1000 resultados para Institucions internacionals
Two claims pervade the literature on the political economy of market reforms: that economic crises cause reforms; and that crises matter because they bring into question the validity of the economic model held to be responsible for them. Economic crises are said to spur a process of learning that is conducive to the abandonment of failing models and to the adoption of successful models. But although these claims have become the conventional wisdom, they have been hardly tested empirically due to the lack of agreement on what constitutes a crisis and to difficulties in measuring learning from them. I propose a model of rational learning from experience and apply it to the decision to open the economy. Using data from 1964 through 1990, I show that learning from the 1982 debt crisis was relevant to the first wave of adoption of an export promotion strategy, but learning was conditional on the high variability of economic outcomes in countries that opened up to trade. Learning was also symbolic in that the sheer number of other countries that liberalized was a more important driver of others’ decisions to follow suit.
Recent years have seen a striking proliferation of the term ‘global’ in public and political discourse. The popularity of the term is a manifestation of the fact that there is a widespread notion that contemporary social reality is ‘global’. The acknowledgment of this notion has important political implications and raises questions about the role played by the idea of the ‘global’ in policy making. These questions, in turn, expose even more fundamental issues about whether the term ‘global’ indicates a difference in kind, even an ontological shift, and, if so, how to approach it. This paper argues that the notion of ‘global’, in other words the ‘global dimension’, is a significant aspect of contemporary politics that needs to be investigated. The paper argues that in the globalization discourse of International Studies ‘global’ is ‘naturalized’, which means that it is taken for granted and assumed to be self-evident. The term ‘global’ is used mainly in a descriptive way and subsumed under the rubric of ‘globalization’. ‘Global’ tends to be equated with transnational and/or world-wide; hence, it addresses quantitative differences in degree but not (alleged) differences in kind. In order to advance our understanding of contemporary politics, ‘global’ needs to be taken seriously. This means, firstly, to understand and to conceptualize ‘global’ as a social category; and, secondly, to uncover ‘global’ as a ‘naturalized’ concept in the Political and International Studies strand of the globalization discourse in order to rescue it for innovative new approaches in the investigation of contemporary politics. In order to do so, the paper suggests adopting a strong linguistic approach starting with the analysis of the word ‘global’. Based on insights from post-structuralism as well as cognitive and general constructivist perspectives it argues that a frame-based corpus linguistic analysis offers the possibility of investigating the collective/social meaning(s) of global in order to operationalize them for the analysis of the ‘global dimension’ of contemporary politics.
International markets are very competitive so innovation seems unavoidable. Some authors describe internationalisation as being an innovation of the firm. In this research these two phenomena will be studied, through a multiple case study method, focusing on the existence of a reciprocal relationship between the processes of internationalisation and innovation.
Las instituciones asociadas al hecho literario han reservado a la escritora cubana Juana Borrero (1877-1896) la categoría de “mito”. La presente lectura de su valioso Epistolario privilegia una mirada psicológica que desarticula los principales tópicos que han favorecido el mito. Con ese fin, se ha contextualizado a Borrero en la literatura hispanoamericana y cubana del XIX; se han reevaluado algunos tópicos biográficos y críticos; y se han delimitado los principales componentes de su discurso epistolar: las claves psicológicas de su subjetividad, las estrategias de seducción y autoafirmación, las cartas como collage de emociones, la retórica del discurso y del mito amoroso, y la retórica de la corporalidad. Finalmente, se proponen nuevas imágenes para la autora a partir del comparatismo con otras imágenes femeninas de fin de siglo europeo e hispanoamericano.
The relation between agricultural development and rural poverty reduction in six Central Eurasian countries, namely Azerbaijan (South Caucasus) and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan (Central Asia), is discussed by presenting and analyzing ten propositions. These propositions cover a broad range of issues that relate to rural poverty in this region, such as: the state of income and non-income poverty; the diverse processes of land reform and farm restructuring, and agricultural policy reform; and finally, the institutional and market framework that is needed for dynamic agricultural and rural development. The paper contends that rural poverty is not responding as robustly to rapid economic growth in these countries, and that agricultural growth, in particular in the newly emerging peasant farm sector, is necessary to promote rural poverty reduction.
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és l’anàlisi de la producció científica sobre els comportaments demogràfics diferencials de la població estrangera a Espanya durant el període 1986-2006. Per aquest motiu, s’ha realitzat una exploració bibliogràfica sobre migracions internacionals en general amb més de 1.800 referències; analitzant de forma exhaustiva la producció dedicada a l’estudi de les dinàmiques demogràfiques dels estrangers (natalitat i fecunditat, nupcialitat, mortalitat i migracions internes). Així mateix s’ha realitzat un recorregut per l’evolució recent dels tres factors que es consideren que incideixen en la producció científica: l’activitat legislativa, les mesures institucionals i la producció estadística.
