977 resultados para Initiator Codon


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The partially overlapping ORF P and ORF O are located within the domains of the herpes simplex virus 1 genome transcribed during latency. Earlier studies have shown that ORF P is repressed by infected cell protein 4 (ICP4), the major viral regulatory protein, binding to its cognate site at the transcription initiation site of ORF P. The ORF P protein binds to p32, a component of the ASF/SF2 alternate splicing factors; in cells infected with a recombinant virus in which ORF P was derepressed there was a significant decrease in the expression of products of key regulatory genes containing introns. We report that (i) the expression of ORF O is repressed during productive infection by the same mechanism as that determining the expression of ORF P; (ii) in cells infected at the nonpermissive temperature for ICP4, ORF O protein is made in significantly lower amounts than the ORF P protein; (iii) the results of insertion of a sequence encoding 20 amino acids between the putative initiator methionine codons of ORF O and ORF P suggest that ORF O initiates at the methionine codon of ORF P and that the synthesis of ORF O results from frameshift or editing of its RNA; and (iv) glutathione S-transferase–ORF O fusion protein bound specifically ICP4 and precluded its binding to its cognate site on DNA in vitro. These and earlier results indicate that ORF P and ORF O together have the capacity to reduce the synthesis or block the expression of regulatory proteins essential for viral replication in productive infection.


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The psbA gene of the chloroplast genome has a codon usage that is unusual for plant chloroplast genes. In the present study the evolutionary status of this codon usage is tested by reconstructing putative ancestral psbA sequences to determine the pattern of change in codon bias during angiosperm divergence. It is shown that the codon biases of the ancestral genes are much stronger than all extant flowering plant psbA genes. This is related to previous work that demonstrated a significant increase in synonymous substitution in psbA relative to other chloroplast genes. It is suggested, based on the two lines of evidence, that the codon bias of this gene currently is not being maintained by selection. Rather, the atypical codon bias simply may be a remnant of an ancestral codon bias that now is being degraded by the mutation bias of the chloroplast genome, in other words, that the psbA gene is not at equilibrium. A model for the evolution of selective pressure on the codon usage of plant chloroplast genes is discussed.


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In many organisms nonsense mutations decrease the level of mRNA. In the case of mammalian cells, it is still controversial whether translation is required for this nonsense-mediated RNA decrease (NMD). Although previous analyzes have shown that conditions that impede translation termination at nonsense codons also prevent NMD, the residual level of termination was unknown in these experiments. Moreover, the conditions used to impede termination might also have interfered with NMD in other ways. Because of these uncertainties, we have tested the effects of limiting translation of a nonsense codon in a different way, using two mutations in the immunoglobulin μ heavy chain gene. For this purpose we exploited an exceptional nonsense mutation at codon 3, which efficiently terminates translation but nonetheless maintains a high level of μ mRNA. We have shown 1) that translation of Ter462 in the double mutant occurs at only ∼4% the normal frequency, and 2) that Ter462 in cis with Ter3 can induce NMD. That is, translation of Ter462 at this low (4%) frequency is sufficient to induce NMD.


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Protein synthesis is believed to be initiated with the amino acid methionine because the AUG translation initiation codon of mRNAs is recognized by the anticodon of initiator methionine transfer RNA. A group of positive-stranded RNA viruses of insects, however, lacks an AUG translation initiation codon for their capsid protein gene, which is located at the downstream part of the genome. The capsid protein of one of these viruses, Plautia stali intestine virus, is synthesized by internal ribosome entry site-mediated translation. Here we report that methionine is not the initiating amino acid in the translation of the capsid protein in this virus. Its translation is initiated with glutamine encoded by a CAA codon that is the first codon of the capsid-coding region. The nucleotide sequence immediately upstream of the capsid-coding region interacts with a loop segment in the stem–loop structure located 15–43 nt upstream of the 5′ end of the capsid-coding region. The pseudoknot structure formed by this base pair interaction is essential for translation of the capsid protein. This mechanism for translation initiation differs from the conventional one in that the initiation step controlled by the initiator methionine transfer RNA is not necessary.


