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In the line opened by Kalai and Muller (1997), we explore new conditions on prefernce domains which make it possible to avoid Arrow's impossibility result. In our main theorem, we provide a complete characterization of the domains admitting nondictorial Arrovian social welfare functions with ties (i.e. including indifference in the range) by introducing a notion of strict decomposability. In the proof, we use integer programming tools, following an approach first applied to social choice theory by Sethuraman, Teo and Vohra ((2003), (2006)). In order to obtain a representation of Arrovian social welfare functions whose range can include indifference, we generalize Sethuraman et al.'s work and specify integer programs in which variables are allowed to assume values in the set {0, 1/2, 1}: indeed, we show that, there exists a one-to-one correspondence between solutions of an integer program defined on this set and the set of all Arrovian social welfare functions - without restrictions on the range.
Using the integer programming approach introduced by Sethuraman, Teo, and Vohra (2003), we extend the analysis of the preference domains containing an inseparable ordered pair, initiated by Kalai and Ritz (1978). We show that these domains admit not only Arrovian social welfare functions \without ties," but also Arrovian social welfare functions \with ties," since they satisfy the strictly decomposability condition introduced by Busetto, Codognato, and Tonin (2012). Moreover, we go further in the comparison between Kalai and Ritz (1978)'s inseparability and Arrow (1963)'s single-peak restrictions, showing that the former condition is more \respectable," in the sense of Muller and Satterthwaite (1985).
The sensitivity of altitudinal and latitudinal tree-line ecotones to climate change, particularly that of temperature, has received much attention. To improve our understanding of the factors affecting tree-line position, we used the spatially explicit dynamic forest model TreeMig. Although well-suited because of its landscape dynamics functions, TreeMig features a parabolic temperature growth response curve, which has recently been questioned. and the species parameters are not specifically calibrated for cold temperatures. Our main goals were to improve the theoretical basis of the temperature growth response curve in the model and develop a method for deriving that curve's parameters from tree-ring data. We replaced the parabola with an asymptotic curve, calibrated for the main species at the subalpine (Swiss Alps: Pinus cembra, Larix decidua, Picea abies) and boreal (Fennoscandia: Pinus sylvestris, Betula pubescens, P. abies) tree-lines. After fitting new parameters, the growth curve matched observed tree-ring widths better. For the subalpine species, the minimum degree-day sum allowing, growth (kDDMin) was lowered by around 100 degree-days; in the case of Larix, the maximum potential ring-width was increased to 5.19 mm. At the boreal tree-line, the kDDMin for P. sylvestris was lowered by 210 degree-days and its maximum ring-width increased to 2.943 mm; for Betula (new in the model) kDDMin was set to 325 degree-days and the maximum ring-width to 2.51 mm; the values from the only boreal sample site for Picea were similar to the subalpine ones, so the same parameters were used. However, adjusting the growth response alone did not improve the model's output concerning species' distributions and their relative importance at tree-line. Minimum winter temperature (MinWiT, mean of the coldest winter month), which controls seedling establishment in TreeMig, proved more important for determining distribution. Picea, P. sylvestris and Betula did not previously have minimum winter temperature limits, so these values were set to the 95th percentile of each species' coldest MinWiT site (respectively -7, -11, -13). In a case study for the Alps, the original and newly calibrated versions of TreeMig were compared with biomass data from the National Forest Inventor), (NFI). Both models gave similar, reasonably realistic results. In conclusion, this method of deriving temperature responses from tree-rings works well. However, regeneration and its underlying factors seem more important for controlling species' distributions than previously thought. More research on regeneration ecology, especially at the upper limit of forests. is needed to improve predictions of tree-line responses to climate change further.