The appeal to ideas as causal variables and/or constitutive features of political processes increasingly characterises political analysis. Yet, perhaps because of the pace of this ideational intrusion, too often ideas have simply been grafted onto pre-existing explanatory theories at precisely the point at which they seem to get into difficulties, with little or no consideration either of the status of such ideational variables or of the character or consistency of the resulting theoretical hybrid. This is particularly problematic for ideas are far from innocent variables – and can rarely, if ever, be incorporated seamlessly within existing explanatory and/or constitutive theories without ontological and epistemological consequence. We contend that this tendency along with the limitations of the prevailing Humean conception of causality, and associated epistemological polemic between causal and constitutive logics, continue to plague almost all of the literature that strives to accord an explanatory role to ideas. In trying to move beyond the current vogue for epistemological polemic, we argue that the incommensurability thesis between causal and constitutive logics is only credible in the context of a narrow, Humean, conception of causation. If we reject this in favour of a more inclusive (and ontologically realist) understanding then it is perfectly possible to chart the causal significance of constitutive processes and reconstrue the explanatory role of ideas as causally constitutive.
This article examines the European integration process from a sociological perspective, where the main focus is the examination of the social consequences of the integration process. The European Union has advanced significantly in the economic, social, and political integration processes. This has resulted in a rapid Europeanization of behavior. There has hardly been any progress, however, toward the development of European social groups. This article examines the causes of this lag and concludes that it is highly unlikely that in the middle run there be significant progress toward the Europeanization of society.
This text corresponds to the contents of the seminar “Information Services at the Sport Institutions” held by the author as part of the programme of activities of the Invited Professor of Olympism of the International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB) in 2001. The seminar discusses the potential of technologies such as the Internet in sports documentation.
Hem estudiat la influència de la política científica francesa a Espanya entre 1946 i 1964, la seva repercussió a Barcelona i la creació de diverses institucions patrocinades pel govern francès. Hem analitzat els cursos de mecànica quàntica dels anys seixanta que va impartir l’agregat científic francès a Barcelona i que són els primers que presentaven la física teòrica que es practicava als Estats Unit a llicenciats espanyols. Hem analitzat el programa de beques que va permetre estudiar a França a molts estudiants de física catalans. Finalment hem revisat la carrera d’un grup destacat d’aquest físics que van quedar-se a França.
Article describing the current situation of the Internet, the use of Internet by sport institutions, and the relationship between the Internet and the Olympic Games, and the Olympic Movement. This paper was presented at the International Symposium on Television in the Olympic Games held in Lausanne in October 1998.
This paper was presented in the V Forum on Sport, Education and Culture Forum by the IOC undertaken in Beijing, in October, 2006. This aim of this paper is to explore the potential of the relations between the Olympic Movement and academic institutions, and in particular the role of universities.
Este texto fue presentado en el V Fórum de Deporte, Educación y Cultura del CIO que tuvo lugar en Beijing, en Octubre de 2006. La ponencia trata de explorar la potencialidad de las relaciones entre el Movimiento Olímpico y las instituciones académicas, considerando especialmente el papel de la universidades.
Entre las décadas de 1930 y 1950 Misael Acosta Solís, miembro de la elite económica serrana y destacado geobotánico y forestal, lideró un proceso de institucionalización del conservacionismo en el Ecuador. Instituciones privadas y gubernamentales de corte conservacionista, exposiciones, libros y artículos, revistas científicas, estaciones de investigación forestal y agroecológica, leyes y políticas, congresos y encuentros, fueron algunos de sus legados. En este trabajo se revisan esos hechos en el contexto de la historia económica, social y ambiental del Ecuador. Asimismo, se sientan algunas premisas sobre las cuales continuar la construcción de la historia ambiental de esa nación.
Les prejubilacions s’han convertit en un mecanisme de reducció de plantilla molt recorregut per les empreses en aquests últims anys. Les raons que exposa cada empresa per justificar-les son molt amplies i de diversa índole: resposta a fusions i adquisicions, absorcions, una nova situació de competència de mercat, canvis en la orientació del negoci, obsolescència dels coneixements dels treballadors a conseqüència de la evolució de les tecnologies i, per tant, pèrdua de productivitat, etc. La veritat es que el nombre de prejubilats ha crescut de forma espectacular y té conseqüències molt importants en tots els àmbits. En primer lloc, té una influència negativa per a la Seguretat Social a llarg plaç, la qual tindrà que destinar més recursos als nous prejubilats i, entre el sistema vigent de la Seguretat Social i que cada vegada hi ha menys treballador que cotitzen, el seu futur i el de les pensions pot córrer un gran risc d’insolvència. Per una altra banda, les empreses sí que aconsegueixen reduir els seus costs, però perden un important factor: el capital humà que representen els treballadors de més de 50 anys amb tots els seus anys d’experiència. Y per als treballadors, son molts els que no saben com afrontar la seva nova situació y cauen en situacions de depressions, estrés, etc. Com una solució a aquesta situació, tant la llei com algunes institucions intenten incentivar la empleabilitat dels majors de 50 anys mitjançant bonificacions o cursos de formació continuada.