116 resultados para Hysterectomy
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
Study Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound and office hysteroscopy in the differentiation between endometrial polyps and endometrial adenocarcinoma. Design: This is a prospective 100 women longitudinal study, 24 to 80 years, submitted to hysteroscopic polypectomy (n = 80) or surgery due to endometrial adenocarcinoma (n = 20), from january 2010 to December 2011. Clinical, ultrasonographic and hysteroscopic parameters were analyzed and compared with histopathologic find. Statistical analysis were performed utilizing the Tukey, Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn and Mann-Whitney test, with a confidence interval of 95% and p\0, 05 statiscally significant. Setting: Botucatu Medical School. Intervention: Prospective analysis of clinical, ultrasonographic and hysteroscopic parameters in patients with diagnosis suspected of endometrial polyps and adenocarcinoma of endometrium were performed. According to the diagnosis, hysteroscopic polypectomy or pan hysterectomy with lymph node sampling was realized. After the surgery and histopathological study, statistical analysis of parameters was performed and the results were compared between groups. It was Research Ethics Committee approved. Measurements and Main Results: There were no differences between age, BMI, menopause, TH use and associated diseases among groups. The main symptom of endometrial cancer was the postmenopausal bleeding, affecting 84,2% of women against 34,8% of polypectomy group. The majority of women with endometrial polyps were asymptomatic. Transvaginal ultrasonography showed no ability to differentiate cases of endometrial cancer compared with the cases of endometrial polyps, considering the presence of endometrial thickness and blood flow on color Doppler. Office hysteroscopy showed significant changes in 75% of the adenocarcinoma cases, especially the presence of diffuse hypervascularity with atypical vessels. Conclusion: Still remains an inability to establish clinical parameters and reliable ultrasound imaging to differentiate endometrial polyps and cancer of endometrium. Attention should be given to hysteroscopic exams presenting diffuse endometrial hypervascularization with architectural distortion of the vessels. The recommendation of our service remains the systematic removal of all endometrial polyps.
Gynecologic cancer treatment can lead to anatomical changes in the genitalia that may impair sexual response. As a result, the authors aimed to assess women's self-perceptions of their sex lives following gynecologic cancer treatment and the impact of such treatment on sexual function. Thirty sexually active women were examined. At the first meeting with a physician sex therapist, women were asked about their satisfaction with their sexual activities prior to and after gynecologic cancer treatment, either with a partner or alone, and how many times per month they had sexual intercourse prior to the cancer diagnosis and after treatment. Women reported significantly worse sex lives and a significantly lower frequency of sexual relations following cancer treatment. All participants reported pain on vaginal penetration and feeling uncomfortable in discussing their sexual difficulties with the oncologist. The findings show that women experienced impaired sexual function, as well as poorer quality of sexual function, following gynecologic cancer treatment. Nurses should provide basic guidelines about sexual function to all patients who undergo treatment for gynecologic cancer.
Objective. Evaluate feasibility and safety of a novel technique for uterine morcellation in patients scheduled for laparoscopic treatment of gynecologic malignances. Background. The laparoscopic management of uterine malignancies is progressively gaining importance and popularity over laparotomy. Nevertheless, minimal invasive surgery is of limited use when patients have enlarged uterus or narrow vagina. In these cases, conventional uterus morcellation could be a solution but should not be recommended due to risks of tumor dissemination. Methods. Prospective pilot study of women with endometrial cancer in which uterus removal was a realistic concern due to both organ size and proportionality. Brief technique description: after completion of total laparoscopic hysterectomy and bilateral anexectomy, a nylon with polyurethane Lapsac (R) is vaginally inserted into the abdomen; the specimen is placed inside the pouch that will be closed and rotated 180 degrees toward the vaginal vault and, posteriorly, pushed into the vaginal canal; in the transvaginal phase, the surgeon pulls the edges of the bag up to vaginal introitus and all vaginal walls will be covered; inside the pouch, the operator performs a uterus bisection-morcellation. Results. In our series of 8 cases, we achieved successful completion in all patients, without conversion to laparotomy. Average operative time, blood loss and length of hospitalization were favorable. One patient presented with a vesicovaginal fistula. Conclusion. The vaginal morcellation following oncologic principles is a feasible method that permits a rapid uterine extraction and may avoid a number of unnecessary laparotomies. Further studies are needed to confirm the oncological safety of the technique. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
An 84-year-old woman underwent hysterectomy due to a friable endometrial mass infiltrating almost half way through the myometrial wall. The tumor consisted of papillary structures with thin fibrovascular cores covered by several layers of pleomorphic cells. The deeply located neoplastic cells were ovoid with a pale eosinophilic cytoplasm resembling urothelial cells. A diagnosis of papillary squamous cell carcinoma of the endometrium with transitional cell differentiation was made. Although she recovered well after surgery, she died one year later because of disseminated disease. In an attempt to obtain new insights into the physiopathology of this very rare tumor, an immunohistochemical panel with 32 markers was performed. The neoplastic cells were positive for cytokeratin 5, vimentin, p63, p21, VEGF, Ki67, BAG1, and bcl-2. The expression of BAG-1 and bcl-2 may suggest that anti-apoptotic stimuli are preponderant in this neoplasm.