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The regulated expression of type A γ-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABAAR) subunit genes is postulated to play a role in neuronal maturation, synaptogenesis, and predisposition to neurological disease. Increases in GABA levels and changes in GABAAR subunit gene expression, including decreased β1 mRNA levels, have been observed in animal models of epilepsy. Persistent exposure to GABA down-regulates GABAAR number in primary cultures of neocortical neurons, but the regulatory mechanisms remain unknown. Here, we report the identification of a TATA-less minimal promoter of 296 bp for the human GABAAR β1 subunit gene that is neuron specific and autologously down-regulated by GABA. β1 promoter activity, mRNA levels, and subunit protein are decreased by persistent GABAAR activation. The core promoter, 270 bp, contains an initiator element (Inr) at the major transcriptional start site. Three concatenated copies of the 10-bp Inr and its immediate 3′ flanking sequence produce full neural specific activity that is down-regulated by GABA in transiently transfected neocortical neurons. Taking these results together with those of DNase I footprinting, electrophoretic mobility shift analysis, and 2-bp mutagenesis, we conclude that GABA-induced down-regulation of β1 subunit mRNAs involves the differential binding of a sequence-specific basal transcription factor(s) to the Inr. The results support a transcriptional mechanism for the down-regulation of β1 subunit GABAAR gene expression and raises the possibility that altered levels of sequence-specific basal transcription factors may contribute to neurological disorders such as epilepsy.


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With more than 10 fully sequenced, publicly available prokaryotic genomes, it is now becoming possible to gain useful insights into genome evolution. Before the genome era, many evolutionary processes were evaluated from limited data sets and evolutionary models were constructed on the basis of small amounts of evidence. In this paper, I show that genes on the Borrelia burgdorferi genome have two separate, distinct, and significantly different codon usages, depending on whether the gene is transcribed on the leading or lagging strand of replication. Asymmetrical replication is the major source of codon usage variation. Replicational selection is responsible for the higher number of genes on the leading strands, and transcriptional selection appears to be responsible for the enrichment of highly expressed genes on these strands. Replicational–transcriptional selection, therefore, has an influence on the codon usage of a gene. This is a new paradigm of codon selection in prokaryotes.


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The specific formylation of initiator methionyl-tRNA by methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (MTF; EC is important for the initiation of protein synthesis in eubacteria and in eukaryotic organelles. The determinants for formylation in the tRNA are clustered mostly in the acceptor stem. As part of studies on the molecular mechanism of recognition of the initiator tRNA by MTF, we report here on the isolation and characterization of suppressor mutations in Escherichia coli MTF, which compensate for the formylation defect of a mutant initiator tRNA, lacking a critical determinant in the acceptor stem. We show that the suppressor mutant in MTF has a glycine-41 to arginine change within a 16-amino acid insertion found in MTF from many sources. A mutant with glycine-41 changed to lysine also acts as a suppressor, whereas mutants with changes to aspartic acid, glutamine, and leucine do not. The kinetic parameters of the purified wild-type and mutant Arg-41 and Lys-41 enzymes, determined by using the wild-type and mutant tRNAs as substrates, show that the Arg-41 and Lys-41 mutant enzymes compensate specifically for the strong negative effect of the acceptor stem mutation on formylation. These and other considerations suggest that the 16-amino acid insertion in MTF plays an important role in the specific recognition of the determinants for formylation in the acceptor stem of the initiator tRNA.


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The pir gene of plasmid R6K encodes the protein, π, a replication and transcription factor. Two translational options for the pir gene give rise to two forms of π protein: a 35.0-kDa form (π35.0) and a shortened 30.5-kDa form (π30.5). Although both proteins bind to a series of 22-bp direct repeats essential for plasmid R6K replication, only π35.0 can bind to a site in the (A⋅T)-rich segment of its γ ori and activate the γ ori in vivo and in vitro. However, unlike π35.0, π30.5can inhibit in vivo and in vitro replication (activated by π35.0). We propose that the two forms of π might have distinct functions in replication. We show that although both forms of π produce dimers, the nature of these dimers is not identical. The N-terminal 37 amino acid residues appear to control the formation of the more stable π35.0 dimers, whereas another, apparently weaker interface holds together dimers of π30.5. We speculate that the leucine zipper-like motif, absent in π30.5, controls very specific functions of π protein.


