974 resultados para Inappropriate use


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The absence of a definitive approach to the design of manufacturing systems signifies the importance of a control mechanism to ensure the timely application of relevant design techniques. To provide effective control, design development needs to be continually assessed in relation to the required system performance, which can only be achieved analytically through computer simulation. The technique providing the only method of accurately replicating the highly complex and dynamic interrelationships inherent within manufacturing facilities and realistically predicting system behaviour. Owing to the unique capabilities of computer simulation, its application should support and encourage a thorough investigation of all alternative designs. Allowing attention to focus specifically on critical design areas and enabling continuous assessment of system evolution. To achieve this system analysis needs to efficient, in terms of data requirements and both speed and accuracy of evaluation. To provide an effective control mechanism a hierarchical or multi-level modelling procedure has therefore been developed, specifying the appropriate degree of evaluation support necessary at each phase of design. An underlying assumption of the proposal being that evaluation is quick, easy and allows models to expand in line with design developments. However, current approaches to computer simulation are totally inappropriate to support the hierarchical evaluation. Implementation of computer simulation through traditional approaches is typically characterized by a requirement for very specialist expertise, a lengthy model development phase, and a correspondingly high expenditure. Resulting in very little and rather inappropriate use of the technique. Simulation, when used, is generally only applied to check or verify a final design proposal. Rarely is the full potential of computer simulation utilized to aid, support or complement the manufacturing system design procedure. To implement the proposed modelling procedure therefore the concept of a generic simulator was adopted, as such systems require no specialist expertise, instead facilitating quick and easy model creation, execution and modification, through simple data inputs. Previously generic simulators have tended to be too restricted, lacking the necessary flexibility to be generally applicable to manufacturing systems. Development of the ATOMS manufacturing simulator, however, has proven that such systems can be relevant to a wide range of applications, besides verifying the benefits of multi-level modelling.


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The adsorption of two qroups of nonionic surface active agents and a series of hiqh molecular weiqht hydrophilic polymer fractions onto a polystyrene latex and a drug substance diloxanide furoate B.P. has been investigated. The presence of pores within the drug surface has been demonstrated and this is shown to increase the adsorption of low molecular weight polymer species. Differences in the maximum amount of polymer adsorbed at both solid-solution interfaces have been ascribed to the different hydrophobicities of the surface as determined by contact angle measurements. Adsorbed layer thicknesses of polymer on polystyrene latex have been determined by three techniques: microelectrophoresis, intensity fluctuation spectroscopy and by viscometric means. These results, in combination with adsorption data, were used to interpret the configuration of the adsorbed polymer molecules at the interface. The type of druq suspension produced on adsorbing the different polymers in the absence of electrostatic stabilization was correlated with theoretical prediuctions of suspension characteristics deduced from potential energy diagrams, The agreement was good for the adsorption of short chain length surfactants, but for the polyvinylalcohols, discrepancies were found between experiment and theory. This was attributed to the inappropriate use of a mean segment density approximation within the adsorbed layer to calculate attractive potentials between particles. A maximum in the redispersibility values for suspensions coated with adsorbed nonylphenylethoxylates was attributed to "partial static stabilization" of the particles in conjunction with the attractive forces operating in the sediment between bare surface patches on neighbouring particles. No significant change in the dissolution of the drug was observed when nonylphenylethoxylates were adsorbed due to desorption upon contact with the dissolution medium. Pluronic F68 and all the polyvinylalcohol fractions caused a reduction in the dissolution rate which is explained by the decreased diffusion of drug' through the adsorbed polymer layer.


