951 resultados para KIMAP mouse model
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is characterized by the expansion of blasts that resemble morphologically promyelocytes and harbor a chromosomal translocation involving the retinoic acid receptor a (RARa) and the promyelocytic leukemia (PML) genes on chromosomes 17 and 15, respectively. The expression of the PML/RARa fusion gene is essential for APL genesis. In fact, transgenic mice (TM) expressing PML/RARa develop a form of leukemia that mimics the hematological findings of human APL. Leukemia is diagnosed after a long latency (approximately 12 months) during which no hematological abnormality is detected in peripheral blood (pre-leukemic phase). In humans, immunophenotypic analysis of APL blasts revealed distinct features; however, the precise immunophenotype of leukemic cells in the TM model has not been established. Our aim was to characterize the expression of myeloid antigens by leukemic cells from hCG-PML/RARa TM. In this study, TM (N = 12) developed leukemia at the mean age of 13.1 months. Morphological analysis of bone marrow revealed an increase of the percentage of immature myeloid cells in leukemic TM compared to pre-leukemic TM and wild-type controls (48.63 ± 16.68, 10.83 ± 8.11, 7.4 ± 5.46%, respectively; P < 0.05). Flow cytometry analysis of bone marrow and spleen from leukemic TM identified the asynchronous co-expression of CD34, CD117, and CD11b. This abnormal phenotype was rarely detected prior to the diagnosis of leukemia and was present at similar frequencies in hematologically normal TM and wild-type controls of different ages. The present results demonstrate that, similarly to human APL, leukemic cells from hCG-PML/RARa TM present a specific immunophenotype.
The objective of the present study was to determine whether sleep deprivation (SD) would promote changes in lymphocyte numbers in a type 1 diabetes model (non-obese diabetic, NOD, mouse strain) and to determine whether SD would affect female and male NOD compared to Swiss mice. The number of lymphocytes in peripheral blood after 24 and 96 h of SD (by multiple platform method) or equivalent period of time in home-cage controls was examined prior to the onset of diabetes. SD for 96 h significantly reduced lymphocytes in male Swiss mice compared to control (8.6 ± 2.1 vs 4.1 ± 0.7 10³/µL; P < 0.02). In male NOD animals, 24- and 96-h SD caused a significant decrease of lymphocytes compared to control (4.4 ± 0.3 vs 1.6 ± 0.5; P < 0.001 and 4.4 ± 0.3 vs 0.9 ± 0.1 10³/µL; P < 0.00001, respectively). Both 24- and 96-h SD induced a reduction in the number of lymphocytes in female Swiss (7.5 ± 0.5 vs 4.5 ± 0.5, 4.4 ± 0.6 10³/µL; P < 0.001, respectively) and NOD mice (4 ± 0.6 vs 1.8 ± 0.2, 1.2 ± 0.4 10³/µL; P < 0.01, respectively) compared to the respective controls. Loss of sleep induced lymphopenia in peripheral blood in both genders and strains used. Since many cases of autoimmunity present reduced numbers of lymphocytes and, in this study, it was more evident in the NOD strain, our results suggest that SD should be considered a risk factor in the onset of autoimmune disorders.
Renal ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury is the major cause of acute renal failure in native and transplanted kidneys. Mononuclear leukocytes have been reported in renal tissue as part of the innate and adaptive responses triggered by IR. We investigated the participation of CD4+ T lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of renal IR injury. Male mice (C57BL/6, 8 to 12 weeks old) were submitted to 45 min of ischemia by renal pedicle clamping followed by reperfusion. We evaluated the role of CD4+ T cells using a monoclonal depleting antibody against CD4 (GK1.5, 50 µ, ip), and class II-major histocompatibility complex molecule knockout mice. Both CD4-depleted groups showed a marked improvement in renal function compared to the ischemic group, despite the fact that GK1.5 mAb treatment promoted a profound CD4 depletion (to less than 5% compared to normal controls) only within the first 24 h after IR. CD4-depleted groups presented a significant improvement in 5-day survival (84 vs 80 vs 39%; antibody treated, knockout mice and non-depleted groups, respectively) and also a significant reduction in the tubular necrosis area with an early tubular regeneration pattern. The peak of CD4-positive cell infiltration occurred on day 2, coinciding with the high expression of ßC mRNA and increased urea levels. CD4 depletion did not alter the CD11b infiltrate or the IFN-g and granzyme-B mRNA expression in renal tissue. These data indicate that a CD4+ subset of T lymphocytes may be implicated as key mediators of very early inflammatory responses after renal IR injury and that targeting CD4+ T lymphocytes may yield novel therapies.
Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response that can lead to tissue damage and death. In order to increase our understanding of sepsis, experimental models are needed that produce relevant immune and inflammatory responses during a septic event. We describe a lipopolysaccharide tolerance mouse model to characterize the cellular and molecular alterations of immune cells during sepsis. The model presents a typical lipopolysaccharide tolerance pattern in which tolerance is related to decreased production and secretion of cytokines after a subsequent exposure to a lethal dose of lipopolysaccharide. The initial lipopolysaccharide exposure also altered the expression patterns of cytokines and was followed by an 8- and a 1.5-fold increase in the T helper 1 and 2 cell subpopulations. Behavioral data indicate a decrease in spontaneous activity and an increase in body temperature following exposure to lipopolysaccharide. In contrast, tolerant animals maintained production of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide when terminally challenged by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Survival study after CLP showed protection in tolerant compared to naive animals. Spleen mass increased in tolerant animals followed by increases of B lymphocytes and subpopulation Th1 cells. An increase in the number of stem cells was found in spleen and bone marrow. We also showed that administration of spleen or bone marrow cells from tolerant to naive animals transfers the acquired resistance status. In conclusion, lipopolysaccharide tolerance is a natural reprogramming of the immune system that increases the number of immune cells, particularly T helper 1 cells, and does not reduce oxidative stress.
An enterovirus 71 (EV71) vaccine for the prevention of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HMFD) is available, but it is not known whether the EV71 vaccine cross-protects against Coxsackievirus (CV) infection. Furthermore, although an inactivated circulating CVA16 Changchun 024 (CC024) strain vaccine candidate is effective in newborn mice, the CC024 strain causes severe lesions in muscle and lung tissues. Therefore, an effective CV vaccine with improved pathogenic safety is needed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo safety and in vitro replication capability of a noncirculating CVA16 SHZH05 strain. The replication capacity of circulating CVA16 strains CC024, CC045, CC090 and CC163 and the noncirculating SHZH05 strain was evaluated by cytopathic effect in different cell lines. The replication capacity and pathogenicity of the CC024 and SHZH05 strains were also evaluated in a neonatal mouse model. Histopathological and viral load analyses demonstrated that the SHZH05 strain had an in vitro replication capacity comparable to the four CC strains. The CC024, but not the SHZH05 strain, became distributed in a variety of tissues and caused severe lesions and mortality in neonatal mice. The differences in replication capacity and in vivo pathogenicity of the CC024 and SHZH05 strains may result from differences in the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of viral functional polyproteins P1, P2 and P3. Our findings suggest that the noncirculating SHZH05 strain may be a safer CV vaccine candidate than the CC024 strain.
BACKGROUND: The secretory basic amino acid-specific proprotein convertases (PCs) have often been associated with cancer/metastasis. By controlling the cleavage of cancer-associated proteins, PCs play key roles in multiple steps of cancer development. Most analyses of the implication of PCs in cancer/metastasis relied on the use of in vitro overexpression systems or inhibitors that can affect more than one PC. Aside from the role of furin in salivary gland tumorigenesis, no other in vivo genetic model of PC-knockout was reported in relation to cancer development. RESULTS: Since PC5/6 is highly expressed in the small intestine, the present study examined its in vivo role in intestinal tumorigenesis. Analysis of human intestinal tumors at various stages showed a systematic down-regulation of PC5/6 expression. Since gene inactivation of PC5/6 leads to lethality at birth, we generated mice lacking PC5/6 in enterocytes and analyzed the impact of the presence or absence of this PC in the mouse ApcMin/+ model that develops numerous adenocarcinomas along the intestinal tract. This resulted in viable mice with almost no expression of PC5/6 in small intestine, but with no overt phenotype. The data showed that by themselves ApcMin/+ tumors express lower levels of PC5/6 mRNA, and that the lack of PC5/6 in enterocytes results in a significantly higher tumor number in the duodenum, with a similar trend in other intestinal segments. Finally, the absence of PC5/6 is also associated with a premature mortality of ApcMin/+ mice. CONCLUSION: Overall, these data suggest that intestinal PC5/6 is protective towards tumorigenesis, especially in mouse duodenum, and possibly in human colon.
