1000 resultados para Iron hydroxide


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A novel composite material based on deposition of nanosized zero-valent iron (nZVI) particles on acid-leached diatomite was synthesised for the removal of a chlorinated contaminant in water. The nZVI /diatomite composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Compared with the pure nZVI particles, better dispersion of nZVI particles on the surface or inside the pores of diatom shells was observed. The herbicide simazine was selected as the model chlorinated contaminant and the removal efficiency by nZVI /diatomite composite was compared with that of the pristine nZVI and commercial iron powder. It was found that the diatomite supported nZVI composite material prepared by centrifugation exhibits relatively better efficient activity in decomposition of simazine than commercial Fe, lab synthesized nZVI and composite material prepared via rotary evaporation, and the optimum experimental conditions were obtained based on a series of batch experiments. This study on immobilizing nZVI particles onto diatomite opens a new avenue for the practical application of nZVI and the diatomite-supported nanosized zero-valent iron composite materials have potential applications in environmental remediation.


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We have studied the molecular structure of the mineral glaucocerinite (Zn,Cu)5Al3(SO4)1.5(OH)16�9(H2O) using a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The mineral is one of the hydrotalcite supergroup of natural layered double hydroxides. The Raman spectrum is characterised by an intense Raman band at 982 cm�1 with a low intensity band at 1083 cm�1. These bands are attributed to the sulphate symmetric and antisymmetric stretching mode. The infrared spectrum is quite broad with a peak at 1020 cm�1. A series of Raman bands at 546, 584, 602, 625 and 651 cm�1 are assigned to the m4 (SO4)2� bending modes. The observation of multiple bands provides evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion from Td to C2v or even lower symmetry. The Raman band at 762 cm�1 is attributed to a hydroxyl deformation mode associated with AlOH units. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects of the molecular structure of glaucocerinite to be determined.


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Novel nano zero-valent iron/palygorskite composite materials prepared by evaporative and centrifuge methods are tested for the degradation of bisphenol A in an aqueous medium. A systematic study is presented which showed that nano zero-valent iron material has little effect on bisphenol A degradation. When hydrogen peroxide was added to initiate the reaction, some percentage of bisphenol A removal (∼20%) was achieved; however, with the aid of air bubbles, the percentage removal can be significantly increased to ∼99%. Compared with pristine nano zero-valent iron and commercial iron powder, nano zero-valent iron/palygorskite composite materials have much higher reactivity towards bisphenol A and these materials are superior as they have little impact on the solution pH. However, for pristine nano zero-valent iron, it is difficult to maintain the reaction system at a favourable low pH which is a key factor in maintaining high bisphenol A removal. All materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The optimum conditions were obtained based on a series of batch experiments. This study has extended the application of nano zero-valent iron/palygorskite composites as effective materials for the removal of phenolic compounds from the environment.


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The removal of fluoride using red mud has been improved by acidifying red mud with hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acid. This investigation shows that the removal of fluoride using red mud is significantly improved if red mud is initially acidified. The acidification of red mud causes sodalite and cancrinite phases to dissociate, confirmed by the release of sodium and aluminium into solution as well as the disappearance of sodalite bands and peaks in infrared and X-ray diffraction data. The dissolution of these mineral phases increases the amount of available iron and aluminium oxide/hydroxide sites that are accessible for the adsorption of fluoride. The removal of fluoride is dependent on the charge of iron and aluminium oxide/hydroxides on the surface of red mud. Acidifying red mud with hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acid resulted in surface sites of the form ≡ SOH2+ and ≡ SOH. Optimum removal is obtained when the majority of surface sites are in the form ≡ SOH2+ as the substitution of a fluoride ion doesn’t cause a significant increase in pH. This investigation shows the importance of having a low and consistent pH for the removal of fluoride from aqueous solutions using red mud.


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Bauxite refinery residues are derived from the Bayer process by the digestion of crushed bauxite in concentrated caustic at elevated temperatures. Chemically, it comprises, in varying amounts (depending upon the composition of the starting bauxite), oxides of iron and titanium, residual alumina, sodalite, silica, and minor quantities of other metal oxides. Bauxite residues are being neutralised by seawater in recent years to reduce the alkalinity in bauxite residue, through the precipitation of hydrotalcite-like compounds and some other Mg, Ca, and Al hydroxide and carbonate minerals. A combination of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrational spectroscopy techniques, including mid-infrared (IR), Raman, near-infrared (NIR), and UV-Visible, have been used to characterise bauxite residue and seawater neutralised bauxite residue. Both the ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) ions within bauxite residue can be identified by their characteristic NIR bands, where ferrous ions produce a strong absorption band at around 9000 cm-1, while ferric ions produce two strong bands at 25000 and 14300 cm-1. The presence of adsorbed carbonate and hydroxide anions can be identified at around 5200 and 7000 cm-1, respectively, attributed to the 2nd overtone of the 1st fundamental overtones observed in the mid-IR spectra. The complex bands in the Raman and mid-IR spectra around 3500 cm-1 are assigned to the OH stretching vibrations of the various oxides present in bauxite residue, and water. The combination of carbonate and hydroxyl units and their fundamental overtones give rise to many of the features of the NIR spectra.


