896 resultados para KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION


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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a major cause of morbidity, costs and even mortality in organ transplant recipients. CMV may also enhance the development of chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN), which is the most important cause of graft loss after kidney transplantation. The evidence for the role of CMV in chronic allograft nephropathy is somewhat limited, and controversial results have also been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of CMV in the pathogenesis of CAN. Material for the purpose of this study was available from altogether 70 kidney transplant recipients who received a kidney transplant between the years 1992-2000. CMV infection was diagnosed with pp65 antigenemia test or by viral culture from blood, urine, or both. CMV proteins were demonstrated in the kidney allograft biopsies by immunohistochemisrty and CMV-DNA by in situ hybridization. Cytokines, adhesion molecules, and growth factors were demonstrated from allograft biopsies by immunohistochemistry, and from urinary samples by ELISA-methods. CMV proteins were detectable in the 6-month protocol biopsies from 18/41 recipients with evidence of CMV infection. In the histopathological analysis of the 6-month protocol biopsies, presence of CMV in the allograft together with a previous history of acute rejection episodes was associated with increased arteriosclerotic changes in small arterioles. In urinary samples collected during CMV infection, excretion of TGF-β was significantly increased. In recipients with increased urinary excretion of TGF-β, increased interstitial fibrosis was recorded in the 6- month protocol biopsies. In biopsies taken after an active CMV infection, CMV persisted in the kidney allograft in 17/48 recipients, as CMV DNA or antigens were detected in the biopsies more than 2 months after the last positive finding in blood or urine. This persistence was associated with increased expression of TGF-β, PDGF, and ICAM-1 and with increased vascular changes in the allografts. Graft survival and graft function one and two years after transplantation were reduced in recipients with persistent intragraft CMV. Persistent intragraft CMV infection was also a risk factor for reduced graft survival in Cox regression analysis, and an independent risk factor for poor graft function one and two years after transplantation in logistic regression analysis. In conclusion, these results show that persistent intragraft CMV infection is detrimental to kidney allografts, causing increased expression of growth factors and increased vascular changes, leading to reduced graft function and survival. Effective prevention, diagnosis and treatment of CMV infections may a major factor in improving the long term survival of kidney allograft.


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Background. Kidney transplantation (KTX) is considered to be the best treatment of terminal uremia. Despite improvements in short-term graft survival, a considerable number of kidney allografts are lost due to the premature death of patients with a functional kidney and to chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN). Aim. To investigate the risk factors involved in the progression of CAN and to analyze diagnostic methods for this entity. Materials and methods. Altogether, 153 implant and 364 protocol biopsies obtained between June 1996 and April 2008 were analyzed. The biopsies were classified according to Banff ’97 and chronic allograft damage index (CADI). Immunohistochemistry for TGF-β1 was performed in 49 biopsies. Kidney function was evaluated by creatinine and/or cystatin C measurement and by various estimates of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Demographic data of the donors and recipients were recorded after 2 years’ follow-up. Results. Most of the 3-month biopsies (73%) were nearly normal. The mean CADI score in the 6-month biopsies decreased significantly after 2001. Diastolic hypertension correlated with ΔCADI. Serum creatinine concentration at hospital discharge and glomerulosclerosis were risk factors for ΔCADI. High total and LDL cholesterol, low HDL and hypertension correlated with chronic histological changes. The mean age of the donors increased from 41 -52 years. Older donors were more often women who had died from an underlying disease. The prevalence of delayed graft function increased over the years, while acute rejections (AR) decreased significantly over the years. Sub-clinical AR was observed in 4% and it did not affect long-term allograft function or CADI. Recipients´ drug treatment was modified along the Studies, being mycophenolate mophetil, tacrolimus, statins and blockers of the renine-angiotensin-system more frequently prescribed after 2001. Patients with a higher ΔCADI had lower GFR during follow-up. CADI over 2 was best predicted by creatinine, although with modest sensitivity and specificity. Neither cystatin C nor other estimates of GFR were superior to creatinine for CADI prediction. Cyclosporine A toxicity was seldom seen. Low cyclosporin A concentration after 2 h correlated with TGF- β1 expression in interstitial inflammatory cells, and this predicted worse graft function. Conclusions. The progression of CAN has been affected by two major factors: the donors’ characteristics and the recipients’ hypertension. The increased prevalence of DGF might be a consequence of the acceptance of older donors who had died from an underlying disease. Implant biopsies proved to be of prognostic value, and they are essential for comparison with subsequent biopsies. The progression of histological damage was associated with hypertension and dyslipidemia. The augmented expression of TGF-β1 in inflammatory cells is unclear, but it may be related to low immunosuppression. Serum creatinine is the most suitable tool for monitoring kidney allograft function on every-day basis. However, protocol biopsies at 6 and 12 months predicted late kidney allograft dysfunction and affected the clinical management of the patients. Protocol biopsies are thus a suitable surrogate to be used in clinical trials and for monitoring kidney allografts.


