992 resultados para Intracellular Ph


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Acidification of ocean surface waters by anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is a currently developing scenario that warrants a broadening of research foci in the study of acid-base physiology. Recent studies working with environmentally relevant CO2 levels, indicate that some echinoderms and molluscs reduce metabolic rates, soft tissue growth and calcification during hypercapnic exposure. In contrast to all prior invertebrate species studied so far, growth trials with the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis found no indication of reduced growth or calcification performance during long-term exposure to 0.6 kPa CO2. It is hypothesized that the differing sensitivities to elevated seawater pCO2 could be explained by taxa specific differences in acid-base regulatory capacity. In this study, we examined the acid-base regulatory ability of S. officinalis in vivo, using a specially modified cannulation technique as well as 31P NMR spectroscopy. During acute exposure to 0.6 kPa CO2, S. officinalis rapidly increased its blood [HCO3] to 10.4 mM through active ion-transport processes, and partially compensated the hypercapnia induced respiratory acidosis. A minor decrease in intracellular pH (pHi) and stable intracellular phosphagen levels indicated efficient pHi regulation. We conclude that S. officinalis is not only an efficient acid-base regulator, but is also able to do so without disturbing metabolic equilibria in characteristic tissues or compromising aerobic capacities. The cuttlefish did not exhibit acute intolerance to hypercapnia that has been hypothesized for more active cephalopod species (squid). Even though blood pH (pHe) remained 0.18 pH units below control values, arterial O2 saturation was not compromised in S. officinalis because of the comparatively lower pH sensitivity of oxygen binding to its blood pigment. This raises questions concerning the potentially broad range of sensitivity to changes in acid-base status amongst invertebrates, as well as to the underlying mechanistic origins. Further studies are needed to better characterize the connection between acid-base status and animal fitness in various marine species.


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During the course of infection, Salmonella has to face several potentially lethal environmental conditions, one such being acidic pH. The ability to sense and respond to the acidic pH is crucial for the survival and replication of Salmonella. The physiological role of one gene (STM1485) involved in this response, which is upregulated inside the host cells (by 90- to 113-fold) is functionally characterized in Salmonella pathogenesis. In vitro, the DSTM1485 neither exhibited any growth defect at pH 4.5 nor any difference in the acid tolerance response. The DSTM1485 was compromised in its capacity to proliferate inside the host cells and complementation with STM1485 gene restored its virulence. We further demonstrate that the surface translocation of Salmonella pathogenicity island-2 (SPI-2) encoded translocon proteins, SseB and SseD were reduced in the DSTM1485. The increase in co-localization of this mutant with lysosomes was also observed. In addition, the DSTM1485 displayed significantly reduced competitive indices (CI) in spleen, liver and mesenteric lymph nodes in murine typhoid model when infected by intra-gastric route. Based on these results, we conclude that the acidic pH induced STM1485 gene is essential for intracellular replication of Salmonella.


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A novel polyelectrolyte nanocapsule system composed of biopolymers, chitosan and heparin has been fabricated by the layer-by-layer technique on silica nanoparticles followed by dissolution of the silica core. The nanocapsules were of the size range 200 +/- 20 nm and loaded with the positively charged anticancer drug doxorubicin with an efficiency of 89%. The loading of the drug into the capsule happens by virtue of the pH-responsive property of the capsule wall, which is determined by the pKa of the polyelectrolytes. As the pH is varied, about 64% of the drug is released in acidic pH while 77% is released in neutral pH. The biocompatibility, efficiency of drug loading, and enhanced bioavailability of the capsule system was confirmed by MTT assay and in vivo biodistribution studies.


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Cells of a newly isolated environmental strain of Candida humicola accumulated 10-fold more polyphosphate (polyP), during active growth, when grown in complete glucose-mineral salts medium at pH 5.5 than when grown at pH 7.5. Neither phosphate starvation, nutrient limitation, nor anaerobiosis was required to induce polyP formation. An increase in intracellular polyP was accompanied by a 4.5-fold increase in phosphate uptake from the medium and sixfold-higher levels of cellular polyphosphate kinase activity. This novel accumulation of polyP by C. humicola G-1 in response to acid pH provides further evidence as to the importance of polyP in the physiological adaptation of microbial cells during growth and development and in their response to environmental stresses.


