982 resultados para Kinetic Parameters
Curvas termogravimétricas com diferentes razões de aquecimento foram utilizadas para a determinação de parâmetros cinéticos seguindo o método de Flynn-Wall. Para isso, foi utilizado um hidrogel preparado a partir da mistura de dois polissacarídeos, quitosana/xantana (QX) e outro, contendo além destes, colágeno (QXC). Os resultados mostraram que o valor de energia de ativação para o hidrogel QX foi de 3,44 kJ.mol-1, enquanto que para o QXC foi de 14,84 kJ.mol-1, sugerindo que a água presente no hidrogel contendo colágeno está mais fortemente ligada aos biopolímeros. Isto pode ter ocorrido devido à presença de grupos carboxílicos na estrutura colagênica.
The thermal decomposition of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)/ammonium nitrate (AN) based propellants, so called smokeless formulations, and raw materials were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG). The thermoanalytical profile of different components and of propellant were evaluated and the Arrhenius parameters for the thermal decomposition of the propellant sample were determined by the Ozawa method. The kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition of propellant samples were determined by DSC measurements. The values obtained for activation energy (Ea) and pre-exponential factor were 163 kJ mol-1 and 1.94x10(6) min-1.
A commercial corrosion inhibitor used in petroleum production was characterized by means of infrared spectroscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Predicting the adsorption behavior of corrosion inhibitor onto steel, sandstone and esmectite is the key to improve working conditions. In this study, the adsorption kinetics of inhibitor formulations in HCl 15% or in Mud Acid (HCl 13,5% and ammonium bifluoride) onto steel, sandstone and esmectite was determined by means of spectrophotometry. Kinetic parameters indicated that adsorption of inhibitor in the presence of bifluoride was favored. Moreover, the adsorption constant rate was the largest when the substrate was esmectite.
The purpose of this work was to determine the safe shelf life of single-base propellants. The kinetic parameters relative to the consumption of the stabilizer diphenylamine (DPA) added to the propellant were determined as a function of the storage and ageing time. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with spectrophotometric detection was used to determine the DPA percentage before and after the artificial ageing at 60, 70 and 80 ºC. The experimental data were very well adjusted to a pseudo-first order kinetic model and the respective kinetic constants are 8.0-10-3 day-1 (60 ºC); 1.9-10-2 day-1 (70 ºC); 1.2-10-1 day-1 (80 ºC). The activation energy was calculated as 130 kJ mol-1 and the half-time for depletion of the DPA at the hypothetical temperature of 40 ºC of storage was estimated as being 6 years.
The thermal behavior of two polymorphic forms of rifampicin was studied by DSC and TG/DTG. The thermoanalytical results clearly showed the differences between the two crystalline forms. Polymorph I was the most thermally stable form, the DSC curve showed no fusion for this species and the thermal decomposition process occurred around 245 ºC. The DSC curve of polymorph II showed two consecutive events, an endothermic event (Tpeak = 193.9 ºC) and one exothermic event (Tpeak = 209.4 ºC), due to a melting process followed by recrystallization, which was attributed to the conversion of form II to form I. Isothermal and non-isothermal thermogravimetric methods were used to determine the kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition process. For non-isothermal experiments, the activation energy (Ea) was derived from the plot of Log β vs 1/T, yielding values for polymorph form I and II of 154 and 123 kJ mol-1, respectively. In the isothermal experiments, the Ea was obtained from the plot of lnt vs 1/T at a constant conversion level. The mean values found for form I and form II were 137 and 144 kJ mol-1, respectively.
