998 resultados para Internet art


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A critical problem for Internet traffic classification is how to obtain a high-performance statistical feature based classifier using a small set of training data. The solutions to this problem are essential to deal with the encrypted applications and the new emerging applications. In this paper, we propose a new Naive Bayes (NB) based classification scheme to tackle this problem, which utilizes two recent research findings, feature discretization and flow correlation. A new bag-of-flow (BoF) model is firstly introduced to describe the correlated flows and it leads to a new BoF-based traffic classification problem. We cast the BoF-based traffic classification as a specific classifier combination problem and theoretically analyze the classification benefit from flow aggregation. A number of combination methods are also formulated and used to aggregate the NB predictions of the correlated flows. Finally, we carry out a number of experiments on a large scale real-world network dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme can achieve significantly higher classification accuracy and much faster classification speed with comparison to the state-of-the-art traffic classification methods.


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Exploration of landmark court cases and decisions in the copyright debate in the US, from Edison's attempts to extend to the fledgling film industry copyright law designed to protect photographs, to the Hollywood studios' responses to copyright breaches, and fair use exemptions granted to media educators and others since 2006.


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This paper examines corporate governance disclosures on the websites of Australian state government departments. The study focuses on the nature and extent of governance information and the ease of finding this information directly on department websites and also in annual reports which are downloadable from websites. Our sample comprises six departments from each of the six states in Australia, giving a sample size of 36 departments. Our findings indicate considerable variability in both the level of disclosure and the accessibility of the information disclosed. The study also highlights a lack of consensus regarding the meaning of governance and what governance comprises, together with the need for a more structured approach to communicating governance information to stakeholders.


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This article explore how, in the first decade of the twenty-first century, the internet became historicised, meaning that its public existence is now explicitly framed through a narrative that locates the current internet in relation to a past internet. Up until this time, in popular culture, the internet had been understood mainly as the future-in-the-present, as if it had no past. The internet might have had a history, but it had no historicity. That has changed because of Web 2.0, and the effects of Tim O'Reilly's creative marketing of that label. Web 2.0, in this sense not a technology or practice but the marker of a discourse of historical interpretation dependent on versions, created for us a second version of the web, different from (and yet connected to) that of the 1990s. This historicising moment aligned the past and future in ways suitable to those who might control or manage the present. And while Web 3.0, implied or real, suggests the 'future', it also marks out a loss of other times, or the possibility of alterity understood through temporality.


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This paper presents a novel traffic classification scheme to improve classification performance when few training data arc available. In the proposed scheme, traffic flows are described using the discretized statistical features and flow correlation information is modeled by bag-of-flow (BoF). We solve the BoF-based traffic classification in a classifier combination framework and theoretically analyze the performance benefit. Furthermore, a new BoF-based traffic classification method is proposed to aggregate the naive Bayes (NB) predictions of the correlated flows. We also present an analysis on prediction error sensitivity of the aggregation strategies. Finally, a large number of experiments are carried out on two large-scale real-world traffic datasets to evaluate the proposed scheme. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme can achieve much better classification performance than existing state-of-the-art traffic classification methods.


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This work aims the development of a dedicated system for detection of burning in surface grinding process, where the process will constantly be monitored through the acoustic emission and electric power of the induction motor drive. Acquired by an analog-digital converter, algorithms process the signals and a control signal is generated to inform the operator or interrupt the process in case of burning occurrence. Moreover, the system makes possible the process monitoring via Internet. Additionally, a comparative study between parameters DPO and FKS is carried through. In the experimental work one type of. steel (ABNT-1020 annealed) and one type of grinding wheel referred to as TARGA, model ART 3TG80.3 NVHB, were employed.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research focuses on methods and strategies for educational-based digital tools, aimed at the public school. Thus, we present possibilities, and the main actions of the national museum institutions in several online educational services that exemplify some forms of virtual mediation in order to verify the relevance of using these tools. The study discusses the need for museums to follow the advance of new technologies to engage and retain the public school, consisting of a highly connected generation with new technologies. It also brings a brief overview of the evolution of the museum in the Western world and presents the formation and nature of art collections that comprise the Artistic-Cultural Collection of the Governmental Palaces of the State of São Paulo, focusing on the management policy of each period, highlighting the educational program and the relationship with the website. As a practical exercise, the research presented suggests applying a form of mediation for the virtual site of Artistic-Cultural Collection of the Governmental Palaces to extend relations sector educational institution for the virtual context