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La stimulation du récepteur de la rénine/prorénine [(P) RR], un membre récemment découvert du système rénine-angiotensine (SRA), augmente l'activité du SRA et des voies de signalisation angiotensine II-indépendante. Pour étudier l'impact potentiel du (P)RR dans le développement de l`obésité, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que les souris déficientes en (P)RR uniquement dans le tissus adipeux (KO) auront une diminution du poids corporel en ciblant le métabolisme du tissu adipeux, l'activité locomoteur et/ou la prise alimentaire. Ainsi, des souris KO ont été générées en utilisant la technologie Cre/Lox. Le gain de poids et la prise alimentaire ont été évalués hebdomadairement dans les mâles et femelles KO et de type sauvage (WT) pendant 4 semaines alors qu’ils étaient maintenu sur une diète normal. De plus, un groupe de femelles a été placé pour 6 semaines sur une diète riche en gras et en glucides (HF/HC). La composition corporelle et l'activité ambulatoire ont été évaluées par l’EchoMRI et à l’aide de cages Physioscan, respectivement. Les tissus adipeux ont été prélevés et pesés. De plus, les gras péri-gonadaux ont été utilisés pour le microarray. Finalement, le niveaux d'expression d'ARNm du (P)RR ont été évalués. Comme le gène du (P)RR est situé sur le chromosome X, les mâles étaient des KOs complets et les femelles étaient des KOs partielles. Les souris KO avaient un poids corporel significativement plus petit par rapport à WT, les différences étant plus prononcées chez les mâles. De plus, les femelles KOs étaient résistantes à l'obésité lorsqu'elles ont été placées sur la diète HF/HC et donc elles avaient significativement moins de masse grasse par rapport aux WTs. L’analyse histologique des gras péri-gonadaux des KOs nous ont dévoilés qu’il avait une réduction du nombre d'adipocytes mais de plus grande taille. Bien qu'il n'y ait eu aucun changement dans la consommation alimentaire, une augmentation de près de 3 fois de l'activité ambulatoire a été détectée chez les mâles. De plus, nous avons observé que leurs tibias étaient de longueur réduite ce qui suggère fortement l'affection de leur développement. Les gras péri-gonadaux des souris KO avaient une expression réduite de l`ABLIM2 (Actin binding LIM protein family, member 2) qui est associé avec le diabète de type II chez l'humain. Ainsi, les données recueillies suggèrent fortement que le (P)RR est impliquée dans la régulation du poids corporelle.
Preeclampsia is among the leading causes of perinatal mortality and morbidity, affecting 2-7% of pregnancies. Its incidence increases to 10-25% in already hypertensive women. To date, no treatment, aside from delivery, is known. Interestingly, several studies have reported that exercise training (ExT) can reduce preeclampsia prevalence although the available studies are considered insufficient. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the impact of ExT when practiced before and during gestation on pregnancy outcome in a mouse model of preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension (SPE). To do so, mice overexpressing both human angiotensinogen and renin (R+A+) were used because they are hypertensive at baseline and they develop many hallmark features of SPE. Mice were trained by placing them in a cage with access to a running wheel 4 weeks before and during gestation. ExT in this study prevented the rise in blood pressure at term observed in the sedentary transgenic mothers. This may be realized through an increased activity of the angiotensin-(1-7) axis in the aorta. In addition, ExT prevented the increase in albumin/creatinine ratio. Moreover, placental alterations were prevented with training in transgenic mice, leading to improvements in placental and fetal development. Placental mRNA and circulating levels of sFlt-1 were normalized with training. Additionally, the increase in angiotensin II type I receptor and the decrease in Mas receptor protein were reversed with training. ExT appears to prevent many SPE-like features that develop in this animal model and may be of use in the prevention of preeclampsia in women.
Thesis written in co-mentorship with director: Nelly Huynh; co-directors: Frank Rauch and Jean-Marc Retrouvey; collaborators: Clarice Nishio, Duy-Dat Vu and Nathalie Alos
Diabetes like many diseases and biological processes is not mono-causal. On the one hand multifactorial studies with complex experimental design are required for its comprehensive analysis. On the other hand, the data from these studies often include a substantial amount of redundancy such as proteins that are typically represented by a multitude of peptides. Coping simultaneously with both complexities (experimental and technological) makes data analysis a challenge for Bioinformatics.