OBJECTIVES: Residual mitral regurgitation after valve repair worsens patients' clinical outcome. Postimplant adjustable mitral rings potentially address this issue, allowing the reshaping of the annulus on the beating heart under echocardiography control. We developed an original mitral ring allowing valve geometry remodelling after the implantation and designed an animal study to assess device effectiveness in correcting residual mitral regurgitation. METHODS: The device consists of two concentric rings: one internal and flexible, sutured to the mitral annulus and a second external and rigid. A third conic element slides between the two rings, modifying the shape of the flexible ring. This sliding element is remotely activated with a rotating tool. Animal model: in adult swine, under cardio pulmonary bypass and cardiac arrest, we shortened the primary chordae of P2 segment to reproduce Type III regurgitation and implanted the active ring. We used intracardiac ultrasound to assess mitral regurgitation and the efficacy of the active ring to correct it. RESULTS: Severe mitral regurgitation (3+ and 4+) was induced in eight animals, 54 ± 6 kg in weight. Vena contracta width decreased from 0.8 ± 0.2 to 0.1 cm; proximal isovelocity surface area radius decreased from 0.8 ± 0.2 to 0.1 cm and effective regurgitant orifice area decreased from 0.50 ± 0.1 to 0.1 ± 0.1 cm(2). Six animals had a reversal of systolic pulmonary flow that normalized following the activation of the device. All corrections were reversible. CONCLUSIONS: Postimplant adjustable mitral ring corrects severe mitral regurgitation through the reversible modification of the annulus geometry on the beating heart. It addresses the frequent and morbid issue of recurrent mitral valve regurgitation.
The present investigation is related to the frequency of infection and to the gross and microscopic lesions associated to the presence of trichurid worms in 50 ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) from backyard flocks in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the investigated birds, the overall infection rate was of 74%, with the presence of Eucoleus perforans with 72% of prevalence and 21.2 of mean intensity, in the esophageal and crop mucosa and rarely in the junction of the proventriculus and esophagus, E. annulatus with 2% and 3 in the crop mucosa, Capillaria phasianina, with 12% and 4.3 in the cecum and small intestine and Baruscapillaria obsignata, for the first time referred in this host, with 2% and 1 in the small intestine. Clinical signs were absent. The gross lesions observed in the crop and esophagus of 14 (38.9%) pheasants parasitized with E. perforans were thickening, small nodules, congestion, and petechial haemorrhages in the mucosa. These birds presented a mean infection of 37.5 and a range of infection of 10-82. The microscopic lesions revealed chronic esophagitis with diffuse inflammatory process in the lamina propria characterized mostly by a mononuclear cell infiltrate and also with the presence of granulocytes. In the case of the parasitism of pheasants with C. phasianina, the gross lesions were absent; microscopic lesions were characterized by chronic typhlitis with mononuclear infiltrate. Gross and microscopic lesions were absent in the pheasants parasitized with E. annulatus and B. obsignata.
Der Aufsatz untersucht die Faktur vormoderner Literatur als Resultat einer ihr grundlegend eingeschriebenen, aber nurmehr implizit präsenten Struktur: der visuellen Vorstellung eines Autors davon, wie sein (linearer) Text auf der (zweidimensionalen) Fläche der Buchseite und im (dreidimensionalen) Raum des Buchs präsentiert und rezipiert werden wird. Mit der These, dass diese - bewusste oder unbewusste - Vorstellung direkten Einfluss auf die Gestaltung des zumeist fern von seinem gedachten Buch überlieferten Textes, mithin auf seine Struktur, hat, soll ein bisher unbeachteter Aspekt seiner Historizität geltend gemacht und als Faktor historischer Interpretation ins Gespräch gebracht werden. Als Stellvertreter des ,,gedachten Buchs", das als mentales Bild empirisch unerreichbar bleibt, werden prototypische Erscheinungsformen von Buchseiten und Büchern angeführt, die in Abhängigkeit von Faktoren wie Entstehungszeitpunkt und ‑kontext, Gattung und Sprache zwischen dem 12. und 16. Jahrhundert in der Regel präzise zu beschreiben sind. Für den Sonderfall narrativer Literatur, der der Aufsatz im engeren Sinne gilt, erweist sich die Analogie zweier Doppelstrukturen als interpretatorisches Schlüsselelement: die der sich im Handlungsverlauf sukzessive entfaltenden und doch abgeschlossenen erzählten Welt und die der linearen (seitenkontinuierlichen) und der dimensionalen (im diskontinuierlichen Zugriff realisierbaren) Ordnung des Mediums Buch. An drei Fallbeispielen in historischen Querschnitten wird demonstriert, wie das Wissen um diese zweifache Doppelstruktur und ihre Analogie die Faktur eines Erzähltextes unter unterschiedlichen medialen Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst.
