mais résistante aux beta-lactames et aux quinolones. Cette résistance aux quinolones peut être expliquée par la présence de mutations dans le QRDR (région déterminant la résistance aux quinolones) des gènes gyrA et parC. En conclusion, cette thèse a permis de préciser l'implication de W. chondrophila dans la fausse couche. Des études complémentaires seront cependant nécessaires pour confirmer et préciser le rôle exact de W. chondrophila dans les problèmes obstétricaux.


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In response to DNA damage, p53-induced protein with a death domain (PIDD) forms a complex called the PIDDosome, which either consists of PIDD, RIP-associated protein with a death domain and caspase-2, forming a platform for the activation of caspase-2, or contains PIDD, RIP1 and NEMO, important for NF-κB activation. PIDDosome activation is dependent on auto-processing of PIDD at two different sites, generating the fragments PIDD-C and PIDD-CC. Despite constitutive cleavage, endogenous PIDD remains inactive. In this study, we screened for novel PIDD regulators and identified heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) as a major effector in both PIDD protein maturation and activation. Hsp90, together with p23, binds PIDD and inhibition of Hsp90 activity with geldanamycin efficiently disrupts this association and impairs PIDD auto-processing. Consequently, both PIDD-mediated NF-κB and caspase-2 activation are abrogated. Interestingly, PIDDosome formation itself is associated with Hsp90 release. Characterisation of cytoplasmic and nuclear pools of PIDD showed that active PIDD accumulates in the nucleus and that only cytoplasmic PIDD is bound to Hsp90. Finally, heat shock induces Hsp90 release from PIDD and PIDD nuclear translocation. Thus, Hsp90 has a major role in controlling PIDD functional activity.


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The surrounding capsule of Streptococcus pneumoniae has been identified as a major virulence factor and is targeted by pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV). However, nonencapsulated S. pneumoniae (non-Ec-Sp) have also been isolated globally, mainly in carriage studies. It is unknown if non-Ec-Sp evolve sporadically, if they have high antibiotic nonsusceptiblity rates and a unique, specific gene content. Here, whole-genome sequencing of 131 non-Ec-Sp isolates sourced from 17 different locations around the world was performed. Results revealed a deep-branching classic lineage that is distinct from multiple sporadic lineages. The sporadic lineages clustered with a previously sequenced, global collection of encapsulated S. pneumoniae (Ec-Sp) isolates while the classic lineage is comprised mainly of the frequently identified multilocus sequences types (STs) ST344 (n = 39) and ST448 (n = 40). All ST344 and nine ST448 isolates had high nonsusceptiblity rates to β-lactams and other antimicrobials. Analysis of the accessory genome reveals that the classic non-Ec-Sp contained an increased number of mobile elements, than Ec-Sp and sporadic non-Ec-Sp. Performing adherence assays to human epithelial cells for selected classic and sporadic non-Ec-Sp revealed that the presence of a integrative conjugative element (ICE) results in increased adherence to human epithelial cells (P = 0.005). In contrast, sporadic non-Ec-Sp lacking the ICE had greater growth in vitro possibly resulting in improved fitness. In conclusion, non-Ec-Sp isolates from the classic lineage have evolved separately. They have spread globally, are well adapted to nasopharyngeal carriage and are able to coexist with Ec-Sp. Due to continued use of PCV, non-Ec-Sp may become more prevalent.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the in vitro susceptibility of Actinobaculum schaalii to 12 antimicrobial agents as well as to dissect the genetic basis of fluoroquinolone resistance. METHODS: Forty-eight human clinical isolates of A. schaalii collected in Switzerland and France were studied. Each isolate was identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. MICs of amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, gentamicin, vancomycin, clindamycin, linezolid, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, co-trimoxazole, nitrofurantoin and metronidazole were determined using the Etest method. Interpretation of results was made according to EUCAST clinical breakpoints. The quinolone-resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) of gyrA and parC genes were also identified and sequence analysis was performed for all 48 strains. RESULTS: All isolates were susceptible to amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, gentamicin, clindamycin (except three), vancomycin, linezolid and nitrofurantoin, whereas 100% and 85% were resistant to ciprofloxacin/metronidazole and co-trimoxazole, respectively. Greater than or equal to 90% of isolates were susceptible to the other tested fluoroquinolones, and only one strain was highly resistant to levofloxacin (MIC ?32 mg/L) and moxifloxacin (MIC 8 mg/L). All isolates that were susceptible or low-level resistant to levofloxacin/moxifloxacin (n?=?47) showed identical GyrA and ParC amino acid QRDR sequences. In contrast, the isolate exhibiting high-level resistance to levofloxacin and moxifloxacin possessed a unique mutation in GyrA, Ala83Val (Escherichia coli numbering), whereas no mutation was present in ParC. CONCLUSIONS: When an infection caused by A. schaalii is suspected, there is a risk of clinical failure by treating with ciprofloxacin or co-trimoxazole, and ?-lactams should be preferred. In addition, acquired resistance to fluoroquinolones more active against Gram-positive bacteria is possible.


