939 resultados para Infrared (IR)
Although electrochemical oxidation of simple organic molecules on metal catalysts is the basic ingredient of fuel cells, which have great technological potential as a renewable source of electrical energy, the detailed reaction mechanisms are in most cases not completely understood. Here, we investigate the ethanol-platinum interface in acidic aqueous solution using infrared-visible sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy and theoretical calculations of vibrational spectra in order to identify the intermediates present during the electro-oxidation of ethanol. The complex vibrational spectrum in the fingerprint region imply on the coexistence of several adsorbates. Based on spectra in ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) and electrochemical environment from the literature and our density functional theory (DFT) calculations of vibrational spectra, new adsorbed intermediates, never before observed with conventional infrared (IR) spectroscopy, are proposed here: g2-acetaldehyde, g2-acetyl, ethylidyne, monodentate acetate, methoxy, tertiary methanol derivative, COH residue, g2-formaldehyde, mono and bidentate formate, CH3 and CH2 residues. In addition, we present new evidences for an ethoxy intermediate, a secondary ethanol derivative and an acetyl species, and we confirm the presence of previously observed adsorbates: a tertiary ethanol derivative, bidentate acetate, and COad. These results indicate that the platinum surface is much more reactive, and the reaction mechanism for ethanol electro-oxidation is considerably more complex than previously considered. This might be also true for many other molecule-catalyst systems.
The N-H center dot center dot center dot pi hydrogen bond is an important intermolecular interaction in many biological systems. We have investigated the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) spectra of the supersonic-jet cooled complex of pyrrole with benzene and benzene-d(6) (Pyr center dot Bz, Pyr center dot Bz-d(6)). DFT-D density functional, SCS-MP2 and SCS-CC2 calculations predict a T-shaped and (almost) C(s) symmetric structure with an N-H center dot center dot center dot pi hydrogen bond to the benzene ring. The pyrrole is tipped by omega(S(0)) = +/- 13 degrees relative to the surface normal of Bz. The N center dot center dot center dot ring distance is 3.13 angstrom. In the S(1) excited state, SCS-CC2 calculations predict an increased tipping angle omega(S(1)) = +/- 21 degrees. The IR depletion spectra support the T-shaped geometry: The NH stretch is redshifted by -59 cm(-1), relative to the "free" NH stretch of pyrrole at 3531 cm(-1), indicating a moderately strong N-H center dot center dot center dot pi interaction. The interaction is weaker than in the (Pyr)(2) dimer, where the NH donor shift is -87 cm(-1) [Dauster et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 2827]. The IR C-H stretch frequencies and intensities of the Bz subunit are very similar to those of the acceptor in the (Bz)(2) dimer, confirming that Bz acts as the acceptor. While the S(1) <- S(0) electronic origin of Bz is forbidden and is not observable in the gas-phase, the UV spectrum of Pyr center dot Bz in the same region exhibits a weak 0(0)(0) band that is red-shifted by 58 cm(-1) relative to that of Bz (38 086 cm(-1)). The origin appears due to symmetry-breaking of the p-electron system of Bz by the asymmetric pyrrole NH center dot center dot center dot pi hydrogen bond. This contrasts with (Bz)(2), which does not exhibit a 0(0)(0) band. The Bz moiety in Pyr center dot Bz exhibits a 6a(0)(1) band at 0(0)(0) + 518 cm(-1) that is about 20x more intense than the origin band. The symmetry breaking by the NH center dot center dot center dot pi hydrogen bond splits the degeneracy of the v(6)(e(2g)) vibration, giving rise to 6a' and 6b' sub-bands that are spaced by similar to 6 cm(-1). Both the 0(0)(0) and 6(0)(1) bands of Pyr center dot Bz carry a progression in the low-frequency (10 cm(-1)) excited-state tipping vibration omega', in agreement with the change of the omega tipping angle predicted by SCS-MP2 and SCS-CC2 calculations.
