984 resultados para Infiltrating Lymphocytes
In the present study. MRNA for the cytokines interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, IL-10 tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-beta-1) were investigated in oral lichen planus (OLP) lesions using in situ hybridization with S-35-labelled oligonucleotide probes on frozen tissue sections. In addition, the expression of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-10 and IL-4 mRNAs was analysed in cultured lesional T lymphocytes from oral lichen planus by polymerase chain reaction. Cells expressing mRNA for IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, TNF-alpha and TGF-beta(1) were found in all the biopsies studied. Approximately 1-2% of the total number of infiltrating cells in the lesions were positive for each of the different cytokine mRNAs. Most biopsies contained basement membrane-oriented, mRNA-positive cells. In the cultured T-cell lines, message for IFN-gamma was detected in all the patients, IL-10 in all but one, and IL-4 in just one of the seven patients investigated. The results suggest that mRNA for both pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, i.e., mixed T-helper 1 (T(H)1) and T(H)2 cytokine profiles, are generated simultaneously by a limited number of cells in chronic lesions of OLP. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The role of T lymphocytes in host responses to sublethal systemic infection with Candida albicans was evaluated by mAb depletion of CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells from BALB/c and CBA/CaH mice, which develop mild and severe tissue damage, respectively. Depletion of CD4(+) lymphocytes from BALB/c mice markedly increased tissue damage, but did not alter the course of infection. In CBA/CaH mice, depletion of CD4+ cells abrogated tissue destruction in both brain and kidney at day 4 after infection, and significantly decreased fungal colonization in the brain. However, the severity of tissue lesions increased relative to controls from day 8 onwards. A small increase in tissue damage was evident in both mouse strains after depletion of CD8(+) cells. There were no major differences between days 4 end 8 after infection in cDNA cytokine profiles of CD4(+) lymphocytes from either BALB/c or CBA/CaH mice. After passive transfer into infected syngeneic recipients, spleen cells from infected CBA/CaH mice markedly increased tissue damage when compared to controls, and also caused a significant increase in fungal colonization in the brain. A similar transfer in BALB/c mice increased the number of inflammatory cells in and around the lesions, but had no effect on the fungal burden in brain and kidney. The data demonstrate that both CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocytes contribute to the reduction of tissue damage after systemic infection with C. albicans, and that the development and expression of CD4(+) lymphocyte effector function is influenced by the genetic background of the mouse.
The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse is a unique and invaluable model of autoimmune disease, in particular type I diabetes. Bone marrow transplantation as a therapy for type I diabetes has been explored in NOD mice. NOD mice require higher doses of conditioning irradiation for successful allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, suggesting that NOD hematopoietic cells are radioresistant compared to those of other mouse strains. However, studies of hematopoietic reconstitution in NOD mice are hampered by the lack of mice bearing a suitable cell-surface marker that would allow transferred cells or their progeny to be distinguished. In order to monitor hematopoietic reconstitution in NOD mice we generated congenic NOD mice that carry the alternative allelic form of the pan-leukocyte alloantigen CD45. Following irradiation and congenic bone marrow transplantation, we found that the myeloid lineage was rapidly reconstituted by cells of donor origin but substantial numbers of recipient T lymphocytes persisted even after supra-lethal irradiation. This indicates that radiation resistance in the NOD hematopoietic compartment is a property primarily of mature T lymphocytes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The use of antioxidants during chemotherapy has been shown to reduce or prevent the undesirable effects experienced by healthy cells. Micronutrient selenium is well known for its antioxidant properties; however, selenium exhibits a bimodal nature in that both its beneficial and toxic properties lie within a limited and narrow dose range. The present study investigated the possible protective effects of selenomethionine (SM) on the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and clastogenicity of the chemotherapic doxorubicin (DXR), a key chemotherapic used in cancer treatment. Human peripheral lymphocytes were treated in vitro with varying concentrations of SM (0.25 mu M, 0.5 mu M, 1.0 mu M and 2.0 mu M), tested in combination with DXR (0.15 mu g/mL). SM alone was not cytotoxic and when combined with DXR treatment, reduced the DNA damage index significantly, the frequency of chromosomal aberrations, the number of aberrant metaphases and the frequency of apoptotic cells. The mechanism of chemoprotection of SM may be related to its antioxidant properties as well as its ability to interfere with DNA repair pathways. Therefore this study showed that SM is effective in reducing the genetic damage induced by the antitumoral agent DXR. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Inflammation is currently recognized as a key mechanism in the pathogenesis of renal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. The importance of infiltrating neutrophil, lymphocytes, and macrophage in this kind of injury has been assessed with conflicting results. Annexin 1 is a protein with potent neutrophil anti-migratory activity. In order to evaluate the effects of annexin A1 on renal I/R injury, uninephrectomized rats received annexin A1 mimetic peptide Ac2-26 (100 mu g) or vehicle before 30 min of renal artery clamping and were compared to sham surgery animals. Annexin A1 mimetic peptide granted a remarkable protection against I/R injury, preventing glomerular filtration rate and urinary osmolality decreases and acute tubular necrosis development. Annexin A1 infusion aborted neutrophil extravasation and attenuated macrophage infiltration but did not prevent tissue lymphocyte traffic. I/R increased annexin A1 expression (assessed by transmission electron microscopy) in renal epithelial cells, which was attenuated by exogenous annexin A1 infusion. Additionally, annexin A1 reduced I/R injury in isolated proximal tubules suspension. Annexin A1 protein afforded striking functional and structural protection against renal I/R. These results point to an important role of annexin A1 in the epithelial cells defense against I/R injury and indicate that neutrophils are key mediators for the development of tissue injury after renal I/R. If these results were confirmed in clinical studies, annexin A1 might emerge as an important tool to protect against I/R injury in renal transplantation and in vascular surgery.