A series of ring substituted 3-phenyl-1-(1,4-di-N-oxide quinoxalin-2-yl)-2-propen-1-one derivatives were synthesized and tested for in vitro leishmanicidal activity against amastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis in axenical cultures and murine infected macrophages. Structure-activity relationships demonstrated the importance of a radical methoxy at position R3', R4' and R5'. (2E)-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxy-phenyl)-1-(3,6,7-trimethyl-1,4-dioxy-quinoxalin-2-yl)-propenone was the most active. Cytotoxicity on macrophages revealed that this product was almost six times more active than toxic.
We created a high-throughput modality of photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) that enables automated 3D PALM imaging of hundreds of synchronized bacteria during all stages of the cell cycle. We used high-throughput PALM to investigate the nanoscale organization of the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ in live Caulobacter crescentus. We observed that FtsZ predominantly localizes as a patchy midcell band, and only rarely as a continuous ring, supporting a model of "Z-ring" organization whereby FtsZ protofilaments are randomly distributed within the band and interact only weakly. We found evidence for a previously unidentified period of rapid ring contraction in the final stages of the cell cycle. We also found that DNA damage resulted in production of high-density continuous Z-rings, which may obstruct cytokinesis. Our results provide a detailed quantitative picture of in vivo Z-ring organization.
In 2004, a 56-year-old woman was diagnosed with Stage IA follicular lymphoma in a cervical lymph node biopsy. The patient experienced total remission after local radiation therapy. In 2009, a control computed tomography scan evidenced a pelvic mass, prompting total hysterectomy. The latter harbored a 4.8-cm intramural uterine tumor corresponding to a mostly diffuse and focally nodular proliferation of medium to large cells, with extensive, periodic acid-Schiff negative, signet ring cell changes, and a pan-keratin negative, CD20+, CD10+, Bcl2+, Bcl6+ immunophenotype. Molecular genetic studies showed the same clonal IGH gene rearrangement in the lymph node and the uterus, establishing the uterine tumor as a relapse of the preceding follicular lymphoma, although no signet ring cells were evidenced at presentation. Uterine localization of lymphomas is rare, and lymphomas with signet ring cell features are uncommon. This exceptional case exemplifies a diagnostically challenging situation and expands the differential diagnosis of uterine neoplasms displaying signet ring cell morphology.
Purpose: We report an unusual appearance of fundus autofluorescence (FAF) associated with NR2E3-p.G56R-linked autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP).Methods: Patients were enrolled among three generations in a Swiss family. Molecular diagnosis identified a c.166G>A (p.G56R) mutation. Ophthalmic examination included fundus photography, FAF, near-infrared autofluorescence (NIA), optical coherence tomography (OCT) and visual fields (VF).Results: Fundus examination revealed a wide range of features from unremarkable to attenuated arterial caliber, clumped and spicular pigment deposits in the mid-periphery and optic nerve pallor. FAF showed a double concentric hyperautofluorescent ring: an inner perimacular ring which tended to be smaller in older patients, and an outer ring located along the vascular arcades, which appeared to extend over time towards the periphery and eventually became hypoautofluorescent. The inner and outer hyperautofluorescent rings were seen both on NIA and FAF at a similar localization. There was also a spatial correspondence between the loss of photoreceptor inner segment and outer segment junction on OCT and the area delimited by both double FAF and NIA rings. VF showed either midperipheral annular scotoma or constricted visual field loss in advanced cases, correlating with dystrophic non-functional retinal regions demarcated by the hyperautofluorescent annuli. A double ring of hyperautofluorescence was observed in all but one patient of two additional families, but not in patients harboring mutations in other ADRP genes, including PRPF3, RHO, RP1, PRPH2, PROM1 and CTRP5.Conclusions: The presence of a double concentric hyperautofluorescent ring of FAF may represent a highly penetrant early phenotypic marker of NR2E3-p.G56R-linked ADRP.
