999 resultados para INTERNAL ALKYNES


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Internal communication is a central process by which employees exchange information, build relationships and share organisational values. Fundamental to this process is the psychological contract. However, there is limited understanding of how internal communication influences psychological contract. The study contributes to theory by demonstrating that the dimensions of internal communication independently influence internal stakeholders' psychological contract beliefs. For managers, the findings can be used as a framework to improve internal communication processes and strategies.


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In this paper, we detail the development of two stakeholder relationships scales. The scales measure major project managers' perceived competence in developing (establishing and maintaining) high quality, effective relationships with stakeholders who are internal and external to their organization. Our sample consists of 373 major project managers from a sub-set of the Australian defense industry. Both the internal stakeholder relationships scale and the external stakeholder relationships scale demonstrated validity and reliability. This research has implications for the interpersonal work relationships literature and the stakeholder management literature. We recommend that researchers test these scales with multiple samples, across different project types and project industries in the future. The stakeholder relationship scales should be versatile enough to be applied to project management generally but are perhaps best suited to major project environments.


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In this paper we explore how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) engage in external knowledge sourcing, a form of inbound open innovation. We draw upon a sample of 1,411 SMEs and empirically conceptualize a typology of strategic types of external knowledge sourcing, namely minimal, supply-chain, technology-oriented, application-oriented, and full-scope sourcing. Each strategy reflects the nature of external interactions and is linked to a distinct mixture of four internal practices for managing innovation. Both full-scope and application-oriented sourcing offer performance benefits and are associated with a stronger focus on managing innovation. However, they differ in their managerial focus on strategic and operational aspects.


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In this paper, we report on the growth and characterization of quantum dot−quantum well nanostructures with photoluminescence (PL) that is tunable over the visible range. The material exhibits a PL efficiency as high as 60% and is prepared by reacting ZnS nanocrystals in turn with precursors for CdSe and ZnS in an attempt to form a simple “ZnS/CdSe/ZnS quantum-well structure”. Through the use of synchrotron radiation-based photoelectron spectroscopy in conjunction with detailed overall compositional analysis and correlation with the size of the final composite nanostructure, the internal structure of the composite nanocrystals is shown to consist of a graded alloy core whose composition gradually changes from ZnS at the very center to CdSe at the onset of a CdSe layer. The outer shell is ZnS with a sharp interface, probably reflecting the relative thermodynamic stabilities of the parent binary phases. These contrasting aspects of the internal structure are discussed in terms of the various reactivities and are shown to be crucial for understanding the optical properties of such complex heterostructured nanomaterials.


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From the proton NMR spectra of Nfl-dimethyluracil oriented in two different nematic solvents, the internal rotation of the methyl groups about the N-C bonds is studied. It has been observed that the preferred conformation of the methyl group having one carbonyl in the vicinity is the one where a C-H bond is in the ring plane pointing toward the carbonyl group. The results are not sensitive to the mode of rotation of the other methyl group. These data are interpreted in terms of the bond polarizations.


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The properties of the manifold of a Lie groupG, fibered by the cosets of a sub-groupH, are exploited to obtain a geometrical description of gauge theories in space-timeG/H. Gauge potentials and matter fields are pullbacks of equivariant fields onG. Our concept of a connection is more restricted than that in the similar scheme of Ne'eman and Regge, so that its degrees of freedom are just those of a set of gauge potentials forG, onG/H, with no redundant components. The ldquotranslationalrdquo gauge potentials give rise in a natural way to a nonsingular tetrad onG/H. The underlying groupG to be gauged is the groupG of left translations on the manifoldG and is associated with a ldquotrivialrdquo connection, namely the Maurer-Cartan form. Gauge transformations are all those diffeomorphisms onG that preserve the fiber-bundle structure.


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The utility of near infrared spectroscopy as a non-invasive technique for the assessment of internal eating quality parameters of mandarin fruit (Citrus reticulata cv. Imperial) was assessed. The calibration procedure for the attributes of TSS (total soluble solids) and DM (dry matter) was optimised with respect to a reference sampling technique, scan averaging, spectral window, data pre-treatment (in terms of derivative treatment and scatter correction routine) and regression procedure. The recommended procedure involved sampling of an equatorial position on the fruit with 1 scan per spectrum, and modified partial least squares model development on a 720–950-nm window, pre-treated as first derivative absorbance data (gap size of 4 data points) with standard normal variance and detrend scatter correction. Calibration model performance for the attributes of TSS and DM content was encouraging (typical Rc2 of >0.75 and 0.90, respectively; typical root mean squared standard error of calibration of <0.4 and 0.6%, respectively), whereas that for juiciness and total acidity was unacceptable. The robustness of the TSS and DM calibrations across new populations of fruit is documented in a companion study.


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The robustness of multivariate calibration models, based on near infrared spectroscopy, for the assessment of total soluble solids (TSS) and dry matter (DM) of intact mandarin fruit (Citrus reticulata cv. Imperial) was assessed. TSS calibration model performance was validated in terms of prediction of populations of fruit not in the original population (different harvest days from a single tree, different harvest localities, different harvest seasons). Of these, calibration performance was most affected by validation across seasons (signal to noise statistic on root mean squared error of prediction of 3.8, compared with 20 and 13 for locality and harvest day, respectively). Procedures for sample selection from the validation population for addition to the calibration population (‘model updating’) were considered for both TSS and DM models. Random selection from the validation group worked as well as more sophisticated selection procedures, with approximately 20 samples required. Models that were developed using samples at a range of temperatures were robust in validation for TSS and DM.


