993 resultados para Ism, Atoms
Using the Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) method we calculate with 9 configuration state functions the correlation energy as well as the total energy of the lowest J = 0 ground state of all two-electron systems from H- to Thorium (Z = 90). A comparison with experimental data, which are available only in the low Z region, shows a very good agreement.
It is found that the electric dipole polarizabilities of neutral atoms correlate very strongly with their first ionization potential within the groups of elements with the same angular momenta of the outermost electrons. As the latter values are known very accurately, this allows a very good (<30%) prediction of various atomic polarizabilities.
Multiconfiguration relativistic Dirac-Fock (MCDF) values have been computed for the first four ionization potentials (IPs) of element 104 (unnilquadium) and of the other group 4 elements (Ti, Zr, and Hf). Factors were calculated that allowed correction of the systematic errors between the MCDF IPs and the experimental IPs. Single "experimental" IPs evaluated in eV (to ± 0.1 eV) for element 104 are: [104(0),6.5]; [104( 1 + ),14.8]; [104(2 + ),23.8]; [104(3 + ),31.9]. Multiple experimental IPs evaluated in eV for element 104 are: [(0-2+ ),21.2±0.2]; [(0-3+ ),45.1 ±0.2]; [(0-4+ ),76.8±0.3].Our MCDF results track 11 of the 12 experimental single IPs studied for group 4 atoms and ions. The exception is Hf( 2 + ). We submit our calculated IP of 22.4 ± 0.2 eV as much more accurate than the value of 23.3 eV derived from experiment.
I have investigated the effect of the nuclear motion on the energy eigenvalues in muonic atoms. In addition to the usually used reduced-mass correction, I have calculated the relativistic influences including the magnetic and retardation interaction between the nucleus and the muon for the inner orbitals of muonic atoms.
Multiconfiguration relativistic Dirac-Fock (MCDF) values were calculated for the first five ionization potentials of element 105 (unnilpentium) and of the other group 5b elements (V, Nb, and Ta). Some of these ionization potentials in electron volts (eV) with uncertainties are: 105(0), 7.4±0.4; 105(1 +), 16.3 ±0.2; 105(2 +), 24.3 ± 0.2; 105(3 + ), 34.9 ± 0.5; and 105(4 + ), 44.9 ± 0.1. Ionization potentials for Ta(1+), Ta(2 +), and Ta(3 + ) were also calculated. Accurate experimental values for these ionization potentials are not available. Ionic radii are presented for the 2+, 3+, 4 +, and 5+ ions of element 105 and for the + 2 ions of vanadium and niobium. These radii for vanadium and niobium are not available elsewhere. The ionization potentials and ionic radii obtained are used to determine some standard electrode potentials for element 105. Born-Haber cycles and a form of the Born equation for the Gibbs free energy of hydration of ions were used to calculate the standard electrode potentials.
La materia está formada de átomos y su estudio es parte de la química. Nuestro conocimiento de cómo se comportan los átomos y otras partículas se utiliza para la elaboración de productos químicos, en la investigación médica, en la generación de energía, y en la ingeniería.
The computational approach to the Hirshfeld [Theor. Chim. Acta 44, 129 (1977)] atom in a molecule is critically investigated, and several difficulties are highlighted. It is shown that these difficulties are mitigated by an alternative, iterative version, of the Hirshfeld partitioning procedure. The iterative scheme ensures that the Hirshfeld definition represents a mathematically proper information entropy, allows the Hirshfeld approach to be used for charged molecules, eliminates arbitrariness in the choice of the promolecule, and increases the magnitudes of the charges. The resulting "Hirshfeld-I charges" correlate well with electrostatic potential derived atomic charges
The method of extracting effective atomic orbitals and effective minimal basis sets from molecular wave function characterizing the state of an atom in a molecule is developed in the framework of the "fuzzy" atoms. In all cases studied, there were as many effective orbitals that have considerable occupation numbers as orbitals in the classical minimal basis. That is considered to be of high conceptual importance
The energy decomposition scheme proposed in a recent paper has been realized by performing numerical integrations. The sample calculations carried out for some simple molecules show excellent agreement with the chemical picture of molecules, indicating that such an energy decomposition analysis can be useful from the point of view of connecting quantum mechanics with the genuine chemical concepts
The total energy of molecule in terms of 'fuzzy atoms' presented as sum of one- and two-atomic energy components is described. The divisions of three-dimensional physical space into atomic regions exhibit continuous transition from one to another. The energy components are on chemical energy scale according to proper definitions. The Becke's integration scheme and weight function determines realization of method which permits effective numerical integrations
The rate coefficients for the reaction between atomic chlorine and a number of naturally occurring species have been measured at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure using the relative rate technique. The values obtained were (4.0 ± 0.8) × 10-10, (2.1 ± 0.5) × 10-10, (3.2 ± 0.5) × 10-10, and (4.9 ± 0.5) × 10-10 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, for reactions with isoprene, methyl vinyl ketone, methacrolein and δ3-carene, respectively. The value obtained for isoprene compares favourably with previously reported values. No values have been reported to date for the rate constants of the other reactions.
Aerial oxidation of the novel homocyclic tetratin species [{SnAr2}3SnArBr] (1) [1] (Ar C6H3Et2-2,6) affords the tritin heterocycle [O{Sn(C6H3Et2-2,6)2}3] (2), which has been crystallographically characterised; 2 is the first reported oxatristannacyclobutane, and the first heterocyclic tin species having both tintin and tinheteroatom bonds.
While the accounting academy has contributed in important ways to furthering our understanding of the relative absence of women in top positions in Professional Service Firms, in-depth empirical research that focuses specifically on sexism is rare, especially so from a cross-national perspective. Drawing on sixty interviews with women partners in public accountancy firms in Germany and the United Kingdom, this article examines how women partners talk about sexism and equal opportunities in the accountancy profession and considers how these narratives are patterned cross-nationally. Employing cultural theory, this study explores how elite women discursively relate to sexism and equal opportunities through their career histories and demonstrates the complex interrelation between the context in which these narratives are produced and the past and present positions of the respondents. Interestingly, it was the German respondents who drew on problematic notions of ‘choice’ and responsibility, where it was upon women to make a choice between their careers and home lives, while this decision-making process was not expected from men. This was in contrast to the accounts of the UK participants who, although also unveiling tensions in their talk, were more inclined to acknowledge continuing structural constraints.
An article about the electronic musician Holly Herndon. Lina Džuverović locates Holly Herndon’s ‘voice-body’ at the intersection of feminist vocalisations, accelerationist politics and the networks and surveillance of digital life.