868 resultados para Indústria - Aspectos ambientais
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
The construction industry is a large consumer of natural resources and one of the largest generators of residues with significant impacts on the environment. Because of the large production of Construction Industry Residues (RCC), it is essential reliable and updated information about generation, composition and classification sources of these residues, especially for management, recycling and final disposal. RCC represent the most part of solid residues generated in a city. In this way, the management of these residues is an issue that is gaining increasing importance in the Brazilian scenario, since the legal and society requirements to internalize the sustainability in the construction process - since the extraction, use, wastage savings, reutilization until the appropriate discard has been increasing in the last years. The present work objective is updating the quantities produced and collected in Guaratinguetá-SP, based on data collected with the municipal administrative entities that act direct or indirectly in the RCC management, elaborate a detailed bibliographic review, with special attention to the graduate works that were realized in FEG about this theme. With this material, scenarios to a better adequacy of the administrative structure to managements RCC activities, as well as was suggested actions to achieve these scenarios
Over the recent human history within the last centuries the environmental degradation has been accumulating and growing rampantly causing effects today easily perceived by all. Because of this, today we can say that there is almost a consensus among the world population's concern with the environment in order to seek to minimize these effects immediately in addition to not aggravate the situation for future generations. Thus today it is common to find a wide range of products with this ideal of sustainable commitment in the various commercial areas. The construction industry has a responsibility to be a major cause of these impacts to the environment, so it is also one of the main vectors able to mitigate the degradation of the environment. In order to encourage, oversee and promote the sustainable attitudes within the construction area emerged environmental certifications. In this work it's exposed some of the major certifications for civilian buildings, highlighting the Selo Azul da Caixa that appears as a good choice focused on the Brazilian reality
The principles and dimensions of sustainability concept is increasingly gaining ground within the building industry. Over the past decades, its applicability within the different environments and for different buildings typologies have been study to attend better the present populations and future generations. It is within this scenario that international certifications started to appear. The most famous and developed one being LEED certification system. In Brazil, as a support to the certification and also sustainability practices and conducts, was founded the Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction (CBCS). The council and the certifications have the objective to disseminate and generate awareness to reduce energy and water consumption, aiming for life quality. Many constructions around de country have already the international certification, which also boost the rise of national certifications with specific criteria for the national context. However, such certificates are mainly destiny for medium and high standard buildings, often as a commercial advantage to explain the high costs. The purpose of this work is to be able to define what is being sustainable in the construction industry, taking for basis, LEED and CBCS. In addition, since there is a significant increase in the production of Housing Social Interest, the other angles will be to analyze how to apply the practices and sustainable technologies for low-cost projects with the objective to balance the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economics.
The construction industry is a large consumer of natural resources and one of the largest generators of residues with significant impacts on the environment. Because of the large production of Construction Industry Residues (RCC), it is essential reliable and updated information about generation, composition and classification sources of these residues, especially for management, recycling and final disposal. RCC represent the most part of solid residues generated in a city. In this way, the management of these residues is an issue that is gaining increasing importance in the Brazilian scenario, since the legal and society requirements to internalize the sustainability in the construction process - since the extraction, use, wastage savings, reutilization until the appropriate discard has been increasing in the last years. The present work objective is updating the quantities produced and collected in Guaratinguetá-SP, based on data collected with the municipal administrative entities that act direct or indirectly in the RCC management, elaborate a detailed bibliographic review, with special attention to the graduate works that were realized in FEG about this theme. With this material, scenarios to a better adequacy of the administrative structure to managements RCC activities, as well as was suggested actions to achieve these scenarios
Over the recent human history within the last centuries the environmental degradation has been accumulating and growing rampantly causing effects today easily perceived by all. Because of this, today we can say that there is almost a consensus among the world population's concern with the environment in order to seek to minimize these effects immediately in addition to not aggravate the situation for future generations. Thus today it is common to find a wide range of products with this ideal of sustainable commitment in the various commercial areas. The construction industry has a responsibility to be a major cause of these impacts to the environment, so it is also one of the main vectors able to mitigate the degradation of the environment. In order to encourage, oversee and promote the sustainable attitudes within the construction area emerged environmental certifications. In this work it's exposed some of the major certifications for civilian buildings, highlighting the Selo Azul da Caixa that appears as a good choice focused on the Brazilian reality
The principles and dimensions of sustainability concept is increasingly gaining ground within the building industry. Over the past decades, its applicability within the different environments and for different buildings typologies have been study to attend better the present populations and future generations. It is within this scenario that international certifications started to appear. The most famous and developed one being LEED certification system. In Brazil, as a support to the certification and also sustainability practices and conducts, was founded the Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction (CBCS). The council and the certifications have the objective to disseminate and generate awareness to reduce energy and water consumption, aiming for life quality. Many constructions around de country have already the international certification, which also boost the rise of national certifications with specific criteria for the national context. However, such certificates are mainly destiny for medium and high standard buildings, often as a commercial advantage to explain the high costs. The purpose of this work is to be able to define what is being sustainable in the construction industry, taking for basis, LEED and CBCS. In addition, since there is a significant increase in the production of Housing Social Interest, the other angles will be to analyze how to apply the practices and sustainable technologies for low-cost projects with the objective to balance the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economics.
A Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente tem como objetivo a conciliação do desenvolvimento econômico e social com a qualidade ambiental, e dispõe de vários instrumentos que procuram contemplara capacidade de suporte do meio. Assim, a discussão sobre a localização das atividades é uma etapa importante para a avaliação da viabilidade ambiental de um determinado empreendimento, notadamente em processos de licenciamento ambiental. O trabalho apresenta uma abordagem metodológica para integração de critérios técnicos, ambientais e sociais em estudos de alternativas de localização de aterros sanitários, com especial atenção à interação entre os aspectos ambientais e os elementos fundamentais de um projeto (a saber, requisitos locacionais e concepção tecnológica), aplicado em um estudo de caso em São Carlos (SP). Como resultados principais, destacam-se o maior foco nos impactos significativos e a possibilidade de envolvimento de segmentos importantes da sociedade previamente à elaboração dos estudos ambientais.
A região da Amazônia Legal no Brasil apresenta desafios quanto ao acesso à água para sua população, mesmo com grande abundância de recursos hídricos. Este estudo tem como objetivo explorar condicionantes de acesso à água para consumo humano, considerando aspectos ambientais, socioculturais e de infraestrutura. Para isso, analisam-se: a precária cobertura por saneamento básico na região, por meio de macroindicadores; e estudos de caso em distintas escalas espaciais: comunidade indígena; cidade de pequeno porte, comunidades ribeirinhas, e uma cidade de grande porte, Manaus, maior centro urbano da Amazônia Pan-Amazônica. Por fim, empreende-se uma discussão interdisciplinar sobre as dificuldades de acesso a água no âmbito da saúde pública, explorando a importância de aspectos que se manifestam de modo evidente nas escalas espaciais.
Descreve, tomando por base uma fotografia de 1865, algumas iniciativas para preservação da natureza realizadas no Brasil durante o século XIX. Resume dados biográficos do suíço George Leuzinger, dando ênfase a preocupação ecológica desse fotógrafo. Afirma a necessidade de transformar o ser humano em "parasita do Bem", extraindo do planeta Terra o seu sustento, mas retribuindo com a correção dos malefícios feitos até agora.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Geografia Desenvolvimento Regional, Ecologia e Direito Ambiental, Urbanismo, Habitação, Saneamento.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.
Mostra a toxicidade e os riscos de doenças que podem ser provocadas por solventes como benzeno, tolueno e xileno.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.