Este estudo objetivou compreender as experiências e expectativas de mulheres submetidas à histerectomia. O referencial filosófico do estudo foi a Fenomenologia Social de Alfred Schütz. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com dez mulheres que realizaram histerectomia eletiva. A análise dos depoimentos mostrou que a mulher, diante da necessidade da histerectomia, evoca mitos e constructos sociais referentes à retirada do útero e transcende-os, decidindo pela cirurgia em decorrência dos sinais e sintomas vivenciados em seu cotidiano. Ao ser submetida à histerectomia, experiencia um processo positivo de mudanças, com melhora na vida sexual e nas relações sociais. Tem como projeto a busca por qualidade de vida, considerando as necessidades biopsicossociais vivenciadas nesse período do ciclo vital. O conhecimento das vivências da mulher após histerectomizada oferece subsídios aos profissionais de saúde que cuidam dessa clientela, sinalizando ações conforme suas experiências e expectativas de cuidado.
[ES] Background: Malignant transformation of intestinal endometriosis is a rare event with an unknown rate of incidence. Metachronous progression of endometriosis to adenocarcinoma from two distant intestinal foci happening in the same patient has not been previously reported. Case presentation: We describe a case of metachronic transformation of ileal and rectal endometriosis into an adenocarcinoma occurring in a 45-year-old female without macroscopic pelvic involvement of her endometriosis. First, a right colectomy was performed due to intestinal obstruction by an ileal mass. Pathological examination revealed an ileal endometrioid adenocarcinoma and contiguous microscopic endometriotic foci. Twenty months later, a rectal mass was discovered. An endoscopic biopsy revealed an adenocarcinoma. En bloc anterior rectum resection, hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy were performed. A second endometrioid adenocarcinoma arising from a focus of endometriosis within the wall of the rectum was diagnosed. Conclusion: Intestinal endometriosis should be considered a premalignant condition in premenopausal women.
Obiettivi: L’obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di valutare l’utilizzo del cerchiaggio cervicale, in relazione alle diverse indicazioni per cui è stato eseguito, presso la Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica del Policlinico Universitario Sant’Orsola-Malpighi di Bologna, tra Gennaio 2001 e Dicembre 2013. Outcome secondario e’ stato quello di paragonare i risultati ottenuti con le più recenti evidenze scientifiche per valutare come esse abbiano influenzato l’utilizzo del cerchiaggio nel nostro centro. Materiali e metodi: valutazione osservazionale di tutte le pazienti sottoposte a cerchiaggio cervicale presso il nostro centro. La popolazione di studio e’ stata suddivisa in 5 gruppi in relazione all’indicazione per cui il cerchiaggio e’ stato eseguito: cerchiaggio elettivo (I), eco indicato (II), d’emergenza (III), in gravidanze gemellari (IV) e in gravidanze trigemine (V). Di tutte le pazienti e’ stato valutato l’outcome della gravidanza (epoca gestazionale al parto, peso neonatale, Apgar score) e l’appropriatezza dell’indicazione al cerchiaggio. Risultati: nel corso dei 13 anni in studio sono stati eseguiti 191 cerchiaggi: 109 nel I gruppo, 24 nel II, 39 nel III, 13 e 6 rispettivamente nel IV e V gruppo. In un caso il cerchiaggio e’ stato eseguito per via laparoscopica prima dell’insorgenza della gravidanza. La distribuzione dei diversi tipi di cerchiaggio e’ cambiata: dal 2007 non vengono seguiti cerchiaggi in gravidanze multiple, sono diminuiti quelli elettivi e sono aumentati i cerchiaggi d’emergenza pur essendo i casi con morbilità materna maggiore: in una paziente si e’ verificato un aborto settico con shock settico materno e si e’ reso necessario un intervento di isterectomia. Conclusioni: l'applicazioni di indicazioni piu' selettive all’esecuzione del cerchiaggio hanno determinato una forte riduzione dell’utilizzo da tale procedura. L'aumento dell'utilizzo del cerchiaggio d’emergenza e' legato al fatto che rappresenta l’ultima chance per convertire un aborto inevitabile in un parto di neonato vivo in casi estremi.
