974 resultados para Internet environment


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit des technologies de l'information"


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de LL.M. Dans le programme de maîtrise en droit"


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Le sujet sur lequel porte la présente étude est inspiré de la problématique à la base du développement du commerce électronique : la confiance. En effet, l’accroissement exponentiel du nombre d’internautes et des sites Web commerciaux pose un sérieux problème à ce niveau. Ces sites présentent au public une information et des services divers, mais peu vérifiables. Ainsi, le principal obstacle au développement du commerce électronique avec les particuliers est le manque de confiance qu’inspirent les lieux visités. En effet, comment savoir si l’entreprise existe, quelles sont ses politiques concernant la sécurité ou la gestion des renseignements personnels, etc. La vérification et la certification des sites apparaissent comme une solution de plus en plus attrayante et utilisée pour ajouter cet élément de confiance. Déjà, de nombreux sceaux de qualité sont apparus sur les sites commerciaux. Certains sceaux portent sur la confidentialité tandis que d’autres ciblent la protection des consommateurs. La certification peut provenir de la compagnie même, d’un tiers certificateur ou d’un organisme public. Ces éléments constituent des balises et repères importants pour le consommateur sur Internet. Toutefois, les incidences légales sont multiples et certains concepts demeurent flous. Pour apporter une réponse à ces questions, nous définirons le concept de certification des sites Web et ses enjeux dont plus particulièrement la problématique de la confiance des consommateurs. Les différents objets de la certification seront analysés, tant au niveau de l’entité, du contenu du site que de la dimension transactionnelle de celui-ci. Les processus possibles et les impacts de la certification occupent la seconde partie du travail. Il s’agit d’examiner successivement les étapes menant à la certification, soit l’établissement des standards, de l’évaluation de l’entité et de la certification elle-même. L’analyse des impacts de la certification, tant sur le plan de la portée, de la responsabilité légale et des effets sur la concurrence de la certification constitue quant à eux, l’aboutissement de la recherche, soit de savoir quel est l’impact juridique d’un tel mécanisme. Le but de la recherche est de permettre au lecteur de mieux cerner ce phénomène de l’utilisation de la certification sur Internet avec ses avantages et ses limites. Certes, cet outil peut s’avérer très utile pour bâtir la confiance des consommateurs, promouvoir l’essor du commerce électronique et constituer une forme d’autoréglementation. Toutefois, mal utilisé ou mal encadré, il peut engendrer l’effet inverse et détruire cette confiance si fragile à construire dans un environnement dématérialisé.


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La croissance dramatique du commerce électronique des titres cache un grand potentiel pour les investisseurs, de même que pour l’industrie des valeurs mobilières en général. Prenant en considération ses risques particuliers, les autorités réglementaires vivent un défi important face à l’Internet en tant que nouveau moyen d’investir. Néanmoins, malgré l’évolution technologique, les objectifs fondamentaux et l’approche des autorités réglementaires restent similaires à ce qui se produit présentement. Cet article analyse l’impact de l’Internet sur le commerce des valeurs mobilières en se concentrant sur les problèmes soulevés par l’utilisation de ce nouveau moyen de communication dans le contexte du marché secondaire. Par conséquent, son objectif est de dresser le portrait des plaintes typiques des investisseurs, de même que celui des activités frauduleuses en valeurs mobilières propres au cyberespace. L’auteur fait une synthèse des développements récents en analysant l’approche des autorités réglementaires, les études doctrinales, la jurisprudence et les cas administratifs. L'auteure désire remercier la professeure Raymonde Crête pour ses précieux commentaires et conseils.


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Information communication technology (IC T) has invariably brought about fundamental changes in the way in which libraries gather. preserve and disseminate information. The study was carried out with an aim to estimate and compare the information seeking behaviour (ISB) of the academics of two prominent universities of Kerala in the context of advancements achieved through ICT. The study was motivated by the fast changing scenario of libraries with the proliferation of many high tech products and services. The main purpose of the study was to identify the chief source of information of the academics, and also to examine academics preference upon the form and format of information source. The study also tries to estimate the adequacy of the resources and services currently provided by the libraries.The questionnaire was the central instrument for data collection. An almost census method was adopted for data collection engaging various methods and tools for eliciting data.The total population of the study was 957, out of which questionnaire was distributed to 859 academics. 646 academics responded to the survey, of which 564 of them were sound responses. Data was coded and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software and also with the help of Microsofl Excel package. Various statistical techniques were engaged to analyse data. A paradigm shift is evident by the fact that academies push themselves towards information in internet i.e. they prefer electronic source to traditional source and the very shift is coupled itself with e-seeking of information. The study reveals that ISB of the academics is influenced priman'ly by personal factors and comparative analysis shows that the ISB ofthc academics is similar in both universities. The productivity of the academics was tested to dig up any relation with respect to their ISB, and it is found that productivity of the academics is extensively related with their ISB. Study also reveals that the users ofthe library are satisfied with the services provided but not with the sources and in conjunction, study also recommends ways and means to improve the existing library system.


