980 resultados para Intensity modulated radiotherapy
PURPOSE: We have been developing an image-guided single vocal cord irradiation technique to treat patients with stage T1a glottic carcinoma. In the present study, we compared the dose coverage to the affected vocal cord and the dose delivered to the organs at risk using conventional, intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) coplanar, and IMRT non-coplanar techniques.
METHODS AND MATERIALS: For 10 patients, conventional treatment plans using two laterally opposed wedged 6-MV photon beams were calculated in XiO (Elekta-CMS treatment planning system). An in-house IMRT/beam angle optimization algorithm was used to obtain the coplanar and non-coplanar optimized beam angles. Using these angles, the IMRT plans were generated in Monaco (IMRT treatment planning system, Elekta-CMS) with the implemented Monte Carlo dose calculation algorithm. The organs at risk included the contralateral vocal cord, arytenoids, swallowing muscles, carotid arteries, and spinal cord. The prescription dose was 66 Gy in 33 fractions.
RESULTS: For the conventional plans and coplanar and non-coplanar IMRT plans, the population-averaged mean dose ± standard deviation to the planning target volume was 67 ± 1 Gy. The contralateral vocal cord dose was reduced from 66 ± 1 Gy in the conventional plans to 39 ± 8 Gy and 36 ± 6 Gy in the coplanar and non-coplanar IMRT plans, respectively. IMRT consistently reduced the doses to the other organs at risk.
CONCLUSIONS: Single vocal cord irradiation with IMRT resulted in good target coverage and provided significant sparing of the critical structures. This has the potential to improve the quality-of-life outcomes after RT and maintain the same local control rates.
RESUMO: O cancro de mama e o mais frequente diagnoticado a indiv duos do sexo feminino. O conhecimento cientifico e a tecnologia tem permitido a cria ção de muitas e diferentes estrat egias para tratar esta patologia. A Radioterapia (RT) est a entre as diretrizes atuais para a maioria dos tratamentos de cancro de mama. No entanto, a radia ção e como uma arma de dois canos: apesar de tratar, pode ser indutora de neoplasias secund arias. A mama contralateral (CLB) e um orgão susceptivel de absorver doses com o tratamento da outra mama, potenciando o risco de desenvolver um tumor secund ario. Nos departamentos de radioterapia tem sido implementadas novas tecnicas relacionadas com a radia ção, com complexas estrat egias de administra ção da dose e resultados promissores. No entanto, algumas questões precisam de ser devidamente colocadas, tais como: E seguro avançar para tecnicas complexas para obter melhores indices de conformidade nos volumes alvo, em radioterapia de mama? O que acontece aos volumes alvo e aos tecidos saudaveis adjacentes? Quão exata e a administração de dose? Quais são as limitações e vantagens das técnicas e algoritmos atualmente usados? A resposta a estas questões e conseguida recorrendo a m etodos de Monte Carlo para modelar com precisão os diferentes componentes do equipamento produtor de radia ção(alvos, ltros, colimadores, etc), a m de obter uma descri cão apropriada dos campos de radia cão usados, bem como uma representa ção geometrica detalhada e a composição dos materiais que constituem os orgãos e os tecidos envolvidos. Este trabalho visa investigar o impacto de tratar cancro de mama esquerda usando diferentes tecnicas de radioterapia f-IMRT (intensidade modulada por planeamento direto), IMRT por planeamento inverso (IMRT2, usando 2 feixes; IMRT5, com 5 feixes) e DCART (arco conformacional dinamico) e os seus impactos em irradia ção da mama e na irradia ção indesejada dos tecidos saud aveis adjacentes. Dois algoritmos do sistema de planeamento iPlan da BrainLAB foram usados: Pencil Beam Convolution (PBC) e Monte Carlo comercial iMC. Foi ainda usado um modelo de Monte Carlo criado para o acelerador usado (Trilogy da VARIAN Medical Systems), no c odigo EGSnrc MC, para determinar as doses depositadas na mama contralateral. Para atingir este objetivo foi necess ario modelar o novo colimador multi-laminas High- De nition que nunca antes havia sido simulado. O modelo desenvolvido est a agora disponí vel no pacote do c odigo EGSnrc MC do National Research Council Canada (NRC). O acelerador simulado foi validado com medidas realizadas em agua e posteriormente com c alculos realizados no sistema de planeamento (TPS).As distribui ções de dose no volume alvo (PTV) e a dose nos orgãos de risco (OAR) foram comparadas atrav es da an alise de histogramas de dose-volume; an alise estati stica complementar foi realizadas usando o software IBM SPSS v20. Para o algoritmo PBC, todas as tecnicas proporcionaram uma cobertura adequada do PTV. No entanto, foram encontradas diferen cas estatisticamente significativas entre as t ecnicas, no PTV, nos OAR e ainda no padrão da distribui ção de dose pelos tecidos sãos. IMRT5 e DCART contribuem para maior dispersão de doses baixas pelos tecidos normais, mama direita, pulmão direito, cora cão e at e pelo pulmão esquerdo, quando comparados com as tecnicas tangenciais (f-IMRT e IMRT2). No entanto, os planos de IMRT5 melhoram a distribuição de dose no PTV apresentando melhor conformidade e homogeneidade no volume alvo e percentagens de dose mais baixas