919 resultados para Information Delivery Service


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Perceiving students, science students especially, as mere consumers of facts and information belies the importance of a need to engage them with the principles underlying those facts and is counter-intuitive to the facilitation of knowledge and understanding. Traditional didactic lecture approaches need a re-think if student classroom engagement and active learning are to be valued over fact memorisation and fact recall. In our undergraduate biomedical science programs across Years 1, 2 and 3 in the Faculty of Health at QUT, we have developed an authentic learning model with an embedded suite of pedagogical strategies that foster classroom engagement and allow for active learning in the sub-discipline area of medical bacteriology. The suite of pedagogical tools we have developed have been designed to enable their translation, with appropriate fine-tuning, to most biomedical and allied health discipline teaching and learning contexts. Indeed, aspects of the pedagogy have been successfully translated to the nursing microbiology study stream at QUT. The aims underpinning the pedagogy are for our students to: (1) Connect scientific theory with scientific practice in a more direct and authentic way, (2) Construct factual knowledge and facilitate a deeper understanding, and (3) Develop and refine their higher order flexible thinking and problem solving skills, both semi-independently and independently. The mindset and role of the teaching staff is critical to this approach since for the strategy to be successful tertiary teachers need to abandon traditional instructional modalities based on one-way information delivery. Face-to-face classroom interactions between students and lecturer enable realisation of pedagogical aims (1), (2) and (3). The strategy we have adopted encourages teachers to view themselves more as expert guides in what is very much a student-focused process of scientific exploration and learning. Specific pedagogical strategies embedded in the authentic learning model we have developed include: (i) interactive lecture-tutorial hybrids or lectorials featuring teacher role-plays as well as class-level question-and-answer sessions, (ii) inclusion of “dry” laboratory activities during lectorials to prepare students for the wet laboratory to follow, (iii) real-world problem-solving exercises conducted during both lectorials and wet laboratory sessions, and (iv) designing class activities and formative assessments that probe a student’s higher order flexible thinking skills. Flexible thinking in this context encompasses analytical, critical, deductive, scientific and professional thinking modes. The strategic approach outlined above is designed to provide multiple opportunities for students to apply principles flexibly according to a given situation or context, to adapt methods of inquiry strategically, to go beyond mechanical application of formulaic approaches, and to as much as possible self-appraise their own thinking and problem solving. The pedagogical tools have been developed within both workplace (real world) and theoretical frameworks. The philosophical core of the pedagogy is a coherent pathway of teaching and learning which we, and many of our students, believe is more conducive to student engagement and active learning in the classroom. Qualitative and quantitative data derived from online and hardcopy evaluations, solicited and unsolicited student and graduate feedback, anecdotal evidence as well as peer review indicate that: (i) our students are engaging with the pedagogy, (ii) a constructivist, authentic-learning approach promotes active learning, and (iii) students are better prepared for workplace transition.