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O CD30 solúvel (CD30s) é uma glicoproteína transmembrana da família do fator de necrose tumoral expressa na superfície das células T. Quando este marcador é clivado ele torna-se solúvel, sendo detectado na circulação. Atualmente, o valor de CD30s pré-transplante vem sido demonstrado como um bom preditor de rejeição aguda (RA) e perda do enxerto. Poucos estudos foram realizados para sua avaliação no pós-transplante e sua correlação com sobrevida e TFG. Avaliar a eficácia da determinação dos marcadores laboratoriais CD30 solúvel (CD30s) e anticorpos reativos contra painel HLA (PRA) em seis meses, um ano e seis anos pós-transplante renal em receptores de doadores vivos, correlacionando estes marcadores com episódios de rejeição aguda, eventos infecciosos no pós-transplante, perda do enxerto e óbito do paciente transplantado. E, avaliar a correlação destes marcadores com a sobrevida do enxerto renal nestes períodos. Os pacientes estudados foram transplantados renais com doadores vivos no Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso (HFB) do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2006 e do período de agosto de 2010 a maio de 2011, sendo uma extensão de um trabalho realizado previamente. CD30s e PRA foram analisados nas amostras coletadas no pré-transplante e com 7, 14, 21 dias, 1, 3, 6, 12 meses após o transplante e nos pacientes transplantados em 2006 amostras após 6 anos de transplante. A taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG) foi estimada utilizando MDRD e CKD-epi e 6 meses, 1 ano e 6 anos após o transplante. Os pacientes foram agrupados em 5 grupos: sem eventos, com perda do enxerto, óbito, rejeição aguda e pacientes com quadros infecciosos. Estes grupos foram avaliados com relação ao CD30s, PRA I e II e comparados dois a dois. O teste qui quadrado foi utilizado. Quando necessário aplicou-se a correção de Yates, o teste de Fisher, o teste de Kruskal-wallis. Foi considerado estatisticamente significante p<0,05. As análises foram feitas pelo programa EPI-Info (versão 3.5.3). Setenta e seis pacientes com doadores vivos foram incluídos no estudo 47 pacientes não tiveram nenhum evento (grupo 1), 7 pacientes perderam o enxerto (grupo 2), 3 pacientes faleceram (grupo 3), 11 pacientes ficaram no grupo de rejeição aguda (grupo 4) e oito pacientes tiveram infecção por CMV e herpes (grupo 5). Os pacientes do grupo de RA tiveram correlação positiva com os valores tanto de CD30s Pré-transplante (p=0,01), quanto do CD30s pós-transplante (p=0,002) e PRA I e II (p<0,001), respectivamente, quando comparados com pacientes sem eventos. A TFG tanto com MDRD e CKD-Epi não mostrou correlação com CD30s pré e pós-transplante e nem PRA I e II. A TFG com as duas fórmulas foi menor no grupo com RA comparado com o grupo sem evento após 6 anos de transplante (p=0,006). CD30s é um bom preditor de RA, assim como PRAI e II. E, também mais uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada no acompanhamento pós-transplante Renal. A RA é um preditor isolado para diminuição de TFG no transplante.