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In den vergangenen Jahren wurden immer mehr Verträge per Internet geschlossen. Vor der Formvorschriftenreform und Schuldrechtsmodernisierung stand der moderne elektronische Vertragsabschluss im Internet jedoch einer Normsituation des BGB gegenüber, die im Grunde ohne Rücksicht auf heutige Kommunikations- und Automationsmöglichkeiten entstanden ist. Am 1. August 2001 ist das „Gesetz zur Anpassung der Formvorschriften des Privatrechts und anderer Vorschriften an den modernen Rechtsgeschäftsverkehr“ in Kraft getreten. Durch Art. 1 dieses Gesetzes wird Art. 9 der E-Commerce-Richtlinie in das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch umgesetzt. Durch das Formvorschriften-Anpassungsgesetz wurden die neuen Begriffe „Elektronische Form“ und „Textform“ in das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch eingefügt. Außerdem trat am 1. Januar 2002 das „Gesetz zur Modernisierung des Schuldrechts“ in Kraft. Durch dieses Gesetz wurde § 312e mit dem neuen Begriff „elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr“ in das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch eingeführt. Trotz der Formvorschriftenreform und Schuldrechtsmodernisierung stellt sich die Frage, ob die Normen des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches geeignet sind, die sich aus dem elektronischen Vertragsabschluss im Internet ergebenden Rechtsprobleme zu erfassen und zufriedenstellend zu lösen, ob das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch also den Entwicklungen des modernen elektronischen Rechtsgeschäftsverkehrs angepasst und damit anwendbar für den elektronischen Vertragsabschluss im Internet ist. Der Beantwortung dieser Frage widmet sich die vorlegte Untersuchung.


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The development of broadband Internet connections has fostered new audiovisual media services and opened new possibilities for accessing broadcasts. The Internet retransmission case of TVCatchup before the CJEU was the first case concerning new technologies in the light of Art. 3.1. of the Information Society Directive. On the other side of the Atlantic the Aereo case reached the U.S. Supreme Court and challenged the interpretation of public performance rights. In both cases the recipients of the services could receive broadcast programs in a way alternative to traditional broadcasting channels including terrestrial broadcasting or cable transmission. The Aereo case raised the debate on the possible impact of the interpretation of copyright law in the context of the development of new technologies, particularly cloud based services. It is interesting to see whether any similar problems occur in the EU. The „umbrella” in the title refers to Art. 8 WCT, which covers digital and Internet transmission and constitutes the backrgound for the EU and the U.S. legal solutions. The article argues that no international standard for qualification of the discussed services exists.


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Pregnant women with preterm labour (PTL) in pregnancy often experience increased distress and anxieties regarding both the pregnancy and the child's health. The pathogenesis of PTL is, among other causes, related to the stress-associated activation of the maternal-foetal stress system. In spite of these psychobiological associations, only a few research studies have investigated the potential of psychological stress-reducing interventions. The following paper will present an online anxiety and stress management self-help program for pregnant women with PTL. Structure and content of the program will be illustrated by a case-based experience report. L.B., 32 years (G3, P1), was recruited at gestational week 27 while hospitalized for PTL for 3 weeks. She worked independently through the program for 6 weeks and had regular written contact with a therapist. Processing the program had a positive impact on L.B.'s anxiety and stress levels, as well as on her experienced depressive symptoms and bonding to the foetus. As PTL and the risk of PTB are associated with distress, psychological stress-reducing interventions might be beneficial. This study examines the applicability of an online intervention for pregnant women with PTL. The case report illustrates how adequate low-threshold psychological support could be provided to these women.


