988 resultados para In situ technique


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This article presents a low-cost portable electrochemical instrument capable of on-site identification of heavy metals. The instrument acquires metal-specific voltage and current signals by the application of differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry. This technique enhances the analytical current and rejects the background current, resulting in a higher signal-to-noise ratio for a better detection limit. The identification of heavy metals is based on an intelligent machine-based method using a multilayer perceptron neural network consisting of three layers of neurons. The neural network is implemented using a 16 bit microcontroller. The system is developed for use in the field in order to avoid expensive and time-consuming procedures and can be used in a variety of situations to help environmental assessment and control. 


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Natural mineral-water interface reactions drive ecosystem/global fluoride (F−) cycling. These small-scale processes prove challenging to monitoring due to mobilization being highly localized and variable; influenced by changing climate, hydrology, dissolution chemistries and pedogenosis. These release events could be captured in situ by the passive sampling technique, diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT), providing a cost-effective and time-integrated measurement of F− mobilization. However, attempts to develop the method for F− have been unsuccessful due to the very restrictive operational ranges that most F−-absorbents function within. A new hybrid-DGT technique for F− quantification containing a three-phase fine particle composite (Fesingle bondAlsingle bondCe, FAC) adsorbent was developed and evaluated. Sampler response was validated in laboratory and field deployments, passing solution chemistry QC within ionic strength and pH ranges of 0–200 mmol L−1 and 4.3–9.1, respectively, and exhibiting high sorption capacities (98 ± 8 μg cm−2). FAC-DGT measurements adequately predicted up to weeklong averaged in situ F− fluvial fluxes in a freshwater river and F− concentrations in a wastewater treatment flume determined by high frequency active sampling. While, millimetre-scale diffusive fluxes across the sediment-water interface were modeled for three contrasting lake bed sediments from a F−-enriched lake using the new FAC-DGT platform.


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The present thesis aims to develop a biocompatible and electroconductor bone graft containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) that allows the in situ regeneration of bone cells by applying pulsed external electrical stimuli. The CNTs were produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) by a semi-continuous method with a yield of ~500 mg/day. The deposition parameters were optimised to obtain high pure CNTs ~99.96% with controlled morphologies, fundamental requisites for the biomedical application under study. The chemical functionalisation of CNTs was also optimised to maximise their processability and biocompatibility. The CNTs were functionalised by the Diels-Alder cycloaddition of 1,3-butadiene. The biological behaviour of the functionalised CNTs was evaluated in vitro with the osteoblastic cells line MG63 and in vivo, by subcutaneous implantation in rats. The materials did not induce an expressed inflammatory response, but the functionalised CNTs showed a superior in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility than the non-functionalised ones. Composites of ceramic matrix, of bioglass (Glass) and hydroxyapatite (HA), reinforced with carbon nanotubes (CNT/Glass/HA) were processed by a wet approach. The incorporation of just 4.4 vol% of CNTs allowed the increase of 10 orders of magnitude of the electrical conductivity of the matrix. In vitro studies with MG63 cells show that the CNT/Glass/HA composites guarantee the adhesion and proliferation of bone cells, and stimulate their phenotype expression, namely the alkaline phosphate (ALP). The interactions between the composite materials and the culture medium (α-MEM), under an applied electrical external field, were studied by scanning vibrating electrode technique. An increase of the culture medium electrical conductivity and the electrical field confinement in the presence of the conductive samples submerged in the medium was demonstrated. The in vitro electrical stimulation of MG63 cells on the conductive composites promotes the increase of the cell metabolic activity and DNA content by 130% and 60%, relatively to the non-stimulated condition, after only 3 days of daily stimulation of 15 μA for 15 min. Moreover, the osteoblastic gene expression for Runx2, osteocalcin (OC) and ALP was enhanced by 80%, 50% and 25%, after 5 days of stimulation. Instead, for dielectric materials, the stimulus delivering was less efficient, giving an equal or lower cellular response than the non-stimulated condition. The proposed electroconductive bone grafts offer exciting possibilities in bone regeneration strategies by delivering in situ electrical stimulus to cells and consequent control of the new bone tissue formation rate. It is expected that conductive smart biomaterials might turn the selective bone electrotherapy of clinical relevance by decreasing the postoperative healing times.


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This work describes the electrochemical methodology for the determination of the Donnan potential from diffusion-limited steady-state voltammograms of acrylamide gels. The technique is based upon the measurement of gel–sol systems that have reached Donnan equilibrium and contain Cd2+ as a probe ion. Au-amalgam microelectrodes are used to measure the Cd concentration in the gel phase relative to the solution phase, thus permitting comparison of the Cd voltammograms obtained in both phases. This approach yields two independent measures of the Donnan potential resulting from (i) the potential shift relative to the reference electrode, and (ii) the enhancement of the Cd2+ wave. Two suites of acrylamide gels containing 0.2% and 0.5% Na-acrylate were studied as a function of ionic strength by varying [NaNO3] and maintaining a constant concentration of the electroactive probe ion, [Cd2+] = 1 · 10 5 mol/L in the equilibrating solutions. Independent model predictions of the Donnan potential as a function of ionic strength that consider the effects of differential swelling on the charge density, the influence of a mixed electrolyte on the potential developed in the gel at the limit of low ionic strength and the effects of incomplete dissociation of the carboxylic functional groups were in agreement with the Donnan potentials independently measured by the twofold steady-state voltammetric approach.


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Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIA) are among the largest and most complex group of nitrogen containing secondary metabolites that are characteristic of the Apocynaceae plant family including the most notable Catharanthus roseus. These compounds have demonstrated activity as successful drugs for treating various cancers, neurological disorders and cardiovascular conditions. Due to the low yields of these compounds and high pharmacological value, their biosynthesis is a major topic of study. Previous work highlighting the leaf epidermis and leaf surface as a highly active area in MIA biosynthesis and MIA accumulation has made the epidermis a major focus of this thesis. This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of the valuable technique of RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) and demonstrates the application of the technique to analyze the location of the biosynthetic steps involved in the production of MIAs. The work presented in this thesis demonstrates that most of the MIAs of Eurasian Vinca minor, African Tabernaemontana e/egans and five Amsonia species, including North American Amsonia hubrichitii and Mediterranean A. orienta/is, accumulate in leaf wax exudates, while the rest of the leaf is almost devoid of alkaloids. Biochemical studies on Vinca minor displayed high tryptophan decarboxylase (TOe) enzyme activity and protein expression in the leaf epidermis compared to whole leaves. ISH studies aimed at localizing TOe and strictosidine synthase suggest the upper and lower epidermis of V. minor and T. e/egans as probable significant production sites for MIAs that will accumulate on the leaf surface, however the results don't eliminate the possibility of the involvement of other cell types. The monoterpenoid precursor to all MIAs, secologanin, is produced through the MEP pathway occurring in two cell types, the IPAP cells (Gl0H) and epidermal cells (LAMT and SLS). The work presented in this thesis, localizes a novel enzymatic step, UDPG-7-deoxyloganetic acid glucosyltransferase (UGT8) to the IPAP cells of Catharanthus longifolius. These results enable the suggestion that all steps from Gl0H up to and including UGT8 occur in the IPAP cells of the leaf, making the IPAP cells the main site for the majority of secologanin biosynthesis. It also makes the IPAP cells a likely cell type to begin searching for the gene of the uncharacterized steps between Gl0H and UGT8. It also narrows the compound to be transported from the IPAP cells to either 7-deoxyloganic acid or loganic acid, which aids in the identification of the transportation mechanism.


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Introducción: El Deslizamiento Epifisiario Capital Femoral es la enfermedad de la cadera más común en adolescentes entre los 9 y 16 años. Es de causa idiopática, más frecuente en hombres, se clasifica en 4 estadios según criterios clínicos y radiológicos. Se buscó evaluar la evolución de los deslizamientos moderados y severos tratados con una de las dos técnicas propuestas. Metodología Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con pacientes que fueron llevados a fijación in situ o luxación controlada entre 2008 y 2011. Resultados: Se incluyeron 26 pacientes, los cuales el 65.4% se les realizó luxación quirúrgica controlada y el 34.6% fijación in situ. El 70,6% de pacientes tenían DECF inestable y 70,5% tenían desplazamiento severo. La evaluación de la escala WOMAC para dolor, rigidez y capacidad funcional encontró mejores beneficios para el grupo de fijación in situ, estadísticamente significativos (p<0,05), no solo en términos de dolor, rigidez y capacidad funcional sino menor frecuencia de complicaciones. Las complicaciones más frecuentes en el grupo de luxación quirúrgica controlada fueron un caso de infección, 7 casos (41,2%) de necrosis avascular de cabeza femoral, 5 casos (29,4%) de condrolisis y 2 casos (11,8%) de pseudoartrosis; En el grupo de fijación in situ, solo 1 (11,1%) presentó Infección del Sitio Operatorio y 1 (11,1%) Condrolisis. Resultados significativos solo para necrosis avascular. Discusión: Los pacientes con deslizamientos moderados y severos manejados con fijación in situ tuvieron una mejor resultado con menor proporción de complicaciones.


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The loss of seed-rich wintering habitats has been a major contributory cause of farmland bird population declines in western Europe. Agricultural grasslands are particularly poor winter foraging habitats for granivorous birds, which have declined most in the pastoral farming regions of western Britain. We describe an experiment to test the utility of fertile ryegrass (Lolium) swards as a potentially rich source of winter seed for declining farmland birds. Four patches of final-cut grass silage were allowed to set seed and were left in situ overwinter. Half of each patch was lightly aftermath grazed in an attempt to increase the accessibility of the seed to foraging birds and reduce the perceived predation risk. Large numbers of yellowhammers (Emberiza citrinella) and reed buntings (E. schoeniclus) foraged on the seeded plots throughout the winter. They preferred to forage on ungrazed seeded plots, where the accumulation of senescent foliage resulted in a 14% average loss in silage yield in the following season. However, seed produced on the plots also led to sward regeneration, increasing subsequent yields on some plots. The technique offers clear benefits as a potential future agri-environment measure for declining granivorous birds, with wide applicability, but requires further development to minimise sward damage and costs to the farmer. Autumn grazing should reduce sward damage, but at the cost of reduced usage by buntings. Using the technique just prior to reseeding would be one way of avoiding any costs of sward damage.


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Wheat, although moderately tolerant to salt, can not be cultivated in many areas. However, in the triticeae tribe, some of the wild wheat relatives are highly tolerant, e.g. Thinopyrum bessarabicum, which grows on the sea shore. Eight primary hexaploid tritipyrum lines, amphiploids between Triticum durum and Thinopyrum bessarabicum have been produced which can set seed in at least 250 mM NaCl. These tritipyrums (2n=6x=42, AABBEbEb) due to reasons such as brittle rachis, continuous production of tillers, late maturity, tall stature and meiotic instability will not fulfill the requirements of a successful commercial salt tolerant crop. To overcome such problems the substituted tritipyrum, in which selected Eb chromosomes are replaced by D genome chromosomes of 6x wheat, was produced from 6x tritipyrum x 6x wheat hybrids (F1: 2n=6x=42, AABBDEb) followed by selfing and backcrossing with 6x tritipyrum. The fertile plants among the above progenies were screened by the genomic fluorescent in situ hybridization technique to identify their Eb and D chromosome constitution. This study showed that producing tritiprum with variable numbers of Eb and D genome chromosomes is feasible and that FISH is a useful technique for determining the number of Eb chromosomes present.


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Nanocomposites of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and carbon nanotubes (CNT) of different geometries (single wall, double wall, and multiwall; SWNT, DWNT, and MWNT) were prepared by in situ polymerization of ethylene on CNT whose surface had been previously treated with a metallocene catalytic system. In this work, we have studied the effects of applying the successive self-nucleation and annealing thermal fractionation technique (SSA) to the nanocomposites and have also determined the influence of composition and type of CNT on the isothermal crystallization behavior of the HDPE. SSA results indicate that all types of CNT induce the formation of a population of thicker lamellar crystals that melt at higher temperatures as compared to the crystals formed in neat HDPE prepared under the same catalytic and polymerization conditions and subjected to the same SSA treatment. Furthermore, the peculiar morphology induced by the CNT on the HDPE matrix allows the resolution of thermal fractionation to be much better. The isothermal crystallization results indicated that the strong nucleation effect caused by CNT reduced the supercooling needed for crystallization. The interaction between the HDPE chains and the surface of the CNT is probably very strong as judged by the results obtained, even though it is only physical in nature. When the total crystallinity achieved during isothermal crystallization is considered as a function of CNT content, it was found that a competition between nucleation and topological confinement could account for the results. At low CNT content the crystallinity increases (because of the nucleating effect of CNT on HDPE), however, at higher CNT content there is a dramatic reduction in crystallinity reflecting the increased confinement experienced by the HDPE chains at the interfaces which are extremely large in these nanocomposites. Another consequence of these strong interactions is the remarkable decrease in Avrami index as CNT content increases. When the Avrami index reduces to I or lower, nucleation dominates the overall kinetics as a consequence of confinement effects. Wide-angle X-ray experiments were performed at a high-energy synchrotron source and demonstrated that no change in the orthorhombic unit cell of HDPE occurred during crystallization with or without CNT.


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A rapid thiolytic degradation and cleanup procedure was developed for analyzing tannins directly in chlorophyll-containing sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) plants. The technique proved suitable for complex tannin mixtures containing catechin, epicatechin, gallocatechin, and epigallocatechin flavan-3-ol units. The reaction time was standardized at 60 min to minimize the loss of structural information as a result of epimerization and degradation of terminal flavan-3-ol units. The results were evaluated by separate analysis of extractable and unextractable tannins, which accounted for 63.6−113.7% of the in situ plant tannins. It is of note that 70% aqueous acetone extracted tannins with a lower mean degree of polymerization (mDP) than was found for tannins analyzed in situ. Extractable tannins had between 4 and 29 lower mDP values. The method was validated by comparing results from individual and mixed sample sets. The tannin composition of different sainfoin accessions covered a range of mDP values from 16 to 83, procyanidin/prodelphinidin (PC/PD) ratios from 19.2/80.8 to 45.6/54.4, and cis/trans ratios from 74.1/25.9 to 88.0/12.0. This is the first high-throughput screening method that is suitable for analyzing condensed tannin contents and structural composition directly in green plant tissue.


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In situ fusion on the boat-type graphite platform has been used as a sample pretreatment for the direct determination of Co, Cr and Mn in Portland cement by solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (SS-GF AAS). The 3-field Zeeman technique was adopted for background correction to decrease the sensitivity during measurements. This strategy allowed working with up to 200 mu g of sample. The in situ fusion was accomplished using 10 mu L of a flux mixture 4.0% m/v Na(2)CO(3) + 4.0% m/v ZnO + 0.1% m/v Triton (R) X-100 added over the cement sample and heated at 800 degrees C for 20 s. The resulting mould was completely dissolved with 10 mu L of 0.1% m/v HNO(3). Limits of detection were 0.11 mu g g(-1) for Co, 1.1 mu g g(-1) for Cr and 1.9 mu g g(-1) for Mn. The accuracy of the proposed method has been evaluated by the analysis of certified reference materials. The values found presented no statistically significant differences compared to the certified values (Student`s t-test, p<0.05). In general, the relative standard deviation was lower than 12% (n = 5). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have introduced an in-situ Raman monitoring technique to investigate the crystallization process inside protein drops. In addition to a conventional vapour-diffusion process, a novel procedure which actively stimulates the evaporation from a protein drop during crystallization was also evaluated, with lysozyme as a model protein. In contrast to the conventional vapour-diffusion condition, the evaporation-stimulated growth of crystals was initiated in a simple dehydration scheme and completed within a significantly shorter time. To gain an understanding of crystallization behaviours under the conditions with and without such evaporation stimulation, confocal Raman spectroscopy combined with linear regression analysis was used to monitor both lysozyme and HEPES buffer concentrations in real time. The confocal measurements having a high spatial resolution and good linear response revealed areas of local inhomogeneity in protein concentration when the crystallization started. The acquired concentration profiles indicated that (1)ÿthe evaporation-stimulated crystallization proceeded with protein concentrations lower than those under conventional vapour diffusion, and (2)ÿcrystals under the evaporation-stimulated condition were noticeable within an early stage of crystallization before the protein concentration approached its maximum value. The HEPES concentration profiles, on the other hand, increased steadily towards the end of the process regardless of the conditions used for crystallization. In particular, the observed local inhomogeneities specific to protein distribution suggested an accumulation mechanism of protein molecules that initiates the nucleation of crystals.


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In this paper, real-time extinction spectroscopy was employed to analyze in situ the fast formation process of silver seeds. The influencing factors for silver-seed formation, including the concentration of the reducer (NaBH 4), the amount of stabilizer (citrate), and the addition procedure of NaBH4, were evaluated. The configuration of the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectra of silver nanoparticles, which reflected the morphology of the produced silver seeds, was found to be distinctly affected by the NaBH4 concentration. Homogeneous silver nanoparticles were obtained when the added NaBH4 was lower in concentration than 2.00 mM. In contrast, higher concentrations of reducing agent (>3.00 mM NaBH4) resulted in uneven silver nanoparticles. Mie theory was applied to clarify the correlation of the SPR and the size of the silver seeds. Repeated additions of a small amount of the reducing agent could increase the monodispersity and isotropy of silver seeds. Real-time extinction spectroscopy is a convenient technique that achieves the in-situ and nondestructive measurement of intermediates in the formation process of silver nanoseeds.


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In this research work we developed a new laboratory based transmission X-ray diffraction technique to perform in-situ deformation studies on a far more regular basis that is not possible at large scale synchrotron and neutron facilities. We studied the deformation mechanisms in light weight magnesium alloys during in-situ tensile testing.


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A simple in-situ synthesis route for gold nanoparticles (NPs) was developed to realize multifunctions for silk fabrics. The gold NPs were prepared in a heated solution containing white silk fabric samples. The silk fabrics were colored red and brown by the gold NPs because of their localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) property. Gold nanospheres on silk were obtained at a low gold content, and gold nanoplates were synthesized as the gold content increased. The silk fabrics treated with gold NPs showed good light fastness. Moreover, the gold NPs endowed silk fabrics with strong antibacterial activity, excellent UV protection property and enhanced thermal conductivity. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.