Collision-induced dissociation (CID) of peptides using tandem mass spectrometry (MS) has been used to determine the identity of peptides and other large biological molecules. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a useful tool for determining the identity of molecules based on their interaction with electromagnetic fields. If coupled with another method like infrared (IR) vibrational spectroscopy, MS can provide structural information, but in its own right, MS can only provide the mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio of the fragments produced, which may not be enough information to determine the mechanism of the collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the molecule. In this case, theoretical calculations provide a useful companion for MS data and yield clues about the energetics of the dissociation. In this study, negative ion electrospray tandem MS was used to study the CID of the deprotonated dipeptide glycine-serine (Gly-Ser). Though negative ion MS is not as popular a choice as positive ion MS, studies by Bowie et al. show that it yields unique clues about molecular structure which complement positive ion spectroscopy, such as characteristic fragmentations like the loss of formaldehyde from the serine residue.2 The increase in the collision energy in the mass spectrometer alters the flexibility of the dipeptide backbone, enabling isomerizations (reactions not resulting in a fragment loss) and dissociations to take place. The mechanism of the CID of Gly-Ser was studied using two computational methods, B3LYP/6-311+G* and M06-2X/6-311++G**. The main pathway for molecular dissociation was analyzed in 5 conformers in an attempt to verify the initial mechanism proposed by Dr. James Swan after examination of the MS data. The results suggest that the loss of formaldehyde from serine, which Bowie et al. indicates is a characteristic of the presence of serine in a protein residue, is an endothermic reaction that is made possible by the conversion of the translational energy of the ion into internal energy as the ion collides with the inert collision gas. It has also been determined that the M06-2X functional¿s improved description of medium and long-range correlation makes it more effective than the B3LYP functional at finding elusive transition states. M06-2X also more accurately predicts the energy of those transition states than does B3LYP. A second CID mechanism, which passes through intermediates with the same m/z ratio as the main pathway for molecular dissociation, but different structures, including a diketopiperazine intermediate, was also studied. This pathway for molecular dissociation was analyzed with 3 conformers and the M06-2X functional, due to its previously determined effectiveness. The results suggest that the latter pathway, which meets the same intermediate masses as the first mechanism, is lower in overall energy and therefore a more likely pathway of dissociation than the first mechanism.
Boreal peatlands are important in the global carbon cycle. Despite covering only 3% of the global land area, peatlands store approximately one third of all soil carbon. Temperature is one of the major drivers in peatland carbon cycling as it affects both plant production and CO2 fluxes from soils. However, it is relatively unknown how boreal peatland plant photosynthesis is affected by higher temperatures. Therefore, we measured plant photosynthetic rates under two different warming treatments in a poor fen in Northern Michigan. Eighteen plots were established that were divided into three treatments: control, open-top chamber (OTC) warming and infrared (IR) lamp warming. Previous work at this site has shown that there was a significant increase in canopy and peat temperature with IR warming (5°C and 1.4°C respectively), while the OTC’s had mixed overall warming. Plots were divided equally into lawns and hummocks. We measured mid-day carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake on sedges (Carex utriculata), shrubs (Chamaedaphne calyculata) and Sphagnum mosses. Sphagnum moss net primary production (NPP) was also measured with cranked wires and compared with CO2 uptake. Our results indicate that there was no significant difference in sedge CO2 uptake, while shrub CO2 uptake significantly decreased with warming. A significant increase occurred in Sphagnum moss gross ecosystem production (GEP), ecosystem respiration (ER) and net ecosystem exchange (NEE). Contrary to the positive CO2 exchange of Sphagnum, overall NPP decreased significantly in hummocks with both warming treatments. The results of the study indicate that temperature partly limits the photosynthetic capacity of plants in sub-boreal peatlands, but not all species respond similarly to higher temperatures.
