109 resultados para Isozyme


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Glucocorticoid hormones, acting via nuclear receptors, regulate many metabolic processes, including hepatic gluconeogenesis. It recently has been recognized that intracellular glucocorticoid concentrations are determined not only by plasma hormone levels, but also by intracellular 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11β-HSDs), which interconvert active corticosterone (cortisol in humans) and inert 11-dehydrocorticosterone (cortisone in humans). 11β-HSD type 2, a dehydrogenase, thus excludes glucocorticoids from otherwise nonselective mineralocorticoid receptors in the kidney. Recent data suggest the type 1 isozyme (11β-HSD-1) may function as an 11β-reductase, regenerating active glucocorticoids from circulating inert 11-keto forms in specific tissues, notably the liver. To examine the importance of this enzyme isoform in vivo, mice were produced with targeted disruption of the 11β-HSD-1 gene. These mice were unable to convert inert 11-dehydrocorticosterone to corticosterone in vivo. Despite compensatory adrenal hyperplasia and increased adrenal secretion of corticosterone, on starvation homozygous mutants had attenuated activation of the key hepatic gluconeogenic enzymes glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, presumably, because of relative intrahepatic glucocorticoid deficiency. The 11β-HSD-1 −/− mice were found to resist hyperglycamia provoked by obesity or stress. Attenuation of hepatic 11β-HSD-1 may provide a novel approach to the regulation of gluconeogenesis.


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The degradation rate of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase (HMG-R), a key enzyme of the mevalonate pathway, is regulated through a feedback mechanism by the mevalonate pathway. To discover the intrinsic determinants involved in the regulated degradation of the yeast HMG-R isozyme Hmg2p, we replaced small regions of the Hmg2p transmembrane domain with the corresponding regions from the other, stable yeast HMG-R isozyme Hmg1p. When the first 26 amino acids of Hmg2p were replaced with the same region from Hmg1p, Hmg2p was stabilized. The stability of this mutant was not due to mislocalization, but rather to an inability to be recognized for degradation. When amino acid residues 27–54 of Hmg2p were replaced with those from Hmg1p, the mutant was still degraded, but its degradation rate was poorly regulated. The degradation of this mutant was still dependent on the first 26 amino acid residues and on the function of the HRD genes. These mutants showed altered ubiquitination levels that were well correlated with their degradative phenotypes. Neither determinant was sufficient to impart regulated degradation to Hmg1p. These studies provide evidence that there are sequence determinants in Hmg2p necessary for degradation and optimal regulation, and that independent processes may be involved in Hmg2p degradation and its regulation.


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A cDNA for a second mouse mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase (CA) called CA VB was identified by homology to the previously characterized murine CA V, now called CA VA. The full-length cDNA encodes a 317-aa precursor that contains a 33-aa classical mitochondrial leader sequence. Comparison of products expressed from cDNAs for murine CA VB and CA VA in COS cells revealed that both expressed active CAs that localized in mitochondria, and showed comparable activities in crude extracts and in mitochondria isolated from transfected COS cells. Northern blot analyses of total RNAs from mouse tissues and Western blot analyses of mouse tissue homogenates showed differences in tissue-specific expression between CA VB and CA VA. CA VB was readily detected in most tissues, while CA VA expression was limited to liver, skeletal muscle, and kidney. The human orthologue of murine CA VB was recently reported also. Comparison of the CA domain sequence of human CA VB with that reported here shows that the CA domains of CA VB are much more highly conserved between mouse and human (95% identity) than the CA domains of mouse and human CA VAs (78% identity). Analysis of phylogenetic relationships between these and other available human and mouse CA isozyme sequences revealed that mammalian CA VB evolved much more slowly than CA VA, accepting amino acid substitutions at least 4.5 times more slowly since each evolved from its respective human–mouse ancestral gene around 90 million years ago. Both the differences in tissue distribution and the much greater evolutionary constraints on CA VB sequences suggest that CA VB and CA VA have evolved to assume different physiological roles.


