476 resultados para Krill (Zooplancton antártico)


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El interés de esta investigación es analizar los antecedentes y desarrollo del interés colombiano en la Antártida, así como la relación de cooperación colombo-chilena y la importancia geoestratégica del continente blanco, a partir de diferentes conceptos: geoestrategia, política exterior colombiana y cooperación internacional. Teniendo en cuenta que la Antártida refleja los intereses geoestratégicos de muchos países desde comienzos del siglo XX, Colombia no puede dejar de lado sus aspiraciones en el Sistema Internacional y por esta razón decide ingresar al Tratado Antártico en 1989, sin embargo, es necesario definir cuáles son las pretensiones geoestratégicas del país suramericano en este territorio y precisar la probabilidad de su cambio de estatus en el mismo que le permita obtener provechos materiales de forma unilateral en materia de recursos, actividad diplomática, política exterior y posición geográfica.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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This thesis investigated the extent to which sea-ice structure and complexity could be measured to identify suitable feeding habitat for krill-eating predators such as the Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). The results of this study suggest that the distribution and movement of minke whales is limited by the structure of the sea ice and that the sea ice influences minke whales' habitat use more than their overall distribution. Similar relationships were found for other krill predators such as Adelie penguins and crabeater seals.


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The effects of krill oil as an alternative source of n-3 long-chain PUFA have been investigated recently. There are conflicting results from the few available studies comparing fish oil and krill oil. The aim of this study was to compare the bioavailability and metabolic fate (absorption, β-oxidation and tissue deposition) of n-3 fatty acids originating from krill oil (phospholipid-rich) or fish oil (TAG-rich) in rats of both sexes using the whole-body fatty acid balance method. Sprague-Dawley rats (thirty-six male, thirty-six female) were randomly assigned to be fed either a krill oil diet (EPA+DHA+DPA=1·38 mg/g of diet) or a fish oil diet (EPA+DHA+DPA=1·61 mg/g of diet) to constant ration for 6 weeks. The faeces, whole body and individual tissues were analysed for fatty acid content. Absorption of fatty acids was significantly greater in female rats and was only minimally affected by the oil type. It was estimated that most of EPA (>90 %) and more than half of DHA (>60 %) were β-oxidised in both diet groups. Most of the DPA was β-oxidised (57 and 67 % for female and male rats, respectively) in the fish oil group; however, for the krill oil group, the majority of DPA was deposited (82-83 %). There was a significantly greater deposition of DPA and DHA in rats fed krill oil compared with those fed fish oil, not due to a difference in bioavailability (absorption) but rather due to a difference in metabolic fate (anabolism v. catabolism).


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1. The crabeater seal Lobodon carcinophaga is considered to be a key species in the krill-based food web of the Southern Ocean. Reliable estimates of the abundance of this species are necessary to allow the development of multispecies, predator–prey models as a basis for management of the krill fishery in the Southern Ocean. 2. A survey of crabeater seal abundance was undertaken in 1500 000 km2 of pack-ice off east Antarctica between longitudes 64–150° E during the austral summer of 1999/2000. Sighting surveys, using double observer line transect methods, were conducted from an icebreaker and two helicopters to estimate the density of seals hauled out on the ice in survey strips. Satellite-linked dive recorders were deployed on a sample of seals to estimate the probability of seals being hauled out on the ice at the times of day when sighting surveys were conducted. Model-based inference, involving fitting a density surface, was used to infer densities in the entire survey region from estimates in the surveyed areas. 3. Crabeater seal abundance was estimated to be between 0.7 and 1.4 million animals (with 95% confidence), with the most likely estimate slightly less than 1 million. 4. Synthesis and applications. The estimation of crabeater seal abundance in Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) management areas off east Antarctic where krill biomass has also been estimated recently provides the data necessary to begin extending from single-species to multispecies management of the krill fishery. Incorporation of all major sources of uncertainty allows a precautionary interpretation of crabeater abundance and demand for krill in keeping with CCAMLR’s precautionary approach to management. While this study focuses on the crabeater seal and management of living resources in the Southern Ocean, it has also led to technical and theoretical developments in survey methodology that have widespread potential application in ecological and resource management studies, and will contribute to a more fundamental understanding of the structure and function of the Southern Ocean ecosystem.