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Tricalcium aluminate, hydrocalumite and residual lime have been identified as reversion contributing compounds after the seawater neutralisation of bauxite refinery residues. The formation of these compounds during the neutralisation process is dependent on the concentration of residual lime, pH and aluminate concentrations in the residue slurry. Therefore, the effect of calcium hydroxide (CaOH2) in bauxite refinery liquors was analysed and the degree of reversion monitored. This investigation found that the dissolution of tricalcium aluminate, hydrocalumite and CaOH2 caused reversion and continued to increase the pH of the neutralised residue until a state of equilibrium was reached at a solution pH of 10.5. The dissolution mechanism for each compound has been described and used to demonstrate the implications that this has on reversion in seawater neutralised Bayer liquor. This investigation describes the limiting factors for the dissolution and formation of these trigger compounds as well as confirming the formation of Bayer hydrotalcite (mixture of Mg6Al2(OH)16(CO32-,SO42-)•xH2O and Mg8Al2(OH)12(CO32-,SO42-)•xH2O) as the primary mechanism for reducing reversion during the neutralisation process. This knowledge then allowed for a simple but effective method (addition of magnesium chloride or increased seawater to Bayer liquor ratio) to be devised to reduce reversion occurring after the neutralisation of Bayer liquors. Both methods utilise the formation of Bayer hydrotalcite to permanently (stable in neutralised residue) remove hydroxyl (OH-) and aluminate (Al(OH)4-) ions from solution.


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The mineral sturmanite is a hydrated calcium iron aluminium manganese sulphate tetrahydroxoborate hydroxide of formula Ca6(Fe, Al, Mn)2(SO4)2(B(OH)4)(OH)12•26H2O. We have studied the mineral sturmanite using a number of techniques, including SEM with EPMA and vibrational spectroscopy. Chemical analysis shows a homogeneous phase, composed by Ca, Fe, Mn, S, Al and Si. B is not determined in this EPMA technique. An intense Raman band at 990 cm−1 is assigned to the SO42− symmetric stretching mode. Raman spectroscopy identifies multiple sulphate symmetric stretching modes in line with the three sulphate crystallographically different sites. Raman spectroscopy also identifies a band at 1069 cm−1 which may be attributed to a carbonate symmetric stretching mode, indicating the presence of thaumasite. Infrared spectra display two bands at 1080 and 1107 cm−1 assigned to the SO42− antisymmetric stretching modes. The observation of multiple bands in this ν4 spectral region offers evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion from Td to C2v or even lower symmetry. The Raman band at 3622 cm−1 is assigned to the OH unit stretching vibration and the broad feature at around 3479 cm−1 to water stretching bands. Infrared spectroscopy shows a set of broad overlapping bands in the OH stretching region. Vibrational spectroscopy enables an assessment of the molecular structure of sturmanite to be made.


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The possibility to control the morphology and nucleation density of quasi-one-dimensional, single-crystalline α -Fe2 O3 nanostructures by varying the electric potential of iron surfaces exposed to reactive oxygen plasmas is demonstrated experimentally. A systematic increase in the oxygen ion flux through rf biasing of otherwise floating substrates and then an additional increase of the ion/neutral density resulted in remarkable structural transformations of straight nanoneedles into nanowires with controlled tapering/aspect ratio and also in larger nucleation densities. Multiscale numerical simulations relate the microscopic ion flux topographies to the nanostructure nucleation and morphological evolution. This approach is applicable to other metal-oxide nanostructures.


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An innovative approach to precise tailoring of surface density, shapes, and sizes of single-crystalline α-Fe 2O 3 nanowires and nanobelts by controlling interactions of reactive oxygen plasma-generated species with the Fe surface is proposed. This strongly nonequilibrium, rapid, almost incubation-free, high-rate growth directly from the solid-solid interface can also be applied to other oxide materials and is based on deterministic control of the density of oxygen species and the surface conditions, which determine the nanostructure nucleation and growth.