NH···π hydrogen bonds occur frequently between the amino acid side groups in proteins and peptides. Data-mining studies of protein crystals find that ~80% of the T-shaped histidine···aromatic contacts are CH···π, and only ~20% are NH···π interactions. We investigated the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) spectra of the supersonic-jet-cooled imidazole·benzene (Im·Bz) complex as a model for the NH···π interaction between histidine and phenylalanine. Ground- and excited-state dispersion-corrected density functional calculations and correlated methods (SCS-MP2 and SCS-CC2) predict that Im·Bz has a Cs-symmetric T-shaped minimum-energy structure with an NH···π hydrogen bond to the Bz ring; the NH bond is tilted 12° away from the Bz C₆ axis. IR depletion spectra support the T-shaped geometry: The NH stretch vibrational fundamental is red shifted by −73 cm⁻¹ relative to that of bare imidazole at 3518 cm⁻¹, indicating a moderately strong NH···π interaction. While the Sₒ(A1g) → S₁(B₂u) origin of benzene at 38 086 cm⁻¹ is forbidden in the gas phase, Im·Bz exhibits a moderately intense Sₒ → S₁ origin, which appears via the D₆h → Cs symmetry lowering of Bz by its interaction with imidazole. The NH···π ground-state hydrogen bond is strong, De=22.7 kJ/mol (1899 cm⁻¹). The combination of gas-phase UV and IR spectra confirms the theoretical predictions that the optimum Im·Bz geometry is T shaped and NH···π hydrogen bonded. We find no experimental evidence for a CH···π hydrogen-bonded ground-state isomer of Im·Bz. The optimum NH···π geometry of the Im·Bz complex is very different from the majority of the histidine·aromatic contact geometries found in protein database analyses, implying that the CH···π contacts observed in these searches do not arise from favorable binding interactions but merely from protein side-chain folding and crystal-packing constraints. The UV and IR spectra of the imidazole·(benzene)₂ cluster are observed via fragmentation into the Im·Bz+ mass channel. The spectra of Im·Bz and Im·Bz₂ are cleanly separable by IR hole burning. The UV spectrum of Im·Bz₂ exhibits two 000 bands corresponding to the Sₒ → S₁ excitations of the two inequivalent benzenes, which are symmetrically shifted by −86/+88 cm⁻¹ relative to the 000 band of benzene.
George V Land (Antarctica) includes the boundary between Late Archean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic terrains of the East Antarctic craton and the intrusive and metasedimentary rocks of the Early Paleozoic Ross-Delamerian Orogen. This therefore represents a key region for understanding the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the East Antarctic Craton and the Ross Orogen and for defining their structural relationship in East Antarctica, with potential implications for Gondwana reconstructions. In the East Antarctic Craton the outcrops closest to the Ross orogenic belt form the Mertz Shear Zone, a prominent ductile shear zone up to 5 km wide. Its deformation fabric includes a series of progressive, overprinting shear structures developed under different metamorphic conditions: from an early medium-P granulite-facies metamorphism, through amphibolite-facies to late greenschist-facies conditions. 40Ar-39Ar laserprobe data on biotite in mylonitic rocks from the Mertz Shear Zone indicate that the minimum age for ductile deformation under greenschist-facies conditions is 1502 ± 9 Ma and reveal no evidence of reactivation processes linked to the Ross Orogeny. 40Ar-39Ar laserprobe data on amphibole, although plagued by excess argon, suggest the presence of a ~1.7 Ga old phase of regional-scale retrogression under amphibolite-facies conditions. Results support the correlation between the East Antarctic Craton in the Mertz Glacier area and the Sleaford Complex of the Gawler Craton in southern Australia, and suggest that the Mertz Shear Zone may be considered a correlative of the Kalinjala Shear Zone. An erratic immature metasandstone collected east of Ninnis Glacier (~180 km east of the Mertz Glacier) and petrographically similar to metasedimentary rocks enclosed as xenoliths in Cambro-Ordovician granites cropping out along the western side of Ninnis Glacier, yielded detrital white-mica 40Ar-39Ar ages from ~530 to 640 Ma and a minimum age of 518 ± 5 Ma. This pattern compares remarkably well with those previously obtained for the Kanmantoo Group from the Adelaide Rift Complex of southern Australia, thereby suggesting that the segment of the Ross Orogen exposed east of the Mertz Glacier may represent a continuation of the eastern part of the Delamerian Orogen.