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Investigamos as diferenças na circulação atmosférica do Hemisfério Sul em extremos interanuais de retração e expansão de gelo marinho antártico e as possíveis relações com a precipitação na América do Sul. Os resultados mostram que, com a retração de gelo marinho no mar de Weddell e Bellingshausen-Amundsen (mar de Ross), houve uma redução (aumento) de precipitação no Nordeste do Brasil. Na região Sul, houve um aumento associado aos mares de Bellingshausen-Amundsen. Estas relações não foram tão evidentes através das células de circulação meridional, mas através de padrões de teleconexão barotrópico equivalente de latitudes extratropicais


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Doctorado en Ciencias del Mar. Programa de Oceanografía Biológica. Premio Extraordinario Convocatoria 2004/2005, Área de Experimentales y Premio Mejor Tesis Doctoral


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Máster Universitario International en Acuicultura. Trabajo presentado como requisito parcial para la obtención del Tí­tulo de Máster Universitario Internacional en Acuicultura, otorgado por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), el Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas (ICCM), y el Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos de Zaragoza (CIHEAM)


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Se comparan dos métodos de detección del sistema de transporte de electrones (Båmastedt, 2000 y Owens & King, 1975), hallando que la no adición de sustratos específicos, propios del sistema, no es lo suficientemente sensible para la detección de la capacidad respiratoria y que no presenta ninguna relación con la biomasa. Se demuestra que el receptor artificial de electrones INT, es reducido en reacciones no enzimáticas por algunas sustancias (ácido ascórbico, glutatión, cisteína y potencialmente la vitamina B12), presentes en concentraciones intracelulares.


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[ES] Análisis comparativo del crecimiemnto de Daphnia sp determinado con el microscopio estereoscópico y el sistema de análisis de ima-gen, con el objetivo de valorar la capacidad de aplicación de esta técnica informática en estos estudios.


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[EN]Antarctic krill are known to release large amounts of inorganic and organic nutrients to the water column. Here we test the role of krill excretion of dissolved products in stimulating heterotrophic bacteria on the basis of three experiments where ammonium and organic excretory products released by krill were added to bacterial assemblages, free of grazers. Our results demonstrate that the addition of krill excretion products (but not of ammonium alone), at levels expected in krill swarms, greatly stimulates bacteria resulting in an order-of-magnitude increase in growth and production. Furthermore, they suggest that bacterial growth rate in the Southern Ocean is suppressed well below their potential by resource limitation. Enhanced bacterial activity in the presence of krill, which are major sources of DOC in the Southern Ocean, would further increase recycling processes associated with krill activity, resulting in highly efficient krill-bacterial recycling that should be conducive to stimulating periods of high primary productivity in the Southern Ocean.


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[EN] In order to establish the potential role of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the recycling of bioactive elements, we have quantified the release of iron, phosphate, and ammonia by these organisms along the Antarctic Peninsula sector of the Southern Ocean. The experimental results suggested that the presence of krill has a significant impact on ambient iron concentrations, as large amounts of this trace element were released by the krill (22–689 nmol Fe g Dry Weight−1 h−1, equivalent to 0.2 to 4.3 nmol Fe L−1 d−1). Half of this iron release occurred within the first hour of the experiment, and differences in iron and phosphate release rates (3.1 to 14.0 μmol PO43− g DW−1 h−1) seemed to reflect differences in food availability. These results identify krill as a major node in iron cycling in the Southern Ocean, potentially influencing iron residence time in the upper water column of this region.


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[ES]El presente trabajo de tesis titulado "Biomasa, distribución y metabolismo del zooplancton en aguas de la Península Antártica" forma parte de un ambicioso proyecto que tiene como finalidad cuantificar, examinar y desentrañar las interacciones complejas de la cadena trófica en el Océano Sur. La primera parte describe la complejidad de la red trófica característica del Océano Sur. También, esta parte introductora se enfoca en la distribución de las especies zooplanctónicas y surelación con el ciclo del carbono y nitrógeno. En este mismo proyecto y como segunda parte, hemos desarrollado un método no destructivo a partir de imágenes digitales para una estimación precisa de la biomasa de cada grupo sistemático del mesozooplancton.