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The RECODE database is a compilation of ‘programmed’ translational recoding events taken from the scientific literature and personal communications. The database deals with programmed ribosomal frameshifting, codon redefinition and translational bypass occurring in a variety of organisms. The entries for each event include the sequences of the corresponding genes, their encoded proteins for both the normal and alternate decoding, the types of the recoding events involved, trans-factors and cis-elements that influence recoding. The database is freely available at http://recode.genetics.utah.edu/.


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We describe here a method to generate combinatorial libraries of oligonucleotides mutated at the codon-level, with control of the mutagenesis rate so as to create predictable binomial distributions of mutants. The method allows enrichment of the libraries with single, double or larger multiplicity of amino acid replacements by appropriate choice of the mutagenesis rate, depending on the concentration of synthetic precursors. The method makes use of two sets of deoxynucleoside-phosphoramidites bearing orthogonal protecting groups [4,4′-dimethoxytrityl (DMT) and 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc)] in the 5′ hydroxyl. These phosphoramidites are divergently combined during automated synthesis in such a way that wild-type codons are assembled with commercial DMT-deoxynucleoside-methyl-phosphoramidites while mutant codons are assembled with Fmoc-deoxynucleoside-methyl-phosphoramidites in an NNG/C fashion in a single synthesis column. This method is easily automated and suitable for low mutagenesis rates and large windows, such as those required for directed evolution and alanine scanning. Through the assembly of three oligonucleotide libraries at different mutagenesis rates, followed by cloning at the polylinker region of plasmid pUC18 and sequencing of 129 clones, we concluded that the method performs essentially as intended.


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Understanding the factors responsible for variations in mutation patterns and selection efficacy along chromosomes is a prerequisite for deciphering genome sequences. Population genetics models predict a positive correlation between the efficacy of selection at a given locus and the local rate of recombination because of Hill–Robertson effects. Codon usage is considered one of the most striking examples that support this prediction at the molecular level. In a wide range of species including Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster, codon usage is essentially shaped by selection acting for translational efficiency. Codon usage bias correlates positively with recombination rate in Drosophila, apparently supporting the hypothesis that selection on codon usage is improved by recombination. Here we present an exhaustive analysis of codon usage in C. elegans and D. melanogaster complete genomes. We show that in both genomes there is a positive correlation between recombination rate and the frequency of optimal codons. However, we demonstrate that in both species, this effect is due to a mutational bias toward G and C bases in regions of high recombination rate, possibly as a direct consequence of the recombination process. The correlation between codon usage bias and recombination rate in these species appears to be essentially determined by recombination-dependent mutational patterns, rather than selective effects. This result highlights that it is necessary to take into account the mutagenic effect of recombination to understand the evolutionary role and impact of recombination.


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We first review what is known about patterns of codon usage bias in Drosophila and make the following points: (i) Drosophila genes are as biased or more biased than those in microorganisms. (ii) The level of bias of genes and even the particular pattern of codon bias can remain phylogenetically invariant for very long periods of evolution. (iii) However, some genes, even very tightly linked genes, can change very greatly in codon bias across species. (iv) Generally G and especially C are favored at synonymous sites in biased genes. (v) With the exception of aspartic acid, all amino acids contribute significantly and about equally to the codon usage bias of a gene. (vi) While most individual amino acids that can use G or C at synonymous sites display a preference for C, there are exceptions: valine and leucine, which prefer G. (vii) Finally, smaller genes tend to be more biased than longer genes. We then examine possible causes of these patterns and discount mutation bias on three bases: there is little evidence of regional mutation bias in Drosophila, mutation bias is likely toward A+T (the opposite of codon usage bias), and not all amino acids display the preference for the same nucleotide in the wobble position. Two lines of evidence support a selection hypothesis based on tRNA pools: highly biased genes tend to be highly and/or rapidly expressed, and the preferred codons in highly biased genes optimally bind the most abundant isoaccepting tRNAs. Finally, we examine the effect of bias on DNA evolution and confirm that genes with high codon usage bias have lower rates of synonymous substitution between species than do genes with low codon usage bias. Surprisingly, we find that genes with higher codon usage bias display higher levels of intraspecific synonymous polymorphism. This may be due to opposing effects of recombination.