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The mechanisms by which bacteria resist killing by antibiotics and biocides are still poorly defined, although repeated exposure to sublethal concentrations of antibacterial agents undoubtedly contributes to their development. This study aimed both to investigate the potential of Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli O157 for adaptive resistance to commonly used biocides and to determine any cross-resistance to antibiotics. Strains were repeatedly passaged in media containing increasing concentrations of a biocide or antibiotic until adaptive resistance was obtained. A wide panel of antimicrobial agents was then screened by using the adapted strain to determine cross-resistance, if any. Adaptive resistance was readily achieved for both S. enterica and E. coli O157. Cross-resistance in adaptively resistant S. enterica varied with the serotype; Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis expressed cross-resistance to chloramphenicol, whereas Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium expressed cross-resistance to chlorhexidine. Benzalkonium chloride-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Virchow showed elevated resistance to chlorhexidine; however, chlorhexidine-resistant Salmonella serovar Virchow did not demonstrate reciprocal cross-resistance to benzalkonium chloride, suggesting specific rather than generic resistance mechanisms. E. coli O157 strains acquired high levels of resistance to triclosan after only two sublethal exposures and, when adapted, repeatedly demonstrated decreased susceptibilities to various antimicrobial agents, including chloramphenicol, erythromycin, imipenem, tetracycline, and trimethoprim, as well as to a number of biocides. These observations raise concern over the indiscriminate and often inappropriate use of biocides, especially triclosan, in situations where they are unnecessary, whereby they may contribute to the development of microbial resistance mechanisms.


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INTRODUCTION: The inappropriate use of antipsychotics in people with dementia for behaviour that challenges is associated with an estimated 1800 deaths annually. However, solely focusing on antipsychotics may transfer prescribing to other equally dangerous psychotropics. Little is known about the role of pharmacists in the management of psychotropics used to treat behaviours that challenge. This research aims to determine whether it is feasible to implement and measure the effectiveness of a combined pharmacy-health psychology intervention incorporating a medication review and staff training package to limit the prescription of psychotropics to manage behaviour that challenges in care home residents with dementia. METHODS/ANALYSIS: 6 care homes within the West Midlands will be recruited. People with dementia receiving medication for behaviour that challenges, or their personal consultee, will be approached regarding participation. Medication used to treat behaviour that challenges will be reviewed by the pharmacist, in collaboration with the general practitioner (GP), person with dementia and carer. The behavioural intervention consists of a training package for care home staff and GPs promoting person-centred care and treating behaviours that challenge as an expression of unmet need. The primary outcome measure is the Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Nursing Home version (NPI-NH). Other outcomes include quality of life (EQ-5D and DEMQoL), cognition (sMMSE), health economic (CSRI) and prescribed medication including whether recommendations were implemented. Outcome data will be collected at 6 weeks, and 3 and 6 months. Pretraining and post-training interviews will explore stakeholders' expectations and experiences of the intervention. Data will be used to estimate the sample size for a definitive study. ETHICS/DISSEMINATION: The project has received a favourable opinion from the East Midlands REC (15/EM/3014). If potential participants lack capacity, a personal consultee will be consulted regarding participation in line with the Mental Capacity Act. Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at conferences.


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El artículo se basa en los resultados del estudio exploratorio sobre Tecnologias de la Información de Comunicación (TIC) y las decisiones gerenciales en Pequeñas Y Medianas Empresas (PYMES), debido a los bajos factores de permanencia de estas empresas en el mercado como son: la aplicación ineficiente de modelos de comunicación interna y externa, el poco empleo de las TIC implementadas en las mismas, el uso inadecuado de paquetes informáticos y la subutilización de los servicios adicionales que prestan los operadores de internet; Además se logro determinar que al tener poca preparación administrativa el manejo del comportamiento organizacional es inoperante, todo lo anterior repercute en las decisiones gerenciales. Por lo cual, se desarrollo un análisis sobre aspectos gerenciales débiles, especialmente el flujo de la información y el empleo de las TIC, a través de una investigación cualitativa exploratoria que presenta como resultados una serie de posibles gestiones correctas a implementar y estrategias a diseñar para afrontar los Tratados de Libre Comercio (TLC) vigentes en Colombia. Por último, se presentan las ventajas de una eficiente comunicación por medio de medidas operativas e informáticas, mostrando algunas herramientas de gestión que se deben adoptar para mejorar productividad.


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Durante los últimos años, la teoría financiera y económica se ha interesado en estudiar los factores que influencian la toma de decisiones y por qué, en muchas ocasiones, debido a los incentivos de los individuos no son óptimas. Este trabajo, desde la economía comportamental tiene como objetivo identificar, clasificar y analizar el riesgo conductual en el mercado de valores de Colombia, por medio de la revisión de las actas de terminación anticipada, expedidas a las personas naturales vinculadas durante el período 2010-2015. Los principales resultados indican que aproximadamente el 80% de las conductas se evidencian en exceder el mandato de los clientes, hacer uso indebido de sus recursos, omitir el deber de asesoría y obstruir la revelación de información a los clientes.