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INTRODUCTION: Cefepime has been associated with a greater risk of mortality than other beta-lactams in patients treated for severe sepsis. Hypotheses for this failure include possible hidden side-effects (for example, neurological) or inappropriate pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) parameters for bacteria with cefepime minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) at the highest limits of susceptibility (8 mg/l) or intermediate-resistance (16 mg/l) for pathogens such as Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. We examined these issues in a prospective non-interventional study of 21 consecutive intensive care unit (ICU) adult patients treated with cefepime for nosocomial pneumonia. METHODS: Patients (median age 55.1 years, range 21.8 to 81.2) received intravenous cefepime at 2 g every 12 hours for creatinine clearance (CLCr) >or= 50 ml/min, and 2 g every 24 hours or 36 hours for CLCr < 50 ml/minute. Cefepime plasma concentrations were determined at several time-points before and after drug administration by high-pressure liquid chromatography. PK/PD parameters were computed by standard non-compartmental analysis. RESULTS: Seventeen first-doses and 11 steady states (that is, four to six days after the first dose) were measured. Plasma levels varied greatly between individuals, from two- to three-fold at peak-concentrations to up to 40-fold at trough-concentrations. Nineteen out of 21 (90%) patients had PK/PD parameters comparable to literature values. Twenty-one of 21 (100%) patients had appropriate duration of cefepime concentrations above the MIC (T>MIC >or= 50%) for the pathogens recovered in this study (MIC <or= 4 mg/l), but only 45 to 65% of them had appropriate coverage for potential pathogens with cefepime MIC >or= 8 mg/l. Moreover, 2/21 (10%) patients with renal impairment (CLCr < 30 ml/minute) demonstrated accumulation of cefepime in the plasma (trough concentrations of 20 to 30 mg/l) in spite of dosage adjustment. Both had symptoms compatible with non-convulsive epilepsy (confusion and muscle jerks) that were not attributed to cefepime-toxicity until plasma levels were disclosed to the caretakers and symptoms resolved promptly after drug arrest. CONCLUSIONS: These empirical results confirm the suspected risks of hidden side-effects and inappropriate PK/PD parameters (for pathogens with upper-limit MICs) in a population of ICU adult patients. Moreover, it identifies a safety and efficacy window for cefepime doses of 2 g every 12 hours in patients with a CLCr >or= 50 ml/minute infected by pathogens with cefepime MICs <or= 4 mg/l. On the other hand, prompt monitoring of cefepime plasma levels should be considered in case of lower CLCr or greater MICs.


