768 resultados para IS management issues
While surveys about anesthesia practice appear regularly in the anesthesia literature, they are usually bound to one country. We compared the approach to specific airway management issues among anesthesiologists from three different European countries.
Participatory approaches to conservation have been applied worldwide by governments and non-governmental organisations. However, results from a comparative analysis of the impacts of global change on management issues in 13 protected areas in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Europe show that in many cases the involvement of local people has remained limited, and economic gains for local livelihoods have been limited or non-existent. Viewed from a ‘new institutionalist’ perspective and focusing on power relations and ideologies, the results of this study carried out within the framework of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South show that in African cases local people do not feel part of the process and, therefore, become disengaged. In Asia, and even more so in Latin America, local indigenous peoples and their leaders support protected areas as a means to gain political rights over areas threatened by immigration. The European (Swiss) case is the only one where political rights and economic incentives present a context in which participation is of direct interest to local people. Meanwhile, recent debates on new global conservation developments in the context of climate change policy indicate a growing tendency to treat conservation as a commodity. We argue that this can have problematical effects on efforts to devolve power to the local level in the context of conservation.
The existence and morphology, as well as the dynamics of micro-scale gas-liquid interfaces is investigated numerically and experimentally. These studies can be used to assess liquid management issues in microsystems such as PEMFC gas flow channels, and are meant to open new research perspectives in two-phase flow, particularly in film deposition on non-wetting surfaces. For example the critical plug volume data can be used to deliver desired length plugs, or to determine the plug formation frequency. The dynamics of gas-liquid interfaces, of interest for applications involving small passages (e.g. heat exchangers, phase separators and filtration systems), was investigated using high-speed microscopy - a method that also proved useful for the study of film deposition processes. The existence limit for a liquid plug forming in a mixed wetting channel is determined by numerical simulations using Surface Evolver. The plug model simulate actual conditions in the gas flow channels of PEM fuel cells, the wetting of the gas diffusion layer (GDL) side of the channel being different from the wetting of the bipolar plate walls. The minimum plug volume, denoted as critical volume is computed for a series of GDL and bipolar plate wetting properties. Critical volume data is meant to assist in the water management of PEMFC, when corroborated with experimental data. The effect of cross section geometry is assessed by computing the critical volume in square and trapezoidal channels. Droplet simulations show that water can be passively removed from the GDL surface towards the bipolar plate if we take advantage on differing wetting properties between the two surfaces, to possibly avoid the gas transport blockage through the GDL. High speed microscopy was employed in two-phase and film deposition experiments with water in round and square capillary tubes. Periodic interface destabilization was observed and the existence of compression waves in the gas phase is discussed by taking into consideration a naturally occurring convergent-divergent nozzle formed by the flowing liquid phase. The effect of channel geometry and wetting properties was investigated through two-phase water-air flow in square and round microchannels, having three static contact angles of 20, 80 and 105 degrees. Four different flow regimes are observed for a fixed flow rate, this being thought to be caused by the wetting behavior of liquid flowing in the corners as well as the liquid film stability. Film deposition experiments in wetting and non-wetting round microchannels show that a thicker film is deposited for wetting conditions departing from the ideal 0 degrees contact angle. A film thickness dependence with the contact angle theta as well as the Capillary number, in the form h_R ~ Ca^(2/3)/ cos(theta) is inferred from scaling arguments, for contact angles smaller than 36 degrees. Non-wetting film deposition experiments reveal that a film significantly thicker than the wetting Bretherton film is deposited. A hydraulic jump occurs if critical conditions are met, as given by a proposed nondimensional parameter similar to the Froude number. Film thickness correlations are also found by matching the measured and the proposed velocity derived in the shock theory. The surface wetting as well as the presence of the shock cause morphological changes in the Taylor bubble flow.
Manual used for the implementation of CDE's Geoprocessing courses in the South and East. Composed of 6 modules covering important aspects of GIS handling and implementation: 1) Introduction to GIS; 2) Management issues; 3) GIS data preparation; 4) GIS data presentation; 5) Vector data analysis; 6) Raster data analysis. At the moment the manual is designed for use with ArcGIS. Work on a manual for use with open source software is currently ongoing. This manual was successfully used during several GIS training events in Kenya and Tajikistan.
The term "Logic Programming" refers to a variety of computer languages and execution models which are based on the traditional concept of Symbolic Logic. The expressive power of these languages offers promise to be of great assistance in facing the programming challenges of present and future symbolic processing applications in Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-based systems, and many other areas of computing. The sequential execution speed of logic programs has been greatly improved since the advent of the first interpreters. However, higher inference speeds are still required in order to meet the demands of applications such as those contemplated for next generation computer systems. The execution of logic programs in parallel is currently considered a promising strategy for attaining such inference speeds. Logic Programming in turn appears as a suitable programming paradigm for parallel architectures because of the many opportunities for parallel execution present in the implementation of logic programs. This dissertation presents an efficient parallel execution model for logic programs. The model is described from the source language level down to an "Abstract Machine" level suitable for direct implementation on existing parallel systems or for the design of special purpose parallel architectures. Few assumptions are made at the source language level and therefore the techniques developed and the general Abstract Machine design are applicable to a variety of logic (and also functional) languages. These techniques offer efficient solutions to several areas of parallel Logic Programming implementation previously considered problematic or a source of considerable overhead, such as the detection and handling of variable binding conflicts in AND-Parallelism, the specification of control and management of the execution tree, the treatment of distributed backtracking, and goal scheduling and memory management issues, etc. A parallel Abstract Machine design is offered, specifying data areas, operation, and a suitable instruction set. This design is based on extending to a parallel environment the techniques introduced by the Warren Abstract Machine, which have already made very fast and space efficient sequential systems a reality. Therefore, the model herein presented is capable of retaining sequential execution speed similar to that of high performance sequential systems, while extracting additional gains in speed by efficiently implementing parallel execution. These claims are supported by simulations of the Abstract Machine on sample programs.