nos orgãos do mesmo lado. A t ecnica de DCART não apresenta vantagens comparativamente com as restantes t ecnicas investigadas. Foram tamb em identi cadas diferen cas entre os algoritmos de c alculos: em geral, o PBC estimou doses mais elevadas para o PTV, pulmão esquerdo e cora ção, do que os algoritmos de MC. Os algoritmos de MC, entre si, apresentaram resultados semelhantes (com dferen cas at e 2%). Considera-se que o PBC não e preciso na determina ção de dose em meios homog eneos e na região de build-up. Nesse sentido, atualmente na cl nica, a equipa da F sica realiza medi ções para adquirir dados para outro algoritmo de c alculo. Apesar de melhor homogeneidade e conformidade no PTV considera-se que h a um aumento de risco de cancro na mama contralateral quando se utilizam t ecnicas não-tangenciais. Os resultados globais dos estudos apresentados confirmam o excelente poder de previsão com precisão na determinação e c alculo das distribui ções de dose nos orgãos e tecidos das tecnicas de simulação de Monte Carlo usados.---------ABSTRACT:Breast cancer is the most frequent in women. Scienti c knowledge and technology have created many and di erent strategies to treat this pathology. Radiotherapy (RT) is in the actual standard guidelines for most of breast cancer treatments. However, radiation is a two-sword weapon: although it may heal cancer, it may also induce secondary cancer. The contralateral breast (CLB) is a susceptible organ to absorb doses with the treatment of the other breast, being at signi cant risk to develop a secondary tumor. New radiation related techniques, with more complex delivery strategies and promising results are being implemented and used in radiotherapy departments. However some questions have to be properly addressed, such as: Is it safe to move to complex techniques to achieve better conformation in the target volumes, in breast radiotherapy? What happens to the target volumes and surrounding healthy tissues? How accurate is dose delivery? What are the shortcomings and limitations of currently used treatment planning systems (TPS)? The answers to these questions largely rely in the use of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations using state-of-the-art computer programs to accurately model the di erent components of the equipment (target, lters, collimators, etc.) and obtain an adequate description of the radiation elds used, as well as the detailed geometric representation and material composition of organs and tissues. This work aims at investigating the impact of treating left breast cancer using di erent radiation therapy (RT) techniques f-IMRT (forwardly-planned intensity-modulated), inversely-planned IMRT (IMRT2, using 2 beams; IMRT5, using 5 beams) and dynamic conformal arc (DCART) RT and their e ects on the whole-breast irradiation and in the undesirable irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissues. Two algorithms of iPlan BrainLAB TPS were used: Pencil Beam Convolution (PBC)and commercial Monte Carlo (iMC). Furthermore, an accurate Monte Carlo (MC) model of the linear accelerator used (a Trilogy R VARIANR) was done with the EGSnrc MC code, to accurately determine the doses that reach the CLB. For this purpose it was necessary to model the new High De nition multileaf collimator that had never before been simulated. The model developed was then included on the EGSnrc MC package of National Research Council Canada (NRC). The linac was benchmarked with water measurements and later on validated against the TPS calculations. The dose distributions in the planning target volume (PTV) and the dose to the organs at risk (OAR) were compared analyzing dose-volume histograms; further statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS v20 software. For PBC, all the techniques provided adequate coverage of the PTV. However, statistically significant dose di erences were observed between the techniques, in the PTV, OAR and also in the pattern of dose distribution spreading into normal tissues. IMRT5 and DCART spread low doses into greater volumes of normal tissue, right breast, right lung, heart and even the left lung than tangential techniques (f-IMRT and IMRT2). However,IMRT5 plans improved distributions for the PTV, exhibiting better conformity and homogeneity in target and reduced high dose percentages in ipsilateral OAR. DCART did not present advantages over any of the techniques investigated. Di erences were also found comparing the calculation algorithms: PBC estimated higher doses for the PTV, ipsilateral lung and heart than the MC algorithms predicted. The MC algorithms presented similar results (within 2% di erences). The PBC algorithm was considered not accurate in determining the dose in heterogeneous media and in build-up regions. Therefore, a major e ort is being done at the clinic to acquire data to move from PBC to another calculation algorithm. Despite better PTV homogeneity and conformity there is an increased risk of CLB cancer development, when using non-tangential techniques. The overall results of the studies performed con rm the outstanding predictive power and accuracy in the assessment and calculation of dose distributions in organs and tissues rendered possible by the utilization and implementation of MC simulation techniques in RT TPS.
