923 resultados para Interfacial polarization


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We report measurements of the polarization of W bosons from top-quark decays using 2.7 fb^-1 of ppbar collisions collected by the CDF II detector. Assuming a top-quark mass of 175 GeV/c^2, three measurements are performed. A simultaneous measurement of the fraction of longitudinal (f_0) and right-handed (f_+) W bosons yields the model-independent results f_0 = 0.88 \pm 0.11 (stat) \pm 0.06 (syst) and f_+ = -0.15 \pm 0.07 (stat) \pm 0.06 (syst) with a correlation coefficient of -0.59. A measurement of f_0 (f_+) constraining f_+ (f_0) to its standard model value of 0.0 (0.7) yields f_0 = 0.70 \pm 0.07 (stat) \pm 0.04 (syst) (f_+ = -0.01 \pm 0.02 (stat) \pm 0.05 (syst)). All these results are consistent with standard model expectations.


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We investigate the effects of new physics scenarios containing a high mass vector resonance on top pair production at the LHC, using the polarization of the produced top. In particular we use kinematic distributions of the secondary lepton coming from top decay, which depends on top polarization, as it has been shown that the angular distribution of the decay lepton is insensitive to the anomalous tbW vertex and hence is a pure probe of new physics in top quark production. Spin sensitive variables involving the decay lepton are used to probe top polarization. Some sensitivity is found for the new couplings of the top.


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Dielectric measurements have been made on a number of molecular complexes of beryllium, zinc, cadmium and mercuric halides. The polarizations observed have been interpreted in terms of a tetrahedral configuration for the undissociated beryllium, zinc and cadmium halide complexes. In other cases the observed polarization has been shown to be due to the dissociation of the complex in solution.


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We present a method to perform in situ microrheological measurements on monolayers of soft materials undergoing viscoelastic transitions under compression. Using the combination of a Langmuir trough mounted on the inverted microscope stage of a laser scanning confocal microscope we track the motion of individual fluorescent quantum dots partly dispersed in monolayers spread at the air-water interface. From the calculated mean square displacement of the probe particles and extending a well established scheme of the generalized Stokes-Einstein relation in bulk to the interface we arrive at the viscoelastic modulus for the respective monolayers as a function of surface density. Measurements on monolayers of glassy as well as nonglassy polymers and a standard fatty acid clearly show sensitivity of our technique to subtle variations, in the viscoelastic properties of the highly confined materials under compression. Evidence for possible spatial variations of such viscoelastic properties at a given surface density for the fatty acid monolayer is also provided.


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We present a method to perform in situ microrheological measurements on monolayers of soft materials undergoing viscoelastic transitions under compression. Using the combination of a Langmuir trough mounted on the inverted microscope stage of a laser scanning confocal microscope we track the motion of individual fluorescent quantum dots partly dispersed in monolayers spread at the air-water interface. From the calculated mean square displacement of the probe particles and extending a well established scheme of the generalized Stokes-Einstein relation in bulk to the interface we arrive at the viscoelastic modulus for the respective monolayers as a function of surface density. Measurements on monolayers of glassy as well as nonglassy polymers and a standard fatty acid clearly show sensitivity of our technique to subtle variations, in the viscoelastic properties of the highly confined materials under compression. Evidence for possible spatial variations of such viscoelastic properties at a given surface density for the fatty acid monolayer is also provided.


