547 resultados para Isaak Plessner


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Introduction: much studies regarding risk factors associated with oral cancer. Factors such as smoking and alcohol and solar radiation are well established, but others, such as bacterial influence in the development or progression of a tumor still remain unexplained. Interest in the possible relationship between bacteria and different stages of cancer development has increased since the classification of H. pylori by the WHO as a definite carcinogen. Subsequently, links between infection and the onset of cancer in various sites in the body were discovered. Review of literature: this literature review attempts to show the influence of poor oral hygiene, with consequent bacterial accumulation as a possible important risk factor for the initiation and development of mouth cancer, and correlate the possible mechanisms by which bacteria can initiate or promote carcinogenesis. Conclusion: there is much evidence that bacteria in the oral cavity and periodontopathic are present in tumor tissue, however, still can not affirm that these bacteria initiate or promote carcinogenesis.


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A utilização de compostos naturais na medicina de populações tradicionais é uma realidade em todo o mundo e o cerrado brasileiro apresenta grande diversidade de vegetais com uso potencial no tratamento de infecções por microrganismos oportunistas. Esse estudo avaliou a atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos vegetais do cerrado brasileiro sobre microrganismos oportunistas e superinfectantes. Nos testes foram preparados extratos hidroalcoólicos e aquosos de 22 espécies de plantas utilizadas nas regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste como parte da medicina popular. Esses extratos foram testados sobre Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 19433 e Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145 e dez isolados clínicos de cada uma dessas espécies microbianas. Inicialmente foi realizada uma triagem para se determinar a atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos. Em seguida, foram realizados testes para avaliar a maior diluição inibitória dos extratos por meio do método de diluição em caldo e testes de atividade inibitória em biofilme. Os resultados demonstraram que embora aproximadamente 20% de todos os extratos mostraram atividade inibitória sobre algum dos microrganismos alvo, os mais ativos foram os extratos aquosos e hidroalcoólicos de araçá e aroeira, se mostrando ativos frente a todos os microrganismos.


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Fundação do Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Anachoresis is the phenomenon through which blood-borne bacteria, dyes, pigments and other materials are attracted and fixed to circumscribed areas of inflammation. This study evaluated the occurrence of anachoresis in the periapical region of dogs submitted to root canal fillings. One hundred and four roots from four dogs were endodontically treated and root canals were filled with zinc-oxide-eugenol cement. Fifty percent were filled up to the dentinocemental junction and the others were overfilled. At 120 days after root canal treatment, experimental bacteremia was induced by intravenous inoculation of 105 CFU Streptococcus pyogenes. The dogs were sacrificed 48 hours and 30 days after the bacteremia. Culture and DNA amplification by PCR revealed the presence of the inoculated bacteria just in periapical tissues of dogs sacrificed 48 hours after bacteremia and not in animals sacrificed after 30 days. AP-PCR fingerprints of recovered colonies of S. pyogenes and the presence of genetic markers of resistance to antimicrobials were similar to the inoculated strain. Endodontically treated periapices seemed to be prone to the occurrence of anachoresis and there was no relationship between the phenomenon and the level of root canal filling.


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O câncer é um problema de saúde pública mundial, com destaque para a incidência do câncer de cabeça e pescoço, em função da biologia das lesões, custo do tratamento, acompanhamento e ônus social. Seus tratamentos mais utilizados como a cirurgia e radioterapia, apresentam sérios efeitos colaterais de curto e longo prazo, cujo é são complexo. As principais orientações e cuidados no tratamento do câncer de cabeça e pescoço foram obtidos através de revisão de literatura sistemática em bases de dados públicas. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi mostrar os principais cuidados na prevenção e tratamento das sequelas da radioterapia desse tipo de câncer. Nesse particular, observa-se a necessidade de um protocolo de enfermagem-odontologia, visto a complexidade e a falta de direcionamento das normas do Sistema Único de Saúde, além da responsabilidade dos cuidados desses pacientes, que ficam a cargo da equipe de saúde, atendendo as suas reais necessidades, tanto pessoais, psicológicas e fisiológicas.


