953 resultados para INNER-CITY CHILDREN
Le contexte actuel de la profession enseignante au Québec est caractérisé par l’évolution manifeste qu’a connue l’enseignement depuis les dernières décennies, évolution marquée par une complexification de la tâche, accentuée par divers phénomènes sociaux. En dépit de l’épuisement professionnel et de l’attrition de certains, plusieurs enseignantes et enseignants relèvent le défi de l’enseignement en milieux difficiles et réussissent à se développer professionnellement. Ce phénomène s’apparente au concept de résilience. Parmi les facteurs personnels de protection qui favorisent la résilience, les habiletés et compétences professionnelles ont déjà été mises en évidence chez le personnel scolaire résilient. De son côté, la littérature sur le développement des compétences professionnelles valorise l’importance de la réflexion sur la pratique comme vecteur privilégié de ce processus. Dans cette perspective, la question de recherche posée est à savoir si des relations peuvent être établies entre la résilience et la réflexion sur la pratique en enseignement. Ainsi, suivant la conceptualisation de G.E. Richardson (2002), nous avons tenté d’explorer les relations entre la résilience et la réflexion du personnel enseignant, telle que conceptualisée par Korthagen (1985, 2004), à l’aide de stratégies mixtes de collecte et d’analyse des données. Nous avons d’abord opérationnalisé les deux concepts par des indices provenant de plusieurs instruments: questionnaire sur la qualité de vie au travail, journal d’autoévaluation du stress, entretien semi-dirigé. Vingt-et-une enseignantes et deux enseignants de sept écoles primaires parmi les plus défavorisées de Montréal ont participé à l’étude. Près de 7000 unités de sens ont été codées dans les entretiens. Des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives ont permis de décrire l’adversité (stress) vécue par les participants, leur qualité de vie au travail et leurs compétences professionnelles (adaptation positive), de même que leurs facteurs de risque et de protection, individuels et environnementaux. Cette démarche a permis de dégager quatre profils généraux de résilience parmi les 23 participants: très résilient (2), résilient (9), peu résilient (8) et non résilient (2). Parallèlement, le processus et les contenus de la réflexion des participants ont été analysés à partir des modèles théoriques choisis. On remarque que la plupart des participants se centrent davantage sur la description des situations problématiques, plutôt que sur la recherche de solutions, et sur les contenus environnementaux, plutôt que personnels. L’analyse verticale de quatre cas représentatifs des profils de résilience a permis des comparaisons approfondies au plan de la réflexion. Ce sont les enseignantes situées aux extrêmes du continuum de résilience (la plus résiliente et la moins résiliente de l’échantillon) qui ont montré les distinctions les plus nettes. Notamment, il semblerait qu’une faible résilience soit liée à une centration accrue sur les problèmes plutôt que sur les solutions, ainsi que sur les contenus réflexifs environnementaux plutôt que personnels, et inversement. Enfin, malgré certaines limites méthodologiques et conceptuelles, cette étude révèle l’existence de liens empiriques entre la réflexion et la résilience d’enseignantes et d’enseignants œuvrant en milieux défavorisés. Elle ouvre également la voie à des pistes pour développer la résilience du personnel scolaire et propose des idées de recherches prospectives.
