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In this series of papers, we study issues related to the synchronization of two coupled chaotic discrete systems arising from secured communication. The first part deals with uniform dissipativeness with respect to parameter variation via the Liapunov direct method. We obtain uniform estimates of the global attractor for a general discrete nonautonomous system, that yields a uniform invariance principle in the autonomous case. The Liapunov function is allowed to have positive derivative along solutions of the system inside a bounded set, and this reduces substantially the difficulty of constructing a Liapunov function for a given system. In particular, we develop an approach that incorporates the classical Lagrange multiplier into the Liapunov function method to naturally extend those Liapunov functions from continuous dynamical system to their discretizations, so that the corresponding uniform dispativeness results are valid when the step size of the discretization is small. Applications to the discretized Lorenz system and the discretization of a time-periodic chaotic system are given to illustrate the general results. We also show how to obtain uniform estimation of attractors for parametrized linear stable systems with nonlinear perturbation.


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We have examined the effect of the uncharged species of lidocaine (LDC) and etidocaine (EDC) on the acyl chain moiety of egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes. Changes in membrane organization caused by both anesthetics were detected through the use of EPR spin labels (5, 7 and 12 doxyl stearic acid methyl ester) or fluorescence probes (4, 6, 10, 16 pyrene-fatty acids). The disturbance caused by the LA was greater when the probes were inserted in more external positions of the acyl chain and decreased towards the hydrophobic core of the membrane. The results indicate a preferential insertion of LDC at the polar interface of the bilayer and in the first half of the acyl chain, for EDC. Additionally, 2 H NMR spectra of multilamellar liposomes composed by acyl chain-perdeutero DMPC and EPC (1:4 mol%) allowed the determination of the segmental order (S-mol) and dynamics (T-1) of the acyl chain region. In accordance to the fluorescence and EPR results, changes in molecular orientation and dynamics are more prominent if the LA preferential location is more superficial, as for LDC while EDC seems to organize the acyl chain region between carbons 2-8, which is indicative of its positioning. We propose that the preferential location of LDC and EDC inside the bilayers creates a ""transient site"", which is related to the anesthetic potency since it could modulate the access of these molecules to their binding site(s) in the voltage-gated sodium channel. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The p-median problem is often used to locate p service centers by minimizing their distances to a geographically distributed demand (n). The optimal locations are sensitive to geographical context such as road network and demand points especially when they are asymmetrically distributed in the plane. Most studies focus on evaluating performances of the p-median model when p and n vary. To our knowledge this is not a very well-studied problem when the road network is alternated especially when it is applied in a real world context. The aim in this study is to analyze how the optimal location solutions vary, using the p-median model, when the density in the road network is alternated. The investigation is conducted by the means of a case study in a region in Sweden with an asymmetrically distributed population (15,000 weighted demand points), Dalecarlia. To locate 5 to 50 service centers we use the national transport administrations official road network (NVDB). The road network consists of 1.5 million nodes. To find the optimal location we start with 500 candidate nodes in the network and increase the number of candidate nodes in steps up to 67,000. To find the optimal solution we use a simulated annealing algorithm with adaptive tuning of the temperature. The results show that there is a limited improvement in the optimal solutions when nodes in the road network increase and p is low. When p is high the improvements are larger. The results also show that choice of the best network depends on p. The larger p the larger density of the network is needed. 


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The p-median problem is often used to locate P service facilities in a geographically distributed population. Important for the performance of such a model is the distance measure. Distance measure can vary if the accuracy of the road network varies. The rst aim in this study is to analyze how the optimal location solutions vary, using the p-median model, when the road network is alternated. It is hard to nd an exact optimal solution for p-median problems. Therefore, in this study two heuristic solutions are applied, simulating annealing and a classic heuristic. The secondary aim is to compare the optimal location solutions using dierent algorithms for large p-median problem. The investigation is conducted by the means of a case study in a rural region with an asymmetrically distributed population, Dalecarlia. The study shows that the use of more accurate road networks gives better solutions for optimal location, regardless what algorithm that is used and regardless how many service facilities that is optimized for. It is also shown that the simulated annealing algorithm not just is much faster than the classic heuristic used here, but also in most cases gives better location solutions.