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Introdução: A associação entre a presença de anticorpo anti-HLA doador específico (DSA), em pacientes com prova cruzada negativa por citotoxicidade dependente de complemento (CDC), e a ocorrência de episódios de rejeição mediada por anticorpos (RMA) e menor sobrevida do enxerto já foi demonstrada por diversos autores. Entretanto,estimar a relevância clínica da presença desses anticorpos, em um determinado receptor, é um grande desafio e portanto novas estratégias de monitorização imunológicas são necessárias. Objetivo: O objetivo desse estudo foi monitorar a presença de DSA, bem como a variação dos seus títulos durante o primeiro ano após o transplante renal e correlacionar com episódios de rejeição aguda e função do enxerto ao final desse período. Metodologia: Foram analisados 389 soros de 71 pacientes incluídos no estudo. A pesquisa de DSA foi realizada utilizando os testes LABScreen single antigenbeads nas amostras correspondentes aos tempos: pré-transplante, 14, 30, 90, 180 e 365 dias após o transplante. Episódios de rejeição aguda comprovados por biópsia foram analisados de acordo com a classificação de Banff 2007. A taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG) ao final do primeiro ano foi estimada utilizando a fórmula Modificationof Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD). Os pacientes foram inicialmente separados em 3 grupos de diferentes riscos imunológicos (pré-transplante): A) DSA-, B) DSA+ com MFI >1000 e < 5000 e C) DSA+ com MFI > 5000. Num segundo momento, foram novamente agrupados de acordo com o perfil de mudança nos valores de MFI (intensidade de fluorescência média) ao longo do primeiro ano. Resultados: DSA estavam presentes pré-transplante em 15 pacientes. RMA foi mais frequente no grupo C (p = 0,02). De acordo com a variação dos títulos de DSA pós-transplante os pacientes foram novamente agrupados: grupo I) permaneceu DSA- durante todo acompanhamento = 50 pacientes, II) diminuiu ou manteve títulos de DSA em relação ao tempo zero = 13 pacientes e III) aumentou títulos em relação ao tempo zero = 8 pacientes (6 foram DSA de novo). Três pacientes dos grupos I e um paciente do grupo II apresentaram episódios de rejeição aguda celular. Não foi observada oscilação significativa nos títulos de anticorpos durante esses eventos. Nenhum paciente desse grupo apresentou episódio de RMA. Episódio de RMA ocorreu em dois pacientes do grupo III. Em ambos os pacientes foi detectado aumento significativo nos valores de MFI dos DSA em relação ao tempo zero. Não foi observada diferença significativa na TFG entre os grupos analisados nesse estudo. Entretanto, observou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa na TFG entre os pacientes que apresentaram episódio de rejeição aguda em relação aos que não tiveram, sendo menor nos primeiros (p = 0,04). Conclusão: A monitorização prospectiva dos anticorpos pode ajudar a identificar pacientes em maior risco para ocorrência de RMA e o aumento nos valores de MFI DSA deve ser interpretado como um sinal de alerta, sobretudo em pacientes previamente sensibilizados.