Detailed knowledge of the characteristics of the radiation field shaped by a multileaf collimator (MLC) is essential in intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). A previously developed multiple source model (MSM) for a 6 MV beam was extended to a 15 MV beam and supplemented with an accurate model of an 80-leaf dynamic MLC. Using the supplemented MSM and the MC code GEANT, lateral dose distributions were calculated in a water phantom and a portal water phantom. A field which is normally used for the validation of the step and shoot technique and a field from a realistic IMRT treatment plan delivered with dynamic MLC are investigated. To assess possible spectral changes caused by the modulation of beam intensity by an MLC, the energy spectra in five portal planes were calculated for moving slits of different widths. The extension of the MSM to 15 MV was validated by analysing energy fluences, depth doses and dose profiles. In addition, the MC-calculated primary energy spectrum was verified with an energy spectrum which was reconstructed from transmission measurements. MC-calculated dose profiles using the MSM for the step and shoot case and for the dynamic MLC case are in very good agreement with the measured data from film dosimetry. The investigation of a 13 cm wide field shows an increase in mean photon energy of up to 16% for the 0.25 cm slit compared to the open beam for 6 MV and of up to 6% for 15 MV, respectively. In conclusion, the MSM supplemented with the dynamic MLC has proven to be a powerful tool for investigational and benchmarking purposes or even for dose calculations in IMRT.
BACKGROUND Induction chemotherapy followed by definitive chemoradiotherapy is an intensified treatment approach for locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) that might be associated with high rates of toxicity. MATERIALS AND METHODS The data of 40 consecutive patients who underwent induction chemotherapy with docetaxel-containing regimens followed by intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and concomitant systemic therapy for unresectable locally advanced HNSCC were retrospectively analyzed. Primary objectives were RT-related acute and late toxicity. Secondary objectives were response to induction chemotherapy, locoregional recurrence-free survival (LRRFS), overall survival (OS), and influencing factors for LRRFS and OS. RESULTS The median follow-up for surviving patients was 21 months (range, 2-53 months). Patients received a median of three cycles of induction chemotherapy followed by IMRT to 72 Gy. Three patients died during induction chemotherapy and one during chemoradiotherapy. Acute RT-related toxicity was of grade 3 and 4 in 72 and 3 % of patients, respectively, mainly dysphagia and dermatitis. Late RT-related toxicity was mainly xerostomia and bone/cartilage necrosis and was of grade 3 and 4 in 15 % of patients. One- and 2-year LRRFS and OS were 72 and 49 % and 77 and 71 %, respectively. CONCLUSION Induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy using IMRT was associated with a high rate of severe acute and late RT-related toxicities in this selected patient cohort. Four patients were lost because of fatal complications. Induction chemotherapy did not compromise the delivery of full-dose RT; however, the use of three cycles of concomitant cisplatin was impaired.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) credentialing for a EORTC study was performed using an anthropomorphic head phantom from the Radiological Physics Center (RPC; RPC(PH)). Institutions were retrospectively requested to irradiate their institutional phantom (INST(PH)) using the same treatment plan in the framework of a Virtual Phantom Project (VPP) for IMRT credentialing. MATERIALS AND METHODS CT data set of the institutional phantom and measured 2D dose matrices were requested from centers and sent to a dedicated secure EORTC uploader. Data from the RPC(PH) and INST(PH) were thereafter centrally analyzed and inter-compared by the QA team using commercially available software (RIT; ver.5.2; Colorado Springs, USA). RESULTS Eighteen institutions participated to the VPP. The measurements of 6 (33%) institutions could not be analyzed centrally. All other centers passed both the VPP and the RPC ±7%/4 mm credentialing criteria. At the 5%/5 mm gamma criteria (90% of pixels passing), 11(92%) as compared to 12 (100%) centers pass the credentialing process with RPC(PH) and INST(PH) (p = 0.29), respectively. The corresponding pass rate for the 3%/3 mm gamma criteria (90% of pixels passing) was 2 (17%) and 9 (75%; p = 0.01), respectively. CONCLUSIONS IMRT dosimetry gamma evaluations in a single plane for a H&N prospective trial using the INST(PH) measurements showed agreement at the gamma index criteria of ±5%/5 mm (90% of pixels passing) for a small number of VPP measurements. Using more stringent, criteria, the RPC(PH) and INST(PH) comparison showed disagreement. More data is warranted and urgently required within the framework of prospective studies.
BACKGROUND To evaluate toxicity and outcome of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) to the positive lymph nodes in patients with loco-regional advanced cervical cancer (LRACC). METHODS The study population comprised ten patients with 18FDG-PET\CT positive lymph nodes (LNs), who underwent chemoradiation with IMRT and SIB. A dose of 50.4 Gy, in daily fractions of 1.8 Gy, was delivered to primary tumor and draining LNs. Primary tumor received an additional external beam boost to a total dose of 55.8 Gy. A SIB of 62 Gy, in daily fractions of 2 Gy, was delivered to the 18FDG-PET\CT positive LNs. Finally, a high dose rate brachytherapy (HDRB) boost (15 - 18 Gy) was administered to the primary tumor. The primary goal of this study was to evaluate acute and early late toxicity and loco-regional control. RESULTS The median number of irradiated LNs per patient was 3 (range: 1-6) with a median middle nodal SIB-volume of 26.10 cm3 (range, 11.9-82.50 cm3). Median follow-up was 20 months (range, 12 to 30 months). Acute and late grade 3 toxicity was observed in 1 patient. Three of the patients developed a recurrence, one in the form of a local tumor relapse, one had a paraaortic LN metastasis outside the treated volume and the last one developed a distant metastasis. CONCLUSION IMRT with SIB in the region of 18FDG-PET positive lymph nodes appears to be an effective therapy with acceptable toxicity and might be useful in the treatment of patients with locally advanced cervical cancer.
El cáncer de próstata es el tipo de cáncer con mayor prevalencia entre los hombres del mundo occidental y, pese a tener una alta tasa de supervivencia relativa, es la segunda mayor causa de muerte por cáncer en este sector de la población. El tratamiento de elección frente al cáncer de próstata es, en la mayoría de los casos, la radioterapia externa. Las técnicas más modernas de radioterapia externa, como la radioterapia modulada en intensidad, permiten incrementar la dosis en el tumor mientras se reduce la dosis en el tejido sano. Sin embargo, la localización del volumen objetivo varía con el día de tratamiento, y se requieren movimientos muy pequeños de los órganos para sacar partes del volumen objetivo fuera de la región terapéutica, o para introducir tejidos sanos críticos dentro. Para evitar esto se han desarrollado técnicas más avanzadas, como la radioterapia guiada por imagen, que se define por un manejo más preciso de los movimientos internos mediante una adaptación de la planificación del tratamiento basada en la información anatómica obtenida de imágenes de tomografía computarizada (TC) previas a la sesión terapéutica. Además, la radioterapia adaptativa añade la información dosimétrica de las fracciones previas a la información anatómica. Uno de los fundamentos de la radioterapia adaptativa es el registro deformable de imágenes, de gran utilidad a la hora de modelar los desplazamientos y deformaciones de los órganos internos. Sin embargo, su utilización conlleva nuevos retos científico-tecnológicos en el procesamiento de imágenes, principalmente asociados a la variabilidad de los órganos, tanto en localización como en apariencia. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es mejorar los procesos clínicos de delineación automática de contornos y de cálculo de dosis acumulada para la planificación y monitorización de tratamientos con radioterapia adaptativa, a partir de nuevos métodos de procesamiento de imágenes de TC (1) en presencia de contrastes variables, y (2) cambios de apariencia del recto. Además, se pretende (3) proveer de herramientas para la evaluación de la calidad de los contornos obtenidos en el caso del gross tumor volumen (GTV). Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral son las siguientes: _ 1. La adaptación, implementación y evaluación de un algoritmo de registro basado en el flujo óptico de la fase de la imagen como herramienta para el cálculo de transformaciones no-rígidas en presencia de cambios de intensidad, y su aplicabilidad a tratamientos de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata con uso de agentes de contraste radiológico. Los resultados demuestran que el algoritmo seleccionado presenta mejores resultados cualitativos en presencia de contraste radiológico en la vejiga, y no distorsiona la imagen forzando deformaciones poco realistas. 2. La definición, desarrollo y validación de un nuevo método de enmascaramiento de los contenidos del recto (MER), y la evaluación de su influencia en el procedimiento de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. Las segmentaciones obtenidas mediante el MER para la creación de máscaras homogéneas en las imágenes de sesión permiten mejorar sensiblemente los resultados de los algoritmos de registro en la región rectal. Así, el uso de la metodología propuesta incrementa el índice de volumen solapado entre los contornos manuales y automáticos del recto hasta un valor del 89%, cercano a los resultados obtenidos usando máscaras manuales para el registro de las dos imágenes. De esta manera se pueden corregir tanto el cálculo de los nuevos contornos como el cálculo de la dosis acumulada. 3. La definición de una metodología de evaluación de la calidad de los contornos del GTV, que permite la representación de la distribución espacial del error, adaptándola a volúmenes no-convexos como el formado por la próstata y las vesículas seminales. Dicha metodología de evaluación, basada en un nuevo algoritmo de reconstrucción tridimensional y una nueva métrica de cuantificación, presenta resultados precisos con una gran resolución espacial en un tiempo despreciable frente al tiempo de registro. Esta nueva metodología puede ser una herramienta útil para la comparación de distintos algoritmos de registro deformable orientados a la radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. En conclusión, el trabajo realizado en esta tesis doctoral corrobora las hipótesis de investigación postuladas, y pretende servir como cimiento de futuros avances en el procesamiento de imagen médica en los tratamientos de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. Asimismo, se siguen abriendo nuevas líneas de aplicación futura de métodos de procesamiento de imágenes médicas con el fin de mejorar los procesos de radioterapia adaptativa