998 resultados para Incremental hole drilling pannelli sottili


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Drilling is a major process in the manufacturing of holes required for the assemblies of composite laminates in aerospace industry. Simulation of drilling process is an effective method in optimizing the drill geometry and process parameters in order to improve hole quality and to reduce the drill wear. In this research we have developed three-dimensional (3D) FE model for drilling CFRP. A 3D progressive intra-laminar failure model based on the Hashin's theory is considered. Also an inter-laminar delamination model which includes the onset and growth of delamination by using cohesive contact zone is developed. The developed model with inclusion of the improved delamination model and real drill geometry is used to make comparison between the step drill of different stage ratio and twist drill. Thrust force, torque and work piece stress distributions are estimated to decrease by the use of step drill with high stage ratio. The model indicates that delamination and other workpiece defects could be controlled by selection of suitable step drill geometry. Hence the 3D model could be used as a design tool for drill geometry for minimization of delamination in CFRP drilling. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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This study aims to investigate drilling process in carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composites with multilayer TiAlN/TiN PVD-coated tungsten carbide drill. The effect of process parameters have been investigated in drilling of Hexcel M21-T700GC. Thrust force and torque were measured online throughout the drilling experiments. Delamination were observed using optical microscope and analyzed via a developed algorithm based on digital image processing technique. Surface roughness of each hole was measured using a surface profilometer. In addition, the progression of tool wear in various surfaces of drill was observed using tool microscope and measured using image software. Our results indicate that the thrust force and torque increased with the increasing cutting speed and feed rate. Delamination and average surface roughness that rose with the increase in feed rate, however, decreased with the increasing cutting speed. The average surface roughness tended to increase with the increase in feed rate and decrease with the increasing cutting speed in drilling of carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP). Feed rate was found as the predominant factor on the drilling outputs. Abrasive wear was observed on both flank and relief surfaces, which created edge wear on cutting edges. No sign of chipping or plastic deformation has been observed on the surfaces of drills. © 2012 The Author(s).


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With a significant growth in the use of titanium alloys in the aviation manufacturing industry, the key challenge of making high-quality holes in the aircraft assembly process needs to be addressed. In this work, case studies deploying traditional drilling and helical milling technologies are carried out to investigate the tool life and hole surface integrity for hole-making of titanium alloy. Results show that the helical milling process leads to much longer tool life, generally lower hole surface roughness, and higher hole subsurface microhardness. In addition, no plastically deformed layer or white layer has been observed in holes produced by helical milling. In contrast, a slightly softened region was always present on the drilled surface. The residual stress distributions within the hole surface, including compressive and tensile residual stress, have also been investigated in detail.


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In this work, the impact of conventional drilling and helical milling processes on the fatigue response Ti-6Al-4V (grade 5 titanium alloy) has been presented. Results show that the work pieces produced by helical milling has a 119% longer fatigue life compared with the drilled pieces under dry machining condition, and a 96% longer fatigue life for helical milled piece under lubricated condition. The use of cutting fluid has led to longer fatigue lives – 15% longer for drilling and 3% longer for helical milling. Other results such as the machined surface roughness, alloy surface and sub-surface microstructures have also been studied in details.


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In this work, a comparative study on different drill point geometries and feed rate for composite laminates drilling is presented. For this goal, thrust force monitoring during drilling, hole wall roughness measurement and delamination extension assessment after drilling is accomplished. Delamination is evaluated using enhanced radiography combined with a dedicated computational platform that integrates algorithms of image processing and analysis. An experimental procedure was planned and consequences were evaluated. Results show that a cautious combination of the factors involved, like drill tip geometry or feed rate, can promote the reduction of delamination damage.


