989 resultados para L Seedlings


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O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de descrever morfologicamente os frutos, sementes e plântulas de castanheira. Foi feita a biometria dos frutos e das sementes e sua caracterização quanto à forma, por meio de mensurações com paquímetro e observações realizadas em estereomicroscópio com câmara clara. Os frutos de castanheira são carnosos, indeiscentes, do tipo nucóide, glabros, de coloração verde a vinácea, projeção das nervuras carpelares externamente evidentes, com epicarpo delgado, mesocarpo carnoso e esponjoso de coloração vinácea, com feixes vasculares conspícuos em corte transversal. Geralmente, cada fruto contém apenas uma semente. As sementes são exalbuminosas, de formas alongadas e cilíndricas, recobertas por endocarpo rígido de coloração marrom; possuem cerca de 2,5cm, 0,7cm e 0,7cm, de comprimento, largura e espessura, respectivamente. A germinação das sementes de castanheira é epígea, e a plantula é fanerocotiledonar.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Grafting is a technique that may affect plant tolerance to iron chlorosis in plants cultivated for their fruit. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the tolerance of non-grafted quince seedlings and pear grafted onto quince plants cultivated in pots with alkaline soil. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the University of Cordoba, Spain, in pots (3 L) filled with alkaline soil, with one plant per pot. The treatments consisted of two genotypes, quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill) semi-woody rooted cuttings, cultivar BA29, and pear (Pyrus Communis L.), cultivar Ercolini, grafted onto quince cultivar BA29 (rootstock), and two nutrient solutions with and without iron (80 mu M Fe-EDDHA) arranged in a completely random design with eight repetitions. Each pot received 250 mL of the nutrient solution on June 3rd, 2010. Chlorophyll indirect measurements and the main stem length were evaluated for six weeks after the commencement of the treatments. During the last week, the main stem dry matter weight and the leaf total iron content were determined. It was found that grafting pear seedlings onto quince rootstock resulted in a higher tolerance to iron deficiency than when quince was not grafted. Non-grafted quince plants without iron in the nutrient solution, compared to the results with its application, showed low SPAD (Soil-Plant Analyses Development) values and resulted in plants with a lower leaf iron content and lower dry matter production; however, decreased seedling stem growth was observed only in the last week of cultivation.


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The obtainment of transgenic edible plants carrying recombinant antigens is a desired issue in search for economic alternatives viewing vaccine production. Here we report a strategy for genetic transformation of lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa L.) using the surface antigen HBsAg of hepatitis B virus. Transgenic lettuce seedlings were obtained through the application of a regulated balance of plant growth regulators. Genetic transformation process was acquired by cocultivation of cotyledons with Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring the recombinant plasmid. It is the first description of a lettuce Brazilian variety Vitória de Verão genetically modified.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a tolerância à dessecação e a influência do tegumento na germinação de sementes de citrumelo 'Swingle'. As sementes foram extraídas manualmente e, em seguida, foi determinado o grau de umidade das sementes. Foi retirada uma amostra referente ao tratamento com o maior grau de umidade (48%) a ser estudado, e as demais foram submetidas à secagem em estufa com circulação forçada de ar (32±2ºC), visando à obtenção dos outros tratamentos com diferentes graus de umidade. O teste de germinação foi instalado em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, num fatorial 6x2 (grau de umidade x presença ou ausência de tegumento), com quatro repetições de 25 sementes por parcela. Após a obtenção de cada tratamento as sementes foram tratadas com o fungicida Thiabendazole (0,4g.kg-1), semeadas em folhas de papel toalha umedecidas e confeccionados rolos que foram mantidos em câmara de germinação a 25ºC sob luz constante. As avaliações foram realizadas a cada sete dias até o 35º dia, sendo determinadas as porcentagens de germinação na primeira contagem, plântulas anormais, sementes mortas, sementes dormentes e germinação total. Também foram calculados o tempo médio e o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias, comparadas pelo teste Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. As sementes toleraram a dessecação até baixos níveis de umidade (16%), e a retirada do tegumento favoreceu o processo germinativo em sementes de citrumelo 'Swingle'.