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A técnica de isquemia-reperfusão tem sido utilizada em cirurgias conservadoras do rim como a nefrectomia parcial e em transplantes renais. Para se realizar a isquemia pode-se fazer o bloqueio do fluxo sanguíneo da artéria renal ou o bloqueio simultâneo da artéria e da veia renal. O evento isquêmico acarreta em dano celular ao rim principalmente pelo estresse oxidativo local e a liberação de radicais livres assim como o aumento da resposta inflamatória. Diversos autores verificaram lesão renal após a isquemia-reperfusão, porém, apenas testes funcionais foram realizados até o momento. Os autores que tentaram avaliar a lesão morfológica do rim apenas fizeram a quantificação de escores subjetivos. O nosso objetivo é avaliar por quantificação estereológica o dano causado pela isquemia-reperfusão comparando o clampeamento somente arterial com o clampeamento arteriovenoso. Utilizamos 24 ratos wistar, machos, de quatro meses de idade. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos: o grupo Sham (n=8), o grupo de clampeamento somente da artéria renal (n=8) e o grupo de clampeamento simultâneo da artéria e da veia renal (n=8). Os animais foram submetidos a laparotomia mediana. Os animais do grupo Sham permaneceram os 60 minutos anestesiados mas sem obstrução do fluxo sanguíneo de seus vasos renais. Os animais do grupo de clampeamento arterial foram submetidos à clampeamento de sua arterial renal esquerda por 60 minutos e os animais do grupo de clampeamento arterial e venoso tiveram seus vasos renais esquerdos clampeados simultaneamente e em bloco pelo mesmo tempo. Após os 60 minutos os animais foram suturados e mantidos por 30 dias em caixas próprias sendo mortos por sobredose anestésica após decorrido esse tempo. Os rins foram coletados e mantidos em solução de formalina tamponada e posteriormente processados para análise histológica e estereológica. Foram analisados a densidade volumétrica (Vv) dos glomérulos, o número de glomérulos/mm3(Nv) e o volume glomerular médio (VGM). A Vv e Nv se encontrou reduzida nos rins esquerdos submetidos à isquemia mas foi somente significativa nos animais do grupo de clampeamento arterial e venoso. Mesmo usando o rato como modelo animal experimental, a partir de nossos resultados recomendamos o uso do clampeamento somente arterial nos casos em que mínina lesão ao rim é imperiosa.


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Depletional strategies directed toward achieving tolerance induction in organ transplantation have been associated with an increased incidence and risk of antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) and graft injury. Our clinical data suggest correlation of increased serum B cell activating factor/survival factor (BAFF) with increased risk of antibody-mediated rejection in alemtuzumab treated patients. In the present study, we tested the ability of BAFF blockade (TACI-Ig) in a nonhuman primate AMR model to prevent alloantibody production and prolong allograft survival. Three animals received the AMR inducing regimen (CD3-IT/alefacept/tacrolimus) with TACI-Ig (atacicept), compared to five control animals treated with the AMR inducing regimen only. TACI-Ig treatment lead to decreased levels of DSA in treated animals at 2 and 4 weeks posttransplantation (p < 0.05). In addition, peripheral B cell numbers were significantly lower at 6 weeks posttransplantation. However, it provided only a marginal increase in graft survival (59 ± 22 vs. 102 ± 47 days; p = 0.11). Histological analysis revealed a substantial reduction in findings typically associated with humoral rejection with atacicept treatment. More T cell rejection findings were observed with increased graft T cell infiltration in atacicept treatment, likely secondary to the graft prolongation. We show that BAFF/APRIL blockade using concomitant TACI-Ig treatment reduced the humoral portion of rejection in our depletion-induced preclinical AMR model.


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De novo donor-specific antibody (DSA) after organ transplantation promotes antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) and causes late graft loss. Previously, we demonstrated that depletion using anti-CD3 immunotoxin combined with tacrolimus and alefacept (AMR regimen) reliably induced early DSA production with AMR in a nonhuman primate kidney transplant model. Five animals were assigned as positive AMR controls, four received additional belatacept and four received additional anti-CD40 mAb (2C10R4). Notably, production of early de novo DSA was completely attenuated with additional belatacept or 2C10R4 treatment. In accordance with this, while positive controls experienced a decrease in peripheral IgM(+) B cells, bela- and 2C10R4-added groups maintained a predominant population of IgM(+) B cells, potentially indicating decreased isotype switching. Central memory T cells (CD4(+) CD28(+) CD95(+)) as well as PD-1(hi) CD4(+) T cells were decreased in both bela-added and 2C10R4-added groups. In analyzing germinal center (GC) reactions in situ, lymph nodes further revealed a reduction of B cell clonal expansion, GC-follicular helper T (Tfh) cells, and IL-21 production inside GCs with additional belatacept or 2C10R4 treatment. Here we provide evidence that belatacept and 2C10R4 selectively suppresses the humoral response via regulating Tfh cells and prevents AMR in this nonhuman primate model.


