981 resultados para Information Dissemination


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Aging as a social phenomenon is guided in the ways of production and reproduction, that is linked to the peculiarities and compliances of the social structure influence the values and erected senses. The search for the understanding of the reality will be given by the appropriation of knowledge/information that in contemporary times are increasingly tied to the media means, so that they go beyond the mere condition media, reaching the condition of instruments of direct, attitudes and opinions production. Among the media instruments, there are news medias, that are important means of information dissemination and consequently production of senses, including over aging. Thus, the objective is to: apprehend the social representations and meanings associated with aging in the media space about aging; browse the social representations about aging in media space and their influence on the relations that are established in the cultural socio-economic context. To do it The Theory of Social Representation will be used. To collect the data, 57 online news from the three main state newspapers were studied: Tribuna do Norte, Gazeta do Povo and Jornal de Hoje, which were captured through a search tol of these newspaper sites, using the words: “aging””elderly”. These materials were analyzed making use of Bardin’s Qualitative Analysis, which allowed the establishment of five categories, namely: Aging and violence; Aging in contemporary times; Aging and health; Aging and citizenship; and Aging, work and action. In the first category news reporting violent situations are framed the regardless of the victim’s condition or the one charged by the violence, the fragility of elderly persists. In Aging in contemporary times the attempts of the news media to explain the demographic changes of the quantitative increases in the elderly, the burden it may lead to the full development of the country are noticed. In Aging and health is noticed the imminent end of the condition brought on age, as a synonym for diseases and conditions. In the fourth category, Aging and citizenship situations are shown where peculiarities and needs or the elderly need to turn into obligation to be fulfilled, denouncing the condition of low expression and social power of the class. Finally, in Aging, work and action situations that indicate the non-expectation of elderly interaction with new technologies and participation in decision-making directions of society are brought. In a general and specific form this analysis allowed learning the ways of production of meanings about aging in the papers, as these ones tend to represent aging through intentioned situations as hegemonic needs, building the social representation of the elderly as fragile person, submissive, inactive, subject to violence and susceptible to becoming ill.


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The aim of this study is to assess the attitudes and knowledge of consumers about irradiated foods. The study sample corresponded to 65.52% women and the mean age was 41.82 (SD: 14.33) years. Only 66.9% of respondents consumers consult the list of ingredients on the label of packaged foods, and 13.4% of them said they had detected the phrase “FOOD TREATED BY IRRADIATION PROCESS.” Furthermore, 86.6% considered that irradiation becomes unsafe food and thus 94.9% of those not consume these foods, as well as 29.6% of those who felt otherwise. Women had a score of attitude towards irradiated foods less favorable than men. The television was considered the most efficient means of communication to report on irradiated foods. We conclude that consumers of the city of Natal lack information about food irradiation and acceptance of these products depends on how the policies are directed to food security and health education, including through the use of sources of mass information dissemination. The information on the labels of irradiated foods is controversial, although sufficient instruments for detection of irradiated foods by these consumers.


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Incomplete reporting has been identified as a major source of avoidable waste in biomedical research.
Essential information is often not provided in study reports, impeding the identification, critical
appraisal, and replication of studies. To improve the quality of reporting of diagnostic accuracy
studies, the Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) statement was developed. Here
we present STARD 2015, an updated list of 30 essential items that should be included in every
report of a diagnostic accuracy study. This update incorporates recent evidence about sources of
bias and variability in diagnostic accuracy and is intended to facilitate the use of STARD. As such,
STARD 2015 may help to improve completeness and transparency in reporting of diagnostic accuracy


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Cassava is one of the major food crops in Nigeria, with multiple uses from human consumption to industrial applications. This study explores the potential of cassava in Nigerian agriculture based on a review of cassava development policies; performs a trend analysis of the cultivation area, production, productivity, and real price of cassava and other competing crops for the period 1961–2013; identifies the sources of growth in production; and examines the production constraints at the local level based on a survey of 315 farmers/processors and 105 marketers from Delta State. The results revealed that several policies and programmes were implemented to develop the cassava sector with mixed outcomes. Although cassava productivity grew at 1.5% per annum (p.a.) during the post-structural adjustment programme period (1993–2013), its real price declined at a rate of 3.5% p.a. The effect of yield is the main source of growth in production, contributing 76.4% of the total growth followed by the area effect (28.2%). The cassava sector is constrained by inadequate market infrastructure, processing facilities, and lack of information and unstable prices at the local level. The widespread diffusion of improved tropical manioc selection technologies and investments in market and marketing infrastructure, processing technologies, irrigation/water provision and information dissemination are recommended to enhance the potential of the cassava sector to support agricultural growth in Nigeria.