En el sector de la edificación, las grandes constructoras comienzan a considerar aspectos medioambientales, no limitándose a lo establecido por la legislación vigente, y buscando la implementación de buenas prácticas. Si bien este hecho es una realidad para las grandes empresas constructoras, todavía falta que la gran mayoría de las empresas del sector (pequeñas y medianas) adopten ésta tendencia. En este sentido, las publicaciones y estadísticas consultadas revelan que el sector de la construcción sigue siendo el sector con menor número de Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental (SGA) certificados en comparación con otros sectores industriales, debido principalmente a las peculiaridades de su actividad. Por otra parte, el sector de la construcción genera grandes cantidades de residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD). Aunque, en los últimos años la actividad de la construcción ha disminuido, debido a la crisis económica del país, no hay que olvidar todos los problemas causados por este tipo de residuos, o mejor dicho, por su gestión. La gestión de los RCD actual está lejos de alcanzar la meta propuesta en la Directiva Marco de Residuos (DMR), la cual exige un objetivo global para el año 2020 en el que el 70% de todos los RCD generados deberán ser reciclados en los países de la UE. Pero, la realidad es que sólo el 50% de la RCD generados en la Unión Europea se recicla. Por este motivo, en los últimos años se ha producido una completa modificación del régimen jurídico aplicable a los RCD, incorporando importantes novedades a nuestro ordenamiento interno como son: la redacción de un Estudio de gestión de RCD (en fase de diseño) y un Plan de gestión de RCD (en fase de ejecución). Entre estas medidas destaca el poder conocer, con la antelación suficiente, la cantidad y el momento en que los RCD son generados, para así poder planificar la gestión más adecuada para cada categoría de RCD. Es por ello que el desarrollo de cualquier instrumento que determine la estimación de RCD así como iniciativas para su control debe ser considerado como una herramienta para dar respuestas reales en el campo de la sostenibilidad en la edificación. Por todo lo anterior, el principal objetivo de la Tesis Doctoral es mejorar la gestión actual de los RCD, a través de la elaboración e implementación en obra de un Sistema de gestión de RCD en fase de ejecución que podrá ser incluido en el Sistema de Gestión Ambiental de las empresas constructoras. Para ello, se ha identificado la actividad que más residuo genera, así como las diferentes categorías de RCD generadas durante su ejecución, a través del análisis de nueve obras de edificación de nueva planta. Posteriormente, se han determinado y evaluado, en función de su eficacia y viabilidad, veinte buenas prácticas encaminadas a reducir la generación de RCD. También, se han identificado y evaluado, en función de su coste económico, cinco alternativas de gestión para cada categoría de RCD generada. Por último, se ha desarrollado e implementado un Sistema de Gestión de RCD en una empresa de construcción real. En definitiva, el Sistema de Gestión de RCD propuesto contiene una herramienta de estimación de RCD y también proporciona una relación de buenas prácticas, según su viabilidad y eficacia, sobre los aspectos más significativos en cuanto a la gestión de RCD se refiere. El uso de este Sistema de gestión de RCD ayudará a los técnicos de la construcción en el desarrollo de los documentos "Estudio de gestión de RCD " y "Plan de gestión de RCD " - requeridos por ley -. Además, el Sistema promueve la gestión ambiental de la empresa, favoreciendo la cohesión del proceso constructivo, estableciendo responsabilidades en el ámbito de RCD y proporcionando un mayor control sobre el proceso. En conclusión, la implementación de un sistema de gestión de RCD en obra ayuda a conseguir una actividad de edificación, cuyo principal objetivo sea la generación de residuos cero. ABSTRACT Currently, in the building sector, the main construction companies are considering environmental issues, not being limited to the current legislation, and seeking the implementation of good practices. While this fact is a reality for large construction companies, still the vast majority of construction companies (small and medium enterprises) need to accept this trend. In this sense, official publications and statistics reveal that the construction sector remains with the lowest number of certified Environmental Management Systems (EMS) compared to other industrial sectors, mainly due to the peculiarities of its activity. Moreover, the construction industry in Spain generates large volumes of construction and demolition waste (CDW) achieving a low recycling rate compared to other European Union countries and to the target set for 2020. Despite the complete change in the legal regime for CDW in Spain, there are still several difficulties for their application at the construction works. Among these difficulties the following can be highlighted: onsite segregation, estimating CDW generation and managing different CDW categories. Despite these difficulties, the proper CDW management must be one of the main aspects considered by construction companies in the EMS. However, at present the EMS used in construction companies consider very superficially CDW management issues. Therefore, current EMS should go a step further and include not only procedures for managing CDW globally, but also specific procedures for each CDW category, taking into account best practices for prevention, minimization and proper CDW management in order to achieve building construction works with zero waste generation. The few scientific studies analysing EMS implementation in construction enterprises focus on studying the benefits and barriers of their implementation. Despite the drawbacks found, implementing an EMS would bring benefits such as improving the corporate image in relation to the environment, ensuring compliance with the law or reducing environmental risks. Also, the international scientific community has shown great interest in defining models to estimate in advance the CDW that will be generated during the building construction or rehabilitation works. These studies analyse the overall waste generation and its different CDW categories. However, despite the many studies found on CDW quantification, analysing its evolution throughout the construction activities is a factor that must be further studied and discussed in greater depth, as results would be of great significance when planning the CDW management. According to the scientific studies analysing the implementation of good environmental practices in construction sites, it seems that, in general, the CDW collection system is done in a decentralized manner by each subcontracted company. In addition, the corporate image generated when poor practices are done may adversely affect the company's reputation and can result in loss of contracts. Finally, although there are numerous guides and manuals of good practices for CDW management, no references have been found implementing these measures in the Environmental Management System of the construction companies. From all the above, this thesis aims to provide answers to reduce the environmental impact caused by CDW generation in building construction works, in order to get a building process with zero waste generation. In this sense, is essential to generate new knowledge in order to implement a system which can carry out comprehensive management of CDW generated onsite, at the design stage until the end of its life cycle, taking into account both technical and economic criteria. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to define and implement a CDW management system for residential building construction works, helping construction agents not only to manage the CDW in accordance with current legislation, but also minimizing their generation on site by applying best practices, resulting in achieving the goal of zero waste in building works.