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O sobrelotamento dos Serviços de Urgência Pediátrica é uma realidade da sociedade atual, verificando-se uma crescente progressão de atendimentos, principalmente de falsas urgências. Tendo como objetivo identificar fatores psicológicos que possam contribuir para a compreensão da utilização inapropriada destes serviços, foi desenvolvido este estudo exploratório-descritivo. A amostra foi constituída por 115 crianças, observadas sem critérios de urgência num Serviço de Urgência Pediátrica, e respetivos acompanhantes, dos quais 26.1% são emocionalmente perturbados. Os dados, recolhidos através da ficha de urgência, da entrevista e de um questionário, revelaram que a recorrência frequente ao Serviço de Urgência está relacionada com as crenças dos acompanhantes acerca do serviço, com a perceção de criança mais frágil, mais difícil e com mais problemas de comportamento. Conhecidos os efeitos da hospitalização infantil, pretende-se que este estudo abra portas à exploração de novos horizontes, na tentativa de encontrar soluções para a racionalização da utilização dos recursos de saúde. ABSTRACT: The overflow of the Pediatrics Emergencies is a reality in today's society. There has been an increasing attendance, primarily of false emergencies. The objective of this exploratory-descriptive study is to identify the psychological factors that might contribute to the understanding of the inappropriate use of these services. The sample was composed of 115 children, observed without any emergency criterion of the Pediatric Emergency, and respective escorts, of which 26.1% of them are emotionally disturbed. The data gathered through the emergency file, the interview and a questionnaire, revealed that the frequent use of the Emergency Service is related with the beliefs of the escorts, with the perception of a more fragile child, more difficult and with more behavioral problems child. The effects of child hospitalization known, this study intends to open the doors to new horizons, in an attempt to find solutions to the rationalization of the use of health resources.


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Introducción: La IVU es muy frecuenten en la (FCI - IC), Alrededor el 60% de los pacientes con diagnóstico de IVU nosocomial corresponden a gérmenes resistente, Desde el año 2010 el CLSI disminuyó los puntos de corte de sensibilidad en las enterobacteriaceae y removió la necesidad de tamizaje y confirmación de (BLEE), en el presente trabajo se pretende determinar el perfil epidemiológico de la formulación antibiótica en pacientes con IVU nosocomial. Diseño: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis univariado, bivariado y multivariado. El análisis bivariado y multivariado se realizó para determinar la medida de asociación teniendo en cuenta la formulación de Carbapenemico la variable dependiente, evaluándose mediante chi cuadrado. Resultados: Se revisaron 131 urocultivos, se incluyeron 116. Los aislamientos microbiológicos más frecuentemente encontrados fueron E. Coli y K. Pneumoniae, el 43.4% de los aislamientos, presentaron expresión de BLEE, 90% de los aislamientos fueron sensibles a Cefepime. La mayoría de los modelos obtenidos mostraron una fuerte asociación entre el reporte de BLEE en antibiograma con la formulación de carbapenémicos como terapia final OR 33,12 IC 95% (2,90 – 337,4). Conclusión: La epidemiologia de la IVU nosocomial en la FCI-IC no difiere de las referencias internacionales, no hay adherencia a las guías de manejo intrahospitalario y el reporte de la palabra BLEE en el antibiograma predice la formulación de antibiótico carbapenémico por el médico que lee el urocultivo