PURPOSE: To describe and follow cotton wool spots (CWS) in branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) using multimodal imaging. METHODS: In this prospective cohort study including 24 patients with new-onset BRVO, CWS were described and analyzed in color fundus photography (CF), spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), infrared (IR) and fluorescein angiography (FA) every 3 months for 3 years. The CWS area on SD-OCT and CF was evaluated using OCT-Tool-Kit software: CWS were marked in each single OCT B-scan and the software calculated the area by interpolation. RESULTS: 29 central CWS lesions were found. 100% of these CWS were visible on SD-OCT, 100% on FA and 86.2% on IR imaging, but only 65.5% on CF imaging. CWS were visible for 12.4 ± 7.5 months on SD-OCT, for 4.4 ± 3 months and 4.3 ± 3.4 months on CF and on IR, respectively, and for 17.5 ± 7.1 months on FA. The evaluated CWS area on SD-OCT was larger than on CF (0.26 ± 0.17 mm(2) vs. 0.13 ± 0.1 mm(2), p < 0.0001). The CWS area on SD-OCT and surrounding pathology such as intraretinal cysts, avascular zones and intraretinal hemorrhage were predictive for how long CWS remained visible (r(2) = 0.497, p < 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: The lifetime and presentation of CWS in BRVO seem comparable to other diseases. SD-OCT shows a higher sensitivity for detecting CWS compared to CF. The duration of visibility of CWS varies among different image modalities and depends on the surrounding pathology and the CWS size.
Las bandas de las denominadas ondas milimétricas y submilimétricas están situadas en la región del espectro entre las microondas y el infrarrojo. La banda de milimétricas se sitúa entre 30 y 300 GHz, considerada normalmente como la banda EHF (Extremely High Frequency). El margen de frecuencias entre 300 y 3000 GHz es conocido como la banda de ondas submilimétricas o de terahercios (THz). Sin embargo, no toda la comunidad científica está de acuerdo acerca de las frecuencias que limitan la banda de THz. De hecho, 100 GHz y 10 THz son considerados comúnmente como los límites inferior y superior de dicha banda, respectivamente. Hasta hace relativamente pocos años, la banda de THz sólo había sido explotada para aplicaciones en los campos de la espectroscopía y la radioastronomía. Los avances tecnológicos en la electrónica de microondas y la óptica lastraron el desarrollo de la banda de THz. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes han demostrado las ventajas asociadas a operar en estas longitudes de onda, lo que ha aumentado el interés y los esfuerzos dedicados a la tecnología de THz. A pesar de que han surgido un gran número de aplicaciones, una de las más prometedoras está en el campo de la vigilancia y la seguridad. Esta tesis está dedicada al desarrollo de radares de onda continua y frecuencia modulada (CW-LFM) de alta resolución en la banda de milimétricas, más concretamente, en las ventanas de atenuación situadas en 100 y 300 GHz. Trabajar en estas bandas de frecuencia presenta beneficios tales como la capacidad de las ondas de atravesar ciertos materiales como la ropa o el papel, opacos en el rango visible, y la posibilidad de usar grandes anchos de banda, obteniéndose así elevadas resoluciones en distancia. Los anchos de banda de 9 y 27 GHz seleccionados para los sistemas de 100 y 300 GHz, respectivamente, proporcionan resoluciones en distancia alrededor y por debajo del cm. Por otro lado, las aplicaciones objetivo se centran en la adquisición de imágenes a corto alcance. En el caso del prototipo a 300 GHz, su diseño se ha orientado a aplicaciones de detección a distancia en escenarios de vigilancia y seguridad. La naturaleza no ionizante de esta radiación supone una ventaja frente a las alternativas tradicionalmente usadas tales como los sistemas de rayos X. La presente tesis se centra en el proceso de diseño, implementación y caracterización de ambos sistemas así como de la validación de su funcionamiento. Se ha elegido una solución basada en componentes electrónicos, y no ópticos, debido a su alta fiabilidad, volumen reducido y amplia disponibilidad de componentes comerciales. Durante el proceso de diseño e implementación, se han tenido en cuenta varias directrices tales como la minimización del coste y la versatilidad de los sistemas desarrollados para hacer posible su aplicación para múltiples propósitos. Ambos sistemas se han utilizado en diferentes pruebas experimentales, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios. Aunque son sólo ejemplos dentro del amplio rango de posibles aplicaciones, la adquisición de imágenes ISAR de modelos de blancos a escala para detección automática así