988 resultados para Jacek, Saint, ca. 1183-1257 Christian saints - Poland
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The present paper discusses the influence of geochemical properties on biogenic deposits in the Wilkostowo mire near Toruń, central Poland. The analysed core has allowed the documentation of environmental changes between the older part of the Atlantic Period and the present day (probably interrupted at the turn of the Meso- and Neoholocene). In order to reconstruct the main stages in the sedimentation of biogenic deposits, we have used stratigraphic variability of selected litho-geochemical elements (organic matter, calcium carbonate, biogenic and terrigenous silica, macro- and micro-elements: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Ni). The main litho-geochemical component is CaCO 3 ; its content ranges from 4.1 per cent to 92 per cent. The variability of CaCO 3 content reflects mainly changes in hydrolog- ical and geomorphological conditions within the catchment area. The effects of prehistoric anthropogenic activities in the catchment of the River Tążyna, e.g., the use of saline water for economic purposes, are recorded in a change from calcareous gyttja into detritus-calcareous gyttja sedimentation and an increased content of lithophilous elements (Na, K, Mg and Ni) in the sediments. Principal component analysis (PCA) has enabled the distinction the most important factors that affected the chemical composition of sediments at the Wilkostowo site, i.e., mechanical and chemical den- udation processes in the catchment, changes in redox conditions, bioaccumulation of selected elements and human activity. Sediments of the Wilkostowo mire are located in the direct vicinity of an archaeological site, where traces of intensive settlement dating back to the Neolithic have been documented. The settlement phase is recorded both in li- thology and geochemical properties of biogenic deposits which fill the reservoir formed at the bottom of the Parchania Canal Valley.
Background: Nurses have a pivotal role in providing, facilitating, advocating and promoting the best possible care and outcome for the client. To ensure decisions and actions are based on current standards of practice, nurses must be accountable for participation in ongoing education in their area of practice. Aim: To present a description of the current state of Polish nursing education and specialized model for neurological and neurosurgical nursing that can be utilized for both undergraduate and postgraduate continuing education in Poland. Data sources: The model of postgraduate training introduced in Poland in 2000 was taken into consideration in developing the framework for neuroscience nursing postgraduate continuing education presented here. The framework for neurological continuing education is also based on a review of the literature and is consistent with Poland’s legally binding professional nursing regulations (normative and implementing regulations). Conclusion: The model demonstrates the need for the content of pre- and post-undergraduate degree education in neurological nursing to be graduated, based on the frameworks for undergraduate education (acquiring the knowledge and basic skills for performing the work of nurses) and postgraduate education (acquiring knowledge and specialist skills necessary for providing advanced nursing care including medical acts on patients with nervous system diseases). Implications for nursing: New and advanced skills gained in specialization training can be applied to complex functions, roles and professional tasks undertaken by nurses in relation to care of patients with neurological dysfunctions.
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo mostrar como o mito de São Tiago Maior e a peregrinação religiosa na Idade Média são retratados na dramaturgia portuguesa e galega. Para isso, reporta-se a duas obras: Auto de Santiago de Afonso Álvares (Portugal - séc. XVI) e O Peregrino errante que cansou ó demo de Xavier Lama (Galícia séc. XX). Objetiva verificar como os discursos das personagens, associados aos demais elementos que estruturam as obras, têm por finalidade acentuar a importância, no contexto da religiosidade ibérica, do culto à Virgem de Guadalupe e de São Tiago em sua tríplice representação: São Tiago Apóstolo, Peregrino ou Mata-mouros. E, sobretudo, demonstrar o caráter doutrinador e moralizante das peças, principalmente na recomendação das virtudes a serem seguidas e dos pecados a serem evitados pelo cristão em sua peregrinação existencial, objetivando a ascenção espiritual