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Scholarly communication over the past 10 to 15 years has gained a tremendous momentum with the advent of Internet and the World Wide Web. The web has transformed the ways by which people search, find, use and communicate information. Innovations in web technology since 2005 have brought out an array of new services and facilities and an enhanced version of the web named Web 2.0. Web 2.0 facilitates a collaborative environment in which the information users can interact with the information. Web 2.0 enables its users to create, annotate, review, share re-use and represent the information in new ways thereby optimizing the information dissemination


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Se presenta una manera nueva de trabajar basada en la idea constructivista de la construcci??n del conocimiento; es un modelo de b??squeda en Internet que introduce elementos propios del aprendizaje cooperativo, se llama WebQuest. Todos estos contenidos se colocar??n en un entorno digital que permitir?? utilizar chats, pizarra electr??nica, foros de discusi??n y correo electr??nico interno que facilite a los participantes no s??lo el seguimiento del curso con facilidad, sino que les dar?? la oportunidad de trabajar codo con codo con colegas europeos que tienen sus mismos intereses, favoreciendo la comunicaci??n y la colaboraci??n mediante esta experiencia interactiva. A trav??s de este proyecto se potenciar?? la creaci??n de una red de trabajo efectiva que proporcione experiencias y facilidades de uso a los formadores y al profesorado en el uso de todos estos medios inform??ticos, haciendo un especial hincapi?? en el potencial de las tecnolog??as on line para el desarrollo y el trabajo CD-Rom se recogen los proyectos seleccionados y en seis idiomas realizados por los profesores y futuros profesores durante la fase de comprobaci??n y la gu??a de buenas pr??cticas.


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The explosive growth of Internet during the last years has been reflected in the ever-increasing amount of the diversity and heterogeneity of user preferences, types and features of devices and access networks. Usually the heterogeneity in the context of the users which request Web contents is not taken into account by the servers that deliver them implying that these contents will not always suit their needs. In the particular case of e-learning platforms this issue is especially critical due to the fact that it puts at stake the knowledge acquired by their users. In the following paper we present a system that aims to provide the dotLRN e-learning platform with the capability to adapt to its users context. By integrating dotLRN with a multi-agent hypermedia system, online courses being undertaken by students as well as their learning environment are adapted in real time


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Michael Porter reconocido como una autoridad en estrategia nos ha motivado a entrar a analizar profundamente sus propuestas e ideas en el campo de su dominio, con el objetivo de analizarlas y validarlas en el actual ambiente de negocios, caracterizado por ser turbulento y dinámico. El método elegido fue contratar éste ambiente con el ambiente bajo el cual se crearon las propuestas estratégicas de Michael Porter. Para esto, nos enfocamos en su propuesta para la estrategia de negocio, específicamente, las Tres Estrategias Genéricas. Tomando el caso de estudio de ZARA y su trayectoria empresarial como una investigación empírica para obtener resultados y discutirlos bajo parámetros que surgen desde las críticas desarrolladas por otros autores. Tomando como fuente de información libros, ensayos, publicaciones en Internet, noticias, entrevistas a clientes y a sus empleados.


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IBM provide a comprehensive academic initiative, (http://www-304.ibm.com/ibm/university/academic/pub/page/academic_initiative) to universities, providing them free of charge access to a wide range of IBM Software. As part of this initiative we are currently offering free IBM Bluemix accounts, either to be used within a course, or for students to use for personal skills development. IBM Bluemix provides a comprehensive cloud based platform as a service solution set which includes the ability to quickly and easily integrate data from devices from Internet of Things ( IoT) solutions to develop and run productive and user focused web and mobile applications. If you would be interested in hearing more about IBM and Internet of Things or you would like to discuss prospective research projects that you feel would operate well in this environment, please come along to the seminar!


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Many projects, e.g. VIKEF [13] and KIM [7], present grounded approaches for the use of entities as a means of indexing and retrieval of multimedia resources from heterogeneous sources. In this paper, we discuss the state-of-the-art of entity-centric approaches for multimedia indexing and retrieval. A summary of projects employing entity-centric repositories are portrayed. This paper also looks at the current state-of-the-art authoring environment, Macromedia Authorware, and the possibility of potential extension of this environment for entity-based multimedia authoring.


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E-Learning is an emerging tool that uses advanced technology to provide training and development in higher education and within industry. Its rapid growth has been facilitated by the Internet and the massive opportunities in global education. The aim of this study is to consider how effective and efficient e-learning is when integrated with traditional learning in a blended learning environment. The study will provide a comparison between purist ELearning and Blended learning environment. The paper will also provide directions for the blended learning environment which can be used by all the three main stakeholder student, tutors and institution to make strategic decision about the learning and teaching initiatives. The paper concludes that blended learning approaches offer the most flexible and scalable route to E-Learning.


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Purpose - The role of affective states in consumer behaviour is well established. However, no study to date has empirically examined online affective states as a basis for constructing typologies of internet users and for assessing the invariance of clusters across national cultures. Design/methodology/approach - Four focus groups with internet users were carried out to adapt a set of affective states identified from the literature to the online environment. An online survey was then designed to collect data from internet users in four Western and four East Asian countries. Findings - Based on a cluster analysis, six cross-national market segments are identified and labelled "Positive Online Affectivists", "Offline Affectivists", "On/Off-line Negative Affectivists", "Online Affectivists", "Indistinguishable Affectivists", and "Negative Offline Affectivists". The resulting clusters discriminate on the basis of national culture, gender, working status and perceptions towards online brands. Practical implications - Marketers may use this typology to segment internet users in order to predict their perceptions towards online brands. Also, a standardised approach to e-marketing is not recommended on the basis of affective state-based segmentation. Originality/value - This is the first study proposing affective state-based typologies of internet users using comparable samples from four Western and four East Asian countries.


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Livestock are a key asset for the global poor. However, access to relevant information is a critical issue for both the poor and the practitioners who serve them. Therefore, the authors describe a web-based Virtual Learning Environment to disseminate educational materials on priority animal health constraints in Bolivia and India. The aim was to explore demand for 3D among development practitioners in the South. Two wider arguments from the ICT4D literature framed the analysis: the concept of 3D as a ‘lead technology’ and the relevance of Internet skills to the adoption of a 3D format. The results illustrated that neither construct influenced demand. Rather, study participants were ready adopters but desired greater levels of interaction and thereby, a more collaborative learning environment. Therefore, 3D has a number of potential benefits to enhance knowledge sharing among community practitioners in the Global South.