como la obtención de datos micro-Range/micro- Doppler para el análisis de patrones humanos han validado el funcionamiento del sistema a 100 GHz. Por otro lado, varios ejemplos de imágenes 3D obtenidas a 300 GHz han demostrado las capacidades del sistema para su uso en tareas de seguridad y detección a distancia. ABSTRACT The millimeter- and submillimeter-wave bands are the regions of the spectrum between the microwaves and the infrared (IR). The millimeter-wave band covers the range of the spectrum from 30 to 300 GHz, which is usually considered as the extremely high frequency (EHF) band. The range of frequencies between 300 and 3000 GHz is known as the submillimeter-wave or terahertz (THz) band. Nevertheless, the boundaries of the THz band are not accepted by the whole research community. In fact, 100 GHz and 10 THz are often considered by some authors as the lower and upper limit of this band, respectively. Until recently, the THz band had not been exploited for practical applications, with the exception of minor uses in the fields of spectroscopy and radio astronomy. The advancements on microwave electronics and optical technology left the well-known THz gap undeveloped. However, recent research has unveiled the advantages of working at these frequencies, which has motivated the increase in research effort devoted to THz technology. Even though the range of upcoming applications is wide, the most promising ones are in the field of security and surveillance. Particularly, this Ph.D. thesis deals with the development of high resolution continuouswave linear-frequency modulated (CW-LFM) radars in the millimeter-wave band, namely, in the attenuation windows located at 100 and 300 GHz. Working at these wavelengths presents several benefits such as the ability of radiation to penetrate certain materials, visibly opaque, and the great availability of bandwidth at these frequencies, which leads to high range resolution. The selected bandwidths of 9 and 27 GHz for these systems at 100 and 300 GHz, respectively, result in cm and sub-cm range resolution. On the other hand, the intended applications are in the field of short-range imaging. In particular, the design of the 300-GHz prototype is oriented to standoff detection for security and surveillance scenarios. The non-ionizing nature of this radiation allows safety concerns to be alleviated, in clear contrast to other traditional alternatives such as X-rays systems. This thesis is focused on the design, implementation and characterization process of both systems as well as the experimental assessment of their performances. An electronic approach has been selected instead of an optical solution so as to take advantage of its high reliability, reduced volume and the availability of commercial components. Through the whole design and implementation process, several guidelines such as low cost and hardware versatility have been also kept in mind. Taking advantage of that versatility, different applications can be carried out with the same hardware concept. Both radar systems have been used in several experimental trials with satisfactory results. Despite being mere examples within the wide range of fields of application, ISAR imaging of scaled model targets for automatic target recognition and micro-Range/micro-Doppler analysis of human patterns have validated the system performance at 100 GHz. In addition, 3D imaging examples at 300 GHz demonstrate the radar system’s capabilities for standoff detection and security tasks.
Quasi-phase-matching is an important and widelyused technique in nonlinear optics enabling efficient frequency up-conversion. However, since its introduction almost half a century ago, this technique is well developed for near infrared (IR) but is intrinsically limited in spectral tunability in the visible range by the strict conditions set by the spatial modulation which compensates the momentum mismatch imposed by the dispersion. Here, we provide a fundamental generalization of quasi-phase-matching based on the utilization of a significant difference in the effective refractive indices of the high- and low-order modes in multimode waveguides. This concept enables to match the period of poling in a very broad wavelength range and opens up a new avenue for an order-ofmagnitude increase in wavelength range for frequency conversion from a single crystal. Using this approach, we demonstrate an all-room-temperature continuous-wave (CW) second harmonic generation (SHG) with over 60 nm tunability from green to red in a periodically-poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) waveguide pumped by a single broadly-tunable quantumdot laser diode. © 2012 by Astro, Ltd.
