885 resultados para Initiator Codon
Translation initiation is a complex process in which initiator tRNA, 40S, and 60S ribosomal subunits are assembled by eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs) into an 80S ribosome at the initiation codon of mRNA. The cap-binding complex eIF4F and the factors eIF4A and eIF4B are required for binding of 43S complexes (comprising a 40S subunit, eIF2/GTP/Met-tRNAi and eIF3) to the 5′ end of capped mRNA but are not sufficient to promote ribosomal scanning to the initiation codon. eIF1A enhances the ability of eIF1 to dissociate aberrantly assembled complexes from mRNA, and these factors synergistically mediate 48S complex assembly at the initiation codon. Joining of 48S complexes to 60S subunits to form 80S ribosomes requires eIF5B, which has an essential ribosome-dependent GTPase activity and hydrolysis of eIF2-bound GTP induced by eIF5. Initiation on a few mRNAs is cap-independent and occurs instead by internal ribosomal entry. Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and hepatitis C virus epitomize distinct mechanisms of internal ribosomal entry site (IRES)-mediated initiation. The eIF4A and eIF4G subunits of eIF4F bind immediately upstream of the EMCV initiation codon and promote binding of 43S complexes. EMCV initiation does not involve scanning and does not require eIF1, eIF1A, and the eIF4E subunit of eIF4F. Initiation on some EMCV-like IRESs requires additional noncanonical initiation factors, which alter IRES conformation and promote binding of eIF4A/4G. Initiation on the hepatitis C virus IRES is even simpler: 43S complexes containing only eIF2 and eIF3 bind directly to the initiation codon as a result of specific interaction of the IRES and the 40S subunit.
We show that the binding of Rel p50 and p52 homodimers at sites within the transcriptional initiation region of HIV-1 provides for their ability to interact with other proteins that bind the initiator. The binding of one such protein, the initiator protein TFII-I, to the initiation region of HIV-1 is augmented in the presence of Rel p50 and Rel p52 homodimers. Consistent with this, in vitro Rel homodimers potentiate HIV-1 transcription in a manner dependent upon TFII-I. The findings suggest that Rel dimers may regulate HIV-1 transcription in two ways. First, through binding at the kappa B enhancer sites at (-104 to -80), NF-kappa B p50:p65 participates in classical transcriptional activation. Second, Rel dimers such as p50 or p52 might bind at initiator sequences to regulate the de novo binding of components of certain preinitiation complexes. These findings, and the existence of Rel binding sites at the initiators of other genes, suggest roles for Rel proteins in early events determining transcriptional control.
Tissue factor (TF) is the cellular receptor for coagulation factor VI/VIIa and is the membrane-bound glycoprotein that is generally viewed as the primary physiological initiator of blood coagulation. To define in greater detail the physiological role of TF in development and hemostasis, the TF gene was disrupted in mice. Mice heterozygous for the inactivated TF allele expressed approximately half the TF activity of wild-type mice but were phenotypically normal. However, homozygous TF-/- pups were never born in crosses between heterozygous mice. Analysis of mid-gestation embryos showed that TF-/- embryos die in utero between days 8.5 and 10.5. TF-/- embryos were morphologically distinct from their TF+/+ and TF+/- littermates after day 9.5 in that they were pale, edematous, and growth retarded. Histological studies showed that early organogenesis was normal. The initial failure in TF-/- embryos appeared to be hemorrhaging, leading to the leakage of embryonic red cells from both extraembryonic and embryonic vessels. These studies indicate that TF plays an indispensable role in establishing and/or maintaining vascular integrity in the developing embryo at a time when embryonic and extraembryonic vasculatures are fusing and blood circulation begins.
The ob gene product, leptin, apparently exclusively expressed in adipose tissue, is a signaling factor regulating body weight homeostasis and energy balance. ob gene expression is increased in obese rodents and regulated by feeding, insulin, and glucocorticoids, which supports the concept that ob gene expression is under hormonal control, which is expected for a key factor controlling body weight homeostasis and energy balance. In humans, ob mRNA expression is increased in gross obesity; however, the effects of the above factors on human ob expression are unknown. We describe the structure of the human ob gene and initial functional analysis of its promoter. The human ob gene's three exons cover approximately 15 kb of genomic DNA. The entire coding region is contained in exons 2 and 3, which are separated by a 2-kb intron. The first small 30-bp untranslated exon is located >10.5 kb upstream of the initiator ATG codon. Three kilobases of DNA upstream of the transcription start site has been cloned and characterized. Only 217 bp of 5' sequence are required for basal adipose tissue-specific expression of the ob gene as well as enhanced expression by C/EBPalpha. Mutation of the single C/EBPalpha site in this region abolished inducibility of the promoter by C/EBPalpha in cotransfection assays. The gene structure will facilitate our analysis of ob mutations in human obesity, whereas knowledge of sequence elements and factors regulating ob gene expression should be of major importance in the prevention and treatment of obesity.