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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become increasingly important topic in forest industries, and other global companies, in recent years. Globalisation, faster information delivery and demand for sustainable development have set new challenges for global companies in their business operations. Also the importance of stakeholder relations, and pressure to become more transparent has increased in the forest industries. Three dimensions of corporate responsibility economic, environmental and social, are often included in the concept of CSR. Global companies mostly claim that these dimensions are equally important. This study analyses CSR in forest industry and has focus on reporting and implementation of social responsibility in three international companies. These case-companies are Stora Enso, SCA and Sappi, and they have different geographical base, product portfolios and therefore present interesting differences about forest industry strategy and CSR. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has created the most known and used reporting framework in CSR reporting. GRI Guidelines have made CSR reporting a uniform function, which can also be measured between companies and different sectors. GRI Guidelines have also made it possible to record and control CSR data in the companies. In recent years the use of GRI Guidelines has increased substantially. Typically CSR reporting on economic and environmental responsibility have been systematic in the global companies and often driven by legistlation and other regulations. However the social responsibility has been less regulated and more difficult to compare. Therefore it has previously been often less focused in the CSR reporting of the global companies. The implementation and use of GRI Guidelines have also increased dialogue on social responsibility issues and stakeholder management in global companies. This study analyses the use of GRI´s framework in the forest industry companies´ CSR reporting. This is a qualitative study and the disclosure of data is empricially analysed using content analysis. Content analysis has been selected as a method for this study because it makes it possible to use different sources of information. The data of this study consists of existing academic literature of CSR, sustainability reports of thecase-companies during 2005-2009, and the semi-structured interviews with company representatives. Different sources provide the possibility to look at specific subject from more than one viewpoint. The results of the study show that all case-companies have relatively common themes in their CSR disclosure, and the differences rise mainly from their product-portfolios, and geographic base. Social impacts to local communities, in the CSR of the companies, were mainly dominated by issues concerning creating wealth to the society and impacting communities through creation of work. The comparability of the CSR reporting, and especially social indicators increased significally from 2007 onwards in all case-companies. Even though the companies claim that three dimensions of CSR economic, environmental and social are equally important economic issues and profit improvement still seem to drive most of the operations in the global companies. Many issues that are covered by laws and regulations are still essentially presented as social responsibility in CSR. However often the unwelcome issues in companies like closing operations are covered just briefly, and without adequate explanation. To make social responsibility equally important in the CSR it would demand more emphasis from all the case-companies. A lot of emphasis should be put especially on the detail and extensiveness of the social reponsibility content in the CSR.


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CONTENTS: Policy development as a theme and policy briefs as a genre, by Graham Haylor and William Savage. Decriminalizing Cambodian family-scale fishers through a livelihoods approach to law reform, by Nao Thuok and Chun Sopha. Longer pond leases in Orissa, by Reshmee Guha and Rubu Mukherjee. One-stop aqua shop: a “one-window deliveryservice center for aqua-farmers and fishers, by S.D. Tripathi, Rubu Mukherjee and Kuddus Ansary. Fisheries and aquaculture policy formulation process in Pakistan, by Muhammad Junaid Wattoo and Dr. Muhammad Hayat. Improving the international marine ornamental fish trade to sustain and improve the livelihoods of poor people involved in the trade, by Aniza Suspita, Michael J. Phillips and Samliok Ndobe.


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With the advancement in network bandwidth and computing power, multimedia systems have become a popular means for information delivery. However, general principles of system testing cannot be directly applied to testing of multimedia systems on account of their stringent temporal and synchronization requirements. In particular, few studies have been made on the stress testing of multimedia systems with respect to their temporal requirements under resource saturation. Stress testing is important because erroneous behavior is most likely to occur under resource saturation. This paper presents an automatable method of test case generation for the stress testing of multimedia systems. It adapts constraint solving techniques to generate test cases that lead to potential resource saturation in a multimedia system. Coverage of the test cases is defined upon the reachability graph of a multimedia system. The proposed stress testing technique is supported by tools and has been successfully applied to a real-life commercial multimedia system. Although our technique focuses on the stress testing of multimedia systems, the underlying issues and concepts are applicable to other types of real-time systems.


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Thomas, R., Spink, S., Durbin, J. & Urquhart, C. (2005). NHS Wales user needs study including knowledgebase tools report. Report for Informing Healthcare Strategy implementation programme. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: Informing Healthcare, NHS Wales


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This literature review exposes the nature and extent of physical and psychosocial morbidity and economic disadvantage, home palliative caregivers suffer as a direct result of their caregiving role. Research has demonstrated that caregivers providing support to individuals receiving palliative care report unmet needs for information, communication, service provision and support from health and community services. Three sets of challenges are highlighted in this literature review which help explain why the needs of home palliative caregivers are largely unmet: (i) barriers to seeking help; (ii) a dearth of research-based interventions focused on reducing the negative aspects of caregiving; and (iii) a number of impediments to effective policy and service development for family caregivers. Furthermore, invited submissions from caregivers echoed and confirmed the issues reported in the literature. Recommendations for enhancing caregiver support are outlined.