Anlass der Untersuchung sind Verstärkungen von strukturwandel- und globalisierungsbedingten Wandlungen unter Schrumpfungs- und Stagnationsbedingungen. Denn Stagnations- und Schrumpfungstendenzen in einer Region sind selektiv, sie begünstigen über verschiedene Mechanismen Polarisierungen und Marginalisierungen: Die allgemeine Entspannung am Wohnungsmarkt hat erhöhte Mobilität und damit sozialräumliche Segregierungen und Polarisierungen der Wohnungsversorgung zur Folge. Leerstände und ausbleibende Investitionen begünstigen Polarisierungen von baulich-räumlichen Qualitäten. Diese beiden Entwicklungen überlagern sich im Stadtraum und verstärken sich gegenseitig. Dabei verbessert sich die Wohnungsversorgung in den benachteiligten Quartieren kaum, so die Ausgangshypothesen. Die Untersuchung fragt nach den Wirkungen des Nebeneinanders von Wachstums-, Stagnations- und Schrumpfungserscheinungen auf unterschiedlichen Maßstabsebenen, dem Zusammenspiel von sozialstrukturellen und qualitativen Veränderungen der baulich-räumlichen Gegebenheiten in den Quartieren sowie in innerstädtischer Differenzierung. Dabei interessieren besonders die Einflüsse eines regional entspannten Wohnungsmarktes und dessen Folgen für die Verwertungsstrategien im Wohnungsbestand auf Segregationsprozesse und die Wohnungsversorgung. Als Fallbeispiel der Untersuchung dient die Stadt Kassel. Der sozialräumliche Fokus liegt auf drei Typen benachteiligter Quartiere: Neben den in der aktuellen Diskussion zumeist betrachteten gründerzeitlichen Arbeiterquartieren und den Großsiedlungen der 1960/70er Jahre wurden auch die peripheren Geschosswohnungsbausiedlungen der 1950er/60er Jahre in die Untersuchung einbezogen, um den unterschiedlichen Rahmenbedingungen und Wirkungen in den Quartierstypen auf die Spur zu kommen und damit letztlich Grundlagen für stadtentwicklungspolitische Strategien zu erarbeiten. Die kleinräumigen Analysen von sozialräumlicher und baulich-räumlicher Struktur sowie zur Wohnungsversorgung deckten Parallelen und gegenläufige Entwicklungen zwischen den unterschiedlichen Quartierstypen auf; es ergaben sich verschiedene Anhaltspunkte zur Erhärtung der Ausgangsthesen. So wurde z.B. deutlich, dass sich unter den Marktbedingungen stagnierender Städte die Wohnflächenversorgung in den benachteiligten Quartieren kaum verbessert. Hierin zeigt sich ein entscheidender Unterschied zu stark schrumpfenden Städten, in denen sich die Versorgungslage (fast) durchgängig verbessert. Wohnungsmarktbarrieren wirken offensichtlich unter Stagnationsbedingungen für bestimmte Bevölkerungsgruppen weiter. Da sich ihre Wirkung aber für weitere Kreise der Bevölkerung abschwächt, verschärfen sich sozialräumliche Konzentrationen. Vor allem aber wurden Überlagerung und gegenseitige Verstärkung dieser sozialräumlichen mit baulich-räumlichen Polarisierungen deutlich, die vor allem aus stadträumlich konzentrierten Investitionen in den Gebäude- und Wohnungsbestand resultieren. Letztlich zeigt sich damit, dass regulierende Eingriffe nicht nur im Rahmen des Umbaus und der Erneuerung der Quartiere erforderlich sind, sondern insbesondere auch in den Wohnungsmarkt und dies auch bei entspannter regionaler Marktlage. Andernfalls ist weder eine angemessene Wohnungsversorgung aller Bevölkerungsgruppen noch der Zusammenhalt der Stadt(Gesellschaft) zu gewährleisten. Dabei ist die Stadtpolitik permanent mit der Gleichzeitigkeit von (wirtschaftlicher) Standortpolitik und sozialer Stadtentwicklung konfrontiert, die sie im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung gegeneinander und miteinander abwägen muss.
Revisión de la función del Centro Tradicional de Bogotá, en el periodo 2000-2010, teniendo en cuenta las estrategias de ordenamiento territorial en cuanto a la competitividad, la productividad y la generación de una centralidad urbana.
Introducción: La morbilidad materna extrema es un término usado para definir cualquier condición obstétrica severa que amenaza la vida y requiere una intervención médica urgente con el fin de prevenir la probable muerte materna. Con el presente estudio se pretendió evaluar los factores de riesgo para morbilidad materna extrema en las gestantes del Hospital Universitario Mayor. Metodología Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles, comparando pacientes con MME y sin MME en una relación de 1:1. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio simple teniendo en cuenta 95% de la población apareadas por diagnóstico de ingreso. Resultados Se incluyeron un total de 110 pacientes (55 en cada grupo). Ambas poblaciones fueron comprables. Ser de estrato socioeconómico bajo (p 0,000), haber tenido 2 o menos partos (p 0,000), ser tipo de sangre negativo (p0.000) realizar entre 0-3 controles prenatales (p 0,000), tener antecedente de preeclampsia (p 0,000), hipotiroidismo (p 0,000), o trastorno bipolar (p 0,000), son factores de riesgo significativos para presentar MME. Entre los factores protectores están tener más de tres partos OR 0,60 (IC95%: 0,17-0,82, p=0,00) y 7 o más controles prenatales OR 0,23 (IC95%: 0,09-0,55, p=0,000). Resultados concordantes con la literatura Discusión: Es importante dar a conocer los resultados del presente estudio para promover las campañas de prevención primaria, secundaria y terciaria con el fin de evitar las altas complicaciones que se pueden presentar en las mujeres en edad fértil de nuestra población.