In this study, we carried out the study of Eriochrome black T removal using expanded perlite modified orthophenanthroline by adsorption technique. The study of the adsorption process was performed by investigating the effect of the initial dye concentration, contact time and pH range of the solution (acidic and alkaline) in the adsorption process, for a so-called synthetic effluent (aqueous solution of black eriochrome T) and a real effluent (generated from the test for determining the water hardness, by complexation titration). The materials were characterized by Thermogravimetry / Differential Thermal Analysis (TG / DTA), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (IR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). By analysis of XRD observed thinking on orthophenanthroline the modified expanded perlite. And by IR analysis showed an increase in intensity and a detailed enlargement of the absorption band related to the axial deformation of the OH bond of silanol groups of perlite (Si-OH). In the equilibration time of the study, in the evaluated time range (5-230 min) was not possible to observe the existence of a balance of time, probably attributed to the type of interaction between the Eriochrome black-T and the expanded perlite modified orthophenanthroline, being an interaction of surface origin. In the study effect of the initial concentration of the adsorbate in the case 2,0x10-4 mol / L natural pH (pH 5) gave the highest removal percentage value of eriochrome T black color with 63.74 % removal in 20 minutes of contact. In evaluating the effect of varying the pH of Eriochrome black T solution in the adsorption process, it was found that the more acidic the environment, the greater the percentage stain removal, being a result of acid-base interaction between the adsorbate and the adsorbent. In T Eriochrome black removal study in real effluent we used the optimized conditions by studying with synthetic sewage. The dye removal at pH 10, natural pH of the effluent was no significant reaching the maximum amount of color removal percentage of 8.12%, obtained already at pH 3 with maximum color removal 100.00% of color, once more proving that eriochrome black T and effectively interact better with the adsorbent at acid pH values (pH 5 or 3), and most efficiently at pH 3. thus one can mention that the perlite expanded (an amorphous aluminosilicate naturally acid) modified with orthophenanthroline (one Bronsted base) consists of a master and effective removal of coloring material in the acid-type aqueous solution, the conditions expressed in this study, can be applied as an adsorbent of this dye also mums real effluent.
This study aimed to evaluate the potential of oxidative electrochemical treatment coupled with adsorption process using expanded perlite as adsorbent in the removal of textile dyes, Red Remazol and Novacron Blue on synthetic effluent. Dyes and perlite were characterized by thermogravimetry techniques (TG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Spectroscopy infrared (IR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques. Electrochemical treatments used as anodes, Ti/Pt and Pb/PbO2 under different conditions: 60 minutes, current density 20, 40 e 60 mAcm-2, pH 1, 4.5 e 8 and temperature variation 20, 40 e 60 ºC. In the case of adsorption tests, contact time of 30 minutes for the Remazol Red dye and 20 minutes for Novacron Blue were established, while pH 1, 4.5 e 8, 500 mg adsorbent and temperature variation 20, 40 e 60 ºC were used for both treatments. The results indicated that both treatments, electroxidation/adsorption and the adsorption/electroxidation, were effective for removing color from synthetic solutions. The consumption of electricity allowed to evaluate the applicability of the electrochemical process, providing very acceptable values, which allowed us to estimate the cost. Total organic carbon (TOC) and Gas Chromatography linked mass spectrometer (GC-MS) analyzes were performed, showing that the better combination for removing organic matter is by Pb/PbO2 and perlite. Meanwhile, GC-MS indicated that the by-products formed are benzoic acid, phthalic acid, thiocarbamic acid, benzene, chlorobenzene, phenol-2-ethyl and naphthalene when Remazol Red was degraded. Conversely, aniline, phthalic acid, 1, 6 - dimethylnaphthalene, naphthalene and ion hidroxobenzenosulfonat was detected when Novacron Blue was studied. Analyses obtained through atomic absorption spectrometry showed that there was release of lead in the electrochemical oxidation of analyzes that were performed with the anode Pb/PbO2, but these values are reduced by subjecting the effluent to adsorption analysis. According to these results, sequential techniques electroxidation/adsorption and adsorption/electroxidation are to treat solutions containing dyes.