Variation in melanin coloration is widespread and often associated with other phenotypic traits. A recent study showed that darker-reddish pheomelanic Barn Owls (Tyto alba) move longer distances between birth and breeding sites. Because this study considered only individuals recovered within a limited study area, it remains unclear whether the association between melanism and dispersal applies to a larger geographic scale. I analysed an independent dataset of birds ringed in the same study area but recovered dead along roads within and outside this area. As expected, dark pheomelanic owls dispersed further than lighter reddish conspecifics at a larger spatial scale.
Smad (Sma and Mad-related protein) 2/3 are downstream signaling molecules for TGF-β and myostatin (Mstn). Recently, Mstn was shown to induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skeletal muscle via canonical Smad3, nuclear factor-κB, and TNF-α pathway. However, mice lacking Smad3 display skeletal muscle atrophy due to increased Mstn levels. Hence, our aims were first to investigate whether Mstn induced muscle atrophy in Smad3(-/-) mice by increasing ROS and second to delineate Smad3-independent signaling mechanism for Mstn-induced ROS. Herein we show that Smad3(-/-) mice have increased ROS levels in skeletal muscle, and inactivation of Mstn in these mice partially ablates the oxidative stress. Furthermore, ROS induction by Mstn in Smad3(-/-) muscle was not via nuclear factor-κB (p65) signaling but due to activated p38, ERK MAPK signaling and enhanced IL-6 levels. Consequently, TNF-α, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase, and xanthine oxidase levels were up-regulated, which led to an increase in ROS production in Smad3(-/-) skeletal muscle. The exaggerated ROS in the Smad3(-/-) muscle potentiated binding of C/EBP homology protein transcription factor to MuRF1 promoter, resulting in enhanced MuRF1 levels leading to muscle atrophy.
Audit report on Highway Safety Projects administered by The Integer Group Midwest for the year ended September 30, 2006
In this paper we provide a full characterization of the pure-strategyNash Equilibria for the p-Beauty Contest Game when we restrict player schoices to integer numbers. Opposed to the case of real number choices,equilibrium uniqueness may be lost depending on the value of p and thenumber of players: in particular, as p approaches 1 any symmetric profileconstitutes a Nash Equilibrium. We also show that any experimental p-BeautyContest Game can be associated to a game with the integer restriction andthus multiplicity of equilibria becomes an issue. Finally, we show thatin these games the iterated deletion of weakly dominated strategies maynot lead to a single outcome while the iterated best-reply process alwaysdoes (though the outcome obtained depends on the initial conditions).
Eukaryotic cells encode two homologs of Escherichia coli RecA protein, Rad51 and Dmc1, which are required for meiotic recombination. Rad51, like E.coli RecA, forms helical nucleoprotein filaments that promote joint molecule and heteroduplex DNA formation. Electron microscopy reveals that the human meiosis-specific recombinase Dmc1 forms ring structures that bind single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) DNA. The protein binds preferentially to ssDNA tails and gaps in duplex DNA. hDmc1-ssDNA complexes exhibit an irregular, often compacted structure, and promote strand-transfer reactions with homologous duplex DNA. hDmc1 binds duplex DNA with reduced affinity to form nucleoprotein complexes. In contrast to helical RecA/Rad51 filaments, however, Dmc1 filaments are composed of a linear array of stacked protein rings. Consistent with the requirement for two recombinases in meiotic recombination, hDmc1 interacts directly with hRad51.