La tesis devela la connotación sistemática y multicausal de lo que a través de la investigación se denomina como "Procesos de Territorialización de la Inseguridad Ciudadana". Mediante un estudio de caso, se pone en evidencia la apropiación y captura sostenida en el tiempo de fenómenos como la inseguridad y la criminalidad, sobre determinadas zonas o barrios urbanos que por sus características socioeconómicas, políticas, geográficas, culturales, laborales y de mercado de quienes los habitan o frecuentan, se consideran como sectores "críticos y/o vulnerables".
Introducción: La mastitis granulomatosa idiopática es una enfermedad crónica benigna, rara y de etiología desconocida; tiende a confundirse con otras enfermedades debido a síntomas similares. Este estudio pretende identificar y cuantificar las características demográficas, los antecedentes ginecoobstétricos relevantes y las manifestaciones clínicas prediagnósticas de esta enfermedad Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática con análisis agrupado de datos tipo meta análisis. Se utilizó una estrategia de búsqueda en PubMed. Todos los estudios relacionados con la definición, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico de la mastitis granulomatosa idiopática fueron elegibles. Las variables de interés fueron edad, país, antecedente de contracepción hormonal, tiempo de evolución, tiempo desde el último embarazo, diagnóstico inicial, y manifestaciones clínicas previas a la consulta. No hubo restricción en fechas de publicación. Resultados: Fueron incluidas 641 mujeres con diagnóstico de MGI reportadas en 68 publicaciones que cumplieron los criterios de selección. La edad media fue 35.9 años, 14.1% de ellas estaba embarazada o lactando, el antecedente de consumo de anticonceptivos hormonales fue 21% y el tiempo promedio desde el último parto fue de 3.9 años. La afectación ocurre principalmente en mama izquierda y en cuadrante superoexterno. El cáncer de mama y el absceso mamario son diagnósticos diferenciales en la consulta. Discusión: El diagnóstico de MGI es un reto para el ginecólogo desde la consulta inicial. Debido a que sus manifestaciones clínicas no son específicas, su diagnóstico parece apuntar a la necesidad de un proceso de descarte de otras patologías más frecuentes e incluso de peor pronóstico. Palabras clave mastitis granulomatosa idiopática
Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between the characteristics of general practices and the perceptions of the psychological content of consultations by GPs in those practices. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted of all GPs (22 GPs based in nine practices) serving a discrete inner city community of 41 000 residents. GPs were asked to complete a log-diary over a period of five working days, rating their perception of the psychological content of each consultation on a 4-point Likert scale, ranging from 0 (no psychological content) to 3 (entirely psychological in content). The influence of GP and practice characteristics on psychological content scores was examined. Results: Data were available for every surgery-based consultation (n = 2206) conducted by all 22 participating GPs over the study period. The mean psychological content score was 0.58 (SD 0.33). Sixty-four percent of consultations were recorded as being without any psychological content; 6% were entirely psychological in content. Higher psychological content scores were significantly associated with younger GPs, training practices (n = 3), group practices (n = 4), the presence of on-site mental health workers (n = 5), higher antidepressant prescribing volumes and the achievement of vaccine and smear targets. Training status had the greatest predictive power, explaining 51% of the variation in psychological content. Neither practice consultation rates, GP list size, annual psychiatric referral rates nor volumes of benzodiazepine prescribing were related to psychological content scores. Conclusion: Increased awareness by GPs of the psychological dimension within a consultation may be a feature of the educational environment of training practices.