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Over the last decade, the most widespread approaches for traditional management were based on the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) or Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP). However, they both have several problems in terms of scalability, due to their centralization characteristics. Although the distributed management approaches exhibit better performance in terms of scalability, they still underperform regarding communication costs, autonomy, extensibility, exibility, robustness, and cooperation between network nodes. The cooperation between network nodes normally requires excessive overheads for synchronization and dissemination of management information in the network. For emerging dynamic and large-scale networking environments, as envisioned in Next Generation Networks (NGNs), exponential growth in the number of network devices and mobile communications and application demands is expected. Thus, a high degree of management automation is an important requirement, along with new mechanisms that promote it optimally and e ciently, taking into account the need for high cooperation between the nodes. Current approaches for self and autonomic management allow the network administrator to manage large areas, performing fast reaction and e ciently facing unexpected problems. The management functionalities should be delegated to a self-organized plane operating within the network, that decrease the network complexity and the control information ow, as opposed to centralized or external servers. This Thesis aims to propose and develop a communication framework for distributed network management which integrates a set of mechanisms for initial communication, exchange of management information, network (re) organization and data dissemination, attempting to meet the autonomic and distributed management requirements posed by NGNs. The mechanisms are lightweight and portable, and they can operate in di erent hardware architectures and include all the requirements to maintain the basis for an e cient communication between nodes in order to ensure autonomic network management. Moreover, those mechanisms were explored in diverse network conditions and events, such as device and link errors, di erent tra c/network loads and requirements. The results obtained through simulation and real experimentation show that the proposed mechanisms provide a lower convergence time, smaller overhead impact in the network, faster dissemination of management information, increase stability and quality of the nodes associations, and enable the support for e cient data information delivery in comparison to the base mechanisms analyzed. Finally, all mechanisms for communication between nodes proposed in this Thesis, that support and distribute the management information and network control functionalities, were devised and developed to operate in completely decentralized scenarios.


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Face à l’incapacité de l’État à offrir des services de base aux ménages pauvres des zones urbaines périphériques et marginales, ce sont les opérateurs informels (individuels et collectifs) qui s’activent à répondre aujourd’hui aux besoins croissants des ménages. Mais leurs actions sont ponctuelles, éparpillées sur le territoire, non intégrées dans un plan de développement local, et beaucoup de ménages n’ont toujours pas accès à l’eau potable. Cette recherche, de type exploratoire, porte donc sur l’examen d’un type de partenariat entre les acteurs publics et les opérateurs informels collectifs, susceptible de créer la synergie entre les partenaires locaux et de pérenniser la fourniture de l’eau potable. Elle vise à analyser et à comprendre les mécanismes de collaboration entre l’État et les opérateurs informels collectifs en vue d’améliorer la qualité de la vie dans les quartiers urbains pauvres grâce à la résolution des problèmes d’accès à l’eau potable. À partir de l’étude de cas d’une zone pauvre de la ville de Kinshasa (République Démocratique du Congo), nous avons donc cherché à dégager ce qui peut éclairer le fonctionnement du partenariat État-opérateurs informels collectifs. Comme cadre d’analyse, nous avons recouru à l’analyse stratégique et, pour l’examen des expériences de partenariat, nous avons utilisé le modèle de Coston (1998) et recouru aux approches de régulation État-tiers secteur (approche socio-étatique et approche socio-communautaire). La méthode qualitative a été privilégiée. Les données analysées proviennent d’entrevues semi-dirigées, de la recherche documentaire et de l’observation. À partir du modèle de Coston (1998), les résultats obtenus montrent que les relations qui correspondent le mieux au partenariat entre les acteurs publics et les opérateurs informels collectifs sont de type « contractuel » et correspondent à l’orientation socio-étatique. Mais le système formel actuel de gestion de l’eau potable et les relations de pouvoir sont plus proches du type « rivalité ». Notre étude montre également que les partenariats, entre les acteurs publics et les opérateurs informels collectifs, sont très difficiles à instituer, car il n’existe pas encore d’environnement socio-politique solidaire. Le contexte institutionnel n’est pas propice à l’émergence d’un partenariat dynamique. Les déficiences structurelles, humaines et institutionnelles constatées sont la résultante directe de la pauvreté dont sont victimes les individus et les institutions. Les réseaux sociaux (à base de parenté, ethnique ou religieux) affectent les relations entre les individus, membres d’une association locale et les représentants des institutions locales ou nationales. Une complémentarité, négociée entre l’État et les opérateurs informels collectifs, ne pourra se réaliser que par la mise en place de nouvelles politiques favorisant la démocratie, la décentralisation et la promotion du mouvement associatif avec une société civile forte, dynamique, soucieuse du bien commun, privilégiant les qualités managériales plutôt que l’assistance perpétuelle.