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After the extraordinary spread of the World Wide Web during the last fifteen years, engineers and developers are pushing now the Internet to its next border. A new conception in computer science and networks communication has been burgeoning during roughly the last decade: a world where most of the computers of the future will be extremely downsized, to the point that they will look like dust at its most advanced prototypes. In this vision, every single element of our “real” world has an intelligent tag that carries all their relevant data, effectively mapping the “real” world into a “virtual” one, where all the electronically augmented objects are present, can interact among them and influence with their behaviour that of the other objects, or even the behaviour of a final human user. This is the vision of the Internet of the Future, which also draws ideas of several novel tendencies in computer science and networking, as pervasive computing and the Internet of Things. As it has happened before, materializing a new paradigm that changes the way entities interrelate in this new environment has proved to be a goal full of challenges in the way. Right now the situation is exciting, with a plethora of new developments, proposals and models sprouting every time, often in an uncoordinated, decentralised manner away from any standardization, resembling somehow the status quo of the first developments of advanced computer networking, back in the 60s and the 70s. Usually, a system designed after the Internet of the Future will consist of one or several final user devices attached to these final users, a network –often a Wireless Sensor Network- charged with the task of collecting data for the final user devices, and sometimes a base station sending the data for its further processing to less hardware-constrained computers. When implementing a system designed with the Internet of the Future as a pattern, issues, and more specifically, limitations, that must be faced are numerous: lack of standards for platforms and protocols, processing bottlenecks, low battery lifetime, etc. One of the main objectives of this project is presenting a functional model of how a system based on the paradigms linked to the Internet of the Future works, overcoming some of the difficulties that can be expected and showing a model for a middleware architecture specifically designed for a pervasive, ubiquitous system. This Final Degree Dissertation is divided into several parts. Beginning with an Introduction to the main topics and concepts of this new model, a State of the Art is offered so as to provide a technological background. After that, an example of a semantic and service-oriented middleware is shown; later, a system built by means of this semantic and service-oriented middleware, and other components, is developed, justifying its placement in a particular scenario, describing it and analysing the data obtained from it. Finally, the conclusions inferred from this system and future works that would be good to be tackled are mentioned as well. RESUMEN Tras el extraordinario desarrollo de la Web durante los últimos quince años, ingenieros y desarrolladores empujan Internet hacia su siguiente frontera. Una nueva concepción en la computación y la comunicación a través de las redes ha estado floreciendo durante la última década; un mundo donde la mayoría de los ordenadores del futuro serán extremadamente reducidas de tamaño, hasta el punto que parecerán polvo en sus más avanzado prototipos. En esta visión, cada uno de los elementos de nuestro mundo “real” tiene una etiqueta inteligente que porta sus datos relevantes, mapeando de manera efectiva el mundo “real” en uno “virtual”, donde todos los objetos electrónicamente aumentados están presentes, pueden interactuar entre ellos e influenciar con su comportamiento el de los otros, o incluso el comportamiento del usuario final humano. Ésta es la visión del Internet del Futuro, que también toma ideas de varias tendencias nuevas en las ciencias de la computación y las redes de ordenadores, como la computación omnipresente y el Internet de las Cosas. Como ha sucedido antes, materializar un nuevo paradigma que cambia la manera en que las entidades se interrelacionan en este nuevo entorno ha demostrado ser una meta llena de retos en el camino. Ahora mismo la situación es emocionante, con una plétora de nuevos desarrollos, propuestas y modelos brotando todo el rato, a menudo de una manera descoordinada y descentralizada lejos de cualquier estandarización, recordando de alguna manera el estado de cosas de los primeros desarrollos de redes de ordenadores avanzadas, allá por los años 60 y 70. Normalmente, un sistema diseñado con el Internet del futuro como modelo consistirá en uno o varios dispositivos para usuario final sujetos a estos usuarios finales, una red –a menudo, una red de sensores inalámbricos- encargada de recolectar datos para los dispositivos de usuario final, y a veces una estación base enviando los datos para su consiguiente procesado en ordenadores menos limitados en hardware. Al implementar un sistema diseñado con el Internet del futuro como patrón, los problemas, y más específicamente, las limitaciones que deben enfrentarse son numerosas: falta de estándares para plataformas y protocolos, cuellos de botella en el procesado, bajo tiempo de vida de las baterías, etc. Uno de los principales objetivos de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera es presentar un modelo funcional de cómo trabaja un sistema basado en los paradigmas relacionados al Internet del futuro, superando algunas de las dificultades que pueden esperarse y mostrando un modelo de una arquitectura middleware específicamente diseñado para un sistema omnipresente y ubicuo. Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera está dividido en varias partes. Empezando por una introducción a los principales temas y conceptos de este modelo, un estado del arte es ofrecido para proveer un trasfondo tecnológico. Después de eso, se muestra un ejemplo de middleware semántico orientado a servicios; después, se desarrolla un sistema construido por medio de este middleware semántico orientado a servicios, justificando su localización en un escenario particular, describiéndolo y analizando los datos obtenidos de él. Finalmente, las conclusiones extraídas de este sistema y las futuras tareas que sería bueno tratar también son mencionadas.