El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es el desarrollo de un modelo integral de evaluación de la gestión para instituciones de educación superior (IES), fundamentado en valorar la gestión de diferentes subsistemas que la integran, así como estudiar el impacto en la planificación y gestión institucional. Este Modelo de Evaluación Institucional fue denominado Modelo Integral de Evaluación de Gestión de las IES (MIEGIES), que incorpora la gestión de la complejidad, los aspectos gerenciales, el compromiso o responsabilidad social, los recursos, además de los procesos propios universitarios con una visión integral de la gestión. Las bases conceptuales se establecen por una revisión del contexto mundial de la educación superior, pasando por un análisis sobre evaluación y calidad en entornos universitarios. La siguiente reflexión conceptual versó sobre la gestión de la complejidad, de la gestión gerencial, de la gestión de responsabilidad social universitaria, de la gestión de los recursos y de la gestión de los procesos, seguida por un aporte sobre modelaje y modelos. Para finalizar, se presenta un resumen teórico sobre el alcance de la aplicación de ecuaciones estructurales para la validación de modelos. El desarrollo del modelo conceptual, dimensiones e indicadores, fue efectuado aplicando los principios de la metodología de sistemas suaves –SSM. Para ello, se identifica la definición raíz (DR), la razón sistémica de ser del modelo, para posteriormente desarrollar sus componentes y principios conceptuales. El modelo quedó integrado por cinco subsistemas, denominados: de la Complejidad, de la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, Gerencial, de Procesos y de Recursos. Los subsistemas se consideran como dimensiones e indicadores para el análisis y son los agentes críticos para el funcionamiento de una IES. Los aspectos referidos a lo Epistemetodológico, comenzó por identificar el enfoque epistemológico que sustenta el abordaje metodológico escogido. A continuación se identifican los elementos clásicos que se siguieron para llevar a cabo la investigación: Alcance o profundidad, población y muestra, instrumentos de recolección de información y su validación, para finalizar con la explicación procedimental para validar el modelo MIEGIES. La población considerada para el estudio empírico de validación fueron 585 personas distribuidas entre alumnos, docentes, personal administrativo y directivos de una Universidad Pública Venezolana. La muestra calculada fue de 238 individuos, número considerado representativo de la población. La aplicación de los instrumentos diseñados y validados permitió la obtención de un conjunto de datos, a partir de los cuales se validó el modelo MIEGIES. La validación del Modelo MIGEIES parte de sugerencias conceptuales para el análisis de los datos. Para ello se identificaron las variables relevantes, que pueden ser constructos o conceptos, las variables latentes que no pueden ser medidas directamente, sino que requiere seleccionar los indicadores que mejor las representan. Se aplicó la estrategia de modelación confirmatoria de los Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM). Para ello se parte de un análisis descriptivo de los datos, estimando la fiabilidad. A continuación se aplica un análisis factorial exploratorio y un análisis factorial confirmatorio. Para el análisis de la significancia del modelo global y el impacto en la planificación y gestión, se consideran el análisis de coeficientes de regresión y la tabla de ANOVA asociada, la cual de manera global especifica que el modelo planteado permite explicar la relación entre las variables definidas para la evaluación de la gestión de las IES. Así mismo, se encontró que este resultado de manera global explica que en la evaluación institucional tiene mucha importancia la gestión de la calidad y las finanzas. Es de especial importancia destacar el papel que desarrolla la planificación estratégica como herramienta de gestión que permite apoyar la toma de decisiones de las organizaciones en torno al quehacer actual y al camino que deben recorrer en el futuro para adecuarse a los cambios y a las demandas que les impone el entorno. El contraste estadístico de los dos modelos ajustados, el teórico y el empírico, permitió a través de técnicas estadísticas multivariables, demostrar de manera satisfactoria, la validez y aplicación del modelo propuesto en las IES. Los resultados obtenidos permiten afirmar que se pueden estimar de manera significativa los constructos que definen la evaluación de las instituciones de educación superior mediante el modelo elaborado. En el capítulo correspondiente a Conclusiones, se presenta en una de las primeras instancias, la relación conceptual propuesta entre los procesos de evaluación de la gestión institucional y de los cinco subsistemas que la integran. Posteriormente se encuentra que los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales con base en la estrategia de modelación confirmatoria es una herramienta estadística adecuada en la validación del modelo teórico, que fue el procedimiento propuesto en el marco de la investigación. En cuanto al análisis del impacto del Modelo en la Planificación y la Gestión, se concluye que ésta es una herramienta útil para cerrar el círculo de evaluación institucional. La planificación y la evaluación institucional son procesos inherentes a la filosofía de gestión. Es por ello que se recomienda su práctica como de necesario cumplimiento en todas las instancias funcionales y operativas de las Instituciones de Educación Superior. ABSTRACT The purpose of this dissertation is the development of a comprehensive model of management evaluation for higher education institutions (HEIs), based on evaluating the management of different subsystems and study the impact on planning and institutional management. This model was named Institutional Assessment Comprehensive Evaluation Model for the Management of HEI (in Spanish, MIEGIES). The model incorporates the management of complexity, management issues, commitment and social responsibility and resources in addition to the university's own processes with a comprehensive view of management. The conceptual bases are established by a review of the global context of higher education, through analysis and quality assessment in university environments. The following conceptual discussions covered the management of complexity, management practice, management of university social responsibility, resources and processes, followed by a contribution of modeling and models. Finally, a theoretical overview of the scope of application of structural equation model (SEM) validation is presented. The development of the conceptual model, dimensions and indicators was carried out applying the principles of soft systems methodology (SSM). For this, the root definition (RD), the systemic rationale of the model, to further develop their components and conceptual principles are identified. The model was composed of five subsystems, called: Complexity, University Social Responsibility, Management, Process and Resources. The subsystems are considered as dimensions and measures for analysis and are critical agents for the functioning of HEIs. In matters relating to epistemology and methodology we began to identify the approach that underpins the research: Scope, population and sample and data collection instruments. The classic elements that were followed to conduct research are identified. It ends with the procedural explanation to validate the MIEGIES model. The population considered for the empirical validation study was composed of 585 people distributed among students, faculty, staff and authorities of a public Venezuelan university. The calculated sample was 238 individuals, number considered representative of the population. The application of designed and validated instruments allowed obtaining a data set, from which the MIEGIES model was validated. The MIGEIES Model validation is initiated by the theoretical analysis of concepts. For this purpose the relevant variables that can be concepts or constructs were identified. The latent variables cannot be measured directly, but require selecting indicators that best represent them. Confirmatory modeling strategy of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was applied. To do this, we start from a descriptive analysis of the data, estimating reliability. An exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis were applied. To analyze the significance of the overall models the analysis of regression coefficients and the associated ANOVA table are considered. This comprehensively specifies that the proposed model can explain the relationship between the variables defined for evaluating the management of HEIs. It was also found that this result comprehensively explains that for institutional evaluation quality management and finance are very important. It is especially relevant to emphasize the role developed by strategic planning as a management tool that supports the decision making of organizations around their usual activities and the way they should evolve in the future in order to adapt to changes and demands imposed by the environment. The statistical test of the two fitted models, the theoretical and the empirical, enabled through multivariate statistical techniques to demonstrate satisfactorily the validity and application of the proposed model for HEIs. The results confirm that the constructs that define the evaluation of HEIs in the developed model can be estimated. In the Conclusions section the conceptual relationship between the processes of management evaluation and the five subsystems that comprise it are shown. Subsequently, it is indicated that structural equation models based on confirmatory modeling strategy is a suitable statistical tool in validating the theoretical model, which was proposed in the framework of the research procedure. The impact of the model in Planning and Management indicates that this is a useful tool to complete the institutional assessment. Planning and institutional assessment processes are inherent in management philosophy. That is why its practice is recommended as necessary compliance in all functional and operational units of HEIs.
En un contexto de rápido crecimiento de la población urbana y de cambio climático global, la consecución de un modelo de desarrollo sostenible pasa inevitablemente por construir ciudades más sostenibles. Basado en una intensiva impermeabilización de los suelos, el modelo actual de desarrollo urbano modifica profundamente el ciclo natural del agua en las ciudades. La drástica reducción de la capacidad de infiltración del terreno hace que gran parte de la precipitación se transforme en escorrentía superficial, que se concentra rápidamente originando grandes caudales punta. Además, el lavado de las superficies urbanas aporta altas cargas de contaminación a la escorrentía que producen importantes impactos en los medios receptores. Esta realidad motiva la realización de la presente tesis doctoral cuyo objetivo general es contribuir a la consecución de ciudades sostenibles a través de la gestión integral de las aguas de lluvia en los entornos urbanos. Con el objetivo prioritario de minimizar los riesgos de inundación, el enfoque convencional del drenaje urbano desarrolló las primeras soluciones en relación a los caudales punta, centralizando su gestión en el sistema de saneamiento e incorporando la escorrentía al mismo tan rápido como fuera posible. Pero en episodios de lluvias intensas la sobrecarga tanto hidráulica como de contaminación del sistema provoca un incremento de la vulnerabilidad de la población a las inundaciones, una falta de garantía de salud pública y graves impactos sobre los medios receptores. La aprobación en 1987 del CleanWaterAct en Estados Unidos, en el que se reconoció por primera vez el problema de la contaminación aportada por la escorrentía urbana, fue el punto de partida de un nuevo enfoque que promueve un conjunto de técnicas de drenaje que