en presencia de cambios de apariencia de los órganos, e incrementar la seguridad del paciente. I.2 Inglés Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer amongst men in the Western world and, despite having a relatively high survival rate, is the second leading cause of cancer death in this sector of the population. The treatment of choice against prostate cancer is, in most cases, external beam radiation therapy. The most modern techniques of external radiotherapy, as intensity modulated radiotherapy, allow increasing the dose to the tumor whilst reducing the dose to healthy tissue. However, the location of the target volume varies with the day of treatment, and very small movements of the organs are required to pull out parts of the target volume outside the therapeutic region, or to introduce critical healthy tissues inside. Advanced techniques, such as the image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), have been developed to avoid this. IGRT is defined by more precise handling of internal movements by adapting treatment planning based on the anatomical information obtained from computed tomography (CT) images prior to the therapy session. Moreover, the adaptive radiotherapy adds dosimetric information of previous fractions to the anatomical information. One of the fundamentals of adaptive radiotherapy is deformable image registration, very useful when modeling the displacements and deformations of the internal organs. However, its use brings new scientific and technological challenges in image processing, mainly associated to the variability of the organs, both in location and appearance. The aim of this thesis is to improve clinical processes of automatic contour delineation and cumulative dose calculation for planning and monitoring of adaptive radiotherapy treatments, based on new methods of CT image processing (1) in the presence of varying contrasts, and (2) rectum appearance changes. It also aims (3) to provide tools for assessing the quality of contours obtained in the case of gross tumor volume (GTV). The main contributions of this PhD thesis are as follows: 1. The adaptation, implementation and evaluation of a registration algorithm based on the optical flow of the image phase as a tool for the calculation of non-rigid transformations in the presence of intensity changes, and its applicability to adaptive radiotherapy treatment in prostate cancer with use of radiological contrast agents. The results demonstrate that the selected algorithm shows better qualitative results in the presence of radiological contrast agents in the urinary bladder, and does not distort the image forcing unrealistic deformations. 2. The definition, development and validation of a new method for masking the contents of the rectum (MER, Spanish acronym), and assessing their impact on the process of adaptive radiotherapy in prostate cancer. The segmentations obtained by the MER for the creation of homogenous masks in the session CT images can improve significantly the results of registration algorithms in the rectal region. Thus, the use of the proposed methodology increases the volume overlap index between manual and automatic contours of the rectum to a value of 89%, close to the results obtained using manual masks for both images. In this way, both the calculation of new contours and the calculation of the accumulated dose can be corrected. 3. The definition of a methodology for assessing the quality of the contours of the GTV, which allows the representation of the spatial distribution of the error, adapting it to non-convex volumes such as that formed by the prostate and seminal vesicles. Said evaluation methodology, based on a new three-dimensional reconstruction algorithm and a new quantification metric, presents accurate results with high spatial resolution in a time negligible compared to the registration time. This new approach may be a useful tool to compare different deformable registration algorithms oriented to adaptive radiotherapy in prostate cancer In conclusion, this PhD thesis corroborates the postulated research hypotheses, and is intended to serve as a foundation for future advances in medical image processing in adaptive radiotherapy treatment in prostate cancer. In addition, it opens new future applications for medical image processing methods aimed at improving the adaptive radiotherapy processes in the presence of organ’s appearance changes, and increase the patient safety.
Le cancer pulmonaire est la principale cause de décès parmi tous les cancers au Canada. Le pronostic est généralement faible, de l'ordre de 15% de taux de survie après 5 ans. Les déplacements internes des structures anatomiques apportent une incertitude sur la précision des traitements en radio-oncologie, ce qui diminue leur efficacité. Dans cette optique, certaines techniques comme la radio-chirurgie et la radiothérapie par modulation de l'intensité (IMRT) visent à améliorer les résultats cliniques en ciblant davantage la tumeur. Ceci permet d'augmenter la dose reçue par les tissus cancéreux et de réduire celle administrée aux tissus sains avoisinants. Ce projet vise à mieux évaluer la dose réelle reçue pendant un traitement considérant une anatomie en mouvement. Pour ce faire, des plans de CyberKnife et d'IMRT sont recalculés en utilisant un algorithme Monte Carlo 4D de transport de particules qui permet d'effectuer de l'accumulation de dose dans une géométrie déformable. Un environnement de simulation a été développé afin de modéliser ces deux modalités pour comparer les distributions de doses standard et 4D. Les déformations dans le patient sont obtenues en utilisant un algorithme de recalage déformable d'image (DIR) entre les différentes phases respiratoire générées par le scan CT 4D. Ceci permet de conserver une correspondance de voxels à voxels entre la géométrie de référence et celles déformées. La DIR est calculée en utilisant la suite ANTs («Advanced Normalization Tools») et est basée sur des difféomorphismes. Une version modifiée de DOSXYZnrc de la suite EGSnrc, defDOSXYZnrc, est utilisée pour le transport de particule en 4D. Les résultats sont comparés à une planification standard afin de valider le modèle actuel qui constitue une approximation par rapport à une vraie accumulation de dose en 4D.
Aim - To evaluate the deviations in prostatectomy patients treated with IMRT in order to calculate appropriate margins to create the PTV. Background - Defining inappropriate margins can lead to underdosing in target volumes and also overdosing in healthy tissues, increasing morbidity. Material and methods - 223 CBCT images used for alignment with the CT planning scan based on bony anatomy were analyzed in 12 patients treated with IMRT following prostatectomy. Shifts of CBCT images were recorded in three directions to calculate the required margin to create PTV. Results and discussion - The mean and standard deviation (SD) values in millimetres were −0.05 ± 1.35 in the LR direction, −0.03 ± 0.65 in the SI direction and −0.02 ± 2.05 the AP direction. The systematic error measured in the LR, SI and AP direction were 1.35 mm, 0.65 mm, and 2.05 mm with a random error of 2.07 mm; 1.45 mm and 3.16 mm, resulting in a PTV margin of 4.82 mm; 2.64 mm, and 7.33 mm, respectively. Conclusion - With IGRT we suggest a margin of 5 mm, 3 mm and 8 mm in the LR, SI and AP direction, respectively, to PTV1 and PTV2. Therefore, this study supports an anisotropic margin expansion to the PTV being the largest expansion in the AP direction and lower in SI.
Le cancer pulmonaire est la principale cause de décès parmi tous les cancers au Canada. Le pronostic est généralement faible, de l'ordre de 15% de taux de survie après 5 ans. Les déplacements internes des structures anatomiques apportent une incertitude sur la précision des traitements en radio-oncologie, ce qui diminue leur efficacité. Dans cette optique, certaines techniques comme la radio-chirurgie et la radiothérapie par modulation de l'intensité (IMRT) visent à améliorer les résultats cliniques en ciblant davantage la tumeur. Ceci permet d'augmenter la dose reçue par les tissus cancéreux et de réduire celle administrée aux tissus sains avoisinants. Ce projet vise à mieux évaluer la dose réelle reçue pendant un traitement considérant une anatomie en mouvement. Pour ce faire, des plans de CyberKnife et d'IMRT sont recalculés en utilisant un algorithme Monte Carlo 4D de transport de particules qui permet d'effectuer de l'accumulation de dose dans une géométrie déformable. Un environnement de simulation a été développé afin de modéliser ces deux modalités pour comparer les distributions de doses standard et 4D. Les déformations dans le patient sont obtenues en utilisant un algorithme de recalage déformable d'image (DIR) entre les différentes phases respiratoire générées par le scan CT 4D. Ceci permet de conserver une correspondance de voxels à voxels entre la géométrie de référence et celles déformées. La DIR est calculée en utilisant la suite ANTs («Advanced Normalization Tools») et est basée sur des difféomorphismes. Une version modifiée de DOSXYZnrc de la suite EGSnrc, defDOSXYZnrc, est utilisée pour le transport de particule en 4D. Les résultats sont comparés à une planification standard afin de valider le modèle actuel qui constitue une approximation par rapport à une vraie accumulation de dose en 4D.
