Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Existe uma diversidade de espécies de Leishmania prevalentes na região Amazônica associadas à LTA configurando a etiologia múltipla da doença e, apesar do conhecimento da elevada ocorrência desta protozoose na Mesorregião do Baixo Amazonas, à oeste do Estado do Pará, quase nada era sabido sobre os agentes etiológicos da doença na referida área. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho propôs-se a caracterizar por eletroforese de isoenzimas as amostras de Leishmania isoladas de pacientes procedentes da Mesorregião do baixo Amazonas, verificando a existência da correlação geográfica das espécies encontradas com a sua distribuição regional previamente conhecida, e ainda, verificando a presença de variação intraespecífica. A caracterização das 43 amostras de Leishmania foi feita por eletroforese em gel de amido utilizando sete sistemas enzimáticos (6PGDH, PGM, G6PD, MPI, GPI, ASAT E ALAT), comparando seus perfis eletroforéticos com os perfis das sete cepas-referência das espécies conhecidas da região. As amostras foram testadas previamente por imunofluorescência indireta com o uso de um painel com 23 anticorpos monoclonais (sistema biotina-avidina) apenas como uma triagem. A caracterização isoenzimática das amostras permitiu o seguinte resultado: 11 (25,28%) amostras de L. (V) braziliensis, 20 (46,50%) de L.(V) guyanensis, 2 (4,60%) de L.(L.) amazonensis, 4 (9,30%) de L.(V) shawi e 6 (13,95%) de L.(V) lainsoni. A eletroforese isoenzimática apresentou elevado poder discriminatório para a identificação das amostras estudadas, permitindo concluir que esta técnica representa uma importante ferramenta para a caracterização dos parasitos do gênero Leishmania. Nas cepas de L. (V) braziliensis observou-se pela primeira vez na Mesorregião do Baixo Amazonas a ocorrência de variação intraespecífica revelada pela presença de três serodemas. Nas cepas de L. (V) guyanensis observou-se a presença de duas variantes, uma que apresentou reatividade com o monoclonal B 19 (espécie-específico), porém com variação nas enzimas 6PGDH e PGM, e a Segunda, sem reatividade para este monoclonal e com perfis eletroforéticos semelhantes ao da cepa-referência L. (V) guyanensis especialmente nas enzimas 6PGDH, porém com tribandas, e na PGM, consideradas os melhores marcadores enzimáticos pelo seu elevado poder discriminatório. Dessa forma, descreveu-se pela primeira vez a ocorrência de diferentes espécies de Leishmania dermotrópicas na Mesorregião do Baixo Amazonas, as quais já tem registro na região norte do Brasil, sugerindo a transmissão simpátrica das espécies encontradas na referida área estudada.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium Spence Bate, 1868 are widely distributed in rivers of tropical and subtropical regions and represent an interesting group with controversial taxonomy. The morphological characters traditionally used to separate species have shown a high intraspecific variation. Doubts about the status of M. birai Lobao, Melo & Fernandes, 1986, M. holthuisi Genofre & Lobao, 1978 and M. petronioi Melo, Lobao & Fernandes, 1986 have been arisen due to the high resemblance of the former two species with M. olfersi (Wiegmann, 1836), and the latter one with M. potiuna (Muller, 1880). Therefore, we performed a detailed morphological analysis of these species, including new characters not usually used in the species recognition. The present results here with molecular data lead us to conclude that M. birai and M. holthuisi are junior synonyms of M. olfersi, and M. petronioi is a junior synonym of M. potiuna. Considering these synonymies, 17 valid species are now reported for the Brazilian territory.
The immatures of males of two species of Camponotus ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are described and compared by light and electron microscopy. The numbers of larval instars were determined: Camponotus rufipes Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) have four instars; and Camponotus vittatus Forel have three. Male larvae of the two species are similar to previously described Camponotus larvae, sharing the following traits: basic shape of body and mandible, presence of 'chiloscleres', 'praesaepium' (some specimens), labial pseudopalps, and ten pairs of spiracles. However, larvae of the two species can be separated by bodily dimensions and based on their hair number and types. Worker larvae of C. vittatus previously described are extensively similar to male larvae, with only a few inconspicuous differences that may result from intraspecific variation or sexual differences.