The replication initiator protein pi of plasmid R6K is known to interact with the seven iterons of the gamma origin/enhancer and activate distant replication origins alpha and beta (ori alpha and ori beta) by pi-mediated DNA looping. Here we show that pi protein specifically interacts in vitro with the host-encoded helicase DnaB. The site of interaction of pi on DnaB has been localized to a 37-aa-long region located between amino acids 151 and 189 of DnaB. The surface of pi that interacts with DnaB has been mapped to the N-terminal region of the initiator protein between residues 1 and 116. The results suggest that during initiation of replication, the replicative helicase DnaB is first recruited to the gamma enhancer by the pi protein. In a subsequent step, the helicase probably gets delivered from ori gamma to ori alpha and ori beta by pi-mediated DNA looping.
A total of 1268 available (excluding mitochondrial) tRNA sequences was used to reconstruct the common consensus image of their acceptor domains. Its structure appeared as a 11-bp-long double-stranded palindrome with complementary triplets in the center, each flanked by the 3'-ACCD and NGGU-5' motifs on each strand (D, base determinator). The palindrome readily extends up to the modern tRNA-like cloverleaf passing through an intermediate hairpin having in the center the single-stranded triplet, in supplement to its double-stranded precursor. The latter might represent an original anticodon-codon pair mapped at 1-2-3 positions of the present-day tRNA acceptors. This conclusion is supported by the striking correlation: in pairs of consensus tRNAs with complementary anticodons, their bases at the 2nd position of the acceptor stem were also complementary. Accordingly, inverse complementarity was also evident at the 71st position of the acceptor stem. With a single exception (tRNA(Phe)-tRNA(Glu) pair), the parallelism is especially impressive for the pairs of tRNAs recognized by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS) from the opposite classes. The above complementarity still doubly presented at the key central position of real single-stranded anticodons and their hypothetical double-stranded precursors is consistent with our previous data pointing to the double-strand use of ancient RNAs in the origin of the main actors in translation- tRNAs with complementary anticodons and the two classes of aaRS.
Deposition of PrP amyloid in cerebral vessels in conjunction with neurofibrillary lesions is the neuropathologic hallmark of the dementia associated with a stop mutation at codon 145 of PRNP, the gene encoding the prion protein (PrP). In this disorder, the vascular amyloid in tissue sections and the approximately 7.5-kDa fragment extracted from amyloid are labeled by antibodies to epitopes located in the PrP sequence including amino acids 90-147. Amyloid-laden vessels are also labeled by antibodies against the C terminus, suggesting that PrP from the normal allele is involved in the pathologic process. Abundant neurofibrillary lesions are present in the cerebral gray matter. They are composed of paired helical filaments, are labeled with antibodies that recognize multiple phosphorylation sites in tau protein, and are similar to those observed in Alzheimer disease. A PrP cerebral amyloid angiopathy has not been reported in diseases caused by PRNP mutations or in human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies; we propose to name this phenotype PrP cerebral amyloid angiopathy (PrP-CAA).
Five human diseases are due to an excessive number of CAG repeats in the coding regions of five different genes. We have analyzed the repeat regions in four of these genes from nonhuman primates, which are not known to suffer from the diseases. These primates have CAG repeats at the same sites as in human alleles, and there is similar polymorphism of repeat number, but this number is smaller than in the human genes. In some of the genes, the segment of poly(CAG) has expanded in nonhuman primates, but the process has advanced further in the human lineage than in other primate lineages, thereby predisposing to diseases of CAG reiteration. Adjacent to stretches of homogeneous present-day codon repeats, previously existing codons of the same kind have undergone nucleotide substitutions with high frequency. Where these lead to amino acid substitutions, the effect will be to reduce the length of the original homopolymeric stretch in the protein.
The mCAT-2 gene encodes a Na(+)-independent cationic amino acid (AA) transporter that is inducibly expressed in a tissue-specific manner in various physiological conditions. When mCAT-2 protein is expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the elicited AA transport properties are similar to the biochemically defined transport system y+. The mCAT-2 protein sequence is closely related to another cationic AA transporter (mCAT-1); these related proteins elicit virtually identical cationic AA transport in Xenopus oocytes. The two genes differ in their tissue expression and induction patterns. Here we report the presence of diverse 5' untranslated region (UTR) sequences in mCAT-2 transcripts. Sequence analysis of 22 independent mCAT-2 cDNA clones reveals that the cDNA sequences converge precisely 16 bp 5' of the initiator AUG codon. Moreover, analysis of genomic clones shows that the mCAT-2 gene 5'UTR exons are dispersed over 18 kb. Classical promoter and enhancer elements are present in appropriate positions 5' of the exons and their utilization results in regulated mCAT-2 mRNA accumulation in skeletal muscle and liver following partial hepatectomy. The isoform adjacent to the most distal promoter is found in all tissues and cell types previously shown to express mCAT-2, while the other 5' UTR isoforms are more tissue specific in their expression. Utilization of some or all of five putative promoters was documented in lymphoma cell clones, liver, and skeletal muscle. TATA-containing and (G+C)-rich TATA-less promoters appear to control mCAT-2 gene expression. The data indicate that the several distinct 5' mCAT-2 mRNA isoforms result from transcriptional initiation at distinct promoters and permit flexible transcriptional regulation of this cationic AA transporter gene.