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Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a histological lesion with many causes, including inherited genetic defects, with significant proteinuria being the predominant clinical finding at presentation. Mutations in COL4A3 and COL4A4 are known to cause Alport syndrome (AS), thin basement membrane nephropathy, and to result in pathognomonic glomerular basement membrane (GBM) findings. Secondary FSGS is known to develop in classic AS at later stages of the disease. Here, we present seven families with rare or novel variants in COL4A3 or COL4A4 (six with single and one with two heterozygous variants) from a cohort of 70 families with a diagnosis of hereditary FSGS. The predominant clinical finding at diagnosis was proteinuria associated with hematuria. In all seven families, there were individuals with nephrotic-range proteinuria with histologic features of FSGS by light microscopy. In one family, electron microscopy showed thin GBM, but four other families had variable findings inconsistent with classical Alport nephritis. There was no recurrence of disease after kidney transplantation. Families with COL4A3 and COL4A4 variants that segregated with disease represent 10% of our cohort. Thus, COL4A3 and COL4A4 variants should be considered in the interpretation of next-generation sequencing data from such patients. Furthermore, this study illustrates the power of molecular genetic diagnostics in the clarification of renal phenotypes.


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The purpose of this study was to determine whether the prevalence and severity of gingival overgrowth in renal transplant recipients concomitantly treated with cyclosporin and a calcium channel blocker was associated with functional polymorphisms within the signal sequence of the transforming growth factor-(TGF)beta1 gene.


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Introduction: The prevalence of comorbidities in incident renal replacement therapy (RRT) patients changes with age and varies between ethnic groups. This study describes these associations and the independent effect of comorbidities on outcomes. Methods: Adult patients starting RRT between 2003 and 2008 in centres reporting to the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) with data on comorbidity (n ¼ 14,909) were included. The UKRR studied the association of comorbidity with patient demographics, treatment modality, haemoglobin, renal function at start of RRT and subsequent listing for kidney transplantation. The relationship between comorbidities and mortality at 90 days and one year after 90 days from start of RRT was explored using Cox regression. Results: Completeness of comorbidity data was 40.0% compared with 54.3% in 2003. Of patients with data, 53.8% had one or more comorbidities. Diabetes mellitus and ischaemic heart disease were the most common conditions seen in 30.1% and 22.7% of patients respectively. Current smoking was recorded for 14.5% of incident RRT patients in the 6-year period. Comorbidities became more common with increasing age in all ethnic groups although the difference between the 65–74 and 75+ age groups was not significant. Within each age group, South Asians and Blacks had lower rates of comorbidity, despite higher rates of diabetes mellitus. In multivariate survival analysis, malignancy and ischaemic/neuropathic ulcers were the strongest independent predictors of poor survival at 1 year after 90 days from the start of RRT. Conclusion: Differences in prevalence of comorbid illnesses in incident RRT patients may reflect variation in access to health care or competing risk prior to commencing treatment. At the same time, smoking rates remained high in this ‘at risk’ population. Further work on this and ways to improve comorbidity reporting should be priorities for 2010–11.


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Introduction: The prevalence of 13 comorbid conditions and smoking status at the time of starting renal replacement therapy (RRT) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are described. Methods: Adult patients starting RRT between 2002 and 2007 in centres reporting to the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) and with data on comorbidity (n¼13,293) were included. The association of comorbidity with patient demographics, treatment modality, haemoglobin, renal function at start of RRT and subsequent listing for kidney transplantation were studied. Association between comorbidities and mortality at 90 days and one year after 90 days from start of RRT was explored using Cox regression. Results: Completeness of data on comorbidity returned to the UKRR remained poor. Of patients with data, 52% had one or more comorbidities. Diabetes mellitus and ischaemic heart disease were the most common conditions seen in 28.9% and 22.5% of patients respectively. Comorbidities became more common with increasing age (up to the 65–74 age group), were more common amongst Whites and were associated with a lower likelihood of pre-emptive transplantation, a greater likelihood of starting on haemodialysis (rather than peritoneal dialysis) and a lower likelihood of being listed for kidney transplantation. In multivariable survival analysis, malignancy and ischaemic/neuropathic ulcers were the strongest predictors of poor survival at 1 year after 90 days from start of RRT. Conclusions: The majority of patients had at least one comorbid condition and comorbidity is an important predictor of early mortality on RRT.


