968 resultados para Inland Artisanal Fisheries
Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich) is the most abundant clupeid in the Ivorian artisanal fisheries. It represents over 60% of lagoon catches. In Aby lagoon the size at first sexual maturity is situated at 9.6 cm for male and 9.9 cm for female. The reproduction takes place twice a year during the high salinity periods from February to May and July to August. This reproduction does not affect significantly the sex-ratio, the mean of which varies from 35% to 36%, depending the period. The fecondity is very fluctuating and varies from 11000 eggs to 148000 eggs per female.
Computer programs were developed to calculate the parameters commonly used in fisheries statistics: catch per unit effort, catch by species, size distribution, etc. These parameters were computed for collective fishing, purse seine and beach seine; important aspects of the artisanal fisheries in the Ebrié Lagoon.
The findings are presented of a study conducted in Calauag Bay, Quezon Province, Philippines in order to estimate resource rent of mangrove areas converted to fishpond production. The rents were calculated based on the technology practised by the farmers and the prices of inputs and outputs that prevailed during the study period. The major causes of mangrove depletion are cutting of mangroves for fuelwood and charcoal and clearing for fishpond development. It was concluded that there is justification for the government to increase the feed which could be used to rehabilitate the inland-coastal fisheries to improve productivity and ensure sustainability of the ecosystem for future generations.
Government development programmes and policies in fisheries are focused on the problems and needs of men though women are known to dominate the post-harvest sector in artisanal fisheries and are involved, to varying degrees, in pre-harvest and harvest activities. A lack of women’s participation in decision-making bodies within communities, fisheries organizations and government has resulted in a general neglect of their interests. This has led to a constant demand by women’s-rights activists and organizations to address market-related issues of women vendors. This study, “Women Fish Vendors in Mumbai”, aims to provide insights into the challenges faced by women fish vendors in the city of Mumbai (formerly Bombay).
Este trabalho busca realizar uma discussão de grande relevância para o entendimento do que é ser pescador artesanal em tempos em que a modernização do espaço se faz pujante e intende a subjugar suas formas de trabalho e de vida. Em decorrência disto, pretende-se aqui estimular reflexões em torno da relação existente entre trabalho e moradia para estes sujeitos, os quais vivem em pleno contexto metropolitano. Para tal tarefa, serão elucidadas questões centrais que abrangem o cotidiano dos pescadores artesanais que vivem no bairro de Pedra de Guaratiba, localizado na Zona Oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), às margens da Baía de Sepetiba. Sendo assim, realizaremos uma tentativa de compreensão analítica dos agentes de base popular, suas experiências de vida e seus conflitos no que se refere à produção social da metrópole. Veremos que os pescadores artesanais representam uma categoria de extrema complexidade e que não é compreendida sequer parcialmente pelas instituições públicas que regem o seu ordenamento. Complexidade esta que se inscreve também na relação entre moradia e trabalho na vida desses sujeitos, se tornando assim, um dos pilares de sustentação de suas existências e, consequentemente, do seu próprio resistir. Para a percepção dessas relações e dos sentidos (valores) que animam a vida desses homens e mulheres, buscamos a realização de uma metodologia em que o pesquisador torna o seu olhar sensível ao reconhecimento dos elos que unem esses sujeitos aos seus lugares de trabalho e de vida, entendendo assim as dinâmicas responsáveis por construir as peculiaridades que os diferenciam (mas não os excluem) dos demais trabalhadores urbanos. Por fim, chegaremos ao entendimento de que morar e trabalhar para os pescadores artesanais são pares indissociáveis, os quais contribuem para a fortificação da categoria em tempos de grande adversidade
The main goal of this paper is to determine the total catch of fish and shrimp made by driftnet fleet and trawling in Maputo Bay in 1984. This estimate is rather primitive in relation to artisanal fisheries. Fishermen show a lack of motivation for registration and data transmition (mainly due to a lack of mobilization and awareness). Then the quality of data is low and the informative system is not effective. The study is based on records of several organizations (Sulpesca, the Maritime Administration of Maputo, Maputo Fisheries Service) and enriched with information collected by samplers of the Instituto de Investigação Pesqueira of Maputo.
This technical report comprises two different studies in terms of their conclusions, but based on the same field surveys: “Yearly consumption evaluation of the strategic materials for the artisanal fisheries of Mozambique” and “Constitution, typology and distribution studies of the Mozambican artisanal fishing gears”. In the first of the above studies, the amount of the materials found in each gear, the number of such gears and the wear factor “r” are subject to a computed data processing, producing the following outputs: list of materials demanded in each Mozambican fishing relevant province; list of materials demanded in the whole Mozambican territory. In the second study the observed gears constitutions are analysed and differences and similitudes among them are searched. The details of maneuver and productivity are referred as well. Attention is drawn to the fact that observations did not take place on the whole Mozambican territory, even not in the most representative but in some considerably important fishing centers with reasonable safety and connection facilities. About the first study, when it was not possible to reach such considerably important centers the determination of the approximate picture of them has been achieved by verbal information of people knowing them very well and by the sources referred here in after. Concerning the second study inferences have not been made. Although a limited number of samples has been collected, the accuracy of it has been checked by inquiry. Speculations have been developed only on observed cases. The surveys have been made by a team, assigned by the directors of UD-PPE and Equipesca, under author’s coordination.
Results of the first frame survey of the fishing centres on the Mozambican coast of Lake Niassa, held in June 1983, are presented. A total of 41 fishing centres were detected in the area and visited. Through direct enquiries in each centre, an estimated number of 3,380 fishermen and 1,230 fishing boats (of which 25 motorized) was established. The results also provided information on the types and quantities of fishing gear used. A first estimation of the approximate total annual catch in the area gave a figure in the order of 9,100 tons., of which approximately equals 90% is landed during the rainy season. The survey is a part of a research programme on the fishing resources of Lake Niassa and of a project for the collection and organization of fisheries statistics from the artisanal fisheries of the Mozambican side of Lake Niassa.
This study aimed at evaluating the production levels in terms of catch estimates of the artisanal fisheries of the Edward-George system in addition to providing information on the facilities and services at landing sites and the composition, magnitude and distribution of fishing effort to guide development and management of the fisheries resources of the Edward and George lakes and Kazinga channel. Specifically, the study was expected to come up with the following outputs:- a) Information on the number of fish landing sites on the basin lakes; b) Information on the facilities available at the fish landing sites to service the fisheries sector ; c) Information on the number of fishers; d) Information on the number and types of fishing crafts; e) Information on the modes of propulsion of the fishing crafts; f) Information on the number types and sizes of fishing gears including the number of illegal fishing gears in the fishery; and g) Recommendations on development and management of the fisheries of the Edward and George lakes and Kazinga channel. h) Beach values in terms of annual catches and annual revenue from the water bodies.
Mediterranean Sea fisheries supply significant local and international markets, based largely on small pelagic fish, artisanal fisheries and aquaculture of finfish (mainly seabass and seabream) and shellfish (mussels and oysters). Fisheries and aquaculture contribute to the economy of countries bordering this sea and provide food and employment to coastal communities employing ca 600,000 people. Increasing temperatures and heat wave frequency are causing stress and mortality in marine organisms and ocean acidification is expected to worsen these effects, especially for bivalves and coralligenous systems. Recruitment and seed production present possible bottlenecks for shellfish aquaculture in the future since early life stages are vulnerable to acidification and warming. Although adult finfish seem able to withstand the projected increases in seawater CO2, degradation of seabed habitats and increases in harmful blooms of algae and jellyfish might adversely affect fish stocks. Ocean acidification should therefore be factored into fisheries and aquaculture management plans. Rising CO2 levels are expected to reduce coastal biodiversity, altering ecosystem functioning and possibly impacting tourism being the Mediterranean the world’s most visited region. We recommend that ocean acidification is monitored in key areas of the Mediterranean Sea, with regular assessments of the likely socio-economic impacts to build adaptive strategies for the Mediterranean countries concerned.
Este trabalho combina esforços de simulação numérica e de análise de dados para investigar a dinâmica em diversos compartimentos (oceano aberto, plataforma continental e zona costeira-estuarina) e, em multiplas escalas, na Margem Continental Leste Brasileira (MCLB). A circulação de largo e mesoescala espacial e a propagação da maré barotrópica são investigadas através de uma configuração aninhada do modelo numérico ROMS. O estudo da dinâmica regional da Baía de Camamu (CMB) baseia-se na análise de dados locais. A MCLB, localizada a SW do Atlântico Sul entre 8±S e 20±S, possui plataforma estreita, batimetria complexa, e baixa produtividade primária. A sua dinâmica é influenciada pela divergência da Corrente Sul Equatorial (CSE). As simulações refletem as conexões sazonais e espaciais entre a Corrente do Brasil e a Contra Corrente Norte do Brasil , em conexão com a dinâmica da CSE. As simulações revelam atividades vorticais nas proximidades da costa e interações com a dinâmica costeira, cujos padrões são descritos. A validação do modelo em mesoescala é baseada em cálculos de energia cinética turbulenta e em dados históricos de transporte. A CMB, localizada a 13±400S, abriga uma comunidade piscatória tradicional e extenso de manguezal. Situa-se porém sobre uma bacia sedimentar com grande reservas de óleo e gás, estando em tensão permanente de impacto ambiental. Neste trabalho sumarizamos as condições físicas regionais e investigamos sua dinâmica interna, focando sua variabilidade em amostragens realizadas sob condições de seca (Setembro de 2004) e de chuva (Julho de 2005). Finalmente, o modelo numérico ROMS é forçado com o sinal de maré, empregando-se uma configuração simples (com coeficientes de atrito de fundo constantes e condições hidrográficas homogéneas), com o intuito de avaliar sua resposta e investigar a natureza da propagação da maré barotrópica na MCLB, convergindo na CMB. A análise da resposta do modelo à maré basea-se em séries históricas do nível do mar para a MCLB e dados recentes da CMB.
Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Tese de dout., Ciências e Tecnologia das Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2005
Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Tese de mestrado em Ecologia Marinha, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016