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En las últimas décadas se han producido importantes avances tecnológicos, lo que ha producido un crecimiento importante de las Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores (RIS), conocidas en inglés como Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Estas redes están formadas por un conjunto de pequeños nodos o también, conocidos como motas, compuestos por diversos tipos de sensores. Las Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores pueden resultar muy útiles en entornos donde el despliegue de redes cableadas, formadas por ordenadores, encaminadores u otros dispositivos de red no sea posible. Sin embargo, este tipo de redes presentan una serie de carencias o problemas que dificultan, en ocasiones, su implementación y despliegue. Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera tiene como principales objetivos: diseñar e implementar un agente que haga uso de la tecnología Bluetooth para que se pueda comunicar tanto con la arquitectura orientada a servicios, vía radio, como con el módulo Bioharness para obtener parámetros fisiológicos; ofrecer una serie de servicios simples a la Red Inalámbrica de Sensores; diseñar un algoritmo para un sistema de alarmas; realizar e implementar una pasarela entre protocolos que usen el estándar IEEE802.15.4 (ZigBee) y el estándar IEEE802.15.1 de la Tecnología Bluetooth. Por último, implementar una aplicación Android para el reloj WiMM y que este pueda recibir alarmas en tiempo real a través del la Interfaz Bluetooth. Para lograr estos objetivos, en primer lugar realizaremos un estudio del Estado del Arte de las Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores, con el fin de estudiar su arquitectura, el estándar Bluetooth y los dispositivos Bluetooth que se han utilizado en este Proyecto. Seguidamente, describiremos detalladamente el firmware iWRAP versión 4, centrándonos en sus modos de operación, comandos AT y posibles errores que puedan ocurrir. A continuación, se describirá la arquitectura y la especificación nSOM, para adentrarnos en la arquitectura orientada a servicios. Por último, ejecutaremos la fase de validación del sistema y se analizarán los resultados obtenidos durante la fase de pruebas. ABSTRACT In last decades there have been significant advances in technology, which has resulted in important growth of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). These networks consist of a small set of nodes, also known as spots; equipped with various types of sensors. Wireless Sensor Networks can be very useful in environments where deployment of wired networks, formed by computers, routers or other network devices is not possible. However, these networks have a number of shortcomings or challenges to, sometimes, their implementation and deployment. The main objectives of this Final Project are to design and implement an agent that makes use of Bluetooth technology so you can communicate with both the service-oriented architecture, via radio, as with Bioharness module for physiological parameters; offer simple services to Wireless Sensor Network, designing an algorithm for an alarm system, make and implement a gateway between protocols using the standard IEEE802.15.4 (ZigBee) and IEEE802.15.1 standard Bluetooth Technology. Finally, implement an Android application for WiMM watch that can receive real-time alerts through the Bluetooth interface. In order to achieve these objectives, firstly we are going to carry out a study of the State of the Art in Wireless Sensor Network, where we study the architecture, the Bluetooth standard and Bluetooth devices that have been used in this project. Then, we will describe in detail the iWRAP firmware version 4, focusing on their operation modes, AT commands and errors that may occur. Therefore, we will describe the architecture and specification nSOM, to enter into the service-oriented architecture. Finally, we will execute the phase of validation of the system in a real application scenario, analyzing the results obtained during the testing phase.