Members of the nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) family of transcription factors were originally described in T lymphocytes but later shown to be expressed in several immune and non-immune cell types. NFAT proteins can modulate cellular transformation intrinsically, and NFAT-deficient (NFAT1-/-) mice are indeed more susceptible to transformation than wild-type counterparts. However, the contribution of an NFAT1-/- microenvironment to tumor progression has not been studied. We have addressed this question by inoculating NFAT1-/- mice with B16F10 melanoma cells intravenously, an established model of tumor homing and growth. Surprisingly, NFAT1-/- animals sustained less tumor growth in the lungs after melanoma inoculation than wild-type counterparts. Even though melanoma cells equally colonize NFAT1-/- and wild-type lungs, tumors do not progress in the absence of NFAT1 expression. A massive mononuclear perivascular infiltrate and reduced expression of TGF-beta in the absence of NFAT1 suggested a role for tumor-infiltrating immune cells and the cytokine milieu. However, these processes are independent of an IL-4-induced regulatory tumor microenvironment, since lack of this cytokine does not alter the phenotype in NFAT1-/- animals. Bone marrow chimera experiments meant to differentiate the contributions of stromal and infiltrating cells to tumor progression demonstrated that NFAT1-induced susceptibility to pulmonary tumor growth depends on NFAT1-expressing parenchyma rather than on bone marrow-derived cells. These results suggest an important role for NFAT1 in radio-resistant tumor-associated parenchyma, which is independent of the anti-tumor immune response and Th1 versus Th2 cytokine milieu established by the cancer cells, but able to promote site-specific tumor growth.
The present study was carried out to investigate the cytogenetic effects of therapeutic exposure to radioiodine preceded by rhTSH in an animal model. Three groups of Wistar rats (n = 6) were used: one group was treated only with I-131 (11.1 MBq/animal); the other two groups received rhTSH (1.2 mu g/rat of either Thyrogen or rhTSH-IPEN, respectively) 24 h before administration of radioiodine. The percentage of lymphocytes with chromosome aberrations and the average number of aberrations and of dicentrics per cell were determined on blood samples collected 24 h, 7 and 30 days after administration of I-131. The data show that the treatment with radioiodine alone or associated with rhTSH resulted in a greater quantity of chromosome alterations in relation to basal values after 24 h, with a gradual decline after 7 and 30 days of treatment. An increase in chromosome alterations was also seen after rhTSH treatment alone. Neither of the treatments, i.e., with I-131 alone or associated with hormone, resulted in an aneugenic effect or influenced the kinetics of cellular proliferation in rat blood lymphocytes. There was no significant difference between the cytogenetic effects of Thyrogen and rhTSH-IPEN treatment. These data suggest that the treatment with radioiodine, associated or not with rhTSH, affects to a limited extent a relatively small number of cells although the occurrence of late stochastic effects could not be discarded.
Mobile Lipids detected using H-1-NMR in stimulated lymphocytes were correlated with cell cycle phase, expression of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha and proliferation to assess the activation status of the lymphocytes. Mobile lipid levels, IL-2R alpha expression and proliferation increased after treatment with PMA and ionomycin. PMA or ionomycin stimulation alone induced increased IL-2R alpha expressiom but not proliferation, PMA- but not ionomycin-stimulation generated mobile lipid, Treatment with anti-CD3 antibody did not increase IL-2R alpha expression or proliferation but did generate increased amounts of mobile lipid, The cell cycle status of thymocytes treated with anti-CD3, PMA or ionomycin alone indicated an. accumulation of the cells in the G(1) phase of the cell cycle, The generation of mobile lipid was abrogated in anti-CD3 antibody-stimulated thymic lymphocytes but not in splenic lymphocytes, using a phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (PC-PLC) inhibitor which blocked cells in the G(1)/S phase of the cell cycle, This suggests that the H-1-NMR-detectable mobile Lipid may be generated in anti-CD3 antibody-stimulated thymic lymphocytes by the action of PC-PLC activity via the catabolism of PC, in the absence of classical signs of activation. (C) 1997 Academic Press.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) alterations and their clinical and pathological implications have been analyzed in several human malignancies. A marked decrease in mtDNA copy number along with the increase in malignancy was observed in diffusely infiltrating astrocytomas (24 WHO grade II, 18 grade III, and 78 grade IV or GBM) compared to non-neoplastic brain tissues, being mostly depleted in GBM. Although high relative gene expression levels of mtDNA replication regulators (mitochondrial polymerase catalytic subunit (POLG), transcription factors A (TFAM), B1 (TFB1M) and B2 (TFB2M)) were detected, it cannot successfully revert the mtDNA depletion observed in our samples. On the other hand, a strong correlation among the expression levels of mitochondrial transcription factors corroborates with the TFAM role in the direct control of TFB1M and TFB2M during initiation of mtDNA replication. POLG expression was related to decreased mtDNA copy number, and its overexpression associated with TFAM expression levels also have an impact on long-term survival among GBM patients, interpreted as a potential predictive factor for better prognosis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. and Mitochondria Research Society. All rights reserved.
Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings relative to surgical presence of deeply infiltrating endometriosis (DIE). Methods: This prospective study included 92 women with clinical suspicion of DIE. The MR images were compared with laparoscopy and pathology findings. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of MRI for diagnosis of DIE were assessed. Results: DIE was confirmed at histopathology in 77 of the 92 patients (83.7%). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of MRI to diagnose DIE at each of the specific sites evaluated were as follows: retrocervical space (89.4%, 92.3%, 96.7%, 77.4%, 90.2%); rectosigmoid (86.0%, 92.9%, 93.5%, 84.8%, 89.1%); bladder (23.1%, 100%,100%, 88.8%, 89.1%); ureters (50.0%, 100%, 95.5%, 95.7%); and vagina (72.7%, 100%, 100%, 96.4%, 96.7%). Conclusion: MRI demonstrates high accuracy in diagnosing DIE in the retrocervical region, rectosigmoid. bladder, ureters, and vagina. (C) 2009 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Lid. All rights reserved.
Deeply infiltrating endometriosis is the clinical form of the disease that is generally associated with conditions of more intense pain and may require more complex surgical management, consequently resulting in greater risks to the patient. In recent years, various investigators have confirmed the usefulness of methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), transrectal ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) for the diagnosis of deep endometriotic lesions. The objectives of the present study are to describe the method used to perform TVUS for the detection of deeply infiltrating endometriosis, and to discuss the clinical benefits that the data obtained may offer clinicians providing care for patients suspected of having this type of endometriosis. (C) 2008 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To analyze vascular density and immunolocalization of angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor Flk-1 in the proliferative and secretory eutopic human endometrium. and in three different sites of endometriosis: the ovary, bladder, and rectum. Design: Prospective study. Setting: University hospital. Patient(s): Thirty women with endometriosis (10 ovarian, 1.0 bladder, 10 rectal) and 32 control women (10 proliferative endometrium, 10 secretory endometrium, 4 normal ovary, 4 normal bladder, 4 normal rectum). Intervention(s): Normal endometrial samples were obtained from women during laparoscopic ablation of subserous myoma, and biopsy specimens of endometriosis were obtained from patients undergoing surgery for the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. Normal tissues of ovary, bladder, and rectum were obtained from these organs beside the lesions of endometriosis. Main Outcome Measure(S): Blood vessels were quantified according to the number of von Willebrand factor-positive endothelial cells. The VEGF and Flk-1 distribution were evaluated semiquantitatively by immunohistochemical staining. Result(s): More blood vessels were found in cases of endometriosis, particularly rectal endometriosis, compared with the respective control samples and with the eutopic endometrium, and they were localized in endometrial stroma around the glands. The VEGF and Flk-1 expression levels were also higher in cases of endometriosis, especially rectal endometriosis. Conclusion(s): Vascularization and VEGF and Flk-1 expression are significantly higher in deeply infiltrating endometriosis affecting the rectum, reinforcing the hypothesis that antiangiogenesis therapy may constitute a new modality of treatment, especially in cases of deep endometriosis involving the rectum.
The aim of the current study was to investigate the apoptosis of neurons, astrocytes and immune cells from human patients that were infected with rabies virus by vampire bats bite. Apoptotic neurons were identified by their morphology and immune cells were identified using double immunostaining. There were very few apoptotic neurons present in infected tissue samples, but there was an increase of apoptotic infiltrating CD4+ and TCD8+ adaptive immune cells in the rabies infected tissue. No apoptosis was present in NK, macrophage and astrocytes. The dissemination of the human rabies virus within an infected host may be mediated by viral escape of the virus from an infected cell and may involve an anti-apoptotic mechanism, which does not kill the neuron or pro-apoptosis of TCD4+ and TCD8+ lymphocytes and which allows for increased proliferation of the virus within the CNS by attenuation of the adaptive immune response. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.