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Las tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC de ahora en adelante) son centrales para la creación de una economía global centrada en el conocimiento. Las TIC pueden jugar un importante papel acelerando el crecimiento de una economía, erradicando la pobreza y promoviendo un desarrollo sostenible en países en desarrollo y economías en transición facilitando así una beneficiosa integración a la economía global. En el reporte del Milenio, el primer secretario general de las Naciones Unidas, Kofi Annan, presenta un énfasis en la importancia que para los países en desarrollo la revolución digital conlleva. A su vez, se señala la significativa función que el gobierno y entidades educativas, entre otras instituciones, están desarrollando para construir el puente digital que divide los países desarrollados de los en desarrollo. Una de las iniciativas mas importantes que se desarrollan a nivel mundial se ha denominado; UNITeS, (The United Nations Information Technology Service). Esta iniciativa propuesta por el Secretario General de la ONU, anunciada en su Informe del Milenio, estimula y facilita las contribuciones de los voluntarios para cerrar la brecha digital. Este marco de colaboración brinda la oportunidad a voluntarios para que compartan sus conocimientos y aumenten así la capacidad de personas de países en desarrollo para la utilización de las TIC en Pro del desarrollo humano. Las tecnologías de la Información no son una formula mágica que va a solucionar todos nuestros problemas; pero, es una poderosa fuerza que puede y debe ser explotada para alcanzar nuestra misión global en términos de un desarrollo sostenible. Esta misión relaciona elementos tanto éticos como económicos. La nueva economía en el largo plazo puede solo ser productiva y sostenible si se extiende al alcance de todos y responde a las necesidades y demandas de todas las comunidades. Es así como la Universidad del Rosario reconoce esta única oportunidad para ser actora de cambio y afianzar su posición como una Universidad de docencia que hace investigación.


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The construction industry has incurred a considerable amount of waste as a result of poor logistics supply chain network management. Therefore, managing logistics in the construction industry is critical. An effective logistic system ensures delivery of the right products and services to the right players at the right time while minimising costs and rewarding all sectors based on value added to the supply chain. This paper reports on an on-going research study on the concept of context-aware services delivery in the construction project supply chain logistics. As part of the emerging wireless technologies, an Intelligent Wireless Web (IWW) using context-aware computing capability represents the next generation ICT application to construction-logistics management. This intelligent system has the potential of serving and improving the construction logistics through access to context-specific data, information and services. Existing mobile communication deployments in the construction industry rely on static modes of information delivery and do not take into account the worker’s changing context and dynamic project conditions. The major problems in these applications are lack of context-specificity in the distribution of information, services and other project resources, and lack of cohesion with the existing desktop based ICT infrastructure. The research works focus on identifying the context dimension such as user context, environmental context and project context, selection of technologies to capture context-parameters such wireless sensors and RFID, selection of supporting technologies such as wireless communication, Semantic Web, Web Services, agents, etc. The process of integration of Context-Aware Computing and Web-Services to facilitate the creation of intelligent collaboration environment for managing construction logistics will take into account all the necessary critical parameters such as storage, transportation, distribution, assembly, etc. within off and on-site project.