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It is well established that the glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) system is central to the survival of Listeria monocytogenes at low pH, both in acidic foods and within the mammalian stomach. The accepted model proposes that under acidic conditions extracellular glutamate is transported into the cell in exchange for an intracellular gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA(i)). The glutamate is then decarboxylated to GABA(i), a reaction that consumes a proton, thereby helping to prevent acidification of the cytoplasm. In this study, we show that glutamate supplementation had no influence on either growth rate at pH 5.0 or survival at pH 2.5 when L. monocytogenes 10403S was grown in a chemically defined medium (DM). In response to acidification, cells grown in DM failed to efflux GABA, even when glutamate was added to the medium. In contrast, in brain heart infusion (BHI), the same strain produced significant extracellular GABA (GABA(e)) in response to acidification. In addition, high levels of GABA(i) (>80 mM) were found in the cytoplasm in response to low pH in both growth media. Medium-swap and medium-mixing experiments revealed that the GABA efflux apparatus was nonfunctional in DM, even when glutamate was present. It was also found that the GadT2D2 antiporter/decarboxylase system was transcribed poorly in DM-grown cultures while overexpression of gadD1T1 and gadD3 occurred in response to pH 3.5. Interestingly, BHI-grown cells did not respond with upregulation of any of the GAD system genes when challenged at pH 3.5. The accumulation of GABA(i) in cells grown in DM in the absence of extracellular glutamate indicates that intracellular glutamate is the source of the GABA(i). These results demonstrate that GABA production can be uncoupled from GABA efflux, a finding that alters the way we should view the operation of bacterial GAD systems.


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Antibodies can play a protective but non-essential role in natural chlamydial infections dependent on antigen specificity and antibody isotype. IgG is the dominant antibody in both male and female reproductive tract mucosal secretions, and is bi-directionally trafficked across epithelia by the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). Using physiologically relevant pH-polarized epididymal epithelia grown on Transwells®, IgG specifically targeting an extracellular chlamydial antigen; the Major Outer Membrane Protein (MOMP), enhanced uptake and translocation of infection at pH 6-6.5 but not at neutral pH. This was dependent on FcRn expression. Conversely, FcRn-mediated transport of IgG targeting the intracellular chlamydial inclusion membrane protein A (IncA), induced aberrant inclusion morphology, recruited autophagic proteins independent of lysosomes, and significantly reduced infection. Challenge of female mice with MOMP-specific IgG-opsonized C. muridarum delayed infection clearance but exacerbated oviduct occlusion. In male mice, MOMP-IgG elicited by immunization afforded no protection against testicular chlamydial infection, whereas; the transcytosis of IncA-IgG significantly reduced testicular chlamydial burden. Together these data show that the protective and pathological effects of IgG are dependent on FcRn-mediated transport as well as the specificity of IgG for intracellular or extracellular antigens.


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Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries; its characteristic features include chronic inflammation, extra- and intracellular lipid accumulation, extracellular matrix remodeling, and an increase in extracellular matrix volume. The underlying mechanisms in the pathogenesis of advanced atherosclerotic plaques, that involve local acidity of the extracellular fluid, are still incompletely understood. In this thesis project, my co-workers and I studied the different mechanisms by which local extracellular acidity could promote accumulation of the atherogenic apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100)-containing plasma lipoprotein particles in the inner layer of the arterial wall, the intima. We found that lipolysis of atherogenic apoB-100-containing plasma lipoprotein particles (LDL, IDL, and sVLDL) by the secretory phospholipase A2 group V (sPLA2-V) enzyme, was increased at acidic pH. Also, the binding of apoB-100-containing plasma lipoprotein particles to human aortic proteoglycans was dramatically enhanced at acidic pH. Additionally, lipolysis by sPLA2-V enzyme further increased this binding. Using proteoglycan-affinity chromatography, we found that sVLDL lipoprotein particles consist of populations, differing in their affinities toward proteoglycans. These populations also contained different amounts of apolipoprotein E (apoE) and apolipoprotein C-III (apoC-III); the amounts of apoC-III and apoE per particle were highest in the population with the lowest affinity toward proteoglycans. Since PLA2-modification of LDL particles has been shown to change their aggregation behavior, we also studied the effect of acidic pH on the monolayer structure covering lipoprotein particles after PLA2-induced hydrolysis. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we found that, in acidity, the monolayer is more tightly packed laterally; moreover, its spontaneous curvature is negative, suggesting that acidity may promote lipoprotein particles fusion. In addition to extracellular lipid accumulation, the apoB-100-containing plasma lipoprotein particles can be taken up by inflammatory cells, namely macrophages. Using radiolabeled lipoprotein particles and cell cultures, we showed that sPLA2-V-modification of LDL, IDL, and sVLDL lipoproteins particles, at neutral or acidic pH, increased their uptake by human monocyte-derived macrophages.


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The ligand glyoxal bis(4-methyl-4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazone) (GTSCH2) is shown to be a selective fluorescence turn-on sensor for zinc ions (Zn2+). This sensor is easy to synthesize, exhibits excellent sensitivity and selectivity towards Zn2+ over other physiologically relevant cations, and has sub-nanomolar binding affinity. It displays maximum fluorescence response to Zn2+ when the metal/ligand ratio is 1:1 and displays stable fluorescence over a broad pH range. The potential of GTSCH2 to image Zn2+ inside the cell was demonstrated in MCF-7 cells (human breast cancer cell line) by using flow cytometry and confocal fluorescence microscopy. Cell viability studies reveal that the probe is biocompatible and suitable for cellular applications.


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We present herein a short tripeptide sequence (Lys-Phe-Gly or KFG) that is situated in the juxtamembrane region of the tyrosine kinase nerve growth factor (Trk NGF) receptors. KFG self-assembles in water and shows a reversible and concentration-dependent switching of nanostructures from nanospheres (vesicles) to nanotubes, as evidenced by dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. The morphology change was associated with a transition in the secondary structure. The tripeptide vesicles have inner aqueous compartments and are stable at pH7.4 but rupture rapidly at pH approximate to 6. The pH-sensitive response of the vesicles was exploited for the delivery of a chemotherapeutic anticancer drug, doxorubicin, which resulted in enhanced cytotoxicity for both drug-sensitive and drug-resistant cells. Efficient intracellular release of the drug was confirmed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis, fluorescence microscopy, and confocal microscopy.


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We report the fabrication of dual enzyme responsive hollow nanocapsules which can be targeted to deliver anticancer agents specifically inside cancer cells. The enzyme responsive elements, integrated in the nanocapsule walls, undergo degradation in the presence of either trypsin or hyaluronidase leading to the release of encapsulated drug molecules. These nanocapsules, which were crosslinked and functionalised with folic acid, showed minimal drug leakage when kept in pH 7.4 PBS buffer, but released the drug molecules at a rapid rate in the presence of either one of the triggering enzymes. Studies on cellular interactions of these nanocapsules revealed that doxorubicin loaded nanocapsules were taken up by cervical cancer cells via folic acid receptor medicated endocytosis. Interestingly the nanocapsules were able to disintegrate inside the cancer cells and release doxorubicin which then migrated into the nucleus to induce cell death. This study indicates that these nanocapsules fabricated from biopolymers can serve as an excellent platform for targeted intracellular drug delivery to cancer cells.


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Enzyme-and pH-responsive polyelectrolyte nanocapsules having diameters in the range of 200 +/- 20 nm were fabricated by means of Layer-by-Layer assembly of biopolymers, protamine, and heparin, and then loaded with anticancer drug doxorubicin. The incorporation of the FDA-approved peptide drug protamine as a wall component rendered the capsules responsive to enzyme stimuli. The stimuli-responsive drug release from these nanocapsules was evaluated, and further modulation of capsule permeability to avoid premature release was demonstrated by crosslinking the wall components. The interaction of the nanocapsules with cancer cells was studied using MCF-7 breast cancer cells. These capsules were readily internalized and disintegrated inside the cells, culminating in the release of the loaded doxorubicin and subsequent cell death as observed by confocal microscopy and MTT Assay. The bioavailability studies performed using BALB/c mice revealed that the encapsulated doxorubicin exhibited enhanced bioavailability compared to free doxorubicin. Our results indicate that this stimuli-responsive system fabricated from clinically used FDA-approved molecules and exhibiting minimal premature release has great potential for drug-delivery applications.