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Motivación Internet es sin duda sinónimo de telecomunicaciones en este momento, es la tecnología no de futuro, sino de presente llamada a cambiar la sociedad hasta puntos insospechables, sin opción de retorno. Hoy en día ha cambiado la forma en la que nos relacionamos, la forma en la que trabajamos y la manera en que tomamos decisiones se ve fuertemente apoyada en esta herramienta. Por supuesto el devenir de la Red está por ver, los gobiernos y las grandes compañías quieren "meter mano" en el control de los contenidos, sin embargo parece que la Red sabe autogestionarse y es capaz de funcionar dentro de un modelo semi-anárquico. Objetivos El objetivo del presente proyecto es dar a conocer los orígenes de la red de redes, desarrollando un entorno social, político, económico y tecnológico para una mejor comprensión. El lector no obtendrá un extenso conocimiento técnico sobre redes y ordenadores, sin embargo será capaz de entender los verdaderos motivos que llevaron a una comunidad científica a crear la mayor herramienta para el desarrollo del ser humano. También es mi intención hacer que el lector reflexione sobre cómo influyen diferentes factores en el devenir de los hechos, momentos de grandes cambios sociales o políticos, o cómo la ciencia resuelve problemas mediante la observación o el análisis, buscando siempre la mejor opción, sin conformarse con soluciones a medias. Estructura El proyecto está estructurado en 3 grandes bloques. El primer bloque corresponde a los tres primeros capítulos que nos adentran en el tema vía una introducción a modo de punto de partida u origen del concepto, un marco histórico del período de formación de la Red y un pequeño análisis del estado del arte de los ordenadores desde sus orígenes como tal, prácticamente coetáneos con el origen de Internet. El segundo bloque narra cómo comienza el desarrollo de la Red, los pasos que se van dando y las soluciones adoptadas hasta llegar a lo que conocemos hoy día como la red de redes: Internet. Por último se detallan las conclusiones obtenidas tras la escritura de este documento, realizando una serie de reflexiones globales que me surgen tras conocer la historia de la Red. ABSTRACT. Motivation Nowadays Internet without any doubt means telecommunications. It is not the future technology but the present one and it is supposed to change the society to an unexpected point, without possibility of return. It has already changed the way we communicate each other, the way we work and also the way we take decisions are strongly hold by this tool. Meanwhile we will see the becoming of the Network, the governments and the big companies want to have the control over the contents, however it seems that the Network has the ability to self-manage and it is also capable to keep working in a semi-anarchic model. Objectives The main aim of the present project is to show what is the real origin of the network of networks, developing a social, politic, economic and technologic context of it to ensure a better comprehension. The reader won´t get an extended knowledge about computing or networking, however he or she will be able to understand the truly motivation that lead a scientific community to create the most important tool for the human development. It is also my intention to make the reader think about how different facts, depending on the moment they take place like social or political changes, can transform the way everything happens and how science solves problems by the observation and the analysis, searching always the best option, without comply with half solutions. Structure This project is divided into three sections. The first part which includes the three first chapters place us in the topic by an introduction of the concept origin, an historic context of the period of Network development and a small analysis of the state of the art in computing since its origins, which appear at the same time as the Internet. The second block explains how the development of the Net starts, the steps followed and the solutions taken until the arrival of the network of networks we all know: the Internet. Finally, we can find the conclusions, which are exposed in a reflection way, with some considerations that came to me after writing this document about the history of the Internet.