200 resultados para Juvenal
The aim of this study was to evaluate the periapical healing after the use of membrane, bone graft, and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in apical surgery of dogs' teeth. Apical lesions were induced in 48 roots of 6 dogs after coronal access and pulpal removal. Apical surgery consisted of osteotomy with trephine bur for the standardization of the critical surgical cavities, followed by apicoectomy, curettage, preparation of the root-end cavities with the aid of the ultrasonic device, and retrofilling with MTA. The surgical sites were divided into: group 1-filled with blood; group 2-filled with blood and recovered with membrane; group 3-filled with bone graft; and group 4-filled with bone graft and recovered with membrane. The results showed that the inflammatory infiltrate, the periapical healing process, and the behavior of MTA was the same in all groups, including the mineralization stimulation. It was concluded that the use of membranes and bone graft materials isolated or associated in apical surgery did not alter the periapical healing process after the root-end filling with MTA. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: 309-314)
RACIONAL: Tem sido demonstrado que a pressão máxima de contração voluntária e a pressão média de repouso não refletem a real situação clínica do paciente portador de incontinência fecal, não traduzem a realidade funcional do canal anal, além de poder estar comprometendo a conduta a ser tomada devido ao não-encaminhamento à terapêutica específica. OBJETIVO: Com a hipótese de que contrair e manter a contração é mais importante que simplesmente contrair, mesmo com pico momentaneamente elevado de pressão, analisou-se a capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária do canal anal com o intuito de quantificar a função esfincteriana relativa à continência fecal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Submeteram-se a exame manométrico anorretal 72 pacientes (56 mulheres) portadores de incontinência fecal de vários graus e 15 (9 mulheres) indivíduos continentes (normais), avaliando-se a pressão média de repouso, a pressão máxima de contração voluntária e a capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos continentes apresentaram valores normais de pressão média de repouso e de pressão máxima de contração voluntária, além de adequada capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária. Os pacientes incontinentes apresentaram pressão média de repouso e pressão máxima de contração voluntária com valores pressóricos normais ou abaixo do normal e perfil semelhante de capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária, ou seja, moderada na fase inicial e ruim nas fases intermediária e final, com queda da mesma superior a 35% em 78% dos pacientes. A pressão máxima de contração voluntária apresenta excelente especificidade (100%) porém, sensibilidade baixa (46%) para incontinência fecal. Comparativamente, a capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária apresenta elevadas especificidade (93%) e sensibilidade (78%) para incontinência fecal. Embora a pressão máxima de contração voluntária não indique falso-positivos, apresenta 72% de falso-negativos. A probabilidade deste fato acontecer com a medida de capacidade de sustentação da pressão de contração voluntária é, praticamente, 20% menor, valor estatisticamente significativo. CONCLUSÃO: O indicativo de função esfincteriana é melhor analisado pela capacidade de sustentação. A capacidade de sustentação traduz com mais exatidão, a capacidade funcional do canal anal em relação à continência voluntária, sendo isoladamente, melhor que a pressão máxima de contração voluntária.
Este artigo aborda a apropriação da imprensa escrita pela escola brasileira, a partir de características de três campos complementares: as tendências políticas e teóricas relativas à formação de professores; os livros didáticos de Língua Portuguesa; e a experiência em sala de aula. Destaca as dificuldades, o caráter incipiente dessa tarefa, e a necessidade de uma ação política articulada para o tratamento da imprensa e dos meios de comunicação na escola.
Este trabalho esboça panorama sobre a evolução dos estudos relacionados à recepção midiática e sobre como a escola brasileira se apropriou dessas idéias. Problematizam-se, então, características das propostas da área de Comunicação para a formação midiática, sugerindo-se uma perspectiva 'escolar' para essa formação: centralidade na formação histórico-política do professor e na delimitação de um território específico para a discussão sobre cidadania dentro da escola.
Partindo-se do estudo das práticas relacionadas à educação para a mídia propostas no cenário europeu, este ensaio observa a possibilidade de inserção dessas práticas no cenário brasileiro. Discutem-se o kit de educação para a mídia, sugerido pela UNESCO, e propostas sobre esse tema em evidência na França, Espanha, Portugal e Inglaterra. O objetivo é mostrar que, embora as sugestões europeias dialoguem com boa parte das idéias prestigiadas no Brasil, por tratarem de um contexto diverso, elas tendem a dificultar o tratamento de questões essenciais a um programa de trabalho sobre mídia na escola brasileira.
Este artigo aborda características de três campos responsáveis pelo perfil do trabalho pedagógico escolar com a mídia: os meios de comunicação, as instituições acadêmicas e a própria escola. Procura-se, então, destacar as dificuldades para a consolidação desses campos no cenário escolar. O texto, enfim, ressalta a necessidade de politização da escola a partir do trabalho com a mídia, para melhorar as condições de diálogo entre a escola e os agentes externos.
This study was conducted to observe the healing process in dogs' teeth with apical periodontitis after root canal treatment in one or two appointments. Premolars and anterior dogs' teeth had their root canals opened to the oral environment for 6 months before being treated. After root canal negotiation they were filled by the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Sealapex in one appointment or after a dressing with calcium hydroxide for 7 and 15 days. Six months after the treatment the animals were killed and the tissues prepared for histomorphological analysis. Scores attributed to the different histomorphological events were submitted to statistical analysis, which resulted in ranking the experimental groups from the best to the worst in the following way: (a) calcium hydroxide 14 days; (b) calcium hydroxide 7 days; and (c) one appointment. It was concluded that the use of a calcium hydroxide dressing helps to achieve better results (p < 0.01) than the treatment in one appointment.
