941 resultados para INSTRUMENT
Dass der Weg der parlamentarischen Mitwirkung im Bereich der Aussenpolitik steinig werden sollte, widerspiegelte sich bereits in der Entstehungsgeschichte der Aussenpolitischen Kommissionen (APK). Diese haben zum heutigen Zeitpunkt unter anderem dafür zu sorgen, dass das Parlament seine Mitwirkungsrechte in auswärtigen Angelegenheiten frühzeitig und wirk¬sam wahrnehmen kann. Nebst verschiedensten Instrumenten auf Verfassungs- und Gesetzesebene steht den APK ein wichtiges Mitwirkungsinstrument zur Verfügung: die Information und Konsultation gemäss Art. 152 Parlamentsgesetz (ParlG). Seit Inkrafttreten dieser Bestimmung im Dezember 2003 offenbart sich jedoch, dass sich die praktische Umsetzung des Gesetzesartikels mit den damaligen Vorstellungen des Gesetzgebers anlässlich der Erarbeitung dieses parlamentarischen Instrumentes nicht deckt. Der Gesetzgeber wies seiner¬zeit auf das für die Umsetzung bedeutende Vertrauensverhältnis zwischen Bundesrat und Parlament hin. Allerdings beeinflussen nun Spannungen und Konkurrenz zwischen der Exekutive und der Legislative die Umsetzung von Art. 152 ParlG. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht, die geschichtlichen Hintergründe, die Entstehung, den Sinn und Zweck sowie die Praxis von Art. 152 ParlG vor dem Hintergrund des erwähnten Spannungsfelds und im Zusammenspiel mit den weiteren Mitwirkungsinstrumenten im Bereich der Aussenpolitik darzulegen. Comme le montre déjà l'historique des Commissions de politique extérieure (CPE), la participation du Parlement à la politique extérieure n'est pas dénuée d'obstacles. A l'heure actuelle, les CPE doivent notamment faire en sorte que le Parlement puisse faire valoir, en amont et avec efficacité, son droit de participation dans le domaine de la politique étrangère de la Suisse. Outre divers instruments figurant dans la Constitution et les lois, les CPE disposent d'un important moyen de participation: l'information et la consultation au sens de l'art. 152 de la loi sur le Parlement (LParl). Depuis l'entrée en vigueur de cette disposition en décembre 2003, il s'avère toutefois que l'application concrète de cet article de loi ne ré¬pond pas entièrement aux attentes du législateur lors de l'élaboration de cet instrument parlementaire. En effet, le législateur s'était alors basé sur la relation de confiance entre le Conseil fédéral et le Parlement, relation essentielle à la mise en oeuvre de cet article. La pratique montre cependant que la mise en oeuvre de l'art. 152 LParl est influencée par des tensions et par une relation de concurrence existant entre l'exécutif et le législatif. Le présent travail entend exposer le contexte historique de l'art. 152 LParl, son élaboration, son but et sa mise en oeuvre, tout en tenant compte des éléments de tension et des autres instruments permettant la participation en matière de politique extérieure.
The Iowa Department of Human Services (IDHS) has responsibility for Iowa’s child welfare system. Iowa’s child welfare system focuses on children that have been or are at risk of being abused or neglected, as well as children that are determined by the Juvenile Court to be a child in need of assistance (CINA). The child welfare system is focused on three major results that are safety, permanency, and child and family well-being.
La recent publicació del Dizionario biografico degli anarchiciitaliani1 ens dóna l'oportunitat per ressenyar una sèrie de diccionaris sobre el moviment obrer internacional i oferir unaaproximació de com des de l'acadèmia i del món dels professionals de la història hom s'ha acostat a aquestes eines de treball amb les seves potencialitats heurístiques. L'al·licient de reflexionar sobre aquests volums de caràcter enciclopèdic rau en el fet d'intentar contextualitzar-los en eldebat europeu, i no sols del vell continent, sobre metodologies històriqueso, fins i tot, en el camp de la història dels conceptes que en els últims anysha catalitzat un interès creixent en els historiadors.