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) plays an important role in the life cycle of the Trypanosoma cruzi, and an immobilized enzyme reactor (IMER) has been developed for use in the on-line screening for GAPDH inhibitors. An IMER containing human GAPDH has been previously reported; however, these conditions produced a T. cruzi GAPDH-IMER with poor activity and stability. The factors affecting the stability of the human and T. cruzi GAPDHs in the immobilization process and the influence of pH and buffer type on the stability and activity of the IMERs have been investigated. The resulting T. cruzi GAPDH-IMER was coupled to an analytical octyl column, which was used to achieve chromatographic separation of NAD+ from NADH. The production of NADH stimulated by D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate was used to investigate the activity and kinetic parameters of the immobilized T. cruzi GAPDH. The Michaelis-Menten constant (K-m) values determined for D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and NAD(+) were K-m = 0.5 +/- 0.05 mM and 0.648 +/- 0.08 mM, respectively, which were consistent with the values obtained using the non-immobilized enzyme.
Heparin has been shown to regulate human neutrophil elastase (HNE) activity. We have assessed the regulatory effect of heparin on Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteases-1 [TIMP-1] hydrolysis by HNE employing the recombinant form of TIMP-1 and correlated FRET-peptides comprising the TIMP-1 cleavage site. Heparin accelerates 2.5-fold TIMP-1 hydrolysis by HNE. The kinetic parameters of this reaction were monitored with the aid of a FRET-peptide substrate that mimics the TIMP-1 cleavage site in pre-steady-state conditionsby using a stopped-flow fluorescence system. The hydrolysis of the FRET-peptide substrate by HNE exhibits a pre-steady-state burst phase followed by a linear, steady-state pseudo-first-order reaction. The HNE acylation step (k(2)=21 +/- 1 s(-1)) was much higher than the HNE deacylation step (k(3)=0.57 +/- 0.05 s(-1)). The presence of heparin induces a dramatic effect in the pre-steady-state behavior of HNE. Heparin induces transient lag phase kinetics in HNE cleavage of the FRET-peptide substrate. The pre-steady-state analysis revealed that heparin affects all steps of the reaction through enhancing the ES complex concentration, increasing k(1) 2.4-fold and reducing k(-1) 3.1-fold. Heparin also promotes a 7.8-fold decrease in the k(2) value, whereas the k(3) value in the presence of heparin was increased 58-fold. These results clearly show that heparin binding accelerates deacylation and slows down acylation. Heparin shifts the HNE pH activity profile to the right, allowing HNE to be active at alkaline pH. Molecular docking and kinetic analysis suggest that heparin induces conformational changes in HNE structure. Here, we are showing for the first time that heparin is able to accelerate the hydrolysis of TIMP-1 by HNE. The degradation of TIMP-1is associated to important physiopathological states involving excessive activation of MMPs.
This study proposes a simplified mathematical model to describe the processes occurring in an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR) treating lipid-rich wastewater. The reactor, subjected to rising organic loading rates, contained biomass immobilized cubic polyurethane foam matrices, and was operated at 32 degrees C +/- 2 degrees C, using 24-h batch cycles. In the adaptation period, the reactor was fed with synthetic substrate for 46 days and was operated without agitation. Whereas agitation was raised to 500 rpm, the organic loading rate (OLR) rose from 0.3 g chemical oxygen demand (COD) . L(-1) . day(-1) to 1.2 g COD . L(-1) . day(-1). The ASBBR was fed fat-rich wastewater (dairy wastewater), in an operation period lasting for 116 days, during which four operational conditions (OCs) were tested: 1.1 +/- 0.2 g COD . L(-1) . day(-1) (OC1), 4.5 +/- 0.4 g COD . L(-1) . day(-1) (OC2), 8.0 +/- 0.8 g COD . L(-1) . day(-1) (OC3), and 12.1 +/- 2.4 g COD . L(-1) . day(-1) (OC4). The bicarbonate alkalinity (BA)/COD supplementation ratio was 1:1 at OC1, 1:2 at OC2, and 1:3 at OC3 and OC4. Total COD removal efficiencies were higher than 90%, with a constant production of bicarbonate alkalinity, in all OCs tested. After the process reached stability, temporal profiles of substrate consumption were obtained. Based on these experimental data a simplified first-order model was fit, making possible the inference of kinetic parameters. A simplified mathematical model correlating soluble COD with volatile fatty acids (VFA) was also proposed, and through it the consumption rates of intermediate products as propionic and acetic acid were inferred. Results showed that the microbial consortium worked properly and high efficiencies were obtained, even with high initial substrate concentrations, which led to the accumulation of intermediate metabolites and caused low specific consumption rates.
In this report, the application of a class of separated local field NMR experiments named dipolar chemical shift correlation (DIPSHIFT) for probing motions in the intermediate regime is discussed. Simple analytical procedures based on the Anderson-Weiss (AW) approximation are presented. In order to establish limits of validity of the AW based formulas, a comparison with spin dynamics simulations based on the solution of the stochastic Liouville-von-Neumann equation is presented. It is shown that at short evolution times (less than 30% of the rotor period), the AW based formulas are suitable for fitting the DIPSHIFT curves and extracting kinetic parameters even in the case of jumplike motions. However, full spin dynamics simulations provide a more reliable treatment and extend the frequency range of the molecular motions accessible by DIPSHIFT experiments. As an experimental test, molecular jumps of imidazol methyl sulfonate and trimethylsulfoxonium iodide, as well as the side-chain motions in the photoluminescent polymer poly[2-methoxy-5-(2(')-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene], were characterized. Possible extensions are also discussed. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Nyvlt method Was used to determine the kinetic parameters of commercial xylitol in ethanol:water (50:50 %w/w) Solution by batch cooling crystallization. The kinetic exponents (n, g and in) and the system kinetic constant (B(N)) were determined. Model experiments were carried Out in order to verify the combined effects of saturation temperatures (40, 50 and 60 degrees C) and cooling rates (0.10, 0.25 and 0.50 degrees C/min) on these parameters. The fitting between experimental and Calculated crystal sizes has 11.30% mean deviation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sixteen different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus were evaluated in the production of raspberry fruit wine. Raspberry juice sugar concentrations were adjusted to 16 degrees Brix with a sucrose solution, and batch fermentations were performed at 22 degrees C. Various kinetic parameters, such as the conversion factors of the substrates into ethanol (Y(p/s)), biomass (Y(x/s)), glycerol (Y(g/s)) and acetic acid (Y(ac/s)), the volumetric productivity of ethanol (Q(p)), the biomass productivity (P(x)), and the fermentation efficiency (E(f)) were calculated. Volatile compounds (alcohols, ethyl esters, acetates of higher alcohols and volatile fatty acids) were determined by gas chromatography (GC-FID). The highest values for the E(f), Y(p/s), Y(g/s), and Y(x/s) parameters were obtained when strains commonly used in the fuel ethanol industry (S. cerevisiae PE-2, BG, SA, CAT-1, and VR-1) were used to ferment raspberry juice. S. cerevisiae strain UFLA FW 15, isolated from fruit, displayed similar results. Twenty-one volatile compounds were identified in raspberry wines. The highest concentrations of total volatile compounds were found in wines produced with S. cerevisiae strains UFLA FW 15 (87,435 mu g/L), CAT-1 (80,317.01 mu g/L), VR-1 (67,573.99 mu g/L) and S. bayanus CBS 1505 (71,660.32 mu g/L). The highest concentrations of ethyl esters were 454.33 mu g/L, 440.33 mu g/L and 438 mu g/L for S. cerevisiae strains UFLA FW 15, VR-1 and BG, respectively. Similar to concentrations of ethyl esters, the highest concentrations of acetates (1927.67 mu g/L) and higher alcohols (83,996.33 mu g/L) were produced in raspberry wine from S. cerevisiae UFLA FW 15. The maximum concentration of volatile fatty acids was found in raspberry wine produced by S. cerevisiae strain VR-1. We conclude that S. cerevisiae strain UFLA FW 15 fermented raspberry juice and produced a fruit wine with low concentrations of acids and high concentrations of acetates, higher alcohols and ethyl esters. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a technological viability study of wastewater treatment in an automobile industry by an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor containing immobilized biomass (AnSBBR) with a draft tube. The reactor was operated in 8-h cycles, with agitation of 400 rpm, at 30 degrees C and treating 2.0 L wastewater per cycle. Initially the efficiency and stability of the reactor were studied when supplied with nutrients and alkalinity. Removal efficiency of 88% was obtained at volumetric loading rate (VLR) of 3.09 mg COD/L day. When VLR was increased to 6.19 mg COD/L day the system presented stable operation with reduction in efficiency of 71%. In a second stage the AnSBBR was operated treating wastewater in natura, i.e., without nutrients supplementation, only with alkalinity, thereby changing feed strategy. The first strategy consisted in feeding 2.0 L batch wise (10 min), the second in feeding 1.0 L of influent batch wise (10 min) and an additional 1.0 L fed-batch wise (4 h), both dewatering 2.0 L of the effluent in 10 min. The third one maintained 1.0 L of treated effluent in the reactor, without discharging, and 1.0 L of influent was fed fed-batch wise (4 h) with dewatering 1.0 L of the effluent in 10 min. For all implemented strategies (VLR of 1.40, 2.57 and 2.61 mg COD/L day) the system presented stability and removal efficiency of approximately 80%. These results show that the AnSBBR presents operational flexibility, as the influent can be fed according to industry availability. In industrial processes this is a considerable advantage, as the influent may be prone to variations. Moreover, for all the investigated conditions the kinetic parameters were obtained from fitting a first-order model to the profiles of organic matter, total volatile acids and methane concentrations. Analysis of the kinetic parameters showed that the best strategy is feeding 1.0 L of influent batchwise (10 min) and 1.0 L fed-batch wise (4 h) in 8-h cycle. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A simple calorimetric method to estimate both kinetics and heat transfer coefficients using temperature-versus-time data under non-adiabatic conditions is described for the reaction of hydrolysis of acetic anhydride. The methodology is applied to three simple laboratory-scale reactors in a very simple experimental setup that can be easily implemented. The quality of the experimental results was verified by comparing them with literature values and with predicted values obtained by energy balance. The comparison shows that the experimental kinetic parameters do not agree exactly with those reported in the literature, but provide a good agreement between predicted and experimental data of temperature and conversion. The differences observed between the activation energy obtained and the values reported in the literature can be ascribed to differences in anhydride-to-water ratios (anhydride concentrations). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P>Coconut water is an isotonic beverage naturally obtained from the green coconut. After extracted and exposed to air, it is rapidly degraded by enzymes peroxidase (POD) and polyphenoloxidase (PPO). To study the effect of thermal processing on coconut water enzymatic activity, batch process was conducted at three different temperatures, and at eight holding times. The residual activity values suggest the presence of two isoenzymes with different thermal resistances, at least, and a two-component first-order model was considered to model the enzymatic inactivation parameters. The decimal reduction time at 86.9 degrees C (D(86.9 degrees C)) determined were 6.0 s and 11.3 min for PPO heat labile and heat resistant fractions, respectively, with average z-value = 5.6 degrees C (temperature difference required for tenfold change in D). For POD, D(86.9 degrees C) = 8.6 s (z = 3.4 degrees C) for the heat labile fraction was obtained and D(86.9 degrees C) = 26.3 min (z = 6.7 degrees C) for the heat resistant one.
Agricultural reuse of treated sewage effluent (TSE) is an environmental and economic practice; however, little is known about its effects on the characteristics and microbial function in tropical soils. The effect of surplus irrigation of a pasture with TSE, in a period of 18 months, was investigated, considering the effect of 0% surplus irrigation with TSE as a control. In addition, the experiment consisted of three surplus treatments (25%, 50%, and 100% excess) and a nonirrigated pasture area (SE) to compare the soil microbial community level physiological profiles, using the Biolog method. The TSE application increased the average substrate consumption of the soil microbial community, based on the kinetic parameters of the average well color development curve fitting. There were no significant differences between the levels of surplus irrigation treatments. Surplus TSE pasture irrigation caused minor increases in the physiological status of the soil microbial community but no detectable damage to the pasture or soil.