Aim To assess the histological response associated with grey mineral trioxide aggregate (GMTA) and zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) as root-end filling materials in teeth where the root canals were not filled and the coronal access cavities were not restored.Methodology Periapical lesions were developed in 24 premolar teeth in three dogs. The root canals were prepared and half of them were dried, filled and the coronal access restored (closed). The remaining teeth were not root filled and no coronal restoration was placed (open). Apical root-end resections were performed 3 mm from the apex, and root-end cavities were prepared with ultrasonic tips. These were randomly filled with either ZOE or GMTA in the same number of specimens using MAPSYSTEM device. After 180 days the animals were killed and blocks of tissues removed and processed for histological examination. Periradicular tissue reaction was evaluated, including severity of inflammation and cementum formation. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA analysis and Tukey's test.Results A significant difference was found between the levels of inflammation in the periradicular tissues of the GMTA/closed group, compared with the ZOE/open and ZOE/closed groups (P < 0.05) but not between GMTA/closed and GMTA/open groups. Cementum formation was not found over any ZOE specimens but over MTA in all specimens. No microorganisms were found in the interface between the material and the dentinal walls.Conclusions GMTA was associated with less periapical inflammation and tissue response when used as a root-end filling material, even when no root filling or coronal restoration was present.
Some divergencies in the literature about periodontal healing after surgical injury stimulated the development of this experiment. The root canals of dogs' teeth were negotiated and filled by the lateral condensation technique with two kinds of sealers: Sealapex and zinc oxide-eugenol cement. In the second session, the bone tissue was exposed and one cavity was made at the apical third of the root and another at the border between the coronal and middle thirds, both penetrating into the root canal. Six months later the animals were sacrificed and the specimens prepared for histopathologic analysis. The results showed that the kind of filling material and the level of the periodontal wound exposing the root canal can influence the healing process (P<0.01).
Some endodontists use iodoform in Sealapex in order to rend it more radiopac. This procedure is empiric and for this reason we decided to observe, histologically, if the iodoform introduces some modification in the biological properties of Sealapex. Thirty root canals of dogs' teeth were overinstrumented and filled, by lateral condensation technique, with gutta percha points and Sealapex, with or without iodoform. The iodoform was added in two different proportions: 30 mg or 112 mg for one centimeter of the base and one centimeter of the catalyst of Sealapex. The pieces were removed for histological studies, 6 months after the treatment. The histological results showed that Sealapex encourages apical closure by cementum deposition and that the addition of iodoform does not change that biological property.
The subject of this work is to observe if the employment of a cream (ENDO-PTC) during the root canal preparation contributes or not to the condensation of debris in the apical region. Twenty root canals of dogs teeth were divided into two experimental groups: in the first one, the biomechanical preparation was carried out up to the n. 50 Kerr file by using irrigation and aspiration with sodium hypochlorite. In the second experimental group the canal negotiation was done in the same way but using a cream (ENDO-PTC) with sodium hypochlorite as a lubrication substance. A final irrigation and aspiration with sodium hypochlorite was also done in this group. The animal was killed and the pieces prepared for histological analysis. The histological results show us that the employment of a cream during the negotiation of the root canal contributes to a higher condensation of debris in the apical area.
The subject of this paper was to study the behavior of the periapical tissues of dogs' teeth after biopulpectomy and dressing with calcium hydroxide or a corticosteroid-antibiotic association, before root canal filling with zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) or Sealapex sealers. The teeth were overinstrumented and dressed for 7 days before the root canal filling. The animals were sacrificed 180 days after treatment and the specimens were prepared for morphological analysis. Specimens treated with Sealapex presented a higher number of cases with biological closure than ZOE. When the root canals were filled with ZOE, better results were observed with the use of the Ca(OH)2 dressing.
This study was conducted to observe the rat subcutaneous connective tissue reaction to the implanted dentin tubes filled with calcium hydroxide or mineral trioxide aggregate. The animals were sacrificed after 7 and 30 days, and the specimens were prepared for morphological study. Some undecalcified specimens were prepared for histological analysis with polarized light and Von Kossa technique for calcium. The results were similar for both studied materials. At the tube openings, there were Von Kossa-positive granules that were birefringent to polarized light. Next to these granulations, there was an irregular tissue like a bridge that was Von Kossa-positive. The dentin walls of the tubes exhibited in the tubules a structure highly birefringent to polarized light, usually like a layer and at different depths. It is possible that the mechanism of action of both materials has some similarity. Copyright © 1999 by The American Association of Endodontists.
This study was conducted to observe the reaction of apical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with gutta-percha and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or a glass ionomer (Ketac-Endo) as a sealer. The root canals were instrumented and filled by the lateral condensation technique with the sealers studied. Animals were killed 6 months later, and the specimens were removed and prepared for histological analysis. Results showed no inflammatory reaction of apical tissue and total closure of the apical foramen of all the teeth sealed with MTA. The teeth sealed with Ketac-Endo showed two cases of partial closure and different degrees of chronic inflammatory reaction. In conclusion, MTA exhibited better biological properties than Ketac-Endo. Copyright © 1999 by The American Association of Endodontists.
The subject of this study was to observe the rat subcutaneous connective tissue reaction to implanted dentin tubes filled with mineral trioxide aggregate, Portland cement or calcium hydroxide. The animals were sacrificed after 7 or 30 days and the undecalcified specimens were prepared for histological analysis with polarized light and Von Kossa technique for mineralized tissues. The results were similar for the studied materials. At the tube openings, there were Von Kossa-positive granules that were birefringent to polarized light. Next to these granulations, there was an irregular tissue like a bridge that was Von Kossa-positive. The dentin walls of the tubes exhibited in the tubules a structure highly birefringent to polarized light, usually like a layer and at different depths. The mechanism of action of the studied materials has some similarity.