Pelvic organ prolapse affects approximately 50% of parous women over 50 years of age and has a lifetime risk of 30-50%. Vault descent or prolapse occurs in about 20% after hysterectomy and can have a negative effect on sexual function. Sacrocolpopexy is the gold standard of surgical treatment for apical prolapse in fit, sexually active patients. Few data exist which determine sexual function after sacrocolpopexy.
Genital prolapse is frequent and can be found in about 50% of parous women. Its etiology is complex and multifactorial. Predisposing factors include: genetics (connective tissue disorders, family history); general state (age, parity, weight, smoking, obstructive pulmonary disease); trauma (carrying heavy loads, intense physical exercise); or iatrogenic (post hysterectomy). Treatment can be conservative or surgical and depends mainly on the severity of symptoms. Developments in surgical techniques and synthetic material in the last 20 years enabled us to use minimally invasive procedures with improved post operative course and decreased recurrence rates.
AIM: To identify factors that potentially influence urethral sensitivity in women. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The current perception threshold was measured by double ring electrodes in the proximal and distal urethra in 120 women. Univariate analysis using Kaplan-Meier models and multivariate analysis applying Cox regressions were performed to identify factors influencing urethral sensitivity in women. RESULTS: In univariate and multivariate analysis, women who had undergone radical pelvic surgery (radical cystectomy n = 12, radical rectal surgery n = 4) showed a significantly (log rank test P < 0.0001) increased proximal urethral sensory threshold compared to those without prior surgery (hazard ratio (HR) 4.17, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.04-8.51), following vaginal hysterectomy (HR 4.95, 95% CI 2.07-11.85), abdominal hysterectomy (HR 5.96, 95% CI 2.68-13.23), or other non-pelvic surgery (HR 4.86, 95% CI 2.24-10.52). However, distal urethral sensitivity was unaffected by any form of prior surgery. Also other variables assessed, including age, concomitant diseases, urodynamic diagnoses, functional urethral length, and maximum urethral closure pressure at rest had no influence on urethral sensitivity in univariate as well as in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Increased proximal but unaffected distal urethral sensory threshold after radical pelvic surgery in women suggests that the afferent nerve fibers from the proximal urethra mainly pass through the pelvic plexus which is prone to damage during radical pelvic surgery, whereas the afferent innervation of the distal urethra is provided by the pudendal nerve. Better understanding the innervation of the proximal and distal urethra may help to improve surgical procedures, especially nerve sparing techniques. Neurourol. Urodynam. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Aim of the study was to determine if gynaecological operations have an effect on sexual function using the current medlined literature. We performed a Medline search using the terms "sexual life/function after operative gynaecological treatment", "sexual life/function after operations for gynaecological problems", "sexual life/function after hysterectomy", "sexual life/function, incontinence" and "sexual life/function, pelvic organ prolapse". Reviews were excluded. We divided the operations into four groups of (1) combined prolapse and incontinence operations, (2) prolapse operations only, (3) incontinence operations only and (4) hysterectomy and compared pre-to postoperative sexual outcome. Thirty-six articles including 4534 patients were identified. Only 13 studies used a validated questionnaire. The other authors used self-designed and non-validated questionnaires or orally posed questions by the examiner to determine sexual function. Prolapse operations particularly posterior repair using levator plication seem to deteriorate sexual function, incontinence procedure have some worsening effect on sexual function and hysterectomy seems to improve sexual function with no differences between subtotal or total hysterectomy. Gynaecological operations do influence sexual function. However, little validated data are available to come to this conclusion.
Of the several uterine compression sutures described in more recent years to treat postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), the Hayman suture offers the potential advantages that can be applied faster and easier, avoiding the performance of a lower segment hysterotomy when PPH follows a vaginal delivery. Data on efficacy and safety are limited, and long-term follow-up information are lacking. We report our experience with the Hayman suture in 11 consecutive women with massive PPH. Of these, ten were successfully treated without further interventions. One woman ultimately required a hysterectomy. Postoperative course was uncomplicated in all the cases. The median follow-up time was 11 months (range 1-19). One woman conceived spontaneously 10 months after the procedure. Our results suggest that the Hayman suture is an effective and safe treatment for PPH.