The Yellow-spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, 1848) and the South American River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger, 1812)) are two turtles species that are widely distributed and have ecological, economic, and cultural importance in the Amazon basin. Although sympatric regarding most of their distribution, few studies have addressed the coexistence of these two species. To examine this, we analyzed the trophic level and the primary carbon source from the diets of both species in Baixo Araguaia, Tocantins, Brazil, using stable isotope analyses of carbon (delta C-13) and nitrogen (delta N-15). We also verified possible intraspecific variations (related to sex and body mass) in the trophic levels and primary carbon sources of their diets. Podocnemis unifilis had higher values of delta N-15 than P. expansa, averaging 7.59 parts per thousand and 5.06 parts per thousand, respectively, a difference which may indicate a possible trophic change owing to exploiting different food resources. No differences were found between the two species in relation to delta C-13 (mean values of -26.2 parts per thousand and -26.1 parts per thousand, respectively). The similarity between delta C-13 values suggests that the sources of their basal feeding are the same, consisting mainly of C-3 plants. There was no intraspecific variation in the values of delta C-13 and delta N-15.
In the marine Jurassic deposits of Europe, a group of marine crocodilians, the Thalattosuchia, belongs to the frequently found reptiles. Thalattosuchia are widely spread in Central Europe from the Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous, and some taxa are also distributed worldwide. The task of the work was to examine all taxa known from the Liassic of Europe. The most frequently known taxa Steneosaurus bollensis and Pelagosaurus typus are anatomically revised. New discoveries at the skull of Pelagosaurus typus e.g., the fact of a partly paired frontal are described by means of computed tomography investigations. In addition, juvenile specimens of this taxon are studied in detail for the first time. The rarely occurring taxon Platysuchus multiscrobiculatus is anatomically described in detail for the first time. It shows both in the skull and in the postcranial material morphological differences to Steneosaurus bollensis and Pelagosaurus typus. Thus Pl. multiscrobiculatus possesses, e.g., an ilium with a deeper acetabulum and a femur with a distinctly flexed femoral head. A juvenile specimen of Pl. multiscrobiculatus is now discovered and is described in parts for the first time, too. Furthermore, Steneosaurus gracilirostris and Steneosaurus brevior known from Lower Jurassic deposits of England are examined and in parts revised. In this work, Steneosaurs brevior is discovered with one specimen from the Upper Liassic of Holzmaden, Germany for the first time, and provides new evidence for the palaeobiogeographical distribution of the taxon. Because of the high number of investigated specimens, it is possible to study ontogenetic development from juvenile to adult stage in Steneosaurus bollensis, Pelagosaurus typus, and Platysuchus multiscrobiculatus. Biometric data are collected from thalattosuchians and extant crocodilians (e.g. Gavialis gangeticus) to investigate intraspecific variation, ontogenetic development, and taxa differentiation. The skulls of Platysuchus multiscrobiculatus and Steneosaurus bollensis are reconstructed three-dimensionally as wax models. The skull reconstructions form the basis of the jaw muscle restoration of Steneosaurus bollensis in connection with comparative studies at extant crocodilians. By means of functional morphologic analysis of the jaw musculature, the dentition, and the locomotor system of S. bollensis, possible conclusions are drawn for the prey options and the hunting behaviour. To clarify the relationships within the Thalattosuchia, a computer-based cladistic phylogenetic in-group analyse of 25 Thalattosuchia taxa is performed. For the analysis, following Thalattosuchia taxa are studied likewise at original material for comparisons: Metriorhynchus superciliosus, Metriorhynchus hastifer, Metriorhynchus leedsi, Geosaurus gracilis, Geosaurus giganteus, Teleidosaurus calvadosi, Teleidosaurus gaudryi, Teleosaurus cadomensis, Teleosaurus geoffroyi, Steneosaurus priscus, Steneosaurus edwardsi, Steneosaurus heberti, Steneosaurus leedsi, Steneosaurus boutilieri, Steneosaurus megarhinus, Steneosaurus obtusidens, and Machimosaurus hugii. The phylogenetic in-group analyse based on 115 characters, reveals a sister-group relationship of the monophyletic Teleosauridae and monophyletic Metriorhynchidae. Within the groups, some taxa are probably paraphyletic. The taxon Pelagosaurus typus is nested inside the Teleosauridae and not outside or within the Metriorhynchidae, as many authors suggested it so far. Based on these results, a tentative palaeobiogeographical-evolutionary scenario is developed.