The effects of tumour motion during radiation therapy delivery have been widely investigated. Motion effects have become increasingly important with the introduction of dynamic radiotherapy delivery modalities such as enhanced dynamic wedges (EDWs) and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) where a dynamically collimated radiation beam is delivered to the moving target, resulting in dose blurring and interplay effects which are a consequence of the combined tumor and beam motion. Prior to this work, reported studies on the EDW based interplay effects have been restricted to the use of experimental methods for assessing single-field non-fractionated treatments. In this work, the interplay effects have been investigated for EDW treatments. Single and multiple field treatments have been studied using experimental and Monte Carlo (MC) methods. Initially this work experimentally studies interplay effects for single-field non-fractionated EDW treatments, using radiation dosimetry systems placed on a sinusoidaly moving platform. A number of wedge angles (60º, 45º and 15º), field sizes (20 × 20, 10 × 10 and 5 × 5 cm2), amplitudes (10-40 mm in step of 10 mm) and periods (2 s, 3 s, 4.5 s and 6 s) of tumor motion are analysed (using gamma analysis) for parallel and perpendicular motions (where the tumor and jaw motions are either parallel or perpendicular to each other). For parallel motion it was found that both the amplitude and period of tumor motion affect the interplay, this becomes more prominent where the collimator tumor speeds become identical. For perpendicular motion the amplitude of tumor motion is the dominant factor where as varying the period of tumor motion has no observable effect on the dose distribution. The wedge angle results suggest that the use of a large wedge angle generates greater dose variation for both parallel and perpendicular motions. The use of small field size with a large tumor motion results in the loss of wedged dose distribution for both parallel and perpendicular motion. From these single field measurements a motion amplitude and period have been identified which show the poorest agreement between the target motion and dynamic delivery and these are used as the „worst case motion parameters.. The experimental work is then extended to multiple-field fractionated treatments. Here a number of pre-existing, multiple–field, wedged lung plans are delivered to the radiation dosimetry systems, employing the worst case motion parameters. Moreover a four field EDW lung plan (using a 4D CT data set) is delivered to the IMRT quality control phantom with dummy tumor insert over four fractions using the worst case parameters i.e. 40 mm amplitude and 6 s period values. The analysis of the film doses using gamma analysis at 3%-3mm indicate the non averaging of the interplay effects for this particular study with a gamma pass rate of 49%. To enable Monte Carlo modelling of the problem, the DYNJAWS component module (CM) of the BEAMnrc user code is validated and automated. DYNJAWS has been recently introduced to model the dynamic wedges. DYNJAWS is therefore commissioned for 6 MV and 10 MV photon energies. It is shown that this CM can accurately model the EDWs for a number of wedge angles and field sizes. The dynamic and step and shoot modes of the CM are compared for their accuracy in modelling the EDW. It is shown that dynamic mode is more accurate. An automation of the DYNJAWS specific input file has been carried out. This file specifies the probability of selection of a subfield and the respective jaw coordinates. This automation simplifies the generation of the BEAMnrc input files for DYNJAWS. The DYNJAWS commissioned model is then used to study multiple field EDW treatments using MC methods. The 4D CT data of an IMRT phantom with the dummy tumor is used to produce a set of Monte Carlo simulation phantoms, onto which the delivery of single field and multiple field EDW treatments is simulated. A number of static and motion multiple field EDW plans have been simulated. The comparison of dose volume histograms (DVHs) and gamma volume histograms (GVHs) for four field EDW treatments (where the collimator and patient motion is in the same direction) using small (15º) and large wedge angles (60º) indicates a greater mismatch between the static and motion cases for the large wedge angle. Finally, to use gel dosimetry as a validation tool, a new technique called the „zero-scan method. is developed for reading the gel dosimeters with x-ray computed tomography (CT). It has been shown that multiple scans of a gel dosimeter (in this case 360 scans) can be used to reconstruct a zero scan image. This zero scan image has a similar precision to an image obtained by averaging the CT images, without the additional dose delivered by the CT scans. In this investigation the interplay effects have been studied for single and multiple field fractionated EDW treatments using experimental and Monte Carlo methods. For using the Monte Carlo methods the DYNJAWS component module of the BEAMnrc code has been validated and automated and further used to study the interplay for multiple field EDW treatments. Zero-scan method, a new gel dosimetry readout technique has been developed for reading the gel images using x-ray CT without losing the precision and accuracy.
Purpose To establish whether the use of a passive or active technique of planning target volume (PTV) definition and treatment methods for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) deliver the most effective results. This literature review assesses the advantages and disadvantages in recent studies of each, while assessing the validity of the two approaches for planning and treatment. Methods A systematic review of literature focusing on the planning and treatment of radiation therapy to NSCLC tumours. Different approaches which have been published in recent articles are subjected to critical appraisal in order to determine their relative efficacy. Results Free-breathing (FB) is the optimal method to perform planning scans for patients and departments, as it involves no significant increase in cost, workload or education. Maximum intensity projection (MIP) is the fastest form of delineation, however it is noted to be less accurate than the ten-phase overlap approach for computed tomography (CT). Although gating has proven to reduce margins and facilitate sparing of organs at risk, treatment times can be longer and planning time can be as much as 15 times higher for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). This raises issues with patient comfort and stabilisation, impacting on the chance of geometric miss. Stereotactic treatments can take up to 3 hours to treat, along with increases in planning and treatment, as well as the additional hardware, software and training required. Conclusion Four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) is superior to 3DCT, with the passive FB approach for PTV delineation and treatment optimal. Departments should use a combination of MIP with visual confirmation ensuring coverage for stage 1 disease. Stages 2-3 should be delineated using ten-phases overlaid. Stereotactic and gated treatments for early stage disease should be used accordingly; FB-IMRT is optimal for latter stage disease.