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A member of the phosphodiesterase (PDE)7 family with high affinity and specificity for cAMP has been identified. Based on sequence homologies, we designate this PDE as PDE7B. The full-length cDNA of PDE7B is 2399 bp, and its ORF sequence predicts a protein of 446 amino acids with a molecular mass of 50.1 kDa. Comparison of the predicted protein sequences of PDE7A and PDE7B reveals an identity of 70% in the catalytic domain. Northern blotting indicates that the mRNA of PDE7B is 5.6 kb. It is most highly expressed in pancreas followed by brain, heart, thyroid, skeletal muscle, eye, ovary, submaxillary gland, epididymus, and liver. Recombinant PDE7B protein expressed in a Baculovirus expression system is specific for cAMP with a Km of 0.03 μM. Within a series of common PDE inhibitors, it is most potently inhibited by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine with an IC50 of 2.1 μM. It is also inhibited by papaverine, dipyridamole, and SCH51866 at higher doses. PDE7A and PDE7B exhibit the same general pattern of inhibitor specificity among the several drugs tested. However, differences in IC50 for some of the drugs suggest that isozyme selective inhibitors can be developed.


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Jasmonic acid (JA) and its precursor 12-oxophytodienoic acid (OPDA) act as plant growth regulators and mediate responses to environmental cues. To investigate the role of these oxylipins in anther and pollen development, we characterized a T-DNA-tagged, male-sterile mutant of Arabidopsis, opr3. The opr3 mutant plants are sterile but can be rendered fertile by exogenous JA but not by OPDA. Cloning of the mutant locus indicates that it encodes an isozyme of 12-oxophytodienoate reductase, designated OPR3. All of the defects in opr3 are alleviated by transformation of the mutant with an OPR3 cDNA. Our results indicate that JA and not OPDA is the signaling molecule that induces and coordinates the elongation of the anther filament, the opening of the stomium at anthesis, and the production of viable pollen. Just as importantly, our data demonstrate that OPR3 is the only isoform of OPR capable of reducing the correct stereoisomer of OPDA to produce JA required for male gametophyte development.


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To identify genes involved in macrophage development, we used the differential display technique and compared the gene expression profiles for human myeloid HL-60 leukemia cell lines susceptible and resistant to macrophage maturation. We identified a gene coding for a protein kinase, protein kinase X (PRKX), which was expressed in the maturation-susceptible, but not in the resistant, cell line. The expression of the PRKX gene was found to be induced during monocyte, macrophage, and granulocyte maturation of HL-60 cells. We also studied the expression of the PRKX gene in 12 different human tissues and transformed cell lines and found that, among these tissues and cell types, the PRKX gene is expressed only in blood. Among the blood cell lineages, the PRKX gene is specifically expressed in macrophages and granulocytes. Antisense inhibition of PRKX expression blocked terminal development in both the leukemic HL-60 cells and normal peripheral blood monocytes, implying that PRKX is a key mediator of macrophage and granulocyte maturation. Using the HL-60 cell variant deficient in protein kinase C-β (PKC-β) and several stable PKC-β transfectants, we found that PRKX gene expression is under control of PKC-β; hence PRKX is likely to act downstream of this PKC isozyme in the same signal transduction pathway leading to macrophage maturation.


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Apicomplexan parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii contain a primitive plastid, the apicoplast, whose genome consists of a 35-kb circular DNA related to the plastid DNA of plants. Plants synthesize fatty acids in their plastids. The first committed step in fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). This enzyme is encoded in the nucleus, synthesized in the cytosol, and transported into the plastid. In the present work, two genes encoding ACC from T. gondii were cloned and the gene structure was determined. Both ORFs encode multidomain proteins, each with an N-terminal extension, compared with the cytosolic ACCs from plants. The N-terminal extension of one isozyme, ACC1, was shown to target green fluorescent protein to the apicoplast of T. gondii. In addition, the apicoplast contains a biotinylated protein, consistent with the assertion that ACC1 is localized there. The second ACC in T. gondii appears to be cytosolic. T. gondii mitochondria also contain a biotinylated protein, probably pyruvate carboxylase. These results confirm the essential nature of the apicoplast and explain the inhibition of parasite growth in cultured cells by herbicides targeting ACC.


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Four cDNAs encoding phosphoribosyl diphosphate (PRPP) synthase were isolated from a spinach (Spinacia oleracea) cDNA library by complementation of an Escherichia coli Δprs mutation. The four gene products produced PRPP in vitro from ATP and ribose-5-phosphate. Two of the enzymes (isozymes 1 and 2) required inorganic phosphate for activity, whereas the others were phosphate independent. PRPP synthase isozymes 2 and 3 contained 76 and 87 amino acid extensions, respectively, at their N-terminal ends in comparison with other PRPP synthases. Isozyme 2 was synthesized in vitro and shown to be imported and processed by pea (Pisum sativum) chloroplasts. Amino acid sequence analysis indicated that isozyme 3 may be transported to mitochondria and that isozyme 4 may be located in the cytosol. The deduced amino acid sequences of isozymes 1 and 2 and isozymes 3 and 4 were 88% and 75% identical, respectively. In contrast, the amino acid identities of PRPP synthase isozyme 1 or 2 with 3 or 4 was modest (22%–25%), but the sequence motifs for binding of PRPP and divalent cation-nucleotide were identified in all four sequences. The results indicate that PRPP synthase isozymes 3 and 4 belong to a new class of PRPP synthases that may be specific to plants.