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This year is the 10th anniversary of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Junior Members and Affiliates (JMAs). The aim of this review is to highlight the work and activities of EAACI JMAs. To this end, we have summarized all the initiatives taken by JMAs during the last 10 yr. EAACI JMAs are currently a group of over 2380 clinicians and scientists under the age of 35 yr, who support the continuous education of the Academy's younger members. For the past decade, JMAs enjoy a steadily increasing number of benefits such as free online access to the Academy's journals, the possibility to apply for Fellowships and the Mentorship Program, travel grants to attend scientific meetings, and many more. In addition, JMAs have been involved in task forces, cooperation schemes with other scientific bodies, organization of JMA focused sessions during EAACI meetings, and participation in the activities of EAACI communication platforms. EAACI JMA activities represent an ideal example of recruiting, training, and educating young scientists in order for them to thrive as future experts in their field. This model may serve as a prototype for other scientific communities, several of which have already adapted similar policies.


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 This document describes the experience of academic cooperation between professionals in the field of library science, both from West Chester University (WCU), and the National University (UNA) of Costa Rica. The event took place at West Chester University during the week May 4th to May 8th, 2009. The objectives of this revolved around the exchange of ideas and interests in the academic and cultural relations between the two universities. In addition, it unveiled several services and procedures in the handling of information and highlighted the importance of promoting the exchange of students from both institutions. Finally, this article highlights the schedule of activities to integrate international and intercultural perspective in various areas related to the teaching-learning process, the contribution of university libraries on student success and techniques of information dissemination.


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Group extension methods are widely recognized as the most effective extension method in agricultural development internationally. Research in this area tends to look at group function, and factors that inhibit or promote successful group activity. Most development projects start with an analysis of whether groups exist or may need to be formed, and then focus on group function. However, very little research to date has considered the farmer group from a whole community context, when assessing knowledge and information dissemination in rural areas. This paper presents and discusses research finding from a case study with three communities in Gulu district of Northern Uganda, where household surveys were used to map networks within andbetween community members and external organizations identified as promoting agricultural development in the region. The potential impact of inclusion or exclusion in such a group within small communities emerged as a significant issue, as well as the strong disconnect between community and external organizational perceptions of group existence, function and impact.


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Being an important source for real-time information dissemination in recent years, Twitter is inevitably a prime target of spammers. It has been showed that the damage caused by Twitter spam can reach far beyond the social media platform itself. To mitigate the threat, a lot of recent studies use machine learning techniques to classify Twitter spam and report very satisfactory results. However, most of the studies overlook a fundamental issue that is widely seen in real-world Twitter data, i.e., the class imbalance problem. In this paper, we show that the unequal distribution between spam and non-spam classes in the data has a great impact on spam detection rate. To address the problem, we propose an ensemble learning approach, which involves three steps. In the first step, we adjust the class distribution in the imbalanced data set using various strategies, including random oversampling, random undersampling and fuzzy-based oversampling. In the next step, a classification model is built upon each of the redistributed data sets. In the final step, a majority voting scheme is introduced to combine all the classification models. Experimental results obtained using real-world Twitter data indicate that the proposed approach can significantly improve the spam detection rate in data sets with imbalanced class distribution.


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Nas últimas décadas foram feitos grandes esforços para definir, conhecer e avaliar quais são as competências informativas que os estudantes universitários necessitam para poder progredir na sua aprendizagem e na sua inserção no mercado laboral. Apesar do argumento de que os avanços tecnológicos facilitaram o acesso à informação, existe uma preocupação constante, porque os estudantes universitários não possuem competências suficientes para gerir e usar a informação: gerem quantidades enormes de informação através da Internet, mas não sabem o que fazer com ela, como avaliá-la, de que modo devem usá-la ou aproveitá-la de forma estratégica e ética. O questionário IL-HUMASS sobre literacia da informação foi concebido e desenhado com o objetivo de avaliar competências de informação e para ser aplicado à população de estudantes, professores e profissionais da informação dos diversos níveis na área das Ciências Sociais e Humanas nas universidades espanholas e portuguesas. Contém 26 itens agrupados em quatro categorias (pesquisa, avaliação, processamento e comunicação e difusão da informação) e em três dimensões de autoavaliação (importância, autoavaliação e fonte favorita de aprendizagem). A avaliação das qualidades psicométricas do IL-HUMASS para Português foi feita numa amostra de 1.077 estudantes universitários portugueses. A análise fatorial exploratória do questionário indicou um ajustamento aceitável, apoiando a estrutura original composta por quatro categorias para cada dimensão. O IL-HUMASS apresentou características psicométricas aceitáveis de consistência interna e validade de constructo. As características psicométricas do IL-HUMASS validam a sua utilização no nosso país em estudos que requeiram a avaliação de múltiplos indicadores, apresentando-se como particularmente útil para avaliar e diagnosticar competências em literacia da informação. Conclui-se com um diagnóstico do nível de competências de informação dos estudantes universitários, destacando algumas forças e debilidades, assim como uma proposta de intervenção subjacente nas oportunidades de melhoria e de necessidades de aprendizagem.


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Nas últimas décadas foram feitos grandes esforços para definir, conhecer e avaliar quais são as competências informativas que os estudantes universitários necessitam para poder progredir na sua aprendizagem e na sua inserção no mercado laboral. Apesar do argumento de que os avanços tecnológicos facilitaram o acesso à informação, existe uma preocupação constante, porque os estudantes universitários não possuem competências suficientes para gerir e usar a informação: gerem quantidades enormes de informação através da Internet, mas não sabem o que fazer com ela, como avaliá-la, de que modo devem usá-la ou aproveitá-la de forma estratégica e ética. O questionário IL-HUMASS sobre literacia da informação foi concebido e desenhado com o objetivo de avaliar competências de informação e para ser aplicado à população de estudantes, professores e profissionais da informação dos diversos níveis na área das Ciências Sociais e Humanas nas universidades espanholas e portuguesas. Contém 26 itens agrupados em quatro categorias (pesquisa, avaliação, processamento e comunicação e difusão da informação) e em três dimensões de autoavaliação (importância, autoavaliação e fonte favorita aprendizagem). A avaliação das qualidades psicométricas do IL-HUMASS para Português foi feita numa amostra de 1.077 estudantes universitários portugueses. A análise fatorial exploratória do questionário indicou um ajustamento aceitável, apoiando a estrutura original composta por quatro categorias para cada dimensão. O IL-HUMASS apresentou características psicométricas aceitáveis de consistência interna e validade de constructo. As características psicométricas do IL-HUMASS validam a sua utilização no nosso país em estudos que requeiram a avaliação de múltiplos indicadores, apresentando-se como particularmente útil para avaliar e diagnosticar competências em literacia da informação. Conclui-se com um diagnóstico do nível de competências de informação dos estudantes universitários, destacando algumas forças e debilidades, assim como uma proposta de intervenção subjacente nas oportunidades de melhoria e de necessidades de aprendizagem.


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Este artigo tece um arcabouço conceitual para ancorar as ações estratégicas de TT a serem implementadas na Empresa por meio da educação a distância (EaD), visando ampliar a aproximação da Embrapa com a sociedade.


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Inadequate links between researchers and farmers has resulted in low uptake of research advances recommended to improve food security in the central highlands of Kenya. Access to timely and accurate information by extension agents and farmers is paramount in dissemination of soil fertility management practices. Hence, the study sought to investigate the effect of education levels on communication channels used to disseminate soil fertility technologies in the Central highlands of Kenya. Questionnaires were used to elicit information from 105 extension agents and 240 farmers. About 50.5% of the extension officers were certificate holders while 29.5% were diploma holders from agricultural institutes. Majority of the farmers had attained primary education (59.6%) while 25.8% and 9.2% had attained secondary and post secondary education, respectively. Research institutions were the most accessible sources of information on soil fertility management practices by extension agents while internet and scientific conferences were the least scored as accessible sources of soil fertility management information by extension agents. Education levels significantly influenced preference of individual approach methods by farmers. There was a significant positive relationship between education and accessibility of internet as a source of information on green manure. The implication of the study was that education levels influenced the mode of communication used in the transfer of soil fertility research outputs to the end users. Consequently, it is extremely important to consider education levels in selection of dissemination pathways used in agriculture.