Modern Lovers was a survey show of contemporary art practices in dialogue with modernism, bringing together established and emerging artists based in London and international artists from Berlin, Jerusalem and Zagreb. The show features video, film, installation, sculpture, music and performance work that addresses the legacy of the avant garde and the survival of its aesthetics within contemporary culture. In 1976, as punk rock was busy smashing the cultural rubble left behind by the second world war and rejecting the consumer society that had emerged from the ruins, one band bravely announced that it wanted no part in this destruction. Jonathan Richman's Modern Lovers sang about how they still loved the old world. Neither parents nor girlfriends could understand, but the decaying inner city with its false promises of progress still held a fascination for Richman, who claimed he wanted to keep his place in this arcane landscape. Punk's assault on culture was the logical conclusion of modernism's linear narrative of art as a force of innovation that must reject preceding artistic movements to establish new ones. Echoing the negations of Dada, it set out to put an end to this narrative, an end to culture. It is partly because of this inherently destructive and totalising side of Modernism that it has come under harsh critique in the post modern era. Nevertheless, we are still caught up in the same dialectic of progress, revolution and destruction. Post modernism has failed to unseat our desire for the revolutionary moment, even as it has been co-opted to the degree of meaninglessness by the discourses of marketing and Capitalism. But, like Jonathan Richman, the artists in the exhibition "Modern Lovers" keep returning to modernism for something else. Instead of taking it at its word when it proffers revolution, they turn to it in search of reform. Still loving the old world and desiring a dialogue with the past, perhaps as an antidote to the eternal present of Capitalism, they are willing to engage with its aesthetics and ideas on equal ground. Leaving behind the ironic deconstructions of post modernism, they find perspectives worth salvaging and juxtapose them with contemporary visual productions. Trading in the grand narratives of modernity for a more personal approach, they don't seek the purity of form that drove the avant garde movements that inspire them but rather revel in adulteration, dilution and contamination of the past by the present". A live performance by sala-manca was sponsored by the British Council and took place May 26th, 19:00. MODERN LOVERS was accompanied by a catalogue (14.80 cm x 14.80 cm) including essays by Avi Pitchon, the sala-manca group and the curators. A discussion panel about the exhibition themes, as well as the catalogue launch,took place at Goldsmiths College's cinema on the 27th of May at 14:00, chaired by Dr. Suhail Malik (Senior Lecturer & Course Leader Postgraduate Fine Art Critical Studies at Goldsmiths College) and with the participation of Tom Morton (curator, Cubitt Gallery, and regular contributor to Frieze magazine), sala-manca (artist group), Dr. Amanda Beech (artist, curator and senior lecturer at the Wimbledon School of Art), Matthew Poole (course director of MA Gallery Studies, dept. of Art History and Theory at the University of Essex).
This paper examines the realities of community involvement in urban design in the context of a study of the West Itchen Neighbourhood of Southampton, a diverse inner city area accommodating some 7,000 households and 18,000 people. The findings are based on a literature review of community involvement in urban design and case study research into three government supported regeneration projects all located within the study area: a Neighbourhood Renewal Area - designated in 1994; an Estate Action Scheme - implemented between 1993 and 1996; and a Single Regeneration Budget programme - following a successful bid in 1995. The research was undertaken by Helen Gregory in 1997/8 as the basis of a dissertation, supervised by Alan Rowley, submitted for the award of an MPhil in Environmental Planning and Development from The University of Reading.
Recent ‘best practice’ research and guidance has emphasised the important role that can be played by retail-led urban regeneration projects, particularly in ‘under-served markets’ in the UK. This builds on ideas first formulated in the USA by Michael Porter through his close relationship with the Initiative for the Competitive Inner City (ICIC). This paper critically examines the role of retailing in urban regeneration nationally and locally in the UK, focusing on in-town shopping centres located in inner city areas of the UK. The paper is based on case study research in these centres, and was completed during 2003 for The Office of Science and Technology. The paper examines how employment impact in retail-led regeneration is commonly measured, and calls for more research to determine the real impact of retail in deprived communities using other, relevant measures.
This research examines the role of retailing in urban regeneration nationally and locally in the UK. The research uses data at a national level and local shopping centre case studies to examine the employment and property impacts of retailing. Focusing on schemes built during the first part of the 1990s it shows that retail can bring employment and economic benefits to town centres, but that the impact on the inner city should not be overlooked. Valuable lessons can be learned from the experience of centres built during this period of recession, and new challenges such as eCommerce now face these centres and others being developed today. The research examines the multiplier effect of retail regeneration schemes nationally using National Accounts data, and the local property and employment impacts of shopping centre schemes in the case study towns of Aberdeen, Bristol, Norwich, Bromley, Worcester and Leicester. The report includes valuable statistical sources, a full literature and policy review and will be of interest to those involved in property investment, regeneration and planning. The research was funded by the Office of Science & Technology and the Harold Samuel Educational Trust.