La recent publicació del Dizionario biografico degli anarchiciitaliani1 ens dóna l'oportunitat per ressenyar una sèrie de diccionaris sobre el moviment obrer internacional i oferir unaaproximació de com des de l'acadèmia i del món dels professionals de la història hom s'ha acostat a aquestes eines de treball amb les seves potencialitats heurístiques. L'al·licient de reflexionar sobre aquests volums de caràcter enciclopèdic rau en el fet d'intentar contextualitzar-los en eldebat europeu, i no sols del vell continent, sobre metodologies històriqueso, fins i tot, en el camp de la història dels conceptes que en els últims anysha catalitzat un interès creixent en els historiadors.
The method of instrumental variable (referred to as Mendelian randomization when the instrument is a genetic variant) has been initially developed to infer on a causal effect of a risk factor on some outcome of interest in a linear model. Adapting this method to nonlinear models, however, is known to be problematic. In this paper, we consider the simple case when the genetic instrument, the risk factor, and the outcome are all binary. We compare via simulations the usual two-stages estimate of a causal odds-ratio and its adjusted version with a recently proposed estimate in the context of a clinical trial with noncompliance. In contrast to the former two, we confirm that the latter is (under some conditions) a valid estimate of a causal odds-ratio defined in the subpopulation of compliers, and we propose its use in the context of Mendelian randomization. By analogy with a clinical trial with noncompliance, compliers are those individuals for whom the presence/absence of the risk factor X is determined by the presence/absence of the genetic variant Z (i.e., for whom we would observe X = Z whatever the alleles randomly received at conception). We also recall and illustrate the huge variability of instrumental variable estimates when the instrument is weak (i.e., with a low percentage of compliers, as is typically the case with genetic instruments for which this proportion is frequently smaller than 10%) where the inter-quartile range of our simulated estimates was up to 18 times higher compared to a conventional (e.g., intention-to-treat) approach. We thus conclude that the need to find stronger instruments is probably as important as the need to develop a methodology allowing to consistently estimate a causal odds-ratio.
Following the decision of the Swiss Association for Home Care Services to adopt the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI), the RAI-Home Care is gradually implemented in all home care services in Switzerland. Based on a comprehensive geriatric assessment, the RAI not only allows to establish an individualized plan of care, but also generates quality indicators and a case-mix classification system that helps financing and planning resources. This article describes the five steps of the RAI-Home Care process and discusses the strengths, future and limitations of the RAI.
The theoretical context of this study is related with the observational methodology in the context of group games and sports studies, specifically Handball. Thus, this study intends to analyze the performance of the pivot player in the World Cup 2007 - Germany, European 2008 - Norway 2008 and China OG 2008 in a qualitative dimension. Our purpose was to get as much information as possible about the whole activity of the pivot player, by identifying sequential patterns of behaviour or conduct of the player/game, by using the sequential analysis. The observation instrument used to meet the main purpose of this work consists of a combination of format fields (FF) and systems of categories (SC). The codifications undertaken occurred in several handball games. Using this instrument we have shown that it provides support for the purposes for which it was developed, allowing more research into the offensive process of handball. Besides this, it makes possible the analysis of aspects of the game through perspective and contextual sequences, which we consider to be more accurate, to fit the "reality" of a game such as handball.
The following paper introduces a new approach to the analysis of offensive game in football. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to create an instrument for collecting information for the analysis of offensive action and interactions game. The observation instrument that was used to accomplish the main objective of this work consists of a combination of format fields (FC) and systems of categories (SC). This methodology is a particular strategy of the scientific method that has as an objective to analyse the perceptible behaviour that occurs in habitual contexts, allowing them to be formally recorded and quantified and using an ad hoc instrument in order to obtain a behaviour systematic registration that, since they have been transformed in quantitative data with the necessary reliability and validity determined level, will allow analysis of the relations between these behaviours. The codifications undertaken to date in various games of football have shown that it serves the purposes for which it was developed, allowing more research into the offensive game methods in football.
This paper describes a low-cost microprocessed instrument for in situ evaluating soil temperature profile ranging from -20.0°C to 99.9°C, and recording soil temperature data at eight depths from 2 to 128 cm. Of great importance in agriculture, soil temperature affects plant growth directly, and nutrient uptake as well as indirectly in soil water and gas flow, soil structure and nutrient availability. The developed instrument has potential applications in the soil science, when temperature monitoring is required. Results show that the instrument with its individual sensors guarantees ±0.25°C accuracy and 0.1°C resolution, making possible localized management changes within decision support systems. The instrument, based on complementary metal oxide semiconductor devices as well as thermocouples, operates in either automatic or non-automatic mode.