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This study evaluated the oral conditions of 50 cancer patients undergoing head and neck radiotherapy (RT). Clinical examinations were performed before treatment, immediately after 30 days after RT and 6 months after conclusion of RT. Periodontal conditions were evaluated using the criteria of the Periodontal Screening and Recording (SRP) and the need for dental treatment were determined. The presence of xerostomia, mucositis and other side effects of RT were also evaluated. Soon after the beginning of RT, the irradiated patients of radiotherapy developed severe mucositis, dermatitis, dysgeusia, xerostomia and, to a lesser extent, candidosis. After completion of radiotherapy, 68% of patients had level III or IV mucositis. It was found that the development of mucositis hinders oral hygiene and these factors contribute to exacerbate inflammation of periodontal tissues. The data from this study evidenced that the main cause of desertion of RT and of severity of sequelae of RT depends on the oral conditions of patients before starting treatment and the absence of previous dental treatment prior RT.


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Fundação do Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Drug addiction won dramatic aspects in terms of its dimensions and the effects that it imposes. These chemical agents are able to reduce the immune reactivity and tissue repair, and enhance microbial aggression, aggravating the destruction of the periodontium and other side effects. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of key periodontal pathogens in the mouth of drug addiction patients, comparing it with individuals who do not exhibit this dependence, as well as assess the influence of oral conditions on the occurrence of such microorganisms. For this purpose, data on systemic health conditions, socioeconomic, patterns of licit or illicit drug consumption of 100 patients with chemical dependency kept in rehabilitation clinics and an equal number of non-dependent patients, who formed the control group were obtained. Intra and extraoral clinical examinations were performed and samples of supragingival and subgingival biofilm, saliva and mucous membranes were collected. The presence of the targeted microorganism was assessed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It was found that Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola showed close correlation with bone loss and gingival bleeding in drug addiction dependents and control group, but the oral mucous membranes and saliva of addicts showed higher occurrence of these pathogens.


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Introduction: much studies regarding risk factors associated with oral cancer. Factors such as smoking and alcohol and solar radiation are well established, but others, such as bacterial influence in the development or progression of a tumor still remain unexplained. Interest in the possible relationship between bacteria and different stages of cancer development has increased since the classification of H. pylori by the WHO as a definite carcinogen. Subsequently, links between infection and the onset of cancer in various sites in the body were discovered. Review of literature: this literature review attempts to show the influence of poor oral hygiene, with consequent bacterial accumulation as a possible important risk factor for the initiation and development of mouth cancer, and correlate the possible mechanisms by which bacteria can initiate or promote carcinogenesis. Conclusion: there is much evidence that bacteria in the oral cavity and periodontopathic are present in tumor tissue, however, still can not affirm that these bacteria initiate or promote carcinogenesis.


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Mit dem vorliegenden Buch verfolgt der Autor vor allem drei Ziele: Das erste besteht darin, die anthropologischen Überlegungen, die sich in konzentrierter Form vor allem in den frühen Hauptwerken von Martin Heidegger und Jean-Paul Sartre finden, herauszulösen, zu systematisieren und zu einem einheitlichen anthropologischen Gedankengefüge zu vernetzen. In einem zweiten Schritt soll dieses Gefüge durch eigene Überlegungen ergänzt und in Auseinandersetzung mit Helmuth Plessner und Karl Jaspers weiterentwickelt werden. Drittens schließlich sollen vor diesem Hintergrund Grundlagen einer »strukturhermeneutischen Anthropologie« ausgearbeitet werden, die ein hermeneutisches Instrumentarium für die Aufklärung der unbedingten persönlichen Geltung kultureller Bindung bereitstellen können und von eigenen identitätstheoretischen Grundüberlegungen getragen werden. Da im fokussierten Zusammenhang kultureller Bindung und interkultureller Auseinandersetzung die Fragen nach dem menschlichen Selbstverhältnis und den Möglichkeiten sowie Bedingungen des Fremdverstehens eine wichtige Rolle spielen, sollen dabei nicht nur die hermeneutischen Aspekte der erörterten anthropologischen Positionen in den Blick genommen werden, sondern auch die damit unmittelbar verknüpften Fragen der Sinn- und Identitätsbildung. In kulturphilosophischer Hinsicht soll ein zentrales Ergebnis der Arbeit sein, anthropologische Eckpunkte menschlichen Entwerfens und Mechanismen der kulturellen Sinn- und Identitätsstiftung herauszuarbeiten, um der Analyse kultureller Bindung sowohl ein anthropologisches als auch ein hermeneutisches Fundament zu geben.