This study aimed to evaluate the potential of oxidative electrochemical treatment coupled with adsorption process using expanded perlite as adsorbent in the removal of textile dyes, Red Remazol and Novacron Blue on synthetic effluent. Dyes and perlite were characterized by thermogravimetry techniques (TG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Spectroscopy infrared (IR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques. Electrochemical treatments used as anodes, Ti/Pt and Pb/PbO2 under different conditions: 60 minutes, current density 20, 40 e 60 mAcm-2, pH 1, 4.5 e 8 and temperature variation 20, 40 e 60 ºC. In the case of adsorption tests, contact time of 30 minutes for the Remazol Red dye and 20 minutes for Novacron Blue were established, while pH 1, 4.5 e 8, 500 mg adsorbent and temperature variation 20, 40 e 60 ºC were used for both treatments. The results indicated that both treatments, electroxidation/adsorption and the adsorption/electroxidation, were effective for removing color from synthetic solutions. The consumption of electricity allowed to evaluate the applicability of the electrochemical process, providing very acceptable values, which allowed us to estimate the cost. Total organic carbon (TOC) and Gas Chromatography linked mass spectrometer (GC-MS) analyzes were performed, showing that the better combination for removing organic matter is by Pb/PbO2 and perlite. Meanwhile, GC-MS indicated that the by-products formed are benzoic acid, phthalic acid, thiocarbamic acid, benzene, chlorobenzene, phenol-2-ethyl and naphthalene when Remazol Red was degraded. Conversely, aniline, phthalic acid, 1, 6 - dimethylnaphthalene, naphthalene and ion hidroxobenzenosulfonat was detected when Novacron Blue was studied. Analyses obtained through atomic absorption spectrometry showed that there was release of lead in the electrochemical oxidation of analyzes that were performed with the anode Pb/PbO2, but these values are reduced by subjecting the effluent to adsorption analysis. According to these results, sequential techniques electroxidation/adsorption and adsorption/electroxidation are to treat solutions containing dyes.
Using far-infrared imaging from the "Herschel Lensing Survey," we derive dust properties of spectroscopically confirmed cluster member galaxies within two massive systems at z ~ 0.3: the merging Bullet Cluster and the more relaxed MS2137.3-2353. Most star-forming cluster sources (~90%) have characteristic dust temperatures similar to local field galaxies of comparable infrared (IR) luminosity (T_dust ~ 30 K). Several sub-luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG; L_IR < 10^11 L_☉) Bullet Cluster members are much warmer (T_dust > 37 K) with far-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) shapes resembling LIRG-type local templates. X-ray and mid-infrared data suggest that obscured active galactic nuclei do not contribute significantly to the infrared flux of these "warm dust" galaxies. Sources of comparable IR luminosity and dust temperature are not observed in the relaxed cluster MS2137, although the significance is too low to speculate on an origin involving recent cluster merging. "Warm dust" galaxies are, however, statistically rarer in field samples (>3σ), indicating that the responsible mechanism may relate to the dense environment. The spatial distribution of these sources is similar to the whole far-infrared bright population, i.e., preferentially located in the cluster periphery, although the galaxy hosts tend toward lower stellar masses (M_* < 10^10 M_☉). We propose dust stripping and heating processes which could be responsible for the unusually warm characteristic dust temperatures. A normal star-forming galaxy would need 30%-50% of its dust removed (preferentially stripped from the outer reaches, where dust is typically cooler) to recover an SED similar to a "warm dust" galaxy. These progenitors would not require a higher IR luminosity or dust mass than the currently observed normal star-forming population.