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Abstract The main thesis topic relates to the 'molecular mechanisms of penicillin-induced bacterial death. Indeed, bacteria have developed two principal mechanisms to escape the killing effect of ß-lactam antibiotics: resistance and tolerance. Resistant bacteria are characterized by their ability to grow in the presence of drug concentrations higher than the one inhibiting the growth of susceptible members of the same species. Hence, resistant bacteria have an increased minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the drug. Nevertheless, when exposed to antibiotic concentrations exceeding their new MIC, resistant bacteria remain sensitive to the antibiotic killing effect. In contrast, tolerant bacteria have an unchanged MIC. However, they have a considerably increased ability to survive drug-induced killing, even at concentrations exceeding their MIC by several orders of magnitude. In other words, in the presence of the antibiotic, tolerant bacteria become persister cells which stop growing but are not killed. In the present thesis, it is shown that the survival phenotype of a tolerant Streptococcus gordonii strain depends on two components belonging to sugar metabolism pathways. First, the transcription factor CcpA which mediates a global regulatory mechanism allowing bacteria to utilize the most efficient sugar source for their growth. We show that the inactivation of the ccpA gene leads to a partial loss of penicillin tolerance both in vitro and in a rat model of experimental endocarditis. Second, the Enzyme I of the phosphotransferase system which is involved in the uptake and phosphorylation of sugars. Here, we -show that a single nucleotide mutation in ptsI, the gene encoding the Enzyme I, is sufficient to confer a fully tolerant phenotype in S. gordonii both in vivo and in vivo. The mutation results in a radical proline to arginine substitution in the C-terminal domain of the protein, probably leading to a decrease in its homodimerization and subsequent activity. Taken together our results prove that tolerance is a global survival mechanism linked to sugar metabolism. We hypothesize that, in the presence of the antibiotic, the already altered metabolic processes of the tolerant strain are completely inactivated. Hence, bacteria may enter in a dormant state and become insensitive to the bactericidal effect of ß-lactams, which depends on actively dividing cells. This thesis manuscript also contains two other side-projects. The first one establishes that the ability to form a biofilm is not a requisite for the successful establishment of endocarditis due to S. gordonii. The second one characterizes the S. gordonii a-phosphoglucomutase gene, and shows that its inactivation results in a loss of in vitro fitness and in vivo virulence. Résumé Le sujet principal de cette thèse concerne les mécanismes moléculaires de la mort bactérienne induite par la pénicilline. En effet, les bactéries ont développé deux mécanismes principaux pour échapper à l'effet bactéricide des ß-lactamines : la résistance et la tolérance. Les bactéries résistantes sont caractérisées par leur capacité de croître en présence de concentration d'antibiotiques plus élevées que celles inhibant la croissance des organismes sensibles de la même espèce. Les bactéries résistantes ont donc une augmentation de leur concentration minimale inhibitrice (CMI) à l'antibiotique. Néanmoins, quand elles sont exposées à des concentrations dépassant leur nouvelle CMI, elles restent sensibles à l'effet bactéricide. Au contraire, les bactéries tolérantes ont une CMI inchangée. Toutefois, elles ont une très importante capacité à survivre à l'effet bactéricide des ß-lactamines, ceci même à des concentrations excédant leur CMI de plusieurs ordres de grandeur. En d'autres termes, en présence de l'antibiotique, les bactéries tolérantes deviennent des cellules persistantes qui arrêtent leur croissance mais ne sont pas tuées. Dans la présente thèse, il est montré que le phénotype de survie d'un Streptococcus gordonii tolérant dépend de deux composants appartenant aux voies du métabolisme des sucres. Premièrement, le facteur de transcription CcpA qui contrôle un système global de régulation permettant à la bactérie d'utiliser les sources de sucre les plus efficaces pour sa croissance. Il est montré que l'inactivation du gène ccpA résulte en la perte partielle de la tolérance à la pénicilline aussi bien in vitro que dans un modèle d'endocardite expérimentale chez le rat. Deuxièmement, l'Enzyme I du système de phosphotransfert impliqué dans l'import et la phosphorylation des sucres. Nous montrons qu'une mutation ponctuelle d'un nucléotide dans ptsl, le gène codant pour l'Enzyme I, suffit à complètement conférer un phénotype tolérant chez S. gordonii aussi bien in vitro qu'in vivo. La mutation induit la substitution radicale d'une proline en une arginine dans le domaine C-terminal de la protéine, résultant probablement en une diminution de sa capacité d'homodimérisation et donc d'activité. Dans leur ensemble, nos résultats prouvent que la tolérance est un mécanisme global de survie lié au métabolisme des sucres. Nous présentons l'hypothèse que, en présence de l'antibiotique, les processus métaboliques déjà altérés de la souche tolérante deviennent complètement inactifs. En conséquence, les bactéries entreraient dans un état dormant nonréplicatif, devenant ainsi insensibles à l'effet bactéricide des ß-lactamines qui nécessite des cellules en cours de division active. Le manuscrit de cette thèse contient également deux projets secondaires. Le premier montre que la capacité de former un biofilm n'est pas un prérequis pour le succès de l'initiation de l'endocardite à S. gordonii. Le second caractérise le gène de l'a-phosphoglucomutase de S. gordonii et montre que son inactivation résulte en une perte de fitness in vitro et de virulence in vivo.


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The aim of this study was to develop and validate an analytical method to simultaneously determine European Union-regulated beta-lactams (penicillins and cephalosporins) and quinolones in cow milk. The procedure involves a new solid phase extraction (SPE) to clean-up and pre-concentrate the three series of antibiotics before analysis by liquid chromatography¿tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography¿tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). LC-MS/MS and UPLC-MS/MS techniques were also compared. The method was validated according to the Directive 2002/657/EC and subsequently applied to 56 samples of raw cow milk supplied by the Laboratori Interprofessional Lleter de Catalunya (ALLIC) (Laboratori Interprofessional Lleter de Catalunya, Control Laboratory Interprofessional of Milk of Catalunya).


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SYNERCID ALONE IN A RAT MODEL OF EXPERIMENTAL ENDOCARDITIS: Trials conducted using 2 injections daily showed that animals infected with meti-R resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains sensitive to erythromycin were cured in 3 days. The same is not true for infections caused by C-MLSB-R staphylococci. The daily dose cannot be increased due to the venous toxicity of Synercid, leading to the idea of testing Synercid in combination with other antibiotics. IN VITRO STUDIES: Several antibiotics have been tested in combination with Synercid. Several beta-lactams have been shown to exhibit an additive or synergetic effect on a collection of meti-R and meti-S S. aureus strains. IN VIVO STUDIES: In animals infected with C-MLSB-R meti-R S. aureus, the combination Synercid + cefepime increases the activity of cefipime and prevents selection of beta-lactam highly resistant strains. The results obtained with the Synercid + cefpirome combination are even more eloquent. Finally, Synercid, alone or in combination with these 2 cephalosporins, does not select resistant strains.


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BACKGROUND: Empirical antibacterial therapy in hospitals is usually guided by local epidemiologic features reflected by institutional cumulative antibiograms. We investigated additional information inferred by aggregating cumulative antibiograms by type of unit or according to the place of acquisition (i.e. community vs. hospital) of the bacteria. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Antimicrobial susceptibility rates of selected pathogens were collected over a 4-year period in an university-affiliated hospital. Hospital-wide antibiograms were compared with those selected by type of unit and sampling time (<48 or >48 h after hospital admission). RESULTS: Strains isolated >48 h after admission were less susceptible than those presumably arising from the community (<48 h). The comparison of units revealed significant differences among strains isolated >48 h after admission. When compared to hospital-wide antibiograms, susceptibility rates were lower in the ICU and surgical units for Escherichia coli to amoxicillin-clavulanate, enterococci to penicillin, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa to anti-pseudomonal beta-lactams, and in medical units for Staphylococcus aureus to oxacillin. In contrast, few differences were observed among strains isolated within 48 h of admission. CONCLUSIONS: Hospital-wide antibiograms reflect the susceptibility pattern for a specific unit with respect to community-acquired, but not to hospital-acquired strains. Antibiograms adjusted to these parameters may be useful in guiding the choice of empirical antibacterial therapy.


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In vitro and in vivo activity of amoxicillin and penicillin G alone or combined with a penicillinase inhibitor (clavulanate) were tested against five isogenic pairs of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) producing or not producing penicillinase. Loss of the penicillinase plasmid caused an eight times or greater reduction in the MICs of amoxicillin and penicillin G (from greater than or equal to 64 to 8 micrograms/ml), but not of the penicillinase-resistant drugs methicillin and cloxacillin (greater than or equal to 64 micrograms/ml). This difference in antibacterial effectiveness correlated with a more than 10 times greater penicillin-binding protein 2a affinity of amoxicillin and penicillin G than of methicillin and a greater than or equal to 90% successful amoxicillin treatment of experimental endocarditis due to penicillinase-negative MRSA compared with cloxacillin, which was totally ineffective (P less than .001). Amoxicillin was also effective against penicillinase-producing parent MRSA, provided it was combined with clavulanate. Penicillinase-sensitive beta-lactam antibiotics plus penicillinase inhibitors might offer a rational alternative treatment for MRSA infections.