957 resultados para Inner retina


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Levels of expression of mRNAs encoding the different Ephs and ephrins were measured by semi-quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction in developing mouse whole inner ears, and in dissected fractions of the neonatal mouse inner ear. Nineteen of the 24 known Ephs and ephrins were surveyed. The results showed that between embryonic age (E) 11.5 days and E12.5, levels increased 10-300 times per unit of tissue. In neonatal mice, the fraction containing combined organ of Corti and spiral ganglion showed relatively strong expression of EphA4, EphB3, ephrin-A3, ephrin-B2 and ephrin-B3. In the lateral wall, EphA4, ephrin-A3 and ephrin-B2 were strongly expressed, while ephrin-A3 was particularly strongly expressed in utricular and saccular sensory epithelia. The results suggest that the Ephs and ephrins are likely to play a part in the differentiation of the structures of the inner ear, and show which Ephs and ephrins are most likely to play important roles in the different structures. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Levantamentos sonográficos desenvolvidos em duas áreas da plataforma interna adjacente ao estado do Espírito Santo revelam formas de fundo cuja origem é fortemente relacionada a eventos de tempestades. Estas são caracterizadas por alternâncias de bandas de areias finas sobrepostas, de forma alternada, a um fundo de areias grossas, gerando manchas de areias grossas intercaladas abruptamente com faixas de areias finas a profundidades de 25-30 m para GUA e de 05-08 m para BES. Em ambas as áreas as faixas de areias grossas apresentam marcas de ondulação geradas por ondas com orientação levemente paralela a linha de costa. A sedimentologia de GUA é composta por areias finas a muito finas lamosas carbonáticas com cascalhos siliciclásticos e a de BES por areias grossas e médias com cascalhos biodetríticos. Desta forma, é clara a ação de correntes/ondas de tempestade no fundo marinho de GUA e de BES; porém, a classificação quanto ao comportamento hidrodinâmico e ao transporte de sedimento é necessária para as estimativas sobre a formação, transporte e manutenção das feições encontradas.


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With an example taken from a late-Hauterivian series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), we will demonstrate the sedimentary record of orbital pattern variations and, consequently, climate variations in an inner platform environment with patterns and isolation changes, allows us to establish 4 major orders of periodicity related to orbital components:- The large cycles ob bed thickness variation, constituted by 31-32 beds, recording the 400 ky eccentricity cycle component;- The medium cycles, represented by byndles of 8-9 beds, related to the 100 ky eccentricity cycle component; - The small cycles, of 3-5 beds, recording the 41 ky obliquity components;- The very small cycles, of 2 beds, related to the 22 ky and 26 ky precession components. The mean duration of each bed is around 11.8 ky, a number very close to that of the precession hemi-cycle. Climatic control on qualitative production is confirmed by the close relation between the bed thickness variations, the insolation variability and the variation of micritized elements concentrations.


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In Brazil relatively little attention is being paid to the study of the features of the spread of the AIDS epidemic towards small cities and rural areas. We report a descriptive study on the epidemiological features of HIV infection among 208 adult patients seen between July 1999 and May 2006 in the municipal HIV/AIDS Programs of three cities of inner Rio de Janeiro State: Saquarema, Santo Antonio de Pádua and Miracema. A portrait of a heterosexual epidemic emerged, with an overall male to female ratio of 1.1. More than 90% were residents of the studied cities, demonstrating a local demand for HIV-related assistance and the importance of municipal HIV/AIDS Programs. Past or current use of snorted cocaine was reported by a quarter of the patients. Older age and male gender were independent predictors of having a diagnosis of AIDS at presentation. The latter is in accordance with a more recent wave of epidemic spread towards female gender. A low frequency of male circumcision, an important determinant of heterosexual HIV transmission, was recorded. Almost 60% of the patients first presented in advanced stages of HIV infection, suggesting the existence of a large pool of undiagnosed cases in the community.


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A significant number of Brazilian gestational-age women are still not tested for HIV, representing a high risk of transmission to their newborns. The current study sought to identify the number of pregnant women with no previous testing or undocumented for HIV referred to the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of a Regional Teaching Hospital and included diagnosis of HIV infection determined by a rapid test and perinatal transmission in pregnancy. Medical records of all pregnant women admitted to hospital from January 2001 to December 2005 were reviewed. Pregnant women without HIV results were submitted to a rapid HIV test. Those who tested positive were further tested by ELISA and confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIA) or Western blot (WB). The viral load from babies born to HIV-infected mothers was assessed by bDNA. Of the 16,424 pregnant women analyzed (6.6%), 1,089 were undocumented for HIV. Eleven women were positive in rapid testing and 10 were confirmed by ELISA, IIA or WB, with 0.9% seropositivity. Mother/infant pairs received zidovudine monotherapy prophylaxis and infant viral load was lower than 50 copies/mL. A higher number of pregnant women previously tested for HIV during antenatal care was verified, compared to that obtained nationwide.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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Objectivo: Avaliar a espessura da coróide na área macular em doentes com oclusão de ramo venoso da retina (ORVR) unilateral através de tomografia de coerência óptica de domínio espectral (SD-OCT) em modo enhanced depth imaging (EDI). Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo não randomizado que incluiu 34 olhos de 17 doentes com ORVR unilateral (média de idade 68,6 ± 11,2 anos). Foi realizada análise estatística para comparar a espessura da coróide através de 3 medições (subfoveal e 750 µm temporal e nasal à fóvea) em cada uma de 7 linhas nos 15⁰x5⁰ centrais à fóvea para cada um dos olhos afectados e adelfos (21 medições em cada). Foi ainda realizada comparação entre a espessura macular central da retina e a espessura da coróide, para além da relação entre esta última e o tempo de evolução. Relacionou-se ainda a idade com a espessura da coróide no grupo controlo. Resultados: A média da espessura da coróide nos 17 olhos com ORVR foi de 211,8 ±55,97µm, o que foi superior à média verificada nos 17 olhos adelfos (185,7±46,1µm), sendo a diferença estatisticamente significativa (p⁼0,019). A coróide foi mais espessa a nível subfoveal (197,5±40,3µm) e mais delgada a nível nasal (176,9±54,9µm) no grupo controlo. Não se demonstrou haver relação entre o tempo de evolução e a espessura da coróide nos olhos com ORVR. Por outro lado houve relação entre a espessura da coróide e a espessura macular central (r⁼0,6; r²⁼0,36). Verificou-se uma correlação negativa, embora fraca, entre a idade e a espessura da coróide no grupo controlo (r⁼⁻0,022). Conclusões: A espessura da coróide pode ser avaliada através do EDI SD-OCT. Segundo alguns relatos, a mesma parece diminuir com a idade, tendência essa que se revelou também neste estudo. Tal como verificado na única publicação sobre a espessura da coróide na OVCR, demonstrou-se haver alteração na espessura da coróide na área macular em olhos com ORVR. Contudo são necessários mais estudos, com amostras maiores, que confirmem a alteração desta camada em olhos com ORVR e investiguem a sua influência na fisiopatologia da doença, no prognóstico visual e na resposta ao tratamento.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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Retinal ultra-wide field of view images (fundus images) provides the visu-alization of a large part of the retina though, artifacts may appear in those images. Eyelashes and eyelids often cover the clinical region of interest and worse, eye-lashes can be mistaken with arteries and/or veins when those images are put through automatic diagnosis or segmentation software creating, in those cases, the appearance of false positives results. Correcting this problem, the first step in the development of qualified auto-matic diseases diagnosis programs can be done and in that way the development of an objective tool to assess diseases eradicating the human error from those processes can also be achieved. In this work the development of a tool that automatically delimitates the clinical region of interest is proposed by retrieving features from the images that will be analyzed by an automatic classifier. This automatic classifier will evaluate the information and will decide which part of the image is of interest and which part contains artifacts. The results were validated by implementing a software in C# language and validated through a statistical analysis. From those results it was confirmed that the methodology presented is capable of detecting artifacts and selecting the clin-ical region of interest in fundus images of the retina.


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Nesta Tese foi desenvolvida uma plataforma online multiutilizador, que tem como objetivo principal comparar algoritmos de análise de imagens para de-terminar o seu grau de eficácia. Um exemplo de aplicação é a comparação de algoritmos de análise de imagens da retina para deteção de drusas. A compa-ração é feita considerando um dos algoritmos como referência padrão e sobre o este são avaliados os restantes. O funcionamento da plataforma é semelhante à de um fórum, onde é possível a um utilizador criar tópicos publicando imagens e seu descritivo. Após a cria-ção do tópico qualquer utilizador pode visualizar o mesmo, dando a hipótese de comentar ou de acrescentar imagens processadas com os seus próprios al-goritmos de análise. Com o aumento de imagens processadas, obtém-se uma base de dados de algoritmos de análise de imagens sobre a qual é possível avaliar o seu grau de eficácia. A plataforma pretende também criar comunidades onde os utilizadores pos-sam interagir uns com os outros comentando sobre os tópicos, contribuindo assim para o melhoramento dos algoritmos. Deste modo, além de uma base de dados que qualquer utilizador pode usar, obtém-se uma fonte de informação disponibilizada por outros profissionais da área.


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The Stiles-Crawford effect (SCE) is the well-known phenomenon in which the brightness of light perceived by the human eye depends upon its entrance point in the pupil. This physiological characteristic is due to the directional sensitivity of the cone photoreceptors in the retina and it displays an approximately Gaussian dependency which is altered in a number of pathologies. Retinal imaging, a widely spread clinical practice, may be used to evaluate the SCE and thus serve as diagnostic tool. Nonetheless, its use for such a purpose is still underdeveloped and far from the clinical reality. In this project a fundus camera was built and used to assess the cone photoreceptor directionality by reflective imaging of the retina in healthy individuals. The physical and physiological implications of its development are addressed in detail in the text: the optical properties of the human eye, illumination issues, acquiring a retinal image formed by the eye, among others. A full description of the developmental process that led to the final measuring method and results is also given. The developed setup was successfully used to obtain high quality images of the eye fundus and in particular the parafoveal cone photoreceptors. The SCE was successfully observed and characterized. Even though considerable improvements could be done to the measurement method, the project showed the feasibility of using retinal imaging to evaluate the SCE thus motivating its usage in a clinical environment.


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Endospores, or spores for simplicity, are a highly resistant cell type produced by some bacterial species under adverse conditions. Two main protective layers contribute to the resilience of spores: the cortex, composed of peptidoglycan, and the outermost proteinaceous coat. In Bacillus subtilis, the coat comprises up to 80 different proteins, organized into four sublayers: the basement layer, the inner coat, the outer coat and the crust. These proteins are synthesized at different times during sporulation and deposited at the spore surface in multiple coordinated waves. Central to coat formation is a group of morphogenetic proteins that guide the assembly of the coat components. Targeting of the coat proteins to the surface of the developing spore is mainly controlled by the SpoIVA morphogenetic ATPase. In a second stage, the coat proteins fully encircle the spore, a process termed encasement that requires the morphogenetic protein SpoVID. Assembly of the inner coat requires SafA, whereas formation of the outer coat and the crust requires CotE. SafA interacts directly with the N terminus of SpoVID. (...)


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Protease-activated receptor, optic nerve crush, focal ischemia, protein-protein interaction, alpha crystallin A


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Seven species of aloricate planktonic ciliates were identified using protargol staining. Choreotrichida: Strombidinopsidae, Strombidinopsis elongata Song & Bradbury, 1998; Strobiliidae, Strobilidium epacrum Lynn & Montagnes, 1988 and Strombidiida: Strombidiidae, Strombidium capitatum (Leegaard, 1915) Kahl, 1932; S. emergens (Leegaard, 1915) Kahl, 1932; S. acutum Leegaard, 1915; S. dalum Lynn, Montagnes & Small, 1988 and Cyrtostrombidium longisomum Lynn & Gilron, 1993; they were collected from the inner zone of the Bahía Blanca estuary in the southern region of the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. These species represent new records to South America (Argentina).