A presente dissertação objetiva a comparação proposta no Prelúdio do romance Middlemarch por sua autora George Eliot entre a protagonista da obra, Dorothea Brooke, e a figura histórica Teresa dÁvila. A partir de tal estudo, busca-se compreender de que modo a situação específica da mulher na Era Vitoriana é articulada no romance de modo a espelhar a crise ontológica e epistemológica do próprio ser humano diante das transformações consolidadas com o Iluminismo e as revoluções liberais do século XVIII que culminariam na morte de Deus. Dorothea mostra-se uma cristã tão fervorosa quanto a Teresa quinhentista, mas faltam-lhe certezas e a resolução para concretizar as reformas sociais que defende, pois ela encarna o mito de feminilidade oitocentista batizado de Anjo do Lar ideal de sujeição feminina à ordem falocêntrica cujas funções são a proteção e difusão da moralidade burguesa e a substituição de elementos cristãos no universo do sagrado a uma sociedade cada vez mais materialista e insegura de valores absolutos. As aflições de Dorothea representam as aflições da mulher vitoriana, mas o momento crítico desta mulher reflete, em Middlemarch, uma crise muito maior do Ocidente, que teve início com a Era da Razão
The use of strontium-to-calcium (Sr/Ca) ratios in otoliths is becoming a standard method to describe life history type and the chronology of migrations between freshwater and seawater habitats in teleosts (e.g. Kalish, 1990; Radtke et al., 1990; Secor, 1992; Rieman et al., 1994; Radtke, 1995; Limburg, 1995; Tzeng et al. 1997; Volk et al., 2000; Zimmerman, 2000; Zimmerman and Reeves, 2000, 2002). This method provides critical information concerning the relationship and ecology of species exhibiting phenotypic variation in migratory behavior (Kalish, 1990; Secor, 1999). Methods and procedures, however, vary among laboratories because a standard method or protocol for measurement of Sr in otoliths does not exist. In this note, we examine the variations in analytical conditions in an effort to increase precision of Sr/Ca measurements. From these findings we argue that precision can be maximized with higher beam current (although there is specimen damage) than previously recommended by Gunn et al. (1992).
Betha Cholmáin maic Luacháin (BCh) is a key source of information about a small ecclesiastical community of the Irish midlands in the medieval period. BCh is one of the longest medieval Irish hagiographic texts. A sole copy exists. Scholarly concern with manuscript Rennes 598, and the Life of Colmán therein, diminished following the 1911 edition of BCh. The most attention paid to BCh in the following decades focused largely on its onomastic information. The necessary detailed study of the text has not been undertaken. The present work is an initial view of significant areas of interaction between the church of Lann and its ecclesiastical, social and political milieu. While social and cultural aspects of the text may constitute the focus of this study, linguistic data is also investigated, complementary to evidence regarding its social and political testimony. In this way, light is cast on a complex ecclesiastical microcosm in the twelfth-century Irish midlands. In keeping with recent methodological work in the field a variety of tools are used to aid investigation, and to show the Life within its genre and wider context. An interdisciplinary approach will bring together strands of literary, cultural, archaeological, onomastic, historical, geographical, genealogical and hagiographical information, with reference to linguistic evidence where appropriate. This thesis seeks to suggest a template for studies undertaken on smaller church communities, and is set out in two main sections. The first section investigates the figure of the saint, his life, church, the manuscript source and the combination of prose and verse in the text. The second section examines the testimony of the Life regarding the ecclesiastical and secular concerns of the community of Lann, and how these concerns are represented. Evidence regarding the members of this community and their interaction with the church and the wider world is also discussed.