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The development of research that aim to reduce or even eliminate the environmental impacts provided by anthropogenic actions. One of these main action is the discard of industrial waste in the biotic compartments such as soil, water and air, gained more space in academic settings and in private. A technique of phytoremediation involving the use of plants (trees, shrubs, creepers and aquatic) and their associated microorganisms in order to remove, degrade or isolate toxic substances to the environment. This study aimed to evaluate the potential for phytoremediation of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), wild crops suitable region of Rio Grande do Norte, to reduce concentrations of lead and toluene present in synthetic wastewater that simulate the characteristics of treated water production originated in the petrochemical Guamaré. The experiment was accomplished in randomized blocks in four replicates. Seeds of BRS Energy for the development of seedlings of castor beans and sunflower for Catissol 01, both provided by EMPARN (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Rio Grande do Norte) were used. Lead concentrations tested were 250, 500 and 1000 mg/L called T2, T3 and T4, respectively, for toluene the concentrations used were 125, 256 and 501 μg/L, called T5, T6 and T7, respectively. The data for removal of lead in relation to sewage systems applied in castor bean and sunflower were 43.89 and 51.85% (T2), 73.60 and 73.74% (T3) and 85.66 and 87.80 % (T4), respectively, and toluene were approximately 52.12 and 25.54% (T5), 55.10 and 58.05% (T6) and 79.77 and 74.76% (T7) for castor and sunflower seeds, respectively. From the data obtained, it can be deduce that mechanisms involved in reducing the contaminants were of phytoextraction, in relation to lead and phytodegradation for toluene. However, it can be concluded that the castor bean and sunflower crops can be used in exhaust after-treatment of industrial effluents that have this type of contaminant


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of the present work was to evaluate the quality of chrysanthemum cultivar Faroe, subjected to different gibberellic acid (GA(3)) concentrations applied to the field. The treatments were composed of four doses of GA(3) (0, 15, 30 and 45 mg L-1) applied at the beginning of the formation of buttom floral (28 days after transplanting of seedlings). According to the results, a single low concentration of GA(3) application did not interfere with the phenotypic characteristics of the chrysanthemum cultivar Faroe.


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The anatomy and ultrastructure of root nodules of Anadenanthera peregrina var. falcata (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) were analysed, as was plant growth. To ensure that nodules developed, seedlings were inoculated with a mixture of six strains of rhizobia. Nodules were produced that differed in appearance-and probably also effectiveness-but their structure was similar and they showed characteristics typical of indeterminate nodules, such as persistent meristematic tissue and a gradient of cells at different stages of development. Many starch grains were present in inner cortex cells and interstitial cells of infected tissue. Infected cells were densely packed with bacteroids, which contained many poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate granules. The high incidence of these granules, together with high levels of starch accumulation in interstitial cells, suggested low N-2-fixation efficiency of the rhizobia isolates used for inoculation. In the symbiosomes of early-senescent infected cells, reticulum-like structures, small vesicles and a fibrillar material were observed; these may be related to bacteroid degradation. In the cytoplasm of late-senescent infected cells, many vesicles and membrane-like structures were observed, probably associated with membrane degradation of bacteroids and peribacteroids. The total biomass of plants inoculated with rhizobia was low and their xylopodia and shoots had low levels of N compared with non-inoculated plants fertilized with ammonium nitrate. However, inoculated plants did not show N-deficiency symptoms and grew better than non-inoculated plants without N fertilization. These growth results, together with ultrastructural observations of nodules, suggest that nitrogen fixation of rhizobia isolates associated with Anadenanthera peregrina var. falcata roots is poor. (C) 2002 Annals of Botany Company.


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Foram estudadas as respostas plásticas em duas espécies nativas. em G. hymenifolia, não foram verificadas modificações morfológicas significativas, exceto quanto ao conteúdo de amido de reserva, que foram menores nos lotes capacidade de campo desnutrido (CCD) e alagamento desnutrido (ALD). em Genipa americana os indivíduos do lote (CCN - capacidade de campo nutrido) exibiram raízes adventícias com aerênquima distinto, mais freqüentes nas plantas do lote controle submetidas ao alagamento (ALN - alagado nutrido). Nessa última espécie, nos lotes ALN, verificou-se o surgimento de aerênquima lisógeno no caule, além da hipertrofia lenticelar. A diversidade de respostas às condições de alagamento, aliada à uma larga ocorrência de populações de Genipa americana em áreas sazonalmente inundadas, como por exemplo no Pantanal de Miranda-MS, sugere um complexo de interações entre caractes adaptativos morfológicos e fisiológicos, sendo o potencial gênico fundamental neste tipo de resposta.


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Coconut is an important crop grown in the coastal plain of the Dhofar region, south-eastern Oman, on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula desert. It holds a particular place in the landscaping of the region and is also of great interest for the production of coconut drinking water. One of the main pests of coconut in this region is the coconut mite (Aceria guerreronis Keifer). In surveys conducted to understand the dynamics of that mite and its association with other arthropods, the incidence of tarsonemid mites was determined. Steneotarsonemus furcatus de Leon was the most commonly found tarsonemid on fruits as well as on growing tips of coconut seedlings, always at low levels. A few representatives of an undescribed tarsonemid species were also found. That new species is here described as Nasutitarsonemus omani Lofego and Moraes, sp. nov. A key to the species of this little-known genus is provided.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)