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Les personnes atteintes de démence sévère, résidant dans un centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD) et approchant la fin de leur vie, ne reçoivent pas systématiquement des soins palliatifs, malgré que ce niveau de soins soit le plus approprié. La plupart de ces personnes reçoivent également un grand nombre de médicaments dont les effets indésirables peuvent contribuer à des souffrances évitables. Une approche axée sur les soins palliatifs serait possiblement associée à une réduction de la charge médicamenteuse et, du même coup, à une prescription plus appropriée. Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche étaient de décrire l’usage des médicaments chez les résidents atteints de démence sévère en CHSLD, de comparer leur usage de médicaments à des critères de pertinence et d’évaluer si la mise en œuvre d’une approche axée sur les soins palliatifs était associée aux médicaments prescrits. Cette étude décrit l’usage des médicaments chez 215 sujets atteints de démence sévère et en fin de vie qui ont participé à une étude d’intervention quasi expérimentale menée dans quatre CHSLD du Québec sur la mise en œuvre d’une approche axée sur les soins palliatifs. L’utilisation des médicaments a été comparée à trois listes de critères pertinents publiés, soit ceux de Holmes, Rancourt et Kröger, en utilisant des statistiques descriptives. Les analyses sur l’usage de 412 médicaments différents chez 120 sujets du groupe expérimental et 95 sujets du groupe témoin ont montré que cette approche axée sur les soins palliatifs n’est pas associée à une prescription plus appropriée des médicaments chez ces personnes particulièrement vulnérables.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Multimorbidity and polypharmacy are increasingly prevalent across healthcare systems and settings as global demographic trends shift towards increased proportions of older people in populations. Numerous studies have demonstrated an association between polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP), and have reported high prevalence of PIP across settings of care in Europe and North America and, as a consequence, increased risk of adverse drug reactions, healthcare utilisation, morbidity and mortality. These studies have not focused specifically on people with dementia, despite the high risk of adverse drug reactions and PIP in this patient cohort. This narrative review considers the evidence currently available in the area, including studies examining prevalence of PIP in older people with dementia, how appropriateness of prescribing is assessed, the medications most commonly implicated, the clinical consequences, and research priorities to optimise prescribing for this vulnerable patient group. Although there has been considerable research effort to develop criteria to assess medication appropriateness in older people in recent years, the majority of tools do not focus on people with dementia. Of the limited number of tools available, most focus on the advanced stages of dementia in which life-expectancy is limited. The development of tools to assess medication appropriateness in people with mild-to-moderate dementia or across the full spectrum of disease severity represents an important gap in the research literature and is beginning to attract research interest, with recent studies considering the medication regimen as a whole, or misprescribing, overprescribing or underprescribing of certain medications/medication classes including anticholinergics, psychotropics, antibiotics and analgesics. Further work is required in development and validation of criteria to assess prescribing appropriateness in this vulnerable patient population, to determine prevalence of PIP in large cohorts of people with the full spectrum of dementia variants and severities and to examine the impact of PIP on health outcomes.


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Aim To test the efficacy of Medilixir [cream] against the standard treatment of aqueous cream in the provision of relief from the symptoms of postburn itch. Design RCT with two parallel arms. Setting Professor Stuart Pegg Adult Burns Centre, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. Participants Fifty-two patients aged between 18 and 80 years, admitted directly to the burns centre between 10 March and 22 July 2008, were able to provide informed consent, and had shown no allergic reaction to a patch test with the study medication, were randomised. Patients admitted from intensive care or high dependency were excluded. Main results Effect estimates and confidence intervals were not reported for any of the outcomes; only group means/proportions and P-values from hypothesis testing were provided. More patients in the intervention group reported itch reduction compared to comparison treatment (91 vs. 82%, P=0.001). Itch recurrence after cream application occurred later in the intervention group compared to the control group (P<0.001). Use of antipruritic medication was significantly greater in the control group (P=0.023). There was no difference in sleep disturbance between groups (not quantified). On average, Medilixir took longer to apply than aqueous cream (157s for Medilixir vs. 139s for aqueous cream; mean difference 17s), but authors noted that the groups did not differ significantly (CI for mean difference and P-values were not reported).


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Mortality following hip arthroplasty is affected by a large number of confounding variables each of which must be considered to enable valid interpretation. Relevant variables available from the 2011 NJR data set were included in the Cox model. Mortality rates in hip arthroplasty patients were lower than in the age-matched population across all hip types. Age at surgery, ASA grade, diagnosis, gender, provider type, hip type and lead surgeon grade all had a significant effect on mortality. Schemper's statistic showed that only 18.98% of the variation in mortality was explained by the variables available in the NJR data set. It is inappropriate to use NJR data to study an outcome affected by a multitude of confounding variables when these cannot be adequately accounted for in the available data set.