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Diese Ausarbeitung zeigt Strukturen des menschlichen Miteinander im Rahmen einer systematisch-komparatistischen Annäherung ´auf dem Weg zum Anderen´ vor dem Hintergrund von Musils Roman ´Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften´ auf; sie verweist auf die Gefahren des zunehmend selbstzentrierten Identitätsdenkens, indem sie mit Blick auf den Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts eine Auswahl philosophischer Denker aus dieser Zeit auf Grundlage einer poetischen Orientierung in ein Gespräch geführt, das damals in Wirklichkeit leider nicht stattgefunden hat: Ulrich, der Protagonist des Romans, übernimmt in dieser Ausarbeitung neben der poetisch-orientierenden Funktion die Rolle des Begleiters; er leitet den Leser durch die Arbeit und verbindet ´auf dem Weg zum Anderen´ philosophische Richtungen mit Musils Roman. Mit der Metapher vom ´Konflikt der beiden Bäume´, den Ulrich in sich bemerkt, beginnt der ´Weg zum Anderen´: Unter beiden Bäumen wird menschlichem Miteinander nachgespürt,indem phänomenologische Ansätze dargestellt, analysiert und komparatistisch betrachtet werden. Der ´Baum des harten Gewirrs´ steht für distanziertes Erkennen; Husserls Intentionalität und Intersubjektivität führen in ein ´Konzert einsamer Monaden´. Der ´Baum der Schatten und Träume´ - repräsentiert durch Klages - steht für verschmelzend mystisch-pathisches Erleben, das Menschen ebenfalls isoliert. Eine Verbindung der beiden Bäume erfolgt in der ´Begegnung zwischen den Bäumen´ im menschlichen Miteinander von Ulrich und seiner Schwester Agathe; hier gedeiht – um im Bild zu bleiben – der ´Baum des Lebens´ auf dem Boden der ´Notwendigkeit des Du für das Ich´. Dieser Baum wird vorgestellt hinsichtlich seiner Verwurzelung: Ansätze Feuerbachs, Diltheys und Plessners verweisen auf Gemeinschaftlichkeit, Geschichtlichkeit und Exzentrizität des Menschen. Daran schließt sich die Analyse der Struktur des Baumes an: Hier verweist Löwiths Ansatz auf die im Menschen angelegte ontologisch-konstitutionelle Zweideutigkeit. In der Krone des ´Lebensbaumes´ suchen die Dialogiker Buber, Rosenzweig und Rosenstock-Huessy nach Gleichursprünglichkeit in der ´Sphäre des Zwischen´ und beschreiten den Weg von der Menschwerdung in der ´Sphäre des Zwischen´ zu einer gelebten voraussetzungsvollen Mitmenschlichkeit im Horizont gesprochener Sprache. Komparatistische Betrachtungen offenbaren divergierende Tendenzen, die im Resümee verdichtet aufgezeigt werden: Unter philosophisch-inhaltlichem Aspekt wird dargestellt, warum Menschen ´unter beiden Bäumen´ in einsamer Beschränktheit und Endlichkeit verharren, während sie in ´Begegnung zwischen den Bäumen´ - im menschlichen Miteinander - Freiheit und Unendlichkeit erlangen: ´Haltung versus Eingebundenheit´ entscheidet über isoliertes oder gelingendes Leben. Unter philosophisch-kulturwissenschaftlichem Aspekt werden Spuren in Musils Roman ´Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften´ aufgedeckt, die vermuten lassen, Musil habe über seinen Roman Dialogisches Denken ´inkognito´ vermitteln wollen; die darin erweckte Sehnsucht nach menschlichem Miteinander gilt es, im Leben zu verantworten – zwischen Menschen, konkret und immer wieder...


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To describe biochemical relapse-free survival (BRFS) and late toxicity after combined high-dose rate brachytherapy (HDR-B) and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in intermediate- and high-risk prostate cancer patients.