We have examined the capacity of calf thymus DNA polymerases alpha, beta, delta, and epsilon to perform in vitro translesion synthesis on a substrate containing a single d(GpG)-cisplatin adduct placed on codon 13 of the human HRAS gene. We found that DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerases alpha, delta, and epsilon was blocked at the base preceding the lesion. Addition of proliferating cell nuclear antigen to DNA polymerase delta and replication protein A to DNA polymerase alpha did not restore their capacity to elongate past the adduct. On the other hand, DNA polymerase beta efficiently bypassed the cisplatin adduct. Furthermore, we observed that DNA polymerase beta was the only polymerase capable of primer extension of a 3'-OH located opposite the base preceding the lesion. Likewise, DNA polymerase beta was able to elongate the arrested replication products of the other three DNA polymerases, thus showing its capacity to successfully compete with polymerases alpha, delta, and epsilon in the stalled replication complex. Our data suggest (i) a possible mechanism enabling DNA polymerase beta to bypass a d(GpG)-cisplatin adduct in vitro and (ii) a role for this enzyme in processing DNA damage in vivo.
The base following stop codons in mammalian genes is strongly biased, suggesting that it might be important for the termination event. This proposal has been tested experimentally both in vivo by using the human type I iodothyronine deiodinase mRNA and the recoding event at the internal UGA codon and in vitro by measuring the ability of each of the 12 possible 4-base stop signals to direct the eukaryotic polypeptide release factor to release a model peptide, formylmethionine, from the ribosome. The internal UGA in the deiodinase mRNA is used as a codon for incorporation of selenocysteine into the protein. Changing the base following this UGA codon affected the ratio of termination to selenocysteine incorporation in vivo at this codon: 1:3 (C or U) and 3:1 (A or G). These UGAN sequences have the same order of efficiency of termination as was found with the in vitro termination assay (4th base: A approximately G >> C approximately U). The efficiency of in vitro termination varied in the same manner over a 70-fold range for the UAAN series and over an 8-fold range for the UGAN and UAGN series. There is a correlation between the strength of the signals and how frequently they occur at natural termination sites. Together these data suggest that the base following the stop codon influences translational termination efficiency as part of a larger termination signal in the expression of mammalian genes.
Replication of the single-stranded DNA genome of geminiviruses occurs via a double-stranded intermediate that is subsequently used as a template for rolling-circle replication of the viral strand. Only one of the proteins encoded by the virus, here referred to as replication initiator protein (Rep protein), is indispensable for replication. We show that the Rep protein of tomato yellow leaf curl virus initiates viral-strand DNA synthesis by introducing a nick in the plus strand within the nonanucleotide 1TAATATT decreases 8AC, identical among all geminiviruses. After cleavage, the Rep protein remains bound to the 5' end of the cleaved strand. In addition, we show that the Rep protein has a joining activity, suggesting that it acts as a terminase, thus resolving the nascent viral single strand into genome-sized units.
The rule that eukaryotic ribosomes initiate translation exclusively at the 5' proximal AUG codon is abrogated under rare conditions. One circumstance that has been suggested to allow dual initiation is close apposition of a second AUG codon. A possible mechanism might be that the scanning 40S ribosomal subunit flutters back and forth instead of stopping cleanly at the first AUG. This hypothesis seems to be ruled out by evidence presented herein that in certain mRNAs, the first of two close AUG codons is recognized uniquely. To achieve this, the 5' proximal AUG has to be provided with the full consensus sequence; even small departures allow a second nearby AUG codon to be reached by leaky scanning. This context-dependent leaky scanning unexpectedly fails when the second AUG codon is moved some distance from the first. A likely explanation, based on analyzing the accessibility of a far-downstream AUG codon under conditions of initiation versus elongation, is that 80S elongating ribosomes advancing from the 5' proximal start site can mask potential downstream start sites.
The prevailing view of the nuclear genetic code is that it is largely frozen and unambiguous. Flexibility in the nuclear genetic code has been demonstrated in ciliates that reassign standard stop codons to amino acids, resulting in seven variant genetic codes, including three previously undescribed ones reported here. Surprisingly, in two of these species, we find efficient translation of all 64 codons as standard amino acids and recognition of either one or all three stop codons. How, therefore, does the translation machinery interpret a “stop” codon? We provide evidence, based on ribosomal profiling and “stop” codon depletion shortly before coding sequence ends, that mRNA 3′ ends may contribute to distinguishing stop from sense in a context-dependent manner. We further propose that such context-dependent termination/readthrough suppression near transcript ends enables genetic code evolution.