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The effect of temperature and stoichiometry on the polarization switching rate in lithium niobate is presented. An increased polarization switching rate in congruent and near-stoichiometric lithium niobate (CLN and SLN) and SLN doped with 1.6 mol% Zn (SLN:Zn(1.6)) is observed using a pulsed field switching technique near the transition temperature (TO. Compared to CLN, the observed switching rate and domain wall mobility for SLN and SLN:Zn(1.6) are higher. The extra charge flow was observed during switching at high temperatures,and is attributed to the creation of defect dipoles and increase in ionic conductivity. Forward domain motion is expected to be the mechanism involved in switching. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Telluric Acid Ammonium Phosphate (Te(OH)62(NH4)H2PO4(NH4)2HPO4) reffered to as TAAP is a recently discovered class m ferroelectric.1 It undergoes FE-PE transition at 48°C. Switching studies in this crystal has been carried out in the temperature range -14°C to 39°C by applying fields up to 4 kV/cm. Measurements were carried out on (101) plates cut from the crystals grown from solution. X-ray irradiation was carried out at room temperature by means of an x-ray tube operating at 25 kV and 15 mA with copper target. Air drying silver paste was used as electrodes. Samples were checked for hysteresis loop using a modified Sawyer-Tower circuit. The Ps value obtained from the loop is 2.1 μC/cm2 which is comparable to the earlier reported value. It was however noticed that the loop was slightly shifted to right with respect to the origin indicating the presence of a small internal bias which was 100 V/cm in the virgin crystal. This bias could not be removed even after repeated crystallization. On irradiation the internal biasing field increased which was indicated by a further shift of the hysteresis loop. The bias seems to saturate at about 750 V/cm for which the crystal had to be irradiated for about 3 hours.


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Compositionally up and downgraded Bi4-x/3Ti3-xVxO12 (x=0.0, 0.012,0.03, 0.06) thin films were grown on Pt coated silicon substrates by pulsed laser deposition technique. Downgraded fabrication showed improved ferroelectric polarization in comparison to upgraded fabrication. Films deposited at 650 and 700 degrees C showed very large remnant polarization (2P(r)) value of 82 mu C cm(-2), which is comparatively large among all bismuth based thin films reported so far. A mechanism based on vanadium enrich seeded layer formation in the downgraded structure is proposed for the improvement. Moreover, frequency independent behavior (100Hz-5kHz) of the graded films ensures its potential application for various microelectronic devices. (c) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi :10.1063/1.3431543].


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We present a design of a universal gadget, consisting of two half-wave plates and two quarter-wave plates coaxially mounted, which can realize every SU (2) polarization optical transformation; to realize a given SU (2) element one simply has to rotate these plates about the common axis to angular positions characteristic of the element. The design is also geometrically interpreted in terms of Hamilton's theory of turns for the group SU (2).


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Hamilton’s theory of turns for the group SU(2) is exploited to develop a new geometrical representation for polarization optics. While pure polarization states are represented by points on the Poincaré sphere, linear intensity preserving optical systems are represented by great circle arcs on another sphere. Composition of systems, and their action on polarization states, are both reduced to geometrical operations. Several synthesis problems, especially in relation to the Pancharatnam-Berry-Aharonov-Anandan geometrical phase, are clarified with the new representation. The general relation between the geometrical phase, and the solid angle on the Poincaré sphere, is established.


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Current-potential relationships are derived for porous electrode systems following a homogeneous model and whenadsorbed intermediates participate in the electrode reaction. Limiting Tafel slopes were deduced and compared with thecorresponding behavior on planar electrode systems. The theoretical results showed doubling of Tafel slopes when theslow-step is a charge-transfer reaction and a nonlogarithmic current-voltage behavior when the slow-step is a chemical reaction.Comparison of the experimental results with theory for the case of oxygen reduction on carbon surfaces in alkalinemedia indicates that a slow chemical reaction following the initial charge-transfer reaction to be the likely rate-controllingstep. Theoretical relationships are utilized to determine the exchange current density and the surface coverage by the adsorbedintermediates during the course of oxygen reduction from alkaline solutions on "carbon." Tafel slope measurementson planar and porous electrodes for the same reaction are suggested as one of the diagnostic criteria for elucidatingthe mechanistic pathways of electrochemical reactions.