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The export of information technology software services, also known as ¿offshore outsourcing¿, has raised debates in the media as well as in the academy. A lot has been written about the success of India, Ireland and Israel, the ¿3Is¿, but empirical data about Brazil is still hard to find. This dissertation proposes to identify success factors for Brazil to be chosen as a preferred location for offshore outsourcing based on a case study of an American multinational corporation, with branches in Brazil, that is systematically choosing Brazil as a preferred location for its offshore outsourcing operations. Concepts of economic globalization, internationalization of services and success factors for offshore outsourcing will be presented in the literature review and based on available literature focused on Brazil, a model of eight success factors is proposed. The empirical research was grounded on multiple data sources but the analysis was focused on a database of 219 deals that were conducted from September 2005 to May 2006, out of which Brazil was selected 57 times. The results confirm the proposed model of eight success factors. The final conclusions suggest that the process of identifying a country to perform the offshore activities is complex and that not all factors will be present at the same time, and more than that, in some cases intangible factors, such as relationship networks and emotional links with the country, have a higher weight in the decision. The results can be used in the future for in depth researches that differentiate Brazil from other countries in the offshore outsourcing market.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal a avaliação da percepção dos profissionais de tecnologia de informação quanto aos benefícios atribuídos a arquitetura orientada a serviço (SOA). Em busca deste objetivo, e visando uma melhor compreensão do tema, estudos teóricos foram desenvolvidos abordando os seguintes assuntos: Arquitetura de Software, Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócio (BPM) e Arquiteturas Orientadas a Serviços (SOA). A partir do referencial teórico e de um grupo de foco – composto por seis profissionais experientes em SOA – oito hipóteses foram levantadas, representando os principais benefícios atribuídos a estas arquiteturas. Um questionário foi então preparado e, a partir dele, 66 respostas válidas foram obtidas. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando-se de estatísticas descritivas e dos testes estatísticos não-paramétricos de Wilcoxon e qui-quadrado, buscando a validação, ou rejeição, das hipóteses apresentadas. Como resultado, em suma, percebe-se que, apesar da recente adoção das SOAs pelas empresas brasileiras, parece haver uma consonância entre seus profissionais de TI quanto aos benefícios desta nova abordagem para projetos de tecnologia da informação. Evidencia-se também a grande importância de disciplinas como governança e planejamento para a garantia do sucesso na implantação de projetos baseados nestas arquiteturas.


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A educação a distância tem passado por grandes transformações, principalmente após o advento da internet e das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs). Inúmeras perguntas sobre qualidade e resultados de aprendizagem em ambientes virtuais foram geradas com o crescimento da modalidade. Pesquisadores têm investigado métodos de avaliação dos benefícios promovidos pelo e-learning sob um número diversificado de perspectivas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar o impacto dos construtos qualidade do sistema, qualidade da informação e qualidade do serviço na satisfação do aluno e no uso de Sistemas Virtuais de Aprendizagem em ambientes de e-learning, utilizando como base teórica o modelo de Sucesso de e-learning, adaptado do modelo de Delone e McLean por Holsapple e Lee-Post. A metodologia de pesquisa tipo survey foi administrada por meio de um curso on-line ofertado a 291 estudantes de instituições públicas e privadas de todas as regiões do Brasil. Para o tratamento e análise dos dados, utilizaram-se técnicas de modelagem de equações estruturais e análise fatorial confirmatória. Os resultados demonstram que o uso do sistema é impactado pela variação dos construtos qualidade do sistema, qualidade da informação e qualidade dos serviços, já a satisfação do aluno é antecedida pela qualidade percebida da informação e do serviço. Muitos dos benefícios gerados pela educação a distância são causados pela satisfação do aluno e pela intensidade com que este utiliza o sistema de aprendizagem. Ao identificar os indicadores que antecedem estas variáveis, os gestores educacionais podem planejar seus investimentos visando atender às demandas mais importantes, além de utilizar a informação para lidar com um dos maiores problemas em EaD: a evasão.