988 resultados para Induced Orientational Order


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The effect of varying the geometric parameters of helical strakes on vortex-induced vibration (VIV) is investigated in this paper. The degree of oscillation attenuation or even suppression is analysed for isolated circular cylinder cases. How a cylinder fitted with strakes behaves when immersed in the wake of another cylinder in tandem arrangement is also investigated and these results are compared to those with a single straked cylinder. The experimental tests are conducted at a circulating water channel facility and the cylindrical models are mounted on a low-damping air bearing elastic base with one degree-of-freedom, restricted to oscillate in the transverse direction to the channel flow. Three strake pitches (p) and heights (h) are tested: p = 5, 10, 15d, and h = 0.1, 0.2, 0.25d. The mass ratio is 1.8 for all models. The Reynolds number range is from 1000 to 10000, and the reduced velocity varies up to 21. The cases with h = 0.1d strakes reduce the amplitude response when compared to the isolated plain cylinder, however the oscillation still persists. On the other hand, the cases with h = 0.2, 0.25d strakes almost completely suppress VIV. Spanwise vorticity fields, obtained through stereoscopic digital particle image velocimetry (SDPIV), show an alternating vortex wake for the p = 10d and h = 0.1d straked cylinder. The p = 10d and h = 0.2d cylinder wake has separated shear layers with constant width and no roll-up close to the body. The strakes do not increase the magnitude of the out-of-plane velocity compared to the isolated plain cylinder. However, they deflect the flow in the out-of-plane direction in a controlled way, which can prevent the vortex shedding correlation along the span. In order to investigate the wake interference effect on the strake efficiency, an experimental arrangement with two cylinders in tandem is employed. The centre-to-centre distance for the tandem arrangement varies from 2 to 6. When the downstream p = 10d and h = 0.2d cylinder is immersed in the wake of an upstream fixed plain cylinder, it loses its effectiveness compared with the isolated case. Although the oscillations have significant amplitude, they are limited, which is a different behaviour from that of a tandem configuration with two plain cylinders. For this particular case, the amplitude response monotonically increases for all gaps, except one, a trait usually found in galloping-like oscillations. SDPIV results for the tandem arrangements show alternating vortex shedding and oscillatory wake. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mechanisms underlying atorvastatin supression of ABCB1 gene expression, at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels of ABCB1 gene in HepG2 (human hepatocellular carcinoma) cells were investigated. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to measure mRNA levels, as well as to estimate the half-life of ABCB1 mRNA. Western blotting analysis was performed in order to measure protein levels of ABCB1. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) was used to evaluate interactions between protein(s) and ABCB1 promoter region. Exposure to atorvastatin for 24 h resulted in a dose-dependent decrease of ABCB1 mRNA and protein levels, which was not abolished by addition of farnesyl or geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate. After removing fetal bovine serum from the media, however, ABCB1 expression was decreased by 2-fold in either HepG2 cells treated and non-treated with atorvastatin. Addition of cholesterol to serum free media abolished this latter effect on ABCB1 mRNA levels. In EMSA using a 5`-end-labeled 241 bp ABCB1 promoter DNA fragment (-198 to +43) as probe, the binding of the proteins to the probe was reduced by NF-Y, but not changed by NF kappa B, AP-1, and SP1. However, the NF-Y binding activity was similar in control and atorvastatin-treated cells. mRNA stability studies revealed that ABCB1 mRNA degradation was increased in 1, 10 and 20 mu M atorvastatin-treated versus control cells (half-lives of 2 h versus 7 h). Therefore, evidence is provided that decreased mRNA stability by atorvastatin treatment may explain the decrease in ABCB1 transcript levels. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Random walks can undergo transitions from normal diffusion to anomalous diffusion as some relevant parameter varies, for instance the L,vy index in L,vy flights. Here we derive the Fokker-Planck equation for a two-parameter family of non-Markovian random walks with amnestically induced persistence. We investigate two distinct transitions: one order parameter quantifies log-periodicity and discrete scale invariance in the first moment of the propagator, whereas the second order parameter, known as the Hurst exponent, describes the growth of the second moment. We report numerical and analytical results for six critical exponents, which together completely characterize the properties of the transitions. We find that the critical exponents related to the diffusion-superdiffusion transition are identical in the positive feedback and negative feedback branches of the critical line, even though the former leads to classical superdiffusion whereas the latter gives rise to log-periodic superdiffusion.