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Enzyme-and pH-responsive polyelectrolyte nanocapsules having diameters in the range of 200 +/- 20 nm were fabricated by means of Layer-by-Layer assembly of biopolymers, protamine, and heparin, and then loaded with anticancer drug doxorubicin. The incorporation of the FDA-approved peptide drug protamine as a wall component rendered the capsules responsive to enzyme stimuli. The stimuli-responsive drug release from these nanocapsules was evaluated, and further modulation of capsule permeability to avoid premature release was demonstrated by crosslinking the wall components. The interaction of the nanocapsules with cancer cells was studied using MCF-7 breast cancer cells. These capsules were readily internalized and disintegrated inside the cells, culminating in the release of the loaded doxorubicin and subsequent cell death as observed by confocal microscopy and MTT Assay. The bioavailability studies performed using BALB/c mice revealed that the encapsulated doxorubicin exhibited enhanced bioavailability compared to free doxorubicin. Our results indicate that this stimuli-responsive system fabricated from clinically used FDA-approved molecules and exhibiting minimal premature release has great potential for drug-delivery applications.


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Superoxide dismutases are an ubiquitous family of enzymes that function to efficiently catalyze the dismutation of superoxide anions. Two unique and highly compartmentalized bay scallop Argopecten irradians superoxide dismutases: MnSOD and ecCuZnSOD, have been molecularly characterized in our previous study. To complete characterize the SOD family in A. irradians, a novel intracellular copper/zinc SOD from the A. irradians (Ai-icCuZnSOD) was obtained and characterized. The full-length cDNA of Ai-icCuZnSOD was 1047 bp with a 459 bp open reading frame encoding 152 amino acids. The genomic length of the Ai-icCuZnSOD gene was about 4279 bp containing 4 exons and 3 introns. The promoter region containing many putative transcription factor binding sites were analyzed. Furthermore, quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis indicated that the highest expression of the Ai-icCuZnSOD was detected in gill and the expression profiles in hemocytes of bay scallops challenged with bacteria Vibrio anguillarum and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were different. The result presented an increased expression after injection with LPS whereas no significant changes were observed after V. anguillarum injection. A fusion protein containing Ai-icCuZnSOD was produced in vitro. The rAi-icCuZnSOD is a stable enzyme, retaining more than 80% of its activity between 10 and 60 degrees C and keeping above 88% of its activity at pH values between 5.8 and 9. Ai-icCuZnSOD is more stable under alkaline than acidic conditions. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Linear poly(amidoamine)s (PAAs) have been designed to exhibit minimal non-specific toxicity, display pH-dependent membrane lysis and deliver genes and toxins in vitro. The aim of this study was to measure PAA cellular uptake using ISA1-OG (and as a reference ISA23-OG) in B16F10 cells in vitro and, by subcellular fractionation, quantitate intracellular trafficking of (125)I-labelled ISA1-tyr in liver cells after intravenous (i.v.) administration to rats. The effect of time after administration (0.5-3h) and ISA1 dose (0.04-100mg/kg) on trafficking, and vesicle permeabilisation (N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) release from an isolated vesicular fraction) were also studied. ISA1-OG displayed approximately 60-fold greater B16F10 cell uptake than ISA23-OG. Passage of ISA1 along the liver cell endocytic pathway caused a transient decrease in vesicle buoyant density (also visible by TEM). Increasing ISA1 dose from 10mg/kg to 100mg/kg increased both radioactivity and NAG levels in the cytosolic fraction (5-10 fold) at 1h. Moreover, internalised ISA1 provoked NAG release from an isolated vesicular fraction in a dose-dependent manner. These results provide direct evidence, for the first time, of PAA permeabilisation of endocytic vesicular membranes in vivo, and they have important implications for potential efficacy/toxicity of such polymeric vectors.