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A unified treatment of polarization relaxation, dielectric dispersion and solvation dynamics in a dense, dipolar liquid is presented. It is shown that the information of solvent polarization relaxation that is obtained by macroscopic dielectric dispersion experiments is not sufficient to understand dynamics of solvation of a newly created ion or dipole. In solvation, a significant contribution comes from intermediate wave vector processes which depend critically on the short range (nearest‐neighbor) spatial and orientational order that are present in a dense, dipolar liquid. An analytic expression is obtained for the time dependent solvation energy that depends, in addition to the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of the liquid, on the ratio of solute–solvent molecular sizes and on the microscopic structure of the polar liquid. Mean spherical approximation (MSA) theory is used to obtain numerical results for polarization relaxation, for wave vector and frequency dependent dielectric function and for time dependent solvation energy. We find that in the absence of translational contribution, the solvation of an ion is, in general, nonexponential. In this case, the short time decay is dominated by the longitudinal relaxation time but the long time decay is dominated by much slower large wave vector processes involving nearest‐neighbor molecules. The presence of a significant translational contribution drastically alters the decay behavior. Now, the long‐time behavior is given by the longitudinal relaxation time constant and the short time dynamics is controlled by the large wave vector processes. Thus, although the continuum model itself is conceptually wrong, a continuum model like result is recovered in the presence of a sizeable translational contribution. The continuum model result is also recovered in the limit of large solute to solvent size ratio. In the opposite limit of small solute size, the decay is markedly nonexponential (if the translational contribution is not very large) and a complete breakdown of the continuum model takes place. The significance of these results is discussed.


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Starting from beam and target spin systems which are polarized in the usual way by applying external magnetic fields, measurements of appropriate final state tensor parameters, viz., {t0,1k, k=1,...,2j} of particle d with spin j in a reaction a+b→d+c1+c2+. . .are suggested to determine the reaction amplitudes in spin space free from any associated discrete ambiguity.


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In some bimolecular diffusion-controlled electron transfer (ET) reactions such as ion recombination (IR), both solvent polarization relaxation and the mutual diffusion of the reacting ion pair may determine the rate and even the yield of the reaction. However, a full treatment with these two reaction coordinates is a challenging task and has been left mostly unsolved. In this work, we address this problem by developing a dynamic theory by combining the ideas from ET reaction literature and barrierless chemical reactions. Two-dimensional coupled Smoluchowski equations are employed to compute the time evolution of joint probability distribution for the reactant (P-(1)(X,R,t)) and the product (p((2))(X,R,t)), where X, as is usual in ET reactions, describes the solvent polarization coordinate and R is the distance between the reacting ion pair. The reaction is described by a reaction line (sink) which is a function of X and R obtained by imposing a condition of equal energy on the initial and final states of a reacting ion pair. The resulting two-dimensional coupled equations of motion have been solved numerically using an alternate direction implicit (ADI) scheme (Peaceman and Rachford, J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math. 1955, 3, 28). The results reveal interesting interplay between polarization relaxation and translational dynamics. The following new results have been obtained. (i) For solvents with slow longitudinal polarization relaxation, the escape probability decreases drastically as the polarization relaxation time increases. We attribute this to caging by polarization of the surrounding solvent, As expected, for the solvents having fast polarization relaxation, the escape probability is independent of the polarization relaxation time. (ii) In the slow relaxation limit, there is a significant dependence of escape probability and average rate on the initial solvent polarization, again displaying the effects of polarization caging. Escape probability increases, and the average rate decreases on increasing the initial polarization. Again, in the fast polarization relaxation limit, there is no effect of initial polarization on the escape probability and the average rate of IR. (iii) For normal and barrierless regions the dependence of escape probability and the rate of IR on initial polarization is stronger than in the inverted region. (iv) Because of the involvement of dynamics along R coordinate, the asymmetrical parabolic (that is, non-Marcus) energy gap dependence of the rate is observed.


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We investigate the effects of new physics scenarios containing a high mass vector resonance on top pair production at the LHC, using the polarization of the produced top. In particular we use kinematic distributions of the secondary lepton coming from top decay, which depends on top polarization, as it has been shown that the angular distribution of the decay lepton is insensitive to the anomalous tbW vertex and hence is a pure probe of new physics in top quark production. Spin sensitive variables involving the decay lepton are used to reconstruct the top polarization. Some sensitivity is found for the new couplings of the top.