The objective of this paper was to assess sex and socioeconomic inequalities in lung cancer mortality in two major cities of Europe and South America. Official information on mortality and population allowed the estimation of sex- and age-specific death rates for Barcelona, Spain and Sao Paulo, Brazil (1995-2003). Mortality trends and levels were independently assessed for each city and subsequently compared. Rate ratios assessed by Poisson regression analysis addressed hypotheses of association between the outcome and socioeconomic covariates (human development index, unemployment and schooling) at the inner-city area level. Barcelona had a higher mortality in men (76.9/100000 inhabitants) than Sao Paulo (38.2/100 000 inhabitants); although rates were decreasing for the former (-2%/year) and levelled-off for the [after. Mortality in women ranked similarly (9.1 for Barcelona, 11.5 for Sao Paulo); with an increasing trend for women aged 35-64 years (+ 7.7%/year in Barcelona and + 2.4%/year in Sao Paulo). The socioeconomic gradient of mortality in men was negative for Barcelona and positive for Sao Paulo; for women, the socioeconomic gradient was positive in both cities. Negative gradients indicate that deprived areas suffer a higher burden of disease; positive gradients suggest that prosmoking lifestyles may have been more prevalent in more affluent areas during the last decades. Sex and socioeconomic inequalities of lung cancer mortality reinforce the hypothesis that the epidemiologic profile of cancer can be improved by an expanded access to existing technology of healthcare and prevention. The continuous monitoring of inequalities in health may contribute to the concurrent promotion of well-being and social justice.
Konsten att välja rätt spårvagn : en studie av segregation, skolval och unga människors studieplaner
The art of choosing the right tram – A study of urban segregation, choice of school and young people’s life plans When discussing barriers to integration and young people’s choice of school, research often focuses on language skills, cultural capital, supportive environments and other more obvious, distinct and material aspects that have an impact on educational achievement. In the present study, we have instead chosen to look at how young immigrants construct their inner career landscapes and life-plans, and how this relates to their perception of ethnicity, neighbourhood and identity. The sample used here consists of altogether twenty individuals. The interviews were used to explore certain designated dimensions and processes. All interviews were conducted in the school environment, in classrooms and other locations. The students attended two different inner-city schools. A narrative-sociological approach is used in the analysis. The young people’s perceptions and narratives are analysed in relation to concepts such as: territorial stigmatization, identity, self-perception and modifications of life plans. The findings show that the feelings of otherness which originates in housing conditions, experiences of exclusion and the everyday life of many immigrants, are transposed into the school area and transformed into strategies and life plans.
Call for submissions to participate in a show in the Bell Gallery, List Art Building at Brown University. Co-sponsored by the RI State Council on the Arts and the Providence Inner City Arts Association.
Este trabalho centra-se na capacidade do investimento em cultura, em contexto de regeneração urbana, em atender a retórica da revitalização social e em que medida oferece soluções socialmente sustentáveis para os moradores. Para o efeito, centra-se sobre os significados e práticas do culture-led urban regeneration (CLUR) na cidade-histórica e é proposta sua medição quanto a impactos sociais subjetivos na comunidade local. Uma das principais preocupações do estudo é o grau em que o CLUR pode realmente cumprir as expectativas que os decisores políticos têm dele como “ferramenta” de abordagem integrada e sustentável na transformação de espaços urbanos degradados. Para dar conta de tais objetivos vai se destacar o caso do bairro lisboeta da Mouraria como estudo de caso e local de teste das hipóteses apresentadas na pesquisa. Medir os impactos sociais subjetivos da intervenção sócio-urbana no bairro, na óptica de seus moradores, formam o eixo central do estudo. E, igualmente relevante, procurou-se avançar na produção de instrumentos de medição capazes de aferir o impacto social subjetivo de intervenções urbanas de base cultural. Com os procedimentos adotados na pesquisa, a dissertação reporta-se à experiência europeia e portuguesa procurando traçar a genealogia destas políticas, discutir as retóricas que as justificam e desvendar como os moradores da zona intervencionada percepcionam tais transformações do seu lugar.