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A previous study in Dutch dialysis patients showed no survival difference between patients with diabetes as primary renal disease and those with diabetes as a co-morbid condition. As this was not in line with our hypothesis, we aimed to verify these results in a larger international cohort of dialysis patients.


For the present prospective study, we used data from the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry. Incident dialysis patients with data on co-morbidities (n?=?15,419) were monitored until kidney transplantation, death or end of the study period (5 years). Cox regression was performed to compare survival for patients with diabetes as primary renal disease, patients with diabetes as a co-morbid condition and non-diabetic patients.


Of the study population, 3,624 patients (24%) had diabetes as primary renal disease and 1,193 (11%) had diabetes as a co-morbid condition whereas the majority had no diabetes (n?=?10,602). During follow-up, 7,584 (49%) patients died. In both groups of diabetic patients mortality was higher compared with the non-diabetic patients. Mortality was higher in patients with diabetes as primary renal disease than in patients with diabetes as a co-morbid condition, adjusted for age, sex, country and malignancy (HR 1.20, 95% CI 1.10, 1.30). An analysis stratified by dialysis modality yielded similar results.


Overall mortality was significantly higher in patients with diabetes as primary renal disease compared with those with diabetes as a co-morbid condition. This suggests that survival in diabetic dialysis patients is affected by the extent to which diabetes has induced organ damage.


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BACKGROUND: Cyclosporin A is used extensively to prevent the rejection of allogenic renal transplants. However, it is associated with a variety of undesirable side effects including gingival overgrowth. Tacrolimus (FK506), has been marketed as an effective alternative immunosuppressant to cyclosporin A and recent subjective reports suggest patients taking it complain infrequently of gingival problems. This clinical investigation was undertaken to confirm whether or not tacrolimus adversely affected the gingival health of renal transplant recipients.

METHODS: Renal transplant patients (RTPs) under the care of the Renal Transplantation Service at the Manchester Royal Infirmary, who had received a renal allograft at least 18 months earlier, were recruited for this study. All but one of the RTPs had been taking tacrolimus since transplantation. The other had commenced tacrolimus therapy two months after receiving her allograft. A hospital based control group was recruited from non transplanted individuals attending the Turner Dental School, Manchester. Each patient underwent a detailed dental assessment and had dental impressions taken. The extent of gingival overgrowth was determined from plaster models.

RESULTS: 25 renal transplant recipients and 26 control patients were included in the study. None of the individuals in either the tacrolimus or control groups had clinically significant overgrowth. The patients in the tacrolimus group with the highest overgrowth scores were those also taking calcium antagonists as treatment for hypertension.

CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that tacrolimus has no adverse effects on the gingival tissues and thus has potential as an alternative immunosuppressant for individuals susceptible to developing cyclosporin A-induced gingival overgrowth.


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To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma arising from a renal graft. Transplantectomy was performed in a 47-year old woman presenting to the emergency room because of general weakness. Preoperative workup revealed a 5.5 cm malignant mass of the graft which was not present on routine ultrasound performed 12 months earlier. Following transplantectomy, local recurrence developed despite complete tumor resection and interruption of immunosuppression. Despite radiation therapy, the outcome was ultimately fatal. Genetic analysis revealed that the tumor had arisen from donor tissue. Annual ultrasound surveillance might not be enough effective to screen for these rare high grade neoplasms.


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