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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited disorder caused by a single nucleotide substitution in the P-globin gene. The clinical heterogeneity observed in SCD patients has been attributed to environmental and genetic factors. The patients are subjected to increased oxidative stress, particularly during vaso-occlusive crises and acute chest pain. Another possible cause of oxidative stress in SCD is the high concentration of iron in the patients` plasma. The increase in oxidative stress could be a relevant risk factor for mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Studies on the frequency of basal chromosomal aberrations in cultured lymphocytes from SCD patients have not been reported so far. In order to contribute to the understanding of the role of the different biomarkers and their relationship with the extremely variable clinical manifestation of SCD, we investigated the frequency of chromosome damage in peripheral lymphocytes from sickle cells patients and healthy controls. We found an increased frequency of chromosome damage and percentage of aberrant metaphases in these patients when compared with control subjects, even at basal values (p < 0.05). In the cytogenetic sensitivity assay, the results showed that these patients presented a marked decrease in the mitotic index values compared with healthy controls. Cisplatin-induced chromosomal damage in lymphocytes from these patients was significantly higher than the frequency measured in healthy controls. The results obtained in the present study showed that more investigations are needed in order to elucidate the susceptibility to genomic instability of SCD patients.


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Dapsone (DDS) (4,4` diaminodiphenylsulfone), the drug of choice for the treatment of leprosy, frequently induces hemolytic anemia and methemoglobinemia. N-hydroxylation, one of the major pathways of biotransformation, has been constantly related to the methemeglobinemia after the use of the drug. In order to prevent the dapsone-induced hemotoxicity, N-acetylcysteine, a drug precursor of glutathione, was administered in combination with DDS to male Wistar rats, weighting 220-240 g. The animals were then anaesthetized and blood was collected from the aorta for determination of plasma DDS concentration by HPLC, determination of methemoglobinemia and glutathione by spectrophotometry, and for biochemical and hematological parameters. Our results showed that N-acetylcysteine enhanced dapsone-induced methemoglobinemia due to increased dapasone plasmatic concentration and consequent increased N-hydroxylamine formation. We concluded that drug interactions with dapsone require individually studies in order to avoid undesirable effects of dapsone.


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A very appropriate method for antigenotoxicity evaluation of antioxidants is the comet assay, since this analytical method detects initial DNA lesions that are still subject to repair; in other words, lesions that are very associated to damages resulting from the generation and subsequent action of reactive species. However, a solid evaluation should be developed in order to avoid inexact interpretations. In our study, besides the association of curcumin with cisplatin, curcumin and cisplatin agents were also tested separately. Classical genotoxic compounds, when tested by the comet assay, present an increase in the nucleoid tail; however, the cisplatin treatment has resulted in a decrease of DNA migration. This was an expected effect, as the cross-links between cisplatin and DNA decrease the DNA electrophoretic mobility. A similar effect was observed with the curcumin treatment, which decreased the nucleoid tail. Such effect was not expected and reinforced the necessity of including in the study, separate treatment groups with potentially antigenotoxic substances. The comet assay results have been analyzed using specific software for image analysis, as well as the classical visual analysis, and we have observed that the effect of decrease in DNA electrophoretic mobility was more easily observed when the data were analyzed by the software.


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Although it has long been supposed that resistance training causes adaptive changes in the CNS, the sites and nature of these adaptations have not previously been identified. In order to determine whether the neural adaptations to resistance training occur to a greater extent at cortical or subcortical sites in the CNS, we compared the effects of resistance training on the electromyographic (EMG) responses to transcranial magnetic (TMS) and electrical (TES) stimulation. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle of 16 individuals before and after 4 weeks of resistance training for the index finger abductors (n = 8), or training involving finger abduction-adduction without external resistance (n = 8). TMS was delivered at rest at intensities from 5 % below the passive threshold to the maximal output of the stimulator. TMS and TES were also delivered at the active threshold intensity while the participants exerted torques ranging from 5 to 60 % of their maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) torque. The average latency of MEPs elicited by TES was significantly shorter than that of TMS MEPs (TES latency = 21.5 ± 1.4 ms; TMS latency = 23.4 ± 1.4 ms; P < 0.05), which indicates that the site of activation differed between the two forms of stimulation. Training resulted in a significant increase in MVC torque for the resistance-training group, but not the control group. There were no statistically significant changes in the corticospinal properties measured at rest for either group. For the active trials involving both TMS and TES, however, the slope of the relationship between MEP size and the torque exerted was significantly lower after training for the resistance-training group (P < 0.05). Thus, for a specific level of muscle activity, the magnitude of the EMG responses to both forms of transcranial stimulation were smaller following resistance training. These results suggest that resistance training changes the functional properties of spinal cord circuitry in humans, but does not substantially affect the organisation of the motor cortex.


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The truncation errors associated with finite difference solutions of the advection-dispersion equation with first-order reaction are formulated from a Taylor analysis. The error expressions are based on a general form of the corresponding difference equation and a temporally and spatially weighted parametric approach is used for differentiating among the various finite difference schemes. The numerical truncation errors are defined using Peclet and Courant numbers and a new Sink/Source dimensionless number. It is shown that all of the finite difference schemes suffer from truncation errors. Tn particular it is shown that the Crank-Nicolson approximation scheme does not have second order accuracy for this case. The effects of these truncation errors on the solution of an advection-dispersion equation with a first order reaction term are demonstrated by comparison with an analytical solution. The results show that these errors are not negligible and that correcting the finite difference scheme for them results in a more accurate solution. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Modulation of subjective time was examined using static images eliciting perceptions of different intensities of body movement. Undergraduate students were exposed to photographs of dancer sculptures in different dance positions for 36 sec. and asked to estimate the exposure duration. Lower movement intensities were related to shorter estimated durations. Mean durations for images of unmoving dancers were underestimated and for dancers taking a ballet step were overestimated. Temporal estimations were also related to the order of presentation of the stimuli, which suggested that subjective time estimations were influenced by the experimental context. Subjective time is related not only to the visual perception of moving images, but also of elicited perceptions of movement in static images, suggesting an embodiment effect on subjective time estimation.


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Predictions of water table fluctuations in coastal aquifers are needed for numerous coastal and water resources engineering problems. Most previous investigations have been based on the Boussinesq equation for the case of a vertical beach. In this note an analytical solution based on shallow water expansion for the spring- neap tide- induced water table fluctuations in a coastal aquifer is presented. Unlike most previous investigations, multitidal signals are considered with a sloping coastal aquifer. The new solution is verified by comparing with field observations from Ardeer, Scotland. On the basis of the analytical approximation the influences of higher- order components on water table elevation are examined first. Then, a parametric study has been performed to investigate the effects of the amplitude ratio (lambda), frequency ratio (omega), and phases (delta(1) and delta(2)) on the tide- induced water table fluctuations in a sloping sandy beach.