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Amino acid sequences are known to constantly mutate and diverge unless there is a limiting condition that makes such a change deleterious. However, closer examination of the sequence and structure reveals that a few large, cryptic repeats are nevertheless sequentially conserved. This leads to the question of why only certain repeats are conserved at the sequence level. It would be interesting to find out if these sequences maintain their conservation at the three-dimensional structure level. They can play an active role in protein and nucleotide stability, thus not only ensring proper functioning but also potentiating malfunction and disease. Therefore, insights into any aspect of the repeats - be it structure, function or evolution - would prove to be of some importance. This study aims to address the relationship between protein sequence and its three-dimensional structure, by examining if large cryptic sequence repeats have the same structure.


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Internal browning disorders, including brown fleck (BF), in potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers greatly reduce tuber quality, but the causes are not well understood. This is due, in part, to the highly variable data provided by visual value-based rating systems. A digital imaging technique was developed to quantify accurately the incidence of internal browning in potato tubers. Images of tuber sections were scanned using a flatbed scanner and digitally enhanced to highlight tuber BF lesions, and the area of affected tissue calculated using pixel quantification software. Digital imaging allowed for the determination of previously unused indices of the incidence and severity of internal browning in potato tubers. Statistical analysis of the comparison between digitally derived and visual-rating BF data from a glasshouse experiment showed that digital data greatly improved the delineation of treatment effects. The F-test probability was further improved through square root or logarithmic data transformations of the digital data, but not of the visual-rating data. Data from a field experiment showed that the area of tuber affected by BF and the number of small BF lesions increased with time and with increase in tuber size. The results from this study indicate that digital imaging of internal browning disorders of potato tubers holds much promise in determining their causes that heretofore have proved elusive.


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A stretch of 71 nucleotides in a 1.2 kilobase pair Pst I fragment of rice DNA was identified as tRNA~ gene by hybridization and nucleotide sequence analyses. The hybridization of genomic DNA with the tRNA gene showed that there are about 10 glycine tRNA genes per diploid rice genome. The 3' and 5' internal control regions, where RNA polymerase III and transcription factors bind, were found to be present in the coding sequence. The gene was transcribed into a 4S product in an yeast cell-free extract. The substitution of 5' internal control region with analogous sequences from either M13mpl9 or M13mpl8 DNA did not affect the transcription of the gene in vitro. The changes in three highly conserved nucleotides in the consensus 5' internal control region (RGYNNARYGG; R = purine, Y = pyrimidine, N = any nucleotide) did not affect transcription showing that these nucleotides are not essential for promotion of transcription. There were two 16 base pair repeats, 'TGTTTGTTTCAGCTTA' at - 130 and - 375 positions upstream from the start of the gene. Deletion of 5' flanking sequences including the 16 base pair repeat at - 375 showed increased transcription indicating that these sequences negatively modulate the expression of the gene.


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Adoption of conservation tillage practices on Red Ferrosol soils in the inland Burnett area of south-east Queensland has been shown to reduce runoff and subsequent soil erosion. However, improved infiltration resulting from these measures has not improved crop performance and there are suggestions of increased loss of soil water via deep drainage. This paper reports data monitoring soil water under real and artificial rainfall events in commercial fields and long-term tillage experiments, and uses the data to explore the rate and mechanisms of deep drainage in this soil type. Soils were characterised by large drainable porosities (≥0.10 m3/m3) in all parts of the profile to depths of 1.50 m, with drainable porosity similar to available water content (AWC) at 0.25 and 0.75 m, but >60% higher than AWC at 1.50 m. Hydraulic conductivity immediately below the tilled layer in both continuously cropped soils and those after a ley pasture phase was shown to decline with increasing soil moisture content, although the rate of decline was much greater in continuously cropped soil. At moisture contents approaching the drained upper limit (pore water pressure = -100cm H2O), estimates of saturated hydraulic conductivity after a ley pasture were 3-5 times greater than in continuously cropped soil, suggesting much greater rates of deep drainage in the former when soils are moist. Hydraulic tensiometers and fringe capacitance sensors monitored during real and artificial rainfall events showed evidence of soils approaching saturation in the surface layers (top 0.30-0.40 m), but there was no evidence of soil moistures exceeding the drained upper limit (i.e. pore water pressures ≤ -100 cm H2O) in deeper layers. Recovery of applied soil water within the top 1.00-1.20 m of the profile during or immediately after rainfall events declined as the starting profile moisture content increased. These effects were consistent with very rapid rates of internal drainage. Sensors deeper in the profile were unable to detect this drainage due to either non-uniformity of conducting macropores (i.e. bypass flow) or unsaturated conductivities in deeper layers that far exceed the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the infiltration throttle at the bottom of the cultivated layer. Large increases in unsaturated hydraulic conductivities are likely with only small increases in water content above the drained upper limit. Further studies with drainage lysimeters and large banks of hydraulic tensiometers are planned to quantify drainage risk in these soil types.


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The stability characteristics of Alfvén Internal gravity waves for an inviscid, nondissipative, Boussinesq fluid undergoing shear in the presence of a density discontinuity with and without a rigid boundary is studied.