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We apply an adaptation technique to explore the neural code for the visual location of textures defined by modulation of orientation over space. In showing that adaptation to textures modulated around one orientation shifts the perceived location of textures modulated around a different orientation, we demonstrate the existence of a neural code for the location of orientation change that generalises across orientation content. Using competitive adaptation, we characterise the neural processes underlying this code as single-opponent for orientation, that is with concentric excitatory/inhibitory receptive areas tuned to a single orientation.


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We measured the effects of coherent motion of one set of dots on the perceived location of Gaussian envelopes formed by luminance modulation of a second set of dots. Perceived shifts in envelope location in the direction of coherent motion were obtained even when the dots forming the envelopes did not physically move in the direction of coherent motion. In such cases, perceived shifts coincided with stimulus configurations that permitted motion integration of the envelope dots with the coherently moving dots, for example, when envelope dots moved in random directions as opposed to being static. In subsequent experiments we explored the type of motion integration underlying the positional shifts obtained. We discounted the possibility that the visual system incorrectly attributes motion signals associated with coherently moving dots to envelope dots by demonstrating that positional shifts could be obtained even when the coherent dots were laterally displaced to either side of the envelope dots such that the regions occupied by the dots did not overlap. We also discounted spatio-temporal summation within the receptive fields of low-spatial-frequency motion-sensitive mechanisms by demonstrating that positional shifts persisted even when the dot displays were high-pass filtered. These results, coupled with the observation that the proportion of coherently moving dots required to produce positional shifts correlated well with global motion thresholds measured for the same dot configurations, suggests that visual processes which underlie motion-dependent positional shifts are based at least in part on cooperative interactions of the type implicated in global motion.


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Whether one writes in the field of literary studies or that of creative writing, one begins with the 'blank page'. The field of interest I am calling the 'blank page' has implications for the discipline of creative writing, and can be useful to theorising creativity, writing practice, and pedagogy. One creates out of, or into, the 'blank page '; one's practice is partly determined by how one theorises, however subconsciously, this blank page (how does one start? how blank is the page? how have others figured the blank page); and one teaches students who have to face literal blank pages. ln this paper I will consider how the theorisation of the blank page in literary studies addresses such creative-writing issues. I will then engage D.W. Winnicott's psychoanalytic theory on 'the location of play' to consider the implications of conceptualising the blank page as 'the location of writing'. A Winnicottian approach to the blank page, as a space akin to the potential space of play, allows various insights into the process of writing, especially as a proccss involving paradox.


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Several simple techniques are presented for the identification of the boundaries of chromatographic peaks. These methods provide a significant reduction in the time needed to perform the rapid, automatic calculation of the central peak moments and to evaluate the quality of a separation while improving the accuracy of the measurements of column efficiencies. It was found that the identification of the peak boundaries as functions of the peak widths and the examination of the slope of the signal to noise versus time plot are viable alternatives to a manual determination.


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Abstract. Both physical and social environmental factors influence young children’s physical activity, yet little is known about where Hispanic children are more likely to be active. We assessed the feasibility of simultaneously measuring, then processing objective measures of location and physical activity among Hispanic preschool children. Preschool-aged Hispanic children (n = 15) simultaneously wore QStarz BT100X global positioning system (GPS) data loggers and Actigraph GT3X accelerometers for a 24- to 36-hour period, during which time their parents completed a location and travel diary. Data were aggregated to the minute and processed using the personal activity location measurement system (PALMS). Children successfully wore the GPS data loggers and accelerometers simultaneously, 12 of which yielded data that met quality standards. The average percent correspondence between GPS- and diary-based estimates of types of location was high and Kappa statistics were moderate to excellent, ranging from 0.49-0.99. The between method (GPS monitor, parent-reported diary) correlations of estimated participant-aggregated minutes spent on vehicle-based trips were strong. The simultaneous use of GPS and accelerometers to assess Hispanic preschool children’s location and physical activity is feasible. This methodology has the potential to provide more precise findings to inform environmental interventions and policy changes to promote physical activity among Hispanic preschool children.