993 resultados para Japão - Relações econômicas exteriores - Ásia, Leste - XIX-XX


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The rise of China has been providing various effects on developed and developing countries, particularly its Asian neighbors which compete in third markets, such as the U.S., Europe and Japan this sense, the present study aimed to analyze the pattern of Chinese trade with two different groups of countries: the Asian neighbors (Asian Tigers and Dragons) and developed countries (United States, Europe and Japan) during the 2000s. To this end, this paper adopts the methodology of second breakdown of trade technological intensity proposed by Lall (2000). Furthermore, to analyze the intensity of trade between these economies as well as potential threats over their Chinese business partners close, we calculated the following indicators of trade: Trade Intensity Index (TII), Trade Orientation Index (TOI) , Intra-Industry Trade Index (ICII), Index Of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), and, finally, the Contribution To The Balance Index (ICS). The main result achieved is the existence of China\'s trade patterns differ for each group of countries, according to the type of expertise of each partner.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais


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Los procesos de urbanización en la Europa occidental han sido analizados desde diversas perspectivas. En unos casos, como resultado de un diverso conjunto de cambios económicos, políticos y sociales y en otros, como causa a su vez de otros procesos posteriores, que habrían reforzado la senda del crecimiento. A menudo estas perspectivas son complementarias, al diferenciarse por las variables dependientes e independientes elegidas en cada caso. Reconocer esta situación, sin embargo, no exime de precisar mejor dos cuestiones: cómo funcionaron los mecanismos de transmisión de los cambios observados entre unas y otras variables, y cómo evolucionaron en el tiempo estos mecanismos. En el presente artículo avanzaremos algunas respuestas a estas cuestiones. Con esta finalidad tomaremos como referencia aquellos razonamientos que ponen el acento en la evolución de los ingresos, para explicar dos aspectos del crecimiento económico: los cambios que se experimentaron en la dieta en los núcleos urbanos durante los siglos XIX y XX y los cambios que se experimentaron en la disponibilidad de sus componentes. En estos análisis también se consideran los cambios en los precios, pero en la medida que esta variable acostumbraba a tener valores más altos en las ciudades y que sus tendencias a escala espacial tendieron a confluir, su consideración acostumbra a ocupar un lugar secundario en los análisis mencionados. En este artículo discutiremos estas cuestiones, analizando el consumo de proteínas animales en la ciudad de Barcelona entre mediados del siglo XIX y 1935.


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El presente trabajo analiza y compara, desde la perspectiva analítica del metabolismo social, los usos del suelo y los balances energéticos derivados de estos usos de los sistemas agrarios de cinco municipios de la comarca barcelonesa del Vallès, en dos momentos históricos que ilustran las características y magnitud de las transformaciones que se han producido en los sistemas agrarios catalanes en los últimos 150 años. El primer corte corresponde a mediados del siglo XIX, representativo del funcionamiento de una agricultura orgánica avanzada; el segundo, a finales del siglo XX, representa un sistema agrario industrializado donde la energía fósil y otros inputs externos al sistema tienen una presencia determinante. A partir de los amillaramientos, los censos ganaderos y las cartillas evaluatorias disponibles para los municipios estudiados, y los datos actuales de los censos agrarios, forestales y de rendimientos y aprovechamientos de los distintos productos, se han construido los balances energéticos de los dos periodos analizados. A partir de ellos hemos constatado que en los 150 años transcurridos se ha producido una espectacular pérdida de eficiencia energética y de sostenibilidad de los sistemas agrarios, a pesar de los grandes incrementos de la productividad por hectárea de los diversos cultivos y de la producción ganadería, que se atribuye totalmente al paso de una agricultura orgánica avanzada a unos sistemas agrarios con elevado consumo de combustibles fósiles en forma de carburantes, abonos de síntesis y fitosanitarios y,especialmente, al peso descomunal de la actividad ganadera, desarrollada completamente al margen del territorio.


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Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts


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O artigo analisa a posição dos Estados Unidos nas relações internacionais pós-Guerra Fria, tomando como referência as controvérsias sobre os alcances e limites da sua postura hegemônica, que adquirem maior impulso a partir da formulação da chamada doutrina Bush, sistematizada no documento A Estratégia de Segurança Nacional dos EUA. No tratamento da temática proposta, enfatizam-se os seguintes aspectos: estabelecimento de um paralelo entre a transição dos séculos XIX-XX e XX-XXI, situando as características do imperialismo de cada época; uma análise da atual política externa dos Estados Unidos, enfocando o debate entre unilateralismo e multilateralismo, com destaque para as reações geradas pela intervenção no Iraque; uma discussão crítica das abordagens que visualizam na agenda de segurança da administração Bush um indicador de perda de hegemonia, que imporia a substituição da busca do consenso pela dominação aberta.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts


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Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts