986 resultados para Injections, Intra-Articular


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Com o envelhecimento da população mundial, aumenta a cada dia a prevalência das doenças relacionadas à idade, com destaque para a osteoartrite, forma mais comum de doença articular e que, além da alta prevalência, relaciona-se a altos custos médicos e sociais. Dentre as modalidades de tratamento, a viscosuplementação, injeção intra-articular de derivados do ácido hialurônico, vem ganhando cada vez mais destaque. Trata-se de um polissacarídeo de alto peso molecular que possui, além das funções mecânicas de distribuição de peso e lubrificação, propriedades anti-inflamatórias e ação físico-química sobre diversos aspectos da articulação, sendo que tais efeitos são diretamente proporcionais ao peso molecular, concentração e presença de ligações cruzadas da droga utilizada. A viscosuplementação é procedimento simples e pode ser realizada ambulatorialmente. Traz benefício para dor e função, e também altera favoravelmente o curso da doença, melhorando quantitativamente e qualitativamente a cartilagem articular. Apresenta bom perfil de segurança e favorável relação custo-efetividade, sendo indicada tanto para osteoartrite quanto após um procedimento de artroscopia.


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Lipoma arborescens é uma condição rara de moléstia intra-articular, usualmente monoarticular, caracterizada por extensa proliferação dos vilos sinoviais e hiperplasia da gordura subsinovial. O tecido sinovial é progressivamente substituído por células maduras de gordura na membrana sinovial. O presente trabalho é o relato de caso de uma condição rara de lipoma arborescens tanto intra-articular (glenoumeral) como da bursa subacromial-subdeltoide além de ruptura do tendão do supraespinhoso. As apresentações clínicas, histológicas e radiográficas assim como o tratamento são discutidos no presente estudo. A apresentação do caso contempla também a avaliação radiográfica, ressonância magnética e exame patológico. Apesar do lipoma arborescens ser uma condição rara, tal hipótese deve ser considerada frente a um caso com hiperproliferação sinovial e lipossubstituição da sinovial.


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Il trattamento dell’osteoartrosi (OA) del cane è una sfida nella pratica clinica veterinaria. Molti trattamenti sono stati proposti, tuttavia la risposta clinica agli stessi non è sempre soddisfacente. Molti farmaci sono utilizzati per il trattamento dell’OA, tra cui farmaci anti-infiammatori non steroidei, corticosteroidi, ed inibitori della produzione dell’ossido nitrico. Lo stanozololo è un derivato sintetico del testosterone; oltre alle sue proprietà anaboliche/androgeniche , a basse dosi lo stanozololo ha un affinità per i recettori glucocorticoidi. Per questa attività antinfiammatoria e rigenerativa sui tessuti articolari danneggiati viene utilizzato nella degenerative joint desease del cavallo. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato di valutare l’efficacia clinica dello stanozololo intra-articolare a 15, 30, 45 e 60 giorni dal trattamento di gomiti con OA di cane. E’ stato eseguito uno studio cieco, multicentrico e randomizzato. Previo consenso informato, sono stati arruolati 48 cani, suddivisi in 3 gruppi e trattati con stanozololo, mavacoxib e con entrambi i farmaci. Sono state valutate zoppia, tollerabilità del trattamento, range of motion, e punteggio radiografico. Inoltre sono state stabilite e annoverate quantità e qualità del liquido sinoviale. Ai dati ottenuti sono stati applicati i test di Kruskal-Wallis, Chi-quadro e Fischer, i quali hanno dimostrato l’efficacia della terapia nei singoli gruppi e tra i diversi gruppi di studio. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato la riduzione di almeno un grado di zoppia e la riduzione della progressione dell’OA nei casi trattati con stanozololo. Si può quindi affermare che tale molecola per via intra-articolare può essere una valida alternativa per il trattamento dell’OA di gomito nel cane.


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Surgical dislocation of the hip in the treatment of acetabular fractures allows the femoral head to be safely displaced from the acetabulum. This permits full intra-articular acetabular and femoral inspection for the evaluation and potential treatment of cartilage lesions of the labrum and femoral head, reduction of the fracture under direct vision and avoidance of intra-articular penetration with hardware. We report 60 patients with selected types of acetabular fracture who were treated using this approach. Six were lost to follow-up and the remaining 54 were available for clinical and radiological review at a mean follow-up of 4.4 years (2 to 9). Substantial damage to the intra-articular cartilage was found in the anteromedial portion of the femoral head and the posterosuperior aspect of the acetabulum. Labral lesions were predominantly seen in the posterior acetabular area. Anatomical reduction was achieved in 50 hips (93%) which was considerably higher than that seen in previous reports. There were no cases of avascular necrosis. Four patients subsequently required total hip replacement. Good or excellent results were achieved in 44 hips (81.5%). The cumulative eight-year survivorship was 89.0% (95% confidence interval 84.5 to 94.1). Significant predictors of poor outcome were involvement of the acetabular dome and lesions of the femoral cartilage greater than grade 2. The functional mid-term results were better than those of previous reports. Surgical dislocation of the hip allows accurate reduction and a predictable mid-term outcome in the management of these difficult injuries without the risk of the development of avascular necrosis.


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Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is caused by a combination of intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors. Different surgical techniques are being performed to delay or halt osteoarthritis. Success of salvage procedures of the hip depends on the existing cartilage and joint damage before surgery; the likelihood of therapy failure rises with advanced osteoarthritis. For imaging of intra-articular hip pathology, MR imaging represents the best technique because of its ability to directly visualize cartilage, superior soft tissue contrast, and the prospect of multidimensional imaging. This article gives an overview on the standard MR imaging techniques used for diagnosis of hip osteoarthritis and their implications for surgery.


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With the increasing advances in hip joint preservation surgery, accurate diagnosis and assessment of femoral head and acetabular cartilage status is becoming increasingly important. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the hip does present technical difficulties. The fairly thin cartilage lining necessitates high image resolution and high contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). With MR arthrography (MRA) using intraarticular injected gadolinium, labral tears and cartilage clefts may be better identified through the contrast medium filling into the clefts. However, the ability of MRA to detect varying grades of cartilage damage is fairly limited and early histological and biochemical changes in the beginning of osteoarthritis (OA) cannot be accurately delineated. Traditional MRI thus lacks the ability to analyze the biological status of cartilage degeneration. The technique of delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) is sensitive to the charge density of cartilage contributed by glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which are lost early in the process of OA. Therefore, the dGEMRIC technique has a potential to detect early cartilage damage that is obviously critical for decision-making regarding time and extent of intervention for joint-preservation. In the last decade, cartilage imaging with dGEMRIC has been established as an accurate and reliable tool for assessment of cartilage status in the knee and hip joint.This review outlines the current status of dGEMRIC for assessment of hip joint cartilage. Practical modifications of the standard technique including three-dimensional (3D) dGEMRIC and dGEMRIC after intra-articular gadolinium instead of iv-dGEMRIC will also be addressed.


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Healed Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease may cause both intra-articular and extra-articular impingement, resulting in a symptomatic hip prior to the onset of osteoarthritis. Various impingement-relieving surgeries have been used in the past; however, the development of the safe surgical dislocation technique has allowed a better understanding of complex deformity that may be present in these hips and hence may improve treatment of these symptomatic prearthritic hips. This article outlines the range of deformities possible in a Perthes hip, and treatment strategies to surgically address these deformities. For Perthes disease good preoperative clinical and radiographic assessment is essential, and intraoperative assessment vital.


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Arthrocentesis, injection and infiltration of joints and soft tissues belong to the basic procedures in rheumatology. The indications and the practical performance are based on experience and tradition. Nowadays, a crucial reappraisal and adaption of indications and technical aspects appear important in the light of new evidence and technical developments. The main indications for puncture remain the search of an infectious arthritis and reduction of intra-articular pressure due to effusion. Good indications for the injection of glucocorticoids are inflammation in sterile joints and activated osteoarthritis. The local infiltration with corticosteroids in mechanically induced enthesopathies at the lateral epicondyle of the humerus or at the plantar fascia have to be questioned in the light of recent publications which show that this common practice is associated with a poorer outcome than without injection.


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The aim of the study was to evaluate bovine synoviocyte culture as an in vitro model to test new intra-articular drugs. The inflammatory reaction pattern of synoviocytes as compared to fibroblasts was studied over nine passages. Expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines was assessed after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide. Immunohistochemical markers were used to identify synoviocyte populations. Primary synoviocytes expressed markedly higher amounts of interleukin-1beta mRNA and tumour necrosis factor-alpha mRNA than fibroblasts after stimulation. This difference was lost over two passages. CD68-positive macrophage-like synoviocytes diminished over three passages, which may explain the reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine response. Primary bovine synoviocytes appear to be an appropriate and optimised model for testing novel drugs for cattle, because their response may more closely reflect in vivo tissue responses compared to cultured cell lines.


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The objectives of this study were to establish dose-response and blood concentration-response relationships for robenacoxib, a novel nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug with selectivity for inhibition of the cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 isoenzyme, in a canine model of synovitis. Acute synovitis of the stifle joint was induced by intra-articular injection of sodium urate crystals. Robenacoxib (0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mg/kg), placebo and meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg) were administered subcutaneously (s.c.) 3 h after the urate crystals. Pharmacodynamic endpoints included data from forceplate analyses, clinical orthopaedic examinations and time course of inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 in ex vivo whole blood assays. Blood was collected for pharmacokinetics. Robenacoxib produced dose-related improvement in weight-bearing, pain and swelling as assessed objectively by forceplate analysis (estimated ED(50) was 1.23 mg/kg for z peak force) and subjectively by clinical orthopaedic assessments. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of robenacoxib were significantly superior to placebo (0.25-4 mg/kg robenacoxib) and were non-inferior to meloxicam (0.5-4 mg/kg robenacoxib). All dosages of robenacoxib produced significant dose-related inhibition of COX-2 (estimated ED(50) was 0.52 mg/kg) but no inhibition of COX-1. At a dosage of 1-2 mg/kg administered s.c., robenacoxib should be at least as effective as 0.2 mg/kg of meloxicam in suppressing acute joint pain and inflammation in dogs.


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Viscosupplementation, the intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid, is widely used for symptomatic knee osteoarthritis.


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Joint hemorrhages are very common in patients with severe hemophilia. Inhibitors in patients with hemophilia are allo-antibodies that neutralize the activity of the clotting factor. After total knee replacement, rare intra-articular bleeding complications might occur that do not respond to clotting factor replacement. We report a 40-year-old male with severe hemophilia A and high responding inhibitors presenting with recurrent knee joint hemorrhage after bilateral knee prosthetic surgery despite adequate clotting factor treatment. There were two episodes of marked postoperative hemarthrosis requiring extensive use of substitution therapy. Eleven days postoperatively, there was further hemorrhage into the right knee. Digital subtraction angiography diagnosed a complicating pseudoaneurysm of the inferior lateral geniculate artery and embolization was successfully performed. Because clotting factor replacement therapy has proved to be excessively expensive and prolonged, especially in patients with inhibitors, we recommend the use of cost-effective early angiographic embolization.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine whether arthroscopic adhesiolysis can relieve symptoms of patients with persistent pain after open surgical hip dislocation for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome without osseous or cartilaginous alterations. METHODS: This study comprised 16 consecutive patients (6 men and 10 women; mean age, 33.5 years [range, 19 to 60 years]) with persistent pain without osseous or cartilaginous alterations after surgical hip dislocation for the treatment of femoroacetabular impingement. At index surgery, all patients had osteochondroplasty of the head-neck junction and resection of the acetabular rim with reattachment of the labrum in 9 cases. All patients had preoperative magnetic resonance imaging-arthrogram and were treated with arthroscopy of the hip. RESULTS: At arthroscopy, all reattached labra were stable. In the cases without preservation of the labrum at the index operation, the joint capsule was attached at the level of the acetabular rim and synovitis was noticed. All patients had adhesions between the neck of the femur and joint capsule or between the labrum and capsule. In 3 patients the arthroscopic procedure was technically limited by massive thickening of the capsule. Overall, 81% of patients (13/16) showed less pain or were pain-free. The Merle d'Aubigné score improved from 13 points preoperatively to 16 points at the last follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Persistent pain after surgical dislocation of the hip without evidence of cartilaginous and osseous alterations could result from intra-articular adhesions. Hip arthroscopy after previous surgery can be demanding because of scarring. If the adhesions can be released, good results can be achieved. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, therapeutic case series.


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Osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip joint stems from a combination of intrinsic factors, such as joint anatomy, and extrinsic factors, such as injuries, diseases, and load. Possible risk factors for OA are instability and impingement. Different surgical techniques, such as osteotomies of the pelvis and femur, surgical dislocation, and hip arthroscopy, are being performed to delay or halt OA. Success of salvage procedures of the hip depends on the existing cartilage and joint damage before surgery. The likelihood of therapy failure rises with advanced OA. For imaging of intra-articular hip pathology, MRI represents the best technique because it enables clinicians to directly visualize cartilage, it provides superior soft tissue contrast, and it offers the prospect of multidimensional imaging. However, opinions differ on the diagnostic efficacy of MRI and on the question of which MRI technique is most appropriate. This article gives an overview of the standard MRI techniques for diagnosis of hip OA and their implications for surgery.


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Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is caused by a combination of intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors. Different surgical techniques are being performed to delay or halt osteoarthritis. Success of salvage procedures of the hip depends on the existing cartilage and joint damage before surgery; the likelihood of therapy failure rises with advanced osteoarthritis. For imaging of intra-articular hip pathology, MR imaging represents the best technique because of its ability to directly visualize cartilage, superior soft tissue contrast, and the prospect of multidimensional imaging. This article gives an overview on the standard MR imaging techniques used for diagnosis of hip osteoarthritis and their implications for surgery.