integran aspectos como cantidad de agua, calidad de agua y servicio a la sociedad. Estas técnicas, conocidas como Sistemas de Drenaje Sostenible (SUDS), son consideradas como las técnicas más apropiadas para gestionar los riesgos resultantes de la escorrentía urbana así como para contribuir a la mejora medioambiental de la cuenca y de los ecosistemas receptores. La experiencia internacional apunta a que la efectiva incorporación de los SUDS como sistemas habituales en el desarrollo urbano debe basarse en tres elementos clave: El desarrollo de un marco normativo, la aplicación de instrumentos económicos y la participación ciudadana activa en el proceso. Además se identifica como una de las líneas estratégicas para avanzar en la resolución de la problemática el desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías que apoyen el proceso de toma de decisiones basadas en indicadores cuantificables. Convergiendo con esta línea estratégica la presente tesis doctoral define unos indicadores de sostenibilidad focalizados en una temática no desarrollada hasta el momento, la gestión integral de las aguas de lluvia. Para ello, se aplica el marco analítico Presión-Estado–Respuesta bajo un enfoque que rebasa el sistema de saneamiento, enmarcando la gestión de las aguas de lluvia en las múltiples y complejas interrelaciones del sistema urbano. Así se determinan indicadores de presión, de estado y de respuesta para cada elemento del sistema urbano (Medio Receptor – Cuenca Urbana – Sistema de Saneamiento), definiendo para cada indicador el objetivo específico, la unidad de medición, la tendencia deseada de evolución y la periodicidad de seguimiento recomendada. La validez de la metodología propuesta se comprueba en el estudio de caso de la ciudad de Zaragoza. La determinación de los indicadores permite realizar un diagnóstico y definir unas líneas estratégicas de actuación que contemplan mejoras no sólo en el sistema de saneamiento y drenaje urbano, sino también en el marco normativo, urbanístico, económico, social y ambiental. Finalmente, se concluye que la integración de la gestión de las aguas de lluvia en las políticas de ordenación del territorio, el desarrollo de mecanismos de coordinación institucional, la mejora del marco normativo y la aplicación de instrumentos económicos son elementos clave para la gestión integral de las aguas de lluvia y el consecuente desarrollo de ciudades más sostenibles en España. In a context of rapid urbanization and global climate change, coping with sustainable development challenges requires the development of sustainable cities. Based on an intensive soil permeability reduction, the current development model deeply modifies the natural water cycle in the urban environment. Reduction of soil infiltration capacity turns most of the rainwater into surface runoff, rapidly leading to heavy peak flows which are highly contaminated due to the flushing of the urban surface. This is the central motivation for this thesis, which aspires to contribute to the attainment of more sustainable cities through an integrated management of rainwater in urban environments. With the main objective of minimizing floods, the conventional approach of drainage systems focused on peak flows, centralizing their management on the sewage system and incorporating flows as fast as possible. But during heavy rains the hydraulic and contamination overcharge of the sewage system leads to an increase in the vulnerability of the population, in regards to floods and lack of public health, as well as to severe impacts in receiving waters. In 1987, the United States’Clean Water Act Declaration, which firstly recognized the problem of runoff contamination, was the starting point of a new approach that promotes a set of techniques known as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS)that integrates issues such as quantity of water, quality of water and service to society. SUDS are considered the most suitable set of techniques to manage the risks resulting from urban runoff, as well as to contribute to the environmental enhancement of urban basins and of the aquatic ecosystems. International experience points out that the effective adoption of SUDS as usual systems in urban development must be based on three key elements: The enhancement of the legal frame, the application of economic tools and the active public participation throughout the process. Additionally, one of the strategic actions to advance in the resolution of the problem is the development and application of methodologies based in measurable indicators that support the decision making process. In that line, this thesis defines a set of sustainability indicators focused in integrated management of rainwater. To that end, the present document applies the analytical frame Pressure – State – Response under an approach that goes beyond the sewage system and considers the multiple and complex interrelations within urban systems. Thus, for the three basic elements that interact in the issue (Receiving Water Bodies – Urban Basin – Sewage System) a set of Pressure – State – Response indicators are proposed, and the specific aim, the measurement unit, the desired evolution trend and the regularity of monitoring are defined for each of the indicators. The application of the proposed indicators to the case study of the city of Zaragoza acknowledged their suitability for the definition of lines of action that encompass not only the enhancement of the performance of sewage and drainage systems during rain events, but also the legal, urban, economic, social and environmental framework. Finally, this thesis concludes that the inclusion of urban rainwater management issues in the definition of regional planning policies, the development of mechanisms to attain an effective institutional coordination, the enhancement of the legal framework and the application of economic tools are key elements in order to achieve an integrated rainwater management and the subsequent sustainability of urban development in Spain.
La sequía afecta a todos los sectores de la sociedad y se espera que su frecuencia e intensidad aumente debido al cambio climático. Su gestión plantea importantes retos en el futuro. El enfoque de riesgo, que promueve una respuesta proactiva, se identifica como un marco de gestión apropiado que se está empezando a consolidar a nivel internacional. Sin embargo, es necesario contar con estudios sobre las características de la gestión de la sequía bajo este enfoque y sus implicaciones en la práctica. En esta tesis se evalúan diversos elementos que son relevantes para la gestión de la sequía, desde diferentes perspectivas, con especial énfasis en el componente social de la sequía. Para esta investigación se han desarrollado cinco estudios: (1) un análisis de las leyes de emergencia aprobadas durante la sequía 2005-2008 en España; (2) un estudio sobre la percepción de la sequía de los agricultores a nivel local; (3) una evaluación de las características y enfoque de gestión en seis casos de estudio a nivel europeo; (4) un análisis sistemático de los estudios de cuantificación de la vulnerabilidad a la sequía a nivel global; y (5) un análisis de los impactos de la sequía a partir en una base de datos europea. Los estudios muestran la importancia de la capacidad institucional como un factor que promueve y facilita la adopción del enfoque de riesgo. Al mismo tiempo, la falta de estudios de vulnerabilidad, el escaso conocimiento de los impactos y una escasa cultura de la evaluación post-sequía destacan como importantes limitantes para aprovechar el conocimiento que se genera en la gestión de un evento. A través del estudio de las leyes de sequía se evidencia la existencia de incoherencias entre cómo se define el problema de la sequía y las soluciones que se plantean, así como el uso de un discurso de securitización para perseguir objetivos más allá de la gestión de la sequía. El estudio de percepción permite identificar la existencia de diferentes problemas y percepciones de la sequía y muestra cómo los regantes utilizan principalmente los impactos para identificar y caracterizar la severidad de un evento, lo cual difiere de las definiciones predominantes a otros niveles de gestión. Esto evidencia la importancia de considerar la diversidad de definiciones y percepciones en la gestión, para realizar una gestión más ajustada a las necesidades de los diferentes sectores y colectivos. El análisis de la gestión de la sequía en seis casos de estudio a nivel europeo ha permitido identificar diferentes niveles de adopción del enfoque de riesgo en la práctica. El marco de análisis establecido, que se basa en seis dimensiones de análisis y 21 criterios, ha resultado ser una herramienta útil para diagnosticar los elementos que funcionan y los que es necesario mejorar en relación a la gestión del riesgo a la sequía. El análisis sistemático de los estudios de vulnerabilidad ha evidenciado la heterogeneidad en los marcos conceptuales utilizados así como debilidades en los factores de vulnerabilidad que se suelen incluir, en muchos casos derivada de la falta de datos. El trabajo sistemático de recolección de información sobre impactos de la sequía ha evidenciado la escasez de información sobre el tema a nivel europeo y la importancia de la gestión de la información. La base de datos de impactos desarrollada tiene un gran potencial como herramienta exploratoria y orientativa del tipo de impactos que produce la sequía en cada región, pero todavía presenta algunos retos respecto a su contenido, proceso de gestión y utilidad práctica. Existen importantes limitaciones vinculadas con el acceso y la disponibilidad de información y datos relevantes vinculados con la gestión de la sequía y todos sus componentes. La participación, los niveles de gestión, la perspectiva sectorial y las relaciones entre los componentes de gestión del riesgo considerados constituyen aspectos críticos que es necesario mejorar en el futuro. Así, los cinco artículos en su conjunto presentan ejemplos concretos que ayudan a conocer mejor la gestión de la sequía y que pueden resultar de utilidad para políticos, gestores y usuarios. ABSTRACT Drought affects all sectors and their frequency and intensity is expected to increase due to climate change. Drought management poses significant challenges in the future. Undertaking a drought risk management approach promotes a proactive response, and it is starting to consolidate internationally. However, it is still necessary to conduct studies on the characteristics of drought risk management and its practical implications. This thesis provides an evaluation of various relevant aspects of drought management from different perspectives and with special emphasis on the social component of droughts. For the purpose of this research a number of five studies have been carried out: (1) analysis of the emergency laws adopted during the 2005-2008 drought in Spain; (2) study of farmers perception of drought at a local level; (3) assessment of the characteristics and drought management issues in six case studies across Europe; (4) systematic analysis of drought vulnerability assessments; and (5) analysis of drought impacts from an European impacts text-based database. The results show the importance of institutional capacity as a factor that promotes and facilitates the adoption of a risk approach. In contrast, the following issues are identified as the main obstacles to take advantage of the lessons learnt: (1) lack of vulnerability studies, (2) limited knowledge about the impact and (3) limited availability of post-drought assessments Drought emergency laws evidence the existence of inconsistencies between drought problem definition and the measures proposed as solutions. Moreover, the securitization of the discourse pursue goals beyond management drought. The perception of drought by farmers helps to identify the existence of several definitions of drought. It also highlights the importance of impacts in defining and characterizing the severity of an event. However, this definition differs from the one used at other institutional and management level. As a conclusion, this remarks the importance of considering the diversity of definitions and perceptions to better tailor drought management to the needs of different sectors and stakeholders. The analysis of drought management in six case studies across Europe show different levels of risk adoption approach in practice. The analytical framework proposed is based on six dimensions and 21 criteria. This method has proven to be a useful tool in diagnosing the elements that work and those that need to be improved in relation to drought risk management. The systematic analysis of vulnerability assessment studies demonstrates the heterogeneity of the conceptual frameworks used. Driven by the lack of relevant data, the studies point out significant weaknesses of the vulnerabilities factors that are typically included The heterogeneity of the impact data collected at European level to build the European Drought Impact Reports Database (EDII) highlights the importance of information management. The database has great potential as exploratory tool and provides indicative useful information of the type of impacts that occurred in a particular region. However, it still presents some challenges regarding their content, the process of data collection and management and its usefulness. There are significant limitations associated with the access and availability of relevant information and data related to drought management and its components. The following improvement areas on critical aspects have been identified for the near future: participation, levels of drought management, sectorial perspective and in-depth assessment of the relationships between the components of drought risk management The five articles presented in this dissertation provides concrete examples of drought management evaluation that help to better understand drought management from a risk-based perspective which can be useful for policy makers, managers and users.
Nas Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) industriais em que o seu produto é essencialmente metal mecânico e o desenvolvimento de produtos é estratégico, surgem questões sobre quais são as metodologias mais adequadas para as diferentes fases de projeto de produto e como implantá-las em um modelo de Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produto (PDP) adequado às necessidades dessas empresas, de modo a aumentar a probabilidade de sucesso do produto. O presente trabalho propõe um modelo de referência do PDP aplicado a PMEs industriais do setor metal mecânico que desenvolvem móveis hospitalares. O modelo é baseado em propostas de PDP da grande área mecânica, especificidades do produto, a saber, móveis hospitalares e dispositivos médicos e em fatores da realidade das PMEs. O trabalho divide-se nas seguintes fases principais: revisão bibliográfica sobre propostas de modelos de gestão do PDP da grande área mecânica e do setor específico de móveis e dispositivos médicos, revisão de normas e regulamentações que tenham influência no PDP, realização de estudos de casos múltiplos de PMEs industriais metal mecânicas que desenvolvem móveis hospitalares, no Brasil e na Colômbia e, por último, síntese de uma proposta final do modelo de referência de PDP, específico para as PMEs industriais do setor metal mecânico que desenvolvem móveis hospitalares, aplicado à realidade do Brasil e da Colômbia.
Successful, long-term implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) requires the integration of key technical and management activities and the participation of a wide range of stakeholders including farmers, researchers, extension officers, crop consultants, government agencies, and industry. A key issue that needs urgent attention is how to achieve the high quality interaction between these different groups which is necessary for sustained IPM. Problem specification and planning workshops (PSPWs) provide one means of facilitating an integrated strategy for tackling complex pest management issues. Since 1992, the Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Pest Management has facilitated over 20 PSPWs, focusing on different farming systems in Australia. This paper describes the philosophy, the process involved, and the impact that these PSPWs have had. It examines three specific cases to describe the relationship between plans and results and ways of improving impact. The results reinforce the major role that social scientists can play in providing mechanisms for collaborating with technical researchers and other partners to facilitate effective, participatory ventures in IPM.
O crescimento desordenado e a ausência de políticas públicas mais eficientes levaram a uma diversificação quanto ao uso dos recursos naturais, principalmente no que se refere à água para o saneamento básico. O marco regulatório estabelecido na década de 1980 registrou as políticas públicas para o meio ambiente, que trouxeram avanços sobre o tema, desencadeando uma série de ações voltadas tanto para a estrutura burocrática e da prevenção, quanto solução para os problemas de degradação e esgotamento dos recursos naturais. Com o advento das leis específicas de proteção aos mananciais e mediante a lei 13.579/09 do Estado de São Paulo que trata sobre a área da Billings, percebeu-se um avanço na questão do gerenciamento para proteção e desenvolvimento de acordo com as características da região. Instrumentos de políticas públicas para conter as ações referentes aos danos causados ao meio ambiente, como a lei contra crimes ambientais foram às ações práticas do Estado para conter tais ações. O Objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as possíveis discrepâncias entre as penalidades financeiras aplicadas na ocorrência das infrações ambientais e os modelos de valoração dos ativos ambientais, utilizando a simulação de implantação de um hotel em áreas de proteção e recuperação de manancial no Município de São Bernardo do Campo no Estado de São Paulo. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa se baseou no método de custo de reposição (MCR) para dimensionar os possíveis impactos gerados por um empreendimento hoteleiro e seu respectivo valor econômico. Posteriormente, os impactos ambientais foram relacionados com a legislação do município para determinar os valores das possíveis penalidades aplicáveis ao dano causado. Dentre os resultados levantados, verificou-se uma significativa discrepância entre a valoração econômica e as multas aplicáveis, sendo que nos impactos referentes a impermeabilidade do solo e contaminação do lençol freático, com diferenças superiores em relação às penalidades de R$ 804.922,78 e R$ 453.333,33 respectivamente. A partir da metodologia aplicada na pesquisa, observou-se que as penalidades incidentes em casos de danos ao meio ambiente, muitas vezes não atinge o objetivo, que é inibir a ação do infrator, pois o real custo econômico não é medido na aplicação do valor da multa.
This chapter begins by reviewing the history of software engineering as a profession, especially the so-called software crisis and responses to it, to help focus on what it is that software engineers do. This leads into a discussion of the areas in software engineering that are problematic as a basis for considering knowledge management issues. Some of the previous work on knowledge management in software engineering is then examined, much of it not actually going under a knowledge management title, but rather “learning” or “expertise”. The chapter goes on to consider the potential for knowledge management in software engineering and the different types of knowledge management solutions and strategies that might be adopted, and it touches on the crucial importance of cultural issues. It concludes with a list of challenges that knowledge management in software engineering needs to address.
This special issue of the Journal of the Operational Research Society is dedicated to papers on the related subjects of knowledge management and intellectual capital. These subjects continue to generate considerable interest amongst both practitioners and academics. This issue demonstrates that operational researchers have many contributions to offer to the area, especially by bringing multi-disciplinary, integrated and holistic perspectives. The papers included are both theoretical as well as practical, and include a number of case studies showing how knowledge management has been implemented in practice that may assist other organisations in their search for a better means of managing what is now recognised as a core organisational activity. It has been accepted by a growing number of organisations that the precise handling of information and knowledge is a significant factor in facilitating their success but that there is a challenge in how to implement a strategy and processes for this handling. It is here, in the particular area of knowledge process handling that we can see the contributions of operational researchers most clearly as is illustrated in the papers included in this journal edition. The issue comprises nine papers, contributed by authors based in eight different countries on five continents. Lind and Seigerroth describe an approach that they call team-based reconstruction, intended to help articulate knowledge in a particular organisational. context. They illustrate the use of this approach with three case studies, two in manufacturing and one in public sector health care. Different ways of carrying out reconstruction are analysed, and the benefits of team-based reconstruction are established. Edwards and Kidd, and Connell, Powell and Klein both concentrate on knowledge transfer. Edwards and Kidd discuss the issues involved in transferring knowledge across frontières (borders) of various kinds, from those borders within organisations to those between countries. They present two examples, one in distribution and the other in manufacturing. They conclude that trust and culture both play an important part in facilitating such transfers, that IT should be kept in a supporting role in knowledge management projects, and that a staged approach to this IT support may be the most effective. Connell, Powell and Klein consider the oft-quoted distinction between explicit and tacit knowledge, and argue that such a distinction is sometimes unhelpful. They suggest that knowledge should rather be regarded as a holistic systemic property. The consequences of this for knowledge transfer are examined, with a particular emphasis on what this might mean for the practice of OR Their view of OR in the context of knowledge management very much echoes Lind and Seigerroth's focus on knowledge for human action. This is an interesting convergence of views given that, broadly speaking, one set of authors comes from within the OR community, and the other from outside it. Hafeez and Abdelmeguid present the nearest to a 'hard' OR contribution of the papers in this special issue. In their paper they construct and use system dynamics models to investigate alternative ways in which an organisation might close a knowledge gap or skills gap. The methods they use have the potential to be generalised to any other quantifiable aspects of intellectual capital. The contribution by Revilla, Sarkis and Modrego is also at the 'hard' end of the spectrum. They evaluate the performance of public–private research collaborations in Spain, using an approach based on data envelopment analysis. They found that larger organisations tended to perform relatively better than smaller ones, even though the approach used takes into account scale effects. Perhaps more interesting was that many factors that might have been thought relevant, such as the organisation's existing knowledge base or how widely applicable the results of the project would be, had no significant effect on the performance. It may be that how well the partnership between the collaborators works (not a factor it was possible to take into account in this study) is more important than most other factors. Mak and Ramaprasad introduce the concept of a knowledge supply network. This builds on existing ideas of supply chain management, but also integrates the design chain and the marketing chain, to address all the intellectual property connected with the network as a whole. The authors regard the knowledge supply network as the natural focus for considering knowledge management issues. They propose seven criteria for evaluating knowledge supply network architecture, and illustrate their argument with an example from the electronics industry—integrated circuit design and fabrication. In the paper by Hasan and Crawford, their interest lies in the holistic approach to knowledge management. They demonstrate their argument—that there is no simple IT solution for organisational knowledge management efforts—through two case study investigations. These case studies, in Australian universities, are investigated through cultural historical activity theory, which focuses the study on the activities that are carried out by people in support of their interpretations of their role, the opportunities available and the organisation's purpose. Human activities, it is argued, are mediated by the available tools, including IT and IS and in this particular context, KMS. It is this argument that places the available technology into the knowledge activity process and permits the future design of KMS to be improved through the lessons learnt by studying these knowledge activity systems in practice. Wijnhoven concentrates on knowledge management at the operational level of the organisation. He is concerned with studying the transformation of certain inputs to outputs—the operations function—and the consequent realisation of organisational goals via the management of these operations. He argues that the inputs and outputs of this process in the context of knowledge management are different types of knowledge and names the operation method the knowledge logistics. The method of transformation he calls learning. This theoretical paper discusses the operational management of four types of knowledge objects—explicit understanding; information; skills; and norms and values; and shows how through the proposed framework learning can transfer these objects to clients in a logistical process without a major transformation in content. Millie Kwan continues this theme with a paper about process-oriented knowledge management. In her case study she discusses an implementation of knowledge management where the knowledge is centred around an organisational process and the mission, rationale and objectives of the process define the scope of the project. In her case they are concerned with the effective use of real estate (property and buildings) within a Fortune 100 company. In order to manage the knowledge about this property and the process by which the best 'deal' for internal customers and the overall company was reached, a KMS was devised. She argues that process knowledge is a source of core competence and thus needs to be strategically managed. Finally, you may also wish to read a related paper originally submitted for this Special Issue, 'Customer knowledge management' by Garcia-Murillo and Annabi, which was published in the August 2002 issue of the Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53(8), 875–884.
Purpose - External knowledge is generally believed to be of prime importance to small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, a review of the literature shows that no empirical research has looked at knowledge management issues at the inter-organizational level in SMEs. This paper seeks to report on an empirical investigation with UK SMEs in the service sector to identify their needs and practices regarding inter-organizational knowledge transfer, and thus provide empirical evidence to support the above belief. Design/methodology/approach - A two-tier methodology (i.e. using both questionnaire survey and interview approaches) is deployed to address the main research objectives. A questionnaire survey of SMEs is carried out to investigate their current inter-organizational knowledge transfer situation and managers' perception on various relevant issues. Then 12 face-to-face interviews with SME managers are conducted to further validate key findings drawn from the questionnaire survey. Findings - The empirical evidence collected from the survey and interviews confirms the general belief that external knowledge is of prime importance for SMEs, and demonstrates that SMEs have very strong needs for external knowledge and inter-organizational knowledge transfer. Research limitations/implications - The findings provide very strong underpinning for further theoretical research on inter-organizational knowledge transfer in SMEs. However, this study has certain limitations: its results may not be applicable to other industrial sectors or the same sector in other countries; or to micro or large companies; nor does it involve cross-cultural issues. Originality/value - By adopting a two-tier research methodology, this study provides more reliable understanding and knowledge on SMEs' inter-organizational knowledge transfer needs and practices, and fills the gap that exists in the empirical investigations on the subject. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.