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Drilling fluid`s contact with the productive zone of horizontal or complex wells can reduce well productivity by fluid invasion in the borehole wall. Salted drilling drill-in fluid containing polymers has often been applied in horizontal or complex petroleum wells in the poorly consolidated sandstone reservoirs of the Campos basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This fluid usually consists of natural polymers such as starch and xanthan gum, which are deposited as a filter cake on the wellbore wall during the drilling. Therefore, the identification of a lift-off mechanism failure, which can be detachment or blistering and pinholing, will enable formulation improvements. increasing the chances of success during filter cake removal in open hole operations. Likewise, knowledge of drill-in drilling fluid adsorption/desorption onto sand can help understand the filter cake-rock adhesion mechanism and consequently filter cake lift-off mechanism failures. The present study aimed to identify the lift-off failure mechanism for this type of fluid filter cake studying adsorption/desorption onto SiO(2) using solutions of natural polymers, lubricants, besides the fluid itself. Ellipsometry was employed to measure this process. The adsorption/desorption studies showed that the adsorbed layer of drilling fluid onto the walls of the rock pores is made up of clusters of polymers, linked by hydrogen bonds, which results in a force of lower cohesion compared to the electrostatic interaction between silica and polymers. Consequently, it was found that the most probable filter cake failure mechanism is rupture (blistering and pinholing), which results in the formation of ducts within the filter cake. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a new method to estimate hole diameters and surface roughness in precision drilling processes, using coupons taken from a sandwich plate composed of a titanium alloy plate (Ti6Al4V) glued onto an aluminum alloy plate (AA 2024T3). The proposed method uses signals acquired during the cutting process by a multisensor system installed on the machine tool. These signals are mathematically treated and then used as input for an artificial neural network. After training, the neural network system is qualified to estimate the surface roughness and hole diameter based on the signals and cutting process parameters. To evaluate the system, the estimated data were compared with experimental measurements and the errors were calculated. The results proved the efficiency of the proposed method, which yielded very low or even negligible errors of the tolerances used in most industrial drilling processes. This pioneering method opens up a new field of research, showing a promising potential for development and application as an alternative monitoring method for drilling processes. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London Limited.


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In questa tesi viene presa in esame una classe di materiali semiconduttori caratterizzata dalla presenza di una struttura nanoporosa in superficie. L’analisi è stata svolta tramite surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS) su cinque film di Ge realizzati in condizioni diverse, sfruttando due tecniche di impiantazione ionica (MBE e Sputtering). Valutando il valore in energia e l’ampiezza del picco della curva SPV che si ottiene, sarà possibile studiare come vengono modificate alcune proprietà elettriche e strutturali del Ge al variare della geometria e della disposizione dei nanopori. I risultati ottenuti mettono in risalto le potenzialità di questo nuovo tipo di materiale per realizzare e migliorare applicazioni come sensori, catalizzatori e pannelli fotovoltaici.


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Con l’incremento della popolazione mondiale e la conseguente crescita del fabbisogno di energia dovuta a nuovi lavori e sempre più macchinari in circolazione, è insorta l'esigenza di produrre più energia elettrica. A partire dagli anni ’50 numerosi scienziati hanno analizzato il problema energetico e sono giunti alla conclusione che fonti di energia come petrolio, carbone e gas non erano in grado di soddisfare il bisogno umano sul lungo termine e si è quindi passati alla ricerca di altre fonti di energia come il nucleare. Oggi, grazie ad un progetto ed uno studio di circa 50 anni fa – finalizzato alla alimentazione di satelliti geostazionari - , si sta sempre di più affermando la scelta del fotovoltaico, in quanto rappresenta un’energia pulita e facilmente utilizzabile anche nei luoghi dove non è possibile avere un allaccio alla normale rete elettrica. La ricerca di questo nuovo metodo di produrre energia, che tratta la conversione di luce solare in energia elettrica, si è evoluta, differenziando materiali e metodi di fabbricazione delle celle fotovoltaiche, e quindi anche dei moduli fotovoltaici. Con la crescente produzione di apparati elettronici si è arrivati però ad avere un nuovo problema: il consumo sempre maggiore di silicio con un conseguente aumento di prezzo. Negli ultimi anni il prezzo del silicio è significativamente aumentato e questo va a pesare sull’economia del pannello fotovoltaico, dato che questo materiale incide per il 40-50% sul costo di produzione. Per questo motivo si sono voluti trovare altri materiali e metodi in grado di sostituire il silicio per la costruzione di pannelli fotovoltaici, con il seguire di nuovi studi su materiali e metodi di fabbricazione delle celle. Ma data la conoscenza e lo studio dovuto ai vari utilizzi nell’elettronica del silicio, si è anche studiato un metodo per ottenere una riduzione del silicio utilizzato, creando wafer in silicio sempre più sottili, cercando di abbassare il rapporto costo-watt , in grado di abbassare i costi di produzione e vendita.