Purpose: It is common for head and neck patients to be affected by time trend errors as a result of weight loss during a course of radiation treatment. The objective of this planning study was to investigate the impact of weight loss on Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) as well as Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for locally advanced head and neck cancer using automatic co-registration of the CBCT. Methods and Materials: A retrospective analysis of previously treated IMRT plans for 10 patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer patients was done. A VMAT plan was also produced for all patients. We calculated the dose–volume histograms (DVH) indices for spinal cord planning at risk volumes (PRVs), the brainstem PRVs (SC+0.5cm and BS+0.5cm, respectively) as well as mean dose to the parotid glands. Results: The results show that the mean difference in dose to the SC+0.5cm was 1.03% and 1.27% for the IMRT and VMAT plans, respectively. As for dose to the BS+0.5, the percentage difference was 0.63% for the IMRT plans and 0.61% for the VMAT plans. The analysis of the parotid gland doses shows that the percentage change in mean dose to left parotid was -8.0% whereas that of the right parotid was -6.4% for the IMRT treatment plans. In the VMAT plans, the percentages change for the left and the right parotid glands were -6.6% and -6.7% respectively. Conclusions: This study shows a clinically significant impact of weight loss on DVH indices analysed in head and neck organs at risk. It highlights the importance of adaptive radiotherapy in head and neck patients if organ at risk sparing is to be maintained.
Radiation therapy (RT) plays currently significant role in curative treatments of several cancers. External beam RT is carried out mostly by using megavoltage beams of linear accelerators. Tumor eradication and normal tissue complications correlate to dose absorbed in tissues. Normally this dependence is steep and it is crucial that actual dose within patient accurately correspond to the planned dose. All factors in a RT procedure contain uncertainties requiring strict quality assurance. From hospital physicist´s point of a view, technical quality control (QC), dose calculations and methods for verification of correct treatment location are the most important subjects. Most important factor in technical QC is the verification that radiation production of an accelerator, called output, is within narrow acceptable limits. The output measurements are carried out according to a locally chosen dosimetric QC program defining measurement time interval and action levels. Dose calculation algorithms need to be configured for the accelerators by using measured beam data. The uncertainty of such data sets limits for best achievable calculation accuracy. All these dosimetric measurements require good experience, are workful, take up resources needed for treatments and are prone to several random and systematic sources of errors. Appropriate verification of treatment location is more important in intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) than in conventional RT. This is due to steep dose gradients produced within or close to healthy tissues locating only a few millimetres from the targeted volume. The thesis was concentrated in investigation of the quality of dosimetric measurements, the efficacy of dosimetric QC programs, the verification of measured beam data and the effect of positional errors on the dose received by the major salivary glands in head and neck IMRT. A method was developed for the estimation of the effect of the use of different dosimetric QC programs on the overall uncertainty of dose. Data were provided to facilitate the choice of a sufficient QC program. The method takes into account local output stability and reproducibility of the dosimetric QC measurements. A method based on the model fitting of the results of the QC measurements was proposed for the estimation of both of these factors. The reduction of random measurement errors and optimization of QC procedure were also investigated. A method and suggestions were presented for these purposes. The accuracy of beam data was evaluated in Finnish RT centres. Sufficient accuracy level was estimated for the beam data. A method based on the use of reference beam data was developed for the QC of beam data. Dosimetric and geometric accuracy requirements were evaluated for head and neck IMRT when function of the major salivary glands is intended to be spared. These criteria are based on the dose response obtained for the glands. Random measurement errors could be reduced enabling lowering of action levels and prolongation of measurement time interval from 1 month to even 6 months simultaneously maintaining dose accuracy. The combined effect of the proposed methods, suggestions and criteria was found to facilitate the avoidance of maximal dose errors of up to even about 8 %. In addition, their use may make the strictest recommended overall dose accuracy level of 3 % (1SD) achievable.
Advanced radiotherapy techniques such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) achieve high levels of conformity to the target volume through the sequential delivery of highly spatially and temporally modulated radiation fields, which have been shown to impact radiobiological response. This study aimed to characterize the time and cell type dependency of survival responses to modulated fields using single cell type (SCT) and mixed cell type (MCT) co-culture models of transformed fibroblast (AG0-1522b) cells, and prostate (DU-145) and lung (H460) cancer cells. In SCT cultures, in-field responses showed no significant time dependency while out-of-field responses occurred early, and plateaued 6 h after irradiation in both DU-145 and H460 cells. Under modulated beam configurations MCT co-cultures showed cell-specific, differential out-of-field responses depending on the irradiated in-field and responding out-of-field cell type. The observed differential out-of-field responses may be due to the genetic background of the cells, in particular p53 status, which has been shown to mediate radiation-induced bystander effects (RIBEs). These data provide further insight into the radiobiological parameters that influence out-of-field responses, which have potential implications for advanced radiotherapy modalities and may provide opportunities for biophysical optimization in radiotherapy treatment planning.