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This study reports the synthesis, characterization and application of nano zero-valent iron (nZVI). The nZVI was produced by a reduction method and compared with commercial available ZVI powder for Pb2+ removal from aqueous phase. Comparing with commercial ZVI, the laboratory made nZVI powder has a much higher specific surface area. XRD patterns have revealed zero valent iron phases in two ZVI materials. Different morphologies have been observed using SEM and TEM techniques. EDX spectrums revealed even distribution of Pb on surface after reaction. The XPS analysis has confirmed that immobilized lead was present in its zero-valent and bivalent forms. ‘Core-shell’ structure of prepared ZVI was revealed based on combination of XRD and XPS characterizations. In addition, comparing with Fluka ZVI, this lab made nZVI has much higher reactivity towards Pb2+ and within just 15 mins 99.9% removal can be reached. This synthesized nano ZVI material has shown great potential for heavy metal immobilization from waste water.


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Nano Zero valent iron (Fe0) were reported as an effective material for azo dye removal, however, similar to other nano-materials, ultra-fine powder has a strong tendency to agglomerate into larger particles, resulting in an adverse effect on both effective surface area and catalyst performance. Here we report nano sized Fe0 particles dispersed onto the surface of natural bentonites. X-ray diffraction was used to study the sample phases. Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were applied to study the morphology and morphological changes. Spherical individual Fe0 particles were observed after dispersion onto bentonites, and these samples were used for orange II (OII) decolourization with wide working pH range. Higher reactivity is attributed to good dispersion of Fe0 particles on clay minerals’ surface. This study is significant for providing novel modified clay based catalyst materials for the decolourization of azo dye contaminants from wastewater.


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The ligands G1- and G2-oligo (benzyl ether) (PBE) dendrons and their iron(II) complexes [Fe(Gn-PBE)3]A2·xH2O (with n = 1, 2 and A = triflate, tosylate) were prepared. The magnetic properties of the complexes were investigated by a SQUID magnetometer. All complexes exhibit gradual spin transition below room temperature. At very low temperatures the magnetic behaviour reflects zero-field splitting (ZFS) effects. 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy was performed to distinguish between ZFS of high spin species and spin state conversion into the low spin state. Further characterisation was carried out by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and FT-IR spectroscopy. Structural features have been determined by powder XRD measurements.


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The dendritic triazole-based complexes \[Fe(G1-BOC)3](triflate) 2·xH2O (1; G1-BOC = tert-butyl {3-\[3-(3-tert- butoxycarbonylaminopropyl)-5-(\[1,2,4]triazol-4-ylcarbamoyl)-phenyl]propyl} carbamate, triflate = CF3SO3-), \[Fe(G1-BOC) 3]-(tosylate)2·xH2O(2;tosylate = p-CH3PhSO3-),\[Fe(G1-DPBE)3]-(triflate) 2·xH2O {3; G1-DPBE = 3,5-bis(3,5- didodecaoxybenzyloxy)-N-\[1,2,4]triazol-4-ylbenzamide}, \[Fe(G1-DPBE) 3]-(tosylate)2·xH2O (4) and \[Fe(G1-DPBE)3](BF4)2·xH2O (5) were designed and synthesized. Magnetic and thermal properties of these novel complexes were characterized by magnetic susceptibility measurements, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis or differential scanning calorimetry, respectively. All dendritic complexes under study show different spin-transition behaviour with respect to the nature of different dendritic ligands and counteranions. Complexes 1 and 2 have pronounced effects of a spin-state change during the first heating process and gradual spintransition properties for further temperature treatments, whereas 3 and 4 exhibited a very sharp spin-state change in the first heating procedures. Complex 5 showed a gradual spin-transition curve. In this paper, we report how the magnetic properties of these complexes are correlated with noncoordinated water molecules and their effects on spin states.


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Technological modernization is widely believed to contribute positively both to economic development and to environmental and resource conservation, through improvements in productivity and strengthening of business competitiveness. However, this may not always be true, particularly in the short term, as it requires substantial investments and may impose financial burdens on firms undertaking such investments. This study empirically examines the effects of technological modernization in China's iron and steel industry in the 1990s on conventional economic productivity (CEP) and environmentally sensitive productivities (ESPs). We employ a directional distance function that can handle multiple inputs and outputs to compute relative production efficiencies. We apply these models to the data covering 27 iron and steel firms in China between 1990 and 1999-a period when the Chinese iron and steel industry modernized rapidly. We find that ESPs have continuously improved, even in the period when the CEP declined.