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In sub-humid South India, recent studies have shown that black soil areas (Vertisols and vertic Intergrades), located on flat valley bottoms, have been rejuvenated through the incision of streambeds, inducing changes in the pedoclimate and soil transformation. Joint pedological, geochemical and geophysical investigations were performed in order to better understand the ongoing processes and their contribution to the chemistry of local rivers. The seasonal rainfall causes cycles of oxidation and reduction in a perched watertable at the base of the black soil, while the reduced solutions are exported through a loamy sand network. This framework favours a ferrolysis process, which causes low base saturation and protonation of clay, leading to the weathering of 2:1 then 1:1 clay minerals. Maximum weathering conditions occur at the very end of the wet season, just before disappearance of the perched watertable. Therefore, the by-products of soil transformation are partially drained off and calcareous nodules, then further downslope, amorphous silica precipitate upon soil dehydration. The ferrolysed area is fringing the drainage system indicating that its development has been induced by the streambed incision. The distribution of (14)C ages of CaCO(3) nodules suggests that the ferrolysis process started during the late Holocene, only about 2 kyr B.P. at the studied site and about 5 kyr B.P. at the watershed outlet. The results of this study are applied to an assessment of the physical erosion rate (4.8x10(-3) m/kyr) since the recent reactivation of the erosion process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glutamatergic transmission through metabotropic and ionotropic receptors, including kainate receptors, plays an important role in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) functions. Glutamate system may interact with several other neurotransmitter systems which might also be influenced by steroid hormones. In the present study we analyzed the ability of systemic kainate to stimulate rat NTS neurons, which was evaluated by c-Fos as a marker of neuronal activation, and also to change the levels of NTS neurotransmitters such as GABA, NPY, CGRP, GAL, NT and NO by means of quantitative immunohistichemistry combined with image analysis. The analysis was also performed in adrenalectomized and kainate stimulated rats in order to evaluate a possible role of adrenal hormones on NTS neurotransmission. Male Wistar rats (3 month-old) were used in the present study. A group of 15 rats was submitted either to bilateral adrenalectomy or sham operation. Forty-eight hours after the surgeries, adrenalectomized rats received a single intraperitoneal injection of kainate (12 mg/kg) and the sham-operated rats were injected either with saline or kainate and sacrificed 8 hours later. The same experimental design was applied in a group of rats in order to register the arterial blood pressure. Systemic kainate decreased the basal values of mean arterial blood pressure (35%) and heart rate (22%) of sham-operated rats, reduction that were maintained in adrenalectomized rats. Kainate triggered a marked elevation of c-Fos positive neurons in the NTS which was 54% counteracted by adrenalectomy. The kainate activated NTS showed changes in the immunoreactive levels of GABA (143% of elevation) and NPY (36% of decrease), which were not modified by previous ablation of adrenal glands. Modulation in the levels of CGRP, GAL and NT immunoreactivities were only observed after kainate in the adrenalectomized rats. Treatments did not alter NOS labeling. It is possible that modulatory function among neurotransmitter systems in the NTS might be influenced by steroid hormones and the implications for central regulation of blood pressure or other visceral regulatory mechanisms control should be further investigated.


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Three patients with progressive visual loss, chronic alcoholism and tabagism were submitted to a complete neuro-ophthalmic examination and to retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) measurements using optical coherence tomography (OCT) scanning. Two patients showed marked RNFL loss in the temporal sector of the optic disc. However, a third patient presented RNFL measurements within or above normal limits, based on the Stratus-OCT normative database. Such findings may be due to possible RNFL edema similar to the one that may occur in the acute phase of toxic optic neuropathies. Stratus-OCT was able to detect RNFL loss in the papillomacular bundle of patients with tobacco-alcohol-induced toxic optic neuropathy. However, interpretation must be careful when OCT does not show abnormality in order to prevent diagnostic confusion, since overestimation of RNFL thickness measurements is possible in such cases.


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The treatment of membranous lupus nephritis (MLN) is still controversial in the literature. We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients in two medical centers of Sao Paulo-Brazil in order to evaluate the clinical response in patients submitted to either a regimen with prednisone alone or to a double immunosuppressive regimen (prednisone plus cyclophosphamide or prednisone plus azathioprine). Methods: MLN female patients were enrolled in this retrospective study conducted from February 1999 to June 2007. Data were collected from the patients` medical charts. Race distribution was similar in both groups: Caucasian (72.3%) and Afro-Latin-American (27.7%). The prednisone regimen consisted of 1 mg/kg/day for 8 weeks and tapering until 0.1 mg/kg/day (n = 29). The double immunosuppressive treatment consisted of the same doses of prednisone plus monthly intravenous cyclophosphamide or azathioprine for 6 months (n = 24). Criteria for remission (complete and partial) and renal function loss as well as flare criteria followed those used in the literature. Results: There was no difference between the prednisone group and the double immunosuppressive group regarding age (33.2 +/- 9.4 vs. 29.1 +/- 9.1 y), estimated GFR (76.5 +/- 26.6 vs. 74.1 +/- 39.6 ml/min/1.73 m(2)), serum albumin (2.8 +/- 0.7 vs. 2.6 +/- 0.3 g/dl), positive ANA (87.5 vs. 90.0%), positive anti-dsDNA (47.6 vs. 44.0%), renal SLEDAI indices (6.6 +/- 2.6 vs. 7.0 +/- 3.1), follow-up time (71 +/- 46 vs. 62 +/- 45 months), as well as proteinuria (3.1 +/- 1.9 vs. 4.8 +/- 2.4 g/day) and number of non-nephrotic patients (6 in the prednisone group vs. 3 in the double immunosuppressive group). The prednisone group presented higher C3 values (85.2 +/- 31.5 vs. 62.3 +/- 41.6 U/ml, p = 0.04). Clinical and laboratory characteristics at 6 months and at last follow-up did not reveal any differences between treatment regimens. Renal survival after an 8-year follow-up did not differ in both groups (prednisone group 86.2% vs. double immunosuppressive group 75%), and patients in both groups showed a high rate of renal flares (prednisone group 51.7% vs. double immunosuppressive group 62.5%). Univariate analysis showed that only patient age predicted flares (r = -0.048, p = 0.04). Borderline significance was obtained for proteinuria analysis (p = 0.07). Adverse effects did not differ between the groups. Conclusions: A regimen of corticosteroids in MLN induced a high remission rate after 6 months. Both treatment regimens showed a high flare rate and age was the only predictive parameter (r = -0.048, p = 0.04). Renal survival after 8 years did not differ between the groups.


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Tick saliva contains molecules that are inoculated at the site of attachment on their hosts in order to modulate local immune responses and facilitate a successful blood meal. Bovines express heritable, contrasting phenotypes of infestations with the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus: breeds of Bos taurus indicus are significantly note resistant than those of Bos taurus taurus. Tick saliva may contain molecules that interfere with adhesion of leukocytes to endothelium and resistant hosts may mount an inflammatory profile that is more efficient to hamper the tick`s blood meal. We show in vitro that adhesion of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to monolayers of cytokine-activated bovine umbilical endothelial cells was significantly inhibited by tick saliva. The inflammatory response to bites of adults of R. microplus mounted by genetically resistant and susceptible bovine hosts managed in the same pasture was investigated in vivo. The inflammatory infiltrates and levels of message coding for adhesion molecules were measured in biopsies of tick-bitten and control skin taken when animals of both breeds were exposed to low and high tick infestations. Histological studies reveal that cutaneous reactions of resistant hosts to bites of adult ticks contained significantly more basophils and eosinophils compared with reactions of the susceptible breed. Expression of the adhesion molecules - intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and P-selectin - was higher in adult-infested skin of susceptible hosts undergoing low infestations compared to resistant hosts; when host was exposed to high infestations expression of these adhesion molecules was down-regulated in both phenotypes of infestations. Expression of leukocyte adhesion glycoprotein-1 (LFA-1) was higher in skin from susceptible hosts undergoing low or high infestations compared to resistant hosts. Conversely, higher levels of E-selectin, which promotes adhesion of memory T cells, were expressed in skin of resistant animals. This finding may explain the resistant host`s ability to mount more rapid and efficient secondary responses that limit hematophagy and infestations. The expression profiles observed for adhesion molecules indicate that there are differences in the kinetics of the inflammatory reactions mounted by resistant and susceptible hosts and the balance between tick and host is affected by the number of tick bites a host receives. We show that the contrasting phenotypes of infestations seen in bovines infested with R. microplus are correlated with differences in the cellular and molecular composition of inflammatory infiltrates elicited by bites with adult ticks. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.