Here we present the first high-resolution multi-proxy analysis of a rich fen in the central-eastern European lowlands. The fen is located in the young glacial landscape of the Sta{ogonek}zki river valley. We investigated the fen's development pathways, asking three main questions: (i) what was the pattern and timing of the peatland's vegetation succession, (ii) how did land use and climate affect the succession in the fen ecosystem, and (iii) to what degree does the reconstructed hydrology for this site correlate with those of other sites in the region in terms of past climate change? Several stages of fen history were determined, beginning with the lake-to-fen transition ca. AD 700. Brown mosses dominated the sampling site from this period to the present. No human impact was found to have occurred until ca. AD 1700, when the first forest cutting began. Around AD 1890 a more significant disturbance took place-this date marks the clear cutting of forests and dramatic landscape openness. Deforestation changed the hydrology and chemistry of the mire, which was revealed by a shift in local plant and testate amoebae communities. We also compared a potential climatic signal recorded in the peat profile before AD 1700 with other sites from the region. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Référence bibliographique : Dacier 1931a, 1053
Contient : « La vie S. Patrice. En cel tans que sains Patrices li grans preechoit en Yrlande... — ... je l'enseveli de mes deus mains » ; « D'Antechris. Vous devés savoir premierement que Antecrist est apelés pour çou que il sera en toutes coses contraires à Jhesucrist... — ... a ceus qui vaudront faire penitance qui seront deceu par Antecrist » ; « Le jugemens. Quant .XL. jors seront passé après la mort Antecrist nus hom ne set con grant tans il a... — ... alés el feu pardurable qui vous est appareilliés. Amen » ; Vers sur l'amour de Dieu et de la Vierge ; « De sainte Marthe. Aprie chou ke nostre sires fu resuscités de mort a vie e fu montés el ciel... — ... et les goies parmenables la vos doinst et otroit parvenir nostre sires, » etc ; HELINAND, Vers de la mort ; « De saint Augustin. Quant Augustin estoit de l'aage de XX. et quatre ans si tint il escole a Cartage... — ... dusques adont que ele soit repuse en l'esconsement de ton viaire. Amen » ; « De la Magdelainne. Quant li desciple Jhesucrist erent receu li Saint Esprit... — ... que li arbre enclinerent le cors. Explicit »
Contient : Chansons notées de Gautier de Coinci. Cf. G. Raynaud, Bibliographie des Chansonniers français des xiiieet xivesiècles, t. I, p. 184 ; La Nativité Nostre Seigneur Jhesucrist et ses enfances ; « La vie et la mors saint Julien, pour quoi on dist bon ostel. » Début : « Uns praidom raconte la vie monseigneur saint Julien, que il translata... » ; « La vie la benoite Magdelainne et saint Maxemin l'evesque. » Début : « Après ce que nostre sire Jhesucris, qui est moiens de Dieu et de l'omme.., » ; « La vie monseigneur saint Gile le beneoit confessor. » Début : « Nus crestiens n'est en terre qui Nostre Seigneur vueille amer... » ; « De l'invention sainte Croiz. » Début : « Deus cenz ans et XXXIII dou regne dou vaillant empereor de Romme... » ; « La vie sainte Marthe. » Début : « La beneoite honourée hostesse nostre seigneur Jhesucrist... » ; « Li Purgatoires saint Patrice de Irlande. » Début : « En ce tans que sainz Patrices li granz preeschoit... » Cf. P. Meyer, Romania, t. XVII, p. 382 ; « La nativité et la vie de Antecrist. » Début : « Vos devez savoir premierement que Antecris est apeléz Antecris... » ; « Comment la Conceptions Nostre Dame fu establie, » par Wace
Contient : « Vie saint Julien. Un prodons reconte... » ; Vie de S. Cucufat. « Seignor, les glorioses passions » ; « Vie sainte Katherine. Les veraies estoires... » ; « Vie sainte Eufraise. Ou temps Theodosore... » ; Vie de sainte Julienne. « [O]u temps que Maximiens... » ; Vie de sainte Luce. « Il avint cel temps que sainte Agathe... » ; Vie de S. Bernard. « Biaux sire Dex, en l'onor de loi... » ; « Vie Marie Magdelaine, En celui tans que Nostres Sires... » ; Vie de sainte Marthe. « Sainte Marthe fut suers... » ; Vie de sainte Marie l'Egyptienne. « Uns prodome fut au l'yglise... » ; Vie de sainte Élisabeth. « Bone chose est pensser, lire et escrire... » ; Vie de saint Paul et de S. Denys. « Après la preciouse mort que Nostres Sires. » ; Vie « de saint Ladre [Lazare]. En celui temps estoit uns languissanz... » ; Sermons de S. Augustin et autres sur S. Lazare ; « Li miracle saint Ladre. Chier frère, selons ce que nous aesmons. » ; « Vie de Girart de Rossillon, translatée de latin en françois. Ce sont li fait dou tresnoble conte Girart... » ; « Vie saint Gregoire. Sainz Gregoires fu nez à Rome... » ; « Vie saint Jeroisme. Sainz Jeroismes fui nez... » ; « Vie saint Brandan. En la vie de mon seignor saint Brandan... » ; « Vie saint Forsin. Uns proudons fu, qui ot nom Forsins... » ; « Vie saint Beneoit. Uns homs fu de moût sainte vie... » ; Translation de S. Benoît à Fleury-sur-Loire ; « Vie saint Selvestre. Sainz Silvestres quand il fu enfés... » ; « Purgatoires mon seignour saint Patrice. En celui tans que saint Patrices... »