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In vivo assessment of gene expression is desirable to obtain information on the extent and duration of transduction of tissue after gene delivery. We have developed an in vivo, potentially noninvasive, method for detecting virally mediated gene transfer to the liver. The method employs an adenoviral vector carrying the gene for the brain isozyme of murine creatine kinase (CK-B), an ATP-buffering enzyme expressed mainly in muscle and brain but absent from liver, kidney, and pancreas. Gene expression was monitored by 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) using the product of the CK enzymatic reaction, phosphocreatine, as an indicator of transfection. The vector was administered into nude mice by tail vein injection, and exogenous creatine was administered in the drinking water and by i.p. injection of 2% creatine solution before 31P MRS examination, which was performed on surgically exposed livers. A phosphocreatine resonance was detected in livers of mice injected with the vector and was absent from livers of control animals. CK expression was confirmed in the injected animals by Western blot analysis, enzymatic assays, and immunofluorescence measurements. We conclude that the syngeneic enzyme CK can be used as a marker gene for in vivo monitoring of gene expression after virally mediated gene transfer to the liver.


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Agents that increase intracellular cAMP inhibit the activation and function of T cells and can lead to cell death. Recently, it has been postulated that cAMP inhibits T cell function in large part by acting as a brake on the T cell receptor and costimulatory receptor pathways. Therefore, for full activation of the T cell to occur, this inhibitory influence must be removed. One likely mechanism for accomplishing this is by up-regulation and/or activation of specific cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs), and such a mechanism for one phosphodiesterase, PDE7A1, has been reported. In this paper, we extend this mechanism to another isozyme variant of the same PDE family, PDE7A3. We also report the full-length sequence of human PDE8A1 and show that it also is induced in response to a combination of T cell receptor and costimulatory receptor pathway activation. However, the time course for induction of PDE8A1 is slower than that of PDE7A1. The basal level measured and, therefore, the apparent fold induction of PDE7A1 mRNA and protein depend in large part on the method of isolation of the T cells. On the other hand, regardless of the isolation method, the basal levels of PDE7A3 and PDE8A1 are very low and fold activation is much higher. Constitutively expressed PDE8A1 and PDE7A3 also have been isolated from a human T cell line, Hut78.


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Hexokinase (HXK; EC regulates carbohydrate entry into glycolysis and is known to be a sensor for sugar-responsive gene expression. The effect of abiotic stresses on HXK activity was determined in seedlings of the flood-tolerant plant Echinochloa phyllopogon (Stev.) Koss and the flood-intolerant plant Echinochloa crus-pavonis (H.B.K.) Schult grown aerobically for 5 d before being subjected to anaerobic, chilling, heat, or salt stress. HXK activity was stimulated in shoots of E. phyllopogon only by anaerobic stress. HXK activity was only transiently elevated in E. crus-pavonis shoots during anaerobiosis. In roots of both species, anoxia and chilling stimulated HXK activity. Thus, HXK is not a general stress protein but is specifically induced by anoxia and chilling in E. phyllopogon and E. crus-pavonis. In both species HXK exhibited an optimum pH between 8.5 and 9.0, but the range was extended to pH 7.0 in air-grown E. phyllopogon to 6.5 in N2-grown E. phyllopogon. At physiologically relevant pHs (6.8 and 7.3, N2 and O2 conditions, respectively), N2-grown seedlings retained greater HXK activity at the lower pH. The pH response suggests that in N2-grown seedlings HXK can function in a more acidic environment and that a specific isozyme may be important for regulating glycolytic activity during anaerobic metabolism in E. phyllopogon.


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The hydrolysis of cell wall pectins by tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) polygalacturonase (PG) in vitro is more extensive than the degradation affecting these polymers during ripening. We examined the hydrolysis of polygalacturonic acid and cell walls by PG isozyme 2 (PG2) under conditions widely adopted in the literature (pH 4.5 and containing Na+) and under conditions approximating the apoplastic environment of tomato fruit (pH 6.0 and K+ as the predominate cation). The pH optima for PG2 in the presence of K+ were 1.5 and 0.5 units higher for the hydrolysis of polygalacturonic acid and cell walls, respectively, compared with activity in the presence of Na+. Increasing K+ concentration stimulated pectin solubilization at pH 4.5 but had little influence at pH 6.0. Pectin depolymerization by PG2 was extensive at pH values from 4.0 to 5.0 and was further enhanced at high K+ levels. Oligomers were abundant products in in vitro reactions at pH 4.0 to 5.0, decreased sharply at pH 5.5, and were negligible at pH 6.0. EDTA stimulated PG-mediated pectin solubilization at pH 6.0 but did not promote oligomer production. Ca2+ suppressed PG-mediated pectin release at pH 4.5 yet had minimal influence on the proportional recovery of oligomers. Extensive pectin breakdown in processed tomato might be explained in part by cation- and low-pH-induced stimulation of PG and other wall-associated enzymes.


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Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) has two isozymes of the cyanogenic β-glucosidase dhurrinase: dhurrinase-1 (Dhr1) and dhurrinase-2 (Dhr2). A nearly full-length cDNA encoding dhurrinase was isolated from 4-d-old etiolated seedlings and sequenced. The cDNA has a 1695-nucleotide-long open reading frame, which codes for a 565-amino acid-long precursor and a 514-amino acid-long mature protein, respectively. Deduced amino acid sequence of the sorghum Dhr showed 70% identity with two maize (Zea mays) β-glucosidase isozymes. Southern-blot data suggested that β-glu-cosidase is encoded by a small multigene family in sorghum. Northern-blot data indicated that the mRNA corresponding to the cloned Dhr cDNA is present at high levels in the node and upper half of the mesocotyl in etiolated seedlings but at low levels in the root—only in the zone of elongation and the tip region. Light-grown seedling parts had lower levels of Dhr mRNA than those of etiolated seedlings. Immunoblot analysis performed using maize-anti-β-glucosidase sera detected two distinct dhurrinases (57 and 62 kD) in sorghum. The distribution of Dhr activity in different plant parts supports the mRNA and immunoreactive protein data, suggesting that the cloned cDNA corresponds to the Dhr1 (57 kD) isozyme and that the dhr1 gene shows organ-specific expression.


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The highest concentrations of prostaglandins in nature are found in the Caribbean gorgonian Plexaura homomalla. Depending on its geographical location, this coral contains prostaglandins with typical mammalian stereochemistry (15S-hydroxy) or the unusual 15R-prostaglandins. Their metabolic origin has remained the subject of mechanistic speculations for three decades. Here, we report the structure of a type of cyclooxygenase (COX) that catalyzes transformation of arachidonic acid into 15R-prostaglandins. Using a homology-based reverse transcriptase–PCR strategy, we cloned a cDNA corresponding to a COX protein from the R variety of P. homomalla. The deduced peptide sequence shows 80% identity with the 15S-specific coral COX from the Arctic soft coral Gersemia fruticosa and ≈50% identity to mammalian COX-1 and COX-2. The predicted tertiary structure shows high homology with mammalian COX isozymes having all of the characteristic structural units and the amino acid residues important in catalysis. Some structural differences are apparent around the peroxidase active site, in the membrane-binding domain, and in the pattern of glycosylation. When expressed in Sf9 cells, the P. homomalla enzyme forms a 15R-prostaglandin endoperoxide together with 11R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and 15R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid as by-products. The endoperoxide gives rise to 15R-prostaglandins and 12R-hydroxyheptadecatrienoic acid, identified by comparison to authentic standards. Evaluation of the structural differences of this 15R-COX isozyme should provide new insights into the substrate binding and stereospecificity of the dioxygenation reaction of arachidonic acid in the cyclooxygenase active site.


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We have devised a microspectroscopic strategy for assessing the intracellular (re)distribution and the integrity of the primary structure of proteins involved in signal transduction. The purified proteins are fluorescent-labeled in vitro and reintroduced into the living cell. The localization and molecular state of fluorescent-labeled protein kinase C beta I isozyme were assessed by a combination of quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, and novel determinations of fluorescence resonance energy transfer based on photobleaching digital imaging microscopy. The intensity and fluorescence resonance energy transfer efficiency images demonstrate the rapid nuclear translocation and ensuing fragmentation of protein kinase C beta I in BALB/c3T3 fibroblasts upon phorbol ester stimulation, and suggest distinct, compartmentalized roles for the regulatory and catalytic fragments.