We present a morphology study of intermediate-redshift (0.2 < z < 1.2) luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) and general field galaxies in the GOODS fields using a revised asymmetry measurement method optimized for deep fields. By taking careful account of the importance of the underlying sky-background structures, our new method does not suffer from systematic bias and offers small uncertainties. By redshifting local LIRGs and low-redshift GOODS galaxies to different higher redshifts, we have found that the redshift dependence of the galaxy asymmetry due to surface-brightness dimming is a function of the asymmetry itself, with larger corrections for more asymmetric objects. By applying redshift-, infrared (IR)-luminosity- and optical-brightness-dependent asymmetry corrections, we have found that intermediate-redshift LIRGs generally show highly asymmetric morphologies, with implied merger fractions ~50% up to z = 1.2, although they are slightly more symmetric than local LIRGs. For general field galaxies, we find an almost constant relatively high merger fraction (20%-30%). The B-band luminosity functions (LFs) of galaxy mergers are derived at different redshifts up to z = 1.2 and confirm the weak evolution of the merger fraction after breaking the luminosity-density degeneracy. The IR LFs of galaxy mergers are also derived, indicating a larger merger fraction at higher IR luminosity. The integral of the merger IR LFs indicates a dramatic evolution of the merger-induced IR energy density [(1 + z)^~(5-6)], and that galaxy mergers start to dominate the cosmic IR energy density at z greater than or ~ 1.
The Duke Free-electron laser (FEL) system, driven by the Duke electron storage ring, has been at the forefront of developing new light source capabilities over the past two decades. In 1999, the Duke FEL demonstrated the first lasing of a storage ring FEL in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region at $194$ nm using two planar OK-4 undulators. With two helical undulators added to the outboard sides of the planar undulators, in 2005 the highest FEL gain ($47.8\%$) of a storage ring FEL was achieved using the Duke FEL system with a four-undulator configuration. In addition, the Duke FEL has been used as the photon source to drive the High Intensity $\gamma$-ray Source (HIGS) via Compton scattering of the FEL beam and electron beam inside the FEL cavity. Taking advantage of FEL's wavelength tunability as well as the adjustability of the energy of the electron beam in the storage ring, the nearly monochromatic $\gamma$-ray beam has been produced in a wide energy range from $1$ to $100$ MeV at the HIGS. To further push the FEL short wavelength limit and enhance the FEL gain in the VUV regime for high energy $\gamma$-ray production, two additional helical undulators were installed in 2012 using an undulator switchyard system to allow switching between the two planar and two helical undulators in the middle section of the FEL system. Using different undulator configurations made possible by the switchyard, a number of novel capabilities of the storage ring FEL have been developed and exploited for a wide FEL wavelength range from infrared (IR) to VUV. These new capabilities will eventually be made available to the $\gamma$-ray operation, which will greatly enhance the $\gamma$-ray user research program, creating new opportunities for certain types of nuclear physics research.
With the wide wavelength tuning range, the FEL is an intrinsically well-suited device to produce lasing with multiple colors. Taking advantage of the availability of an undulator system with multiple undulators, we have demonstrated the first two-color lasing of a storage ring FEL. Using either a three- or four-undulator configuration with a pair of dual-band high reflectivity mirrors, we have achieved simultaneous lasing in the IR and UV spectral regions. With the low-gain feature of the storage ring FEL, the power generated at the two wavelengths can be equally built up and precisely balanced to reach FEL saturation. A systematic experimental program to characterize this two-color FEL has been carried out, including precise power control, a study of the power stability of two-color lasing, wavelength tuning, and the impact of the FEL mirror degradation. Using this two-color laser, we have started to develop a new two-color $\gamma$-ray beam for scientific research at the HIGS.
Using the undulator switchyard, four helical undulators installed in the beamline can be configured to not only enhance the FEL gain in the VUV regime, but also allow for the full polarization control of the FEL beams. For the accelerator operation, the use of helical undulators is essential to extend the FEL mirror lifetime by reducing radiation damage from harmonic undulator radiation. Using a pair of helical undulators with opposite helicities, we have realized (1) fast helicity switching between left- and right-circular polarizations, and (2) the generation of fully controllable linear polarization. In order to extend these new capabilities of polarization control to the $\gamma$-ray operation in a wide energy range at the HIGS, a set of FEL polarization diagnostic systems need to be developed to cover the entire FEL wavelength range. The preliminary development of the polarization diagnostics for the wavelength range from IR to UV has been carried out.