943 resultados para Instrumental reason


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This article explores two rival understandings of production and what it means to be a rational productive subject. Against ‘technicist’ models of productive reason, it defends a ‘phronetic’ model on both normative and pragmatic grounds. The discussion begins with a description of the general principles underpinning technicist theories of workplace organisation, principles which continue to inform work design approaches to this day. The technicist model is thereafter criticised on three counts: that it represents a specific managerial agenda which privileges sectional interests; that it is suspect morally for a number of reasons; and that despite its aspiration of arriving at ‘one best method’, it represents but one way of organising work processes. The phronetic model is then set out using the notion of ‘practices’ as a guide. This notion is important in providing a view of production in which technical reason is subsumed under a broader practical reason incorporating individual experience and judgement. Against the charge that this view is merely an instance of nostalgic craft romanticism having little relevance to present industrial realities, there are recognisable contemporary instances of phronetic production, one of the most interesting being Volvo’s innovations in automotive assembly systems.


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In this research note, we introduce a graded BDI agent development framework, g-BDI for short, that allows to build agents as multi-context systems that reason about three fundamental and graded mental attitudes (i.e. beliefs, desires and intentions). We propose a sound and complete logical framework for them and some logical extensions to accommodate slightly different views on desires. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic approach to develop the teaching of instrumental analytical chemistry is discussed, as well as a conceptual framework for organizing and executing lectures and a laboratory course. Three main components are used in this course: theoretical knowledge developed in the classroom, simulations via a virtual laboratory, and practical training via experimentation. Problem-based learning and cooperative-learning methods are applied in both the classroom and laboratory aspects of the course. In addition, some reflections and best practices are presented on how to encourage students to learn actively. Overall, a student-centered environment is proposed that aims to cultivate students' practical abilities and individual talents.


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In this paper, I critically assess John Rawls' repeated claim that the duty of civility is only a moral duty and should not be enforced by law. In the first part of the paper, I examine and reject the view that Rawls' position may be due to the practical difficulties that the legal enforcement of the duty of civility might entail. I thus claim that Rawls' position must be driven by deeper normative reasons grounded in a conception of free speech. In the second part of the paper, I therefore examine various arguments for free speech and critically assess whether they are consistent with Rawls' political liberalism. I first focus on the arguments from truth and self-fulfilment. Both arguments, I argue, rely on comprehensive doctrines and therefore cannot provide a freestanding political justification for free speech. Freedom of speech, I claim, can be justified instead on the basis of Rawls' political conception of the person and of the two moral powers. However, Rawls' wide view of public reason already allows scope for the kind of free speech necessary for the exercise of the two moral powers and therefore cannot explain Rawls' opposition to the legal enforcement of the duty of civility. Such opposition, I claim, can only be explained on the basis of a defence of unconstrained freedom of speech grounded in the ideas of democracy and political legitimacy. Yet, I conclude, while public reason and the duty of civility are essential to political liberalism, unconstrained freedom of speech is not. Rawls and political liberals could therefore renounce unconstrained freedom of speech, and endorse the legal enforcement of the duty of civility, while remaining faithful to political liberalism.


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In the large body of literature concerning John Rawls’s Political Liberalism (1993) and his conception of public reason, little attention has been paid to the implications that the constraints of public reason have for partisans, i.e. citizens who participate in politics through political parties. This paper argues that even on the basis of a ‘mild’ understanding of Rawls’s conception of the constraints of public reason, which takes into account the various stipulations Rawls provided throughout his later work, when applied to partisans the constraints of public reason lose none or little of their hindering force. This seriously undermines the contribution that parties and partisans can provide to the change and the varieties of public reason that Rawls himself advocates as a response to social change and, therefore, to political justification and legitimacy. Parties articulate, coordinate and enhance societal demands which, without their support, may remain unheard and fail to change the acceptable terms of public reason and political justification. If the political speech of partisans is restrained, this potential for change (and, therefore, its contribution to political legitimacy) is seriously undermined.


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The parasitical relationship between the grand piano and the myriad objects used in its preparation as pioneered by John Cage in the late 1940’s is here discussed from a perspective of free improvisation practice. Preparations can be defined as the use of a “non-instrument” object (screws, bolts, rubbers etc…) to alter or modify the behaviour of an instrument or part of an instrument. Although also present in instrumental practices based on the electric guitar or the drum kit, the piano provides a privileged space of exploration given its large‐scale resonant body. It also highlights the transgressive aspect of preparation (the piano to be prepared often belongs to a venue rather than to the pianist herself, hence highlighting relationships of trust, care and respect). Since 2007 I have used a guitar-object (a small wooden board with strings and pick ups) connected to a small amplifier to prepare the grand piano in my free improvisation practice. This paper addresses the different relationships afforded by this type preparation which is characterised by the fact that the object for preparation is in itself an instrument (albeit a simplified one), and the preparation is ephemeral and intrinsic to the performance. The paper also reflects on the process of designing an interface from and for a particular practice and in collaboration with a guitar luthier.


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In Canada, it is young rural based men who are at the greatest risk for suicide. While there is no consensus on the reasons for this, evidence points to contextual social factors including isolation, lack of confidential services and pressure to uphold restrictive norms of rural masculinity. In this article we share findings drawn from an instrumental photo voice case study to distil factors contributing to the suicide of a young Canadian rural based man. Integrating photo voice methods and in-depth qualitative we conducted interviews with 7 family members and close friends of the deceased. The interviews and image data were analyzed using constant comparative methods to discern themes related to participants’ reflections on and perceptions about rural male suicide. Three inductively derived themes, “Missing the signs”, “Living up to his public image” and “Down in Rural Canada ” reflect the challenges that survivors and young rural men can experience in attempting to be comply with restrictive dominant ideals of masculinity. We conclude that community based suicide prevention efforts would benefit from gender-sensitive and place specific approaches to advancing men’s mental health by making tangibly available and affirming an array of masculinities to foster the well-being of young rural based men.


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Pretende-se perceber se existe uma relação entre o nível regular de actividade física praticado pelas pessoas idosas e a sua autonomia instrumental. Desenvolveu-se um estudo descritivo, correlacional e transversal, no ano 2010, com amostra intencional constituída por 100 indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, de ambos sexos. A colheita de dados foi efectuada em dois ginásios e dois centros de dia localizados na cidade de Lisboa, e foram utilizados como instrumentos a Escala de Actividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária de Lawton e Brody e o International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Obteve-se uma média de idades de 76 anos, sendo 78% dos inquiridos do sexo feminino. Inseriram-se 30% na categoria de actividade física “ligeira”, 45% na “moderada” e 25% na “vigorosa”. Relativamente à autonomia instrumental, a maioria era moderadamente dependente. Verificou-se que o grau de autonomia instrumental dos idosos aumenta com o incremento da actividade física praticada (ρS=0.815; p-value<0.001); Abstract: This work seeks to realize if there is a relationship between the level of regular physical activity practiced by elderly persons and its instrumental autonomy. A descriptive, related and transversal study was developed in the year 2010, with an intentional sample consisting of 100 individuals, aged 60 years or above, of both genders. The data collection was carried out in two gymnasiums and two day care centers located in the city of Lisbon, and were used the Lawton and Brody’s Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. A mean age of 76 years was obtained and 78% of the respondents were female. 30% were classified as having a "low" physical activity level, 45% as "moderate" and 25% as "high". Regarding instrumental autonomy, most were moderately dependent. It was verified that the degree of instrumental autonomy of the elderly increases with increased physical activity (ρS=0.815; p-value<0.001).


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A presente tese apresenta-se num formato bipartido, sendo a primeira parte uma investigação teórica e a segunda parte um conjunto de composições originais que procuram estabelecer, directa e indirectamente, uma relação com a temática investigada. A investigação incide sobre as diferentes relações que se podem estabelecer entre estruturas intervalares e estruturas espectrais, a partir de um conjunto representativo de obras de diferentes compositores. As obras originais da segunda parte configuram um objecto final de análise e reflexão. As composições que integram a segunda parte da tese são: Inês – sete miniaturas sobre A Castro, para soprano e orquestra, sobre excertos de “Castro”, de António Ferreira; Um sino contra o tempo, para flauta, clarinete, percussão e piano; Terra, para orquestra de cordas; Dor e Amor, para voz, flauta, clarinete, percussão, harpa, piano, violino, viola e violoncelo, sobre poemas de Nuno Júdice; e Ode a Gaia, para soprano solo, coro misto e electrónica, a partir de textos de diversos autores e épocas, desde Homero a Fernando Pessoa. Esta investigação surge a partir da convicção de que é possível e enriquecedor para a composição a coexistência e o estabelecimento de uma relação entre estruturas que valorizam as qualidades dos intervalos que as constituem e estruturas de tipo espectral. Se o pensamento intervalar pode ser relacionado com princípios de estruturação ligados a toda uma tradição musical, desde a música modal, à tonal e à atonal, o pensamento espectral relaciona-se com o estudo do fenómeno sonoro e do timbre e é integrado mais tardiamente no séc. XX como um possível modelo estruturante na composição. A investigação sobre as obras seleccionadas, sobretudo de compositores que colocam o fenómeno da percepção num plano central, procura diferentes interacções entre os dois tipos de estrutura, interrogando-se sobre em que medida é que essa interacção influencia ou é mesmo determinante para o resultado musical final. São analisadas diferentes aplicações, tais como: a procura de qualidades acústicas na criação de estruturas intervalares, a criação de timbres particulares para linhas estruturantes, a manipulação tímbrica de estruturas verticais, a inter-relação de camadas intervalares e espectrais na textura musical de forma sincrónica e diacrónica, e o surgimento de material intervalar a partir de estruturas espectrais. Os principais resultados passam pela confirmação de que o pensamento intervalar é compatível com o pensamento espectral e vice-versa, podendo-se concluir que são essenciais diferentes funções para os dois tipos de estrutura na textura musical e que quer as estruturas intervalares quer as espectrais se relacionam com diferentes aspectos da percepção, tendo, assim, uma influência determinante no resultado musical final, na eficácia da escuta e na sua fruição.