80 resultados para Kaikusalo, Asko: Hiiristoori


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[ES]El objetivo del presente trabajo es aproximarse a la realidad del fenómeno del asesinato serial desde las diferentes perspectivas, teorías y autores. Para ello, en un principio, se hace alusión a los debates existentes sobre la definición del mismo y las tipologías de asesinos seriales. Después de esto, se pretenden estudiar las controversias surgidas sobre la etiología de sus crímenes y los factores que afectan a la comisión de estos. Además, en base a la tipología de este tipo de asesinos expuesta por parte del FBI, se hará referencia a su psicopatología y a su perfil criminal.


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Lan honen helburua, burmuineko oxigeno maila neurtzeko NIRS (Near Infrarred Spectroscopy) teknika ez-inbaditzaileaz baliatzen den sistema baten eraginkortasuna neurtzea da, pazientearen parametro fisiologikoak diren bihotz eta arnasketa maiztasunak neurtzerako orduan. Orain arte, pazientearen oxigenazioaren monitorizazioa gauzatzea beharrezkoa den egoeratan, atzamarreko oxigenazio maila neurtzea ahalbidetzen duen PPG (Photoplethysmogram) teknika erabili da. Emergentzia egoeratan, ordea, sistema kardiobaskularrak bizi irauteko nahitaezkoak diren organoei ematen die lehentasuna, garuna eta bihotzari, alegia. Bi organo hauek oxigeno jario jarraituaz hornituak direla egiaztatzeko, ezinbestekoa izango da burmuineko oxigenazio maila neurtzea eta berriki frogatu da NIRS teknikak esparru honetan etorkizun handiko emaitzak eskaini ditzakeela. Hau dela eta, azken urteotan, NIRS teknikak lekua hartu dio orain arte agertoki mediku gehienetan erabilitako PPG teknikari, gaur egun teknika hau aplikazio ugaritan erabiltzen hasia delarik, adibidez kirurgia kardiobaskularraren monitorizazioa edo anestesia orokorraren bitarteko monitorizazioa. NIRS teknikak, garuneko oxigenazio mailaz aparte, pazientearen beste hainbat parametro fisiologikoren neurketa ahalbidetuko balu (arnasketa eta bihotz maiztasuna), agertoki mediku asko erraztuko lituzke, gailu bakar batekin pazientearen bizi-konstante anitzen monitorizazio eramango baitzen aurrera. Tresna hau egingarria dela egiaztatzeko, lehenik eta behin, NIRS seinalea bizi-konstante hauen berri emateko gai dela balioetsi behar da eta hauxe da, hain zuzen, proiektu honen xede nagusia. Azken helburu hau lortzeko, hainbat azpi-helburu proposatzen dira hemen aurkeztuko den proiektuan: lehenik eta behin, NIRS seinaleak eta bizi konstante hauek era fidagarrian lortzea ahalbidetzen duten seinaleak biltegiratzen dituen datu base bat sortuko da. Datu base hau osatzeko, aurreko seinale guztiak aldi berean eskuratuko dituen neurketa sistema sinkrono bat sortzea ezinbestekoa izango da eta azkenik, NIRS seinaleen eraginkortasuna ebaluatzeko, seinaleen prozesaketan oinarritutako hainbat algoritmo garatuko dira.


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Historically, domestic tasks such as preparing food and washing and drying clothes and dishes were done by hand. In a modern home many of these chores are taken care of by machines such as washing machines, dishwashers and tumble dryers. When the first such machines came on the market customers were happy that they worked at all! Today, the costs of electricity and customers’ environmental awareness are high, so features such as low electricity, water and detergent use strongly influence which household machine the customer will buy. One way to achieve lower electricity usage for the tumble dryer and the dishwasher is to add a heat pump system. The function of a heat pump system is to extract heat from a lower temperature source (heat source) and reject it to a higher temperature sink (heat sink) at a higher temperature level. Heat pump systems have been used for a long time in refrigerators and freezers, and that industry has driven the development of small, high quality, low price heat pump components. The low price of good quality heat pump components, along with an increased willingness to pay extra for lower electricity usage and environmental impact, make it possible to introduce heat pump systems in other household products. However, there is a high risk of failure with new features. A number of household manufacturers no longer exist because they introduced poorly implemented new features, which resulted in low quality and product performance. A manufacturer must predict whether the future value of a feature is high enough for the customer chain to pay for it. The challenge for the manufacturer is to develop and produce a high-performance heat pump feature in a household product with high quality, predict future willingness to pay for it, and launch it at the right moment in order to succeed. Tumble dryers with heat pump systems have been on the market since 2000. Paper I reports on the development of a transient simulation model of a commercial heat pump tumble dryer. The measured and simulated results were compared with good similarity. The influence of the size of the compressor and the condenser was investigated using the validated simulation model. The results from the simulation model show that increasing the cylinder volume of the compressor by 50% decreases the drying time by 14% without using more electricity.  Paper II is a concept study of adding a heat pump system to a dishwasher in order to decrease the total electricity usage. The dishwasher, dishware and water are heated by the condenser, and the evaporator absorbs the heat from a water tank. The majority of the heat transfer to the evaporator occurs when ice is generated in the water tank. An experimental setup and a transient simulation model of a heat pump dishwasher were developed. The simulation results show a 24% reduction in electricity use compared to a conventional dishwasher heated with an electric element. The simulation model was based on an experimental setup that was not optimised. During the study it became apparent that it is possible to decrease electricity usage even more with the next experimental setup.