961 resultados para Hypoxia, stemness


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Bailey DM, Taudorf S, Berg RMG, Lundby C, McEneny J, Young IS, Evans KA, James PE, Shore A, Hullin DA, McCord JM, Pedersen BK, Moller K. Increased cerebral output of free radicals during hypoxia: implications for acute mountain sickness? Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 297: R1283-R1292, 2009. First published September 2, 2009; doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00366.2009.-This study examined whether hypoxia causes free radical-mediated disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and impaired cerebral oxidative metabolism and whether this has any bearing on neurological symptoms ascribed to acute mountain sickness (AMS). Ten men provided internal jugular vein and radial artery blood samples during normoxia and 9-h passive exposure to hypoxia (12.9% O-2). Cerebral blood flow was determined by the Kety-Schmidt technique with net exchange calculated by the Fick principle. AMS and headache were determined with clinically validated questionnaires. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and ozone-based chemiluminescence were employed for direct detection of spin-trapped free radicals and nitric oxide metabolites. Neuron-specific enolase (NSE), S100 beta, and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) were determined by ELISA. Hypoxia increased the arterio-jugular venous concentration difference (a-v(D)) and net cerebral output of lipid-derived alkoxyl-alkyl free radicals and lipid hydroperoxides (P


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NO (nitric oxide) can affect mitochondrial function by interacting with the cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) of the electron transport chain in a manner that is reversible and in competition with oxygen. Concentrations of NO too low to inhibit respiration can trigger cell defence response mechanisms involving reactive oxygen species and various signalling molecules such as nuclear factor kappa B and AMP kinase. Inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by NO at low oxygen concentrations can cause so-called metabolic hypoxia and divert oxygen towards other oxygen-dependent systems. Such a diversion reactivates prolyl hydroxylases and thus accounts for the prevention by NO of the stabilization of hypoxia-inducible transcription factor. In certain circumstances NO interacts with superoxide radical to form peroxynitrite, which can affect the action of key enzymes, such as mitochondrial complex I, by S-nitrosation. This chapter discusses the physiological and pathophysiological implications of the interactions of NO with the cytochrome c oxidase.


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Responses evoked in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) by systemic hypoxia have received relatively little attention. Moreover, MSNA is generally identified from firing characteristics in fibres supplying whole limbs: their actual destination is not determined. We aimed to address these limitations by using a novel preparation of spinotrapezius muscle in anaesthetised rats. By using focal recording electrodes, multi-unit and discriminated single unit activity were recorded from the surface of arterial vessels. This had cardiac- and respiratory-related activities expected of MSNA, and was increased by baroreceptor unloading, decreased by baroreceptor stimulation and abolished by autonomic ganglion blockade. Progressive, graded hypoxia (breathing sequentially 12, 10, 8% O2 for 2 min each) evoked graded increases in MSNA. In single units, mean firing frequency increased from 0.2 ± 0.04 in 21% O2 to 0.62 ± 0.14 Hz in 8% O2, while instantaneous frequencies ranged from 0.04–6 Hz in 21% O2 to 0.09–20 Hz in 8% O2. Concomitantly, arterial pressure (ABP), fell and heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequency (RF) increased progressively, while spinotrapezius vascular resistance (SVR) decreased (Spinotrapezius blood flow/ABP), indicating muscle vasodilatation. During 8% O2 for 10 min, the falls in ABP and SVR were maintained, but RF, HR and MSNA waned towards baselines from the second to the tenth minute. Thus, we directly show that MSNA increases during systemic hypoxia to an extent that is mainly determined by the increases in peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation and respiratory drive, but its vasoconstrictor effects on muscle vasculature are largely blunted by local dilator influences, despite high instantaneous frequencies in single fibres.


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The hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs; isoforms HIF-1 alpha, HIF-2 alpha, HIF-3 alpha) mediate many responses to hypoxia. Their regulation is principally by oxygen-dependent degradation, which is initiated by hydroxylation of specific proline residues followed by binding of von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) protein. Chuvash polycythemia is a disorder with elevated HIF. It arises through germline homozygosity for hypomorphic VHL alleles and has a phenotype of hematological, cardiopulmonary, and metabolic abnormalities. This study explores the phenotype of two other HIF pathway diseases: classic VHL disease and HIF-2 alpha gain-of-function mutation. No cardiopulmonary abnormalities were detected in classic VHL disease. HIF-2 alpha gain-of-function mutations were associated with pulmonary hypertension, increased cardiac output, increased heart rate, and increased pulmonary ventilation relative to metabolism. Comparison of the HIF-2 alpha gain-of-function responses with data from studies of Chuvash polycythemia suggested that other aspects of the Chuvash phenotype were diminished or absent. In classic VHL disease, patients are germline heterozygous for mutations in VHL, and the present results suggest that a single wild-type allele for VHL is sufficient to maintain normal cardiopulmonary function. The HIF-2 alpha gain-of-function phenotype may be more limited than the Chuvash phenotype either because HIF-1 alpha is not elevated in the former condition, or because other HIF-independent functions of VHL are perturbed in Chuvash polycythemia.-Formenti, F., Beer, P. A., Croft, Q. P. P., Dorrington, K. L., Gale, D. P., Lappin, T. R. J., Lucas, G. S., Maher, E. R., Maxwell, P. H., McMullin, M. F., O'Connor, D. F., Percy, M. J., Pugh, C. W., Ratcliffe, P. J., Smith, T. G., Talbot, N. P., Robbins, P. A. Cardiopulmonary function in two human disorders of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway: von Hippel-Lindau disease and HIF-2 alpha gain-of-function mutation. FASEB J. 25, 2001-2011 (2011). www.fasebj.org


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The hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) is a key regulator of the transcriptional response to hypoxia. While the mechanism underpinning HIF activation is well understood, little is known about its resolution. Both the protein and the mRNA levels of HIF-1a (but not HIF-2a) were decreased in intestinal epithelial cells exposed to prolonged hypoxia. Coincident with this, microRNA (miRNA) array analysis revealed multiple hypoxia-inducible miRNAs. Among these was miRNA-155 (miR-155), which is predicted to target HIF-1a mRNA. We confirmed the hypoxic upregulation of miR-155 in cultured cells and intestinal tissue from mice exposed to hypoxia. Furthermore, a role for HIF-1a in the induction of miR-155 in hypoxia was suggested by the identification of hypoxia response elements in the miR-155 promoter and confirmed experimentally. Application of miR-155 decreased the HIF-1a mRNA, protein, and transcriptional activity in hypoxia, and neutralization of endogenous miR-155 reversed the resolution of HIF-1a stabilization and activity. Based on these data and a mathematical model of HIF-1a suppression by miR-155, we propose that miR-155 induction contributes to an isoform-specific negative-feedback loop for the resolution of HIF-1a activity in cells exposed to prolonged hypoxia, leading to oscillatory behavior of HIF-1a-dependent transcription.


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Hypoxia results in adaptive changes in the transcription of a range of genes including erythropoietin. An important mediator is hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), a DNA binding complex shown to contain at least two basic helix-loop-helix PAS-domain (bHLH-PAS) proteins, HIF-1 alpha and aryl hydrocarbon nuclear receptor translocator (ARNT), In response to hypoxia, HIF-1 alpha is activated and accumulates rapidly in the cell. Endothelial PAS domain protein 1 (EPAS-1) is a recently identified bHLH-PAS protein with 48% