983 resultados para Institutional repositories


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This chapter discusses the historical development, current practice and future prospects of the self-archiving of research papers in open-access repositories (so-called 'e-print archives'). It describes how the development of interoperable e-print repositories in a number of subject communities has shown that self-archiving can benefit academic researchers (and potentially others) by enabling quick and easy access to the research literature and therefore maximising the impact potential of papers. Realising that the possible benefits are high and the technical entry barriers low, many organisations such as universities have recently tried to encourage widespread self-archiving by setting up institutional repositories. However, major barriers to self-archiving remain - most of them cultural and managerial. There are concerns about quality control, intellectual property rights, disturbing the publishing status quo, and workload. Ways in which these issues are currently being addressed are discussed in this chapter. A number of self-archiving initiatives in different countries have been set up to address the concerns and to kick-start e-print repository use. However, issues remain which require further investigation; those discussed in this chapter include discipline differences, definitions of 'publication', versioning problems, digital preservation, costing and funding models, and metadata standards. The ways in which these issues are resolved will be important in determining the future of self-archiving. Possible futures are discussed with particular reference to journal publishing and quality control. If widely adopted, self-archiving might come to assume a central place in the scholarly communication process, but a great deal of restructuring of the process needs to take place before this potential can be realised.


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This research deals with the use of a participatory design methodology to develop a repository of open educational resources, the Arcaz. Discusses key aspects of neutrality and determinism of technology within the context of Social Studies of Science and Technology and presents some concepts of critical theory of technology related to the democratic construction of technological artifacts. Discusses the philosophical heritage of the movements that led to the emergence of free software, open education and open educational resources and argues that participatory design share similar ideals. It presents concepts of human-computer interaction, interaction design and user centered design, important to enhance the user experience in information systems. It addresses the participatory design as a methodology that allows the democratic participation of users in the technological construction, promoting mutual learning and active voice for the participants. Develops a participatory design methodology adapted to the Arcaz context of use and provides the procedures for the meetings conducted to apply participatory design techniques to the repository and the results obtained. It concludes with a study of some of the interventions suggested in the system and orientations for future applications of participatory practices in the development of the repository and a list of best practices, focusing on ethical principles that should guide the participatory design.


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Enquadramento: É expectável que o pós-parto seja um período de alegria. Todavia, nem sempre é assim, já que pode ser um período marcado por momentos de tristeza, cansaço e desânimo. Reconhecendo as vantagens da amamentação para a saúde e bem-estar do recémnascido e da mãe, acreditamos que esta possa ser preventiva da depressão pós-parto. Objetivos: Obter a melhor evidência científica para compreender se a amamentação tem efeito preventivo na depressão pós-parto. Método: Foi efetuada uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre a relação entre a amamentação e a depressão pós-parto através das bases de dados: EBSCO host, LILACS, PubMed, SciELO, Repositórios institucionais e Google Académico. Selecionaram-se quinze artigos que obedeceram aos critérios de inclusão deste estudo. Resultados: A maioria dos estudos identifica a amamentação como sendo preventiva da depressão pós-parto, destacando a importância da amamentação para a saúde mental da puérpera e consequentemente para a diminuição das hipóteses de desenvolver depressão pósparto. Cinco artigos identificam-na também como sendo um fator de risco e um estudo não encontrou uma associação clara entre a amamentação e a depressão pós-parto. Conclusões: São descritos vários benefícios da amamentação, os quais terão um efeito preventivo contra a depressão pós-parto. Uma mulher informada e apoiada acerca da amamentação será capaz de se sentir confiante no seu novo papel. É essencial um investimento constante por parte da equipa de saúde, iniciado durante o processo do planeamento do casal para a gravidez, e mantendo-se ao longo da gravidez, parto e pós-parto. Palavras-chave: “Amamentação”, “depressão pós-parto”, “prevenção”.


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As usage metrics continue to attain an increasingly central role in library system assessment and analysis, librarians tasked with system selection, implementation, and support are driven to identify metric approaches that simultaneously require less technical complexity and greater levels of data granularity. Such approaches allow systems librarians to present evidence-based claims of platform usage behaviors while reducing the resources necessary to collect such information, thereby representing a novel approach to real-time user analysis as well as dual benefit in active and preventative cost reduction. As part of the DSpace implementation for the MD SOAR initiative, the Consortial Library Application Support (CLAS) division has begun test implementation of the Google Tag Manager analytic system in an attempt to collect custom analytical dimensions to track author- and university-specific download behaviors. Building on the work of Conrad , CLAS seeks to demonstrate that the GTM approach to custom analytics provides both granular metadata-based usage statistics in an approach that will prove extensible for additional statistical gathering in the future. This poster will discuss the methodology used to develop these custom tag approaches, the benefits of using the GTM model, and the risks and benefits associated with further implementation.


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Artigo relativo a comunicação oral apresentada na 7.ª Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Acesso Aberto que decorreu de 2 a 4 de novembro em Viseu.


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El presente trabajo analiza la definición de la categoría posición socioeconómica (PSE) y las variables con las cuales se representa en los productos académicos del campo de la actividad física, además de su relación con la categoría de imagen corporal. Para lograr el objetivo, se rastrean elementos que permiten dar cuenta si los documentos de investigación se abordan desde alguno de los dos contextos: determinantes (DDSS) o determinación social de la salud (DSS). Se inicia con un rastreo global por medio de los motores de búsqueda, las bases de datos y los repositorios institucionales. Posteriormente se parametriza la ruta, desde las categorías imagen corporal (IC) y PSE. Las investigaciones pretenden dar cuenta de la evaluación a 15 años del programa "Salud para Todos" de la ONU de 2001, en el marco de los Objetivos Del Milenio. Se revisaron resúmenes de los productos, descartando aquellos donde la categoría PSE o sus descriptores asociados tuvieran un papel secundario. Se limitó a Latinoamérica y España por su tradición histórica colonizadora; con el ánimo de conocer la postura de esta comunidad frente al proceso globalizado de la salud en el mundo. Al grupo final se le aplican criterios parametrizados a partir de la revisión teórica, para responder los interrogantes basados en las implicaciones que tiene la PSE en el pensamiento actual de la producción científica en el campo de la actividad física; y cómo las otras categorías de análisis se ven o no manifiestas. El índice de calidad científica CASPe, determina la pertinencia de los textos. En el aspecto teórico, se encuentra que la categoría PSE, a pesar de ser muy utilizada, tiene una conceptualización difusa. Por tal motivo, se propone una definición de PSE sustentada en el pensamiento sociológico. En el aspecto empírico, al rastrear las variables con que se reemplaza la PSE en las investigaciones, se encuentran grandes diferencias y el uso de múltiples y disímiles subcategorías.


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El Boletín Tendencia Editorial es un proyecto que nació en 2010 con motivo de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá para construir y hacer visibles diferentes saberes desde la academia y la edición. Para 2014, el cambio de periodicidad coincidió con uno de los eventos más importantes para la edición universitaria, la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara donde anualmente se realiza el encuentro de Editores Universitarios Latinoamericanos, el proyecto pasó de su fase nacional a ser pensado en red. Las líneas temáticas traspasan fronteras locales y convocan, en un mismo espacio, las voces de los gestores y especialistas, cuya labor y experiencia permiten cada día mejorar la edición universitaria, lo que posibilita acabar con el mito que concibe a la Universidad como ente ajeno a la sociedad, cuando en realidad esta es la forjadora de líderes, investigadores y emprendedores.


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This article aims to address three questions: What are �institutional e-print repositories�? Why create them? How can they be created?


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An interesting article about repositories.


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Universities which set up online repositories for the management of learning and teaching resources commonly find that uptake is poor. Tutors are often reluctant to upload their materials to e-repositories, even though the same tutors are happy to upload resources to the virtual learning environment (e.g. Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai) and happy to upload their research papers to the university’s research publications repository. The paper reviews this phenomenon and suggests constructive ways in which tutors can be encouraged to engage with an e-repository. The authors have recently completed a major project “Developing Repositories at Worcester” which is part of a group of similar projects in the UK. The paper includes the feedback and the lessons learned from these projects, based on the publications and reports they have produced. They cover ways of embedding repository use into institutional working practice, and give examples of different types of repository designed to meet the needs of those using different kinds of learning and teaching resources. As well as this specific experience, the authors summarise some of the main findings from UK publications, in particular the December 2008 report of Joint Information Systems Committee: Good intentions: improving the evidence base in support of sharing learning materials and Online Innovation in Higher Education, Ron Cooke’s report to a UK government initiative on the future of Higher Education. The issues covered include the development of Web 2.0 style repositories rather than conventionally structured ones, the use of tags rather than metadata, the open resources initiative, the best use for conventional repositories, links to virtual learning environments, and the processes for the management and support of repositories within universities. In summary the paper presents an optimistic, constructive view of how to embed the use of e-repositories into the working practices of university tutors. Equally, the authors are aware of the considerable difficulties in making progress and are realistic about what can be achieved. The paper uses evidence and experience drawn from those working in this field to suggest a strategic vision in which the management of e-learning resources is productive, efficient and meets the needs of both tutors and their students.