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Determining the expected age at a potential ice-core drilling site on a polar ice sheet generally depends on a combination of information from remote-sensing methods, estimates of current accumulation and modelling. This poses irreducible uncertainties in retrieving an undisturbed ice core of the desired age. Although recently perfected radar techniques will improve the picture of the ice sheet below future drilling sites, rapid prospective drillings could further increase the success of deep drilling projects. Here we design and explore a drilling system for a minimum-size rapid-access hole. The advantages of a small hole are the low demand for drilling fluid, low overall weight of the equipment, fast installing and de-installing and low costs. We show that, in theory, drilling of a 20mm hole to a depth of 3000m is possible in ~4 days. First concepts have been realized and verified in the field. Both the drill cuttings and the hole itself can be used to characterize the properties of the ice sheet and its potential to provide a trustworthy palaeo-record. A candidate drilling site could be explored in ~2 weeks, which would enable the characterization of several sites in one summer season.


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Surgical robots have been proposed ex vivo to drill precise holes in the temporal bone for minimally invasive cochlear implantation. The main risk of the procedure is damage of the facial nerve due to mechanical interaction or due to temperature elevation during the drilling process. To evaluate the thermal risk of the drilling process, a simplified model is proposed which aims to enable an assessment of risk posed to the facial nerve for a given set of constant process parameters for different mastoid bone densities. The model uses the bone density distribution along the drilling trajectory in the mastoid bone to calculate a time dependent heat production function at the tip of the drill bit. Using a time dependent moving point source Green's function, the heat equation can be solved at a certain point in space so that the resulting temperatures can be calculated over time. The model was calibrated and initially verified with in vivo temperature data. The data was collected in minimally invasive robotic drilling of 12 holes in four different sheep. The sheep were anesthetized and the temperature elevations were measured with a thermocouple which was inserted in a previously drilled hole next to the planned drilling trajectory. Bone density distributions were extracted from pre-operative CT data by averaging Hounsfield values over the drill bit diameter. Post-operative [Formula: see text]CT data was used to verify the drilling accuracy of the trajectories. The comparison of measured and calculated temperatures shows a very good match for both heating and cooling phases. The average prediction error of the maximum temperature was less than 0.7 °C and the average root mean square error was approximately 0.5 °C. To analyze potential thermal damage, the model was used to calculate temperature profiles and cumulative equivalent minutes at 43 °C at a minimal distance to the facial nerve. For the selected drilling parameters, temperature elevation profiles and cumulative equivalent minutes suggest that thermal elevation of this minimally invasive cochlear implantation surgery may pose a risk to the facial nerve, especially in sclerotic or high density mastoid bones. Optimized drilling parameters need to be evaluated and the model could be used for future risk evaluation.


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Tochilinite (approximately FeS(Mg,Fe)(OH)2) is locally abundant in Hole 1068A serpentinites from Cores 173-1068A-21R and 22R. It occurs in veins, as fillings in void space, and in intergrowths with serpentine and andradite. An apparently related mineral, but with Ca and Al largely replacing Mg, occurs in association with, and possibly as a replacement of, pyrrhotite in serpentinite breccias from the bottom of Core 173-1068A-20R. The transition from Mg-Fe-rich brucite tochilinites to Ca- and S-rich carbonate tochilinites is consistent with increasing sulfur and oxygen activity upsection. Tochilinite has been reported at other sites on the Iberia Abyssal Plain and is abundant to the point of being a rock-forming mineral in several samples from Site 1068. Rather than being a mineralogical curiosity, tochilinite appears to be common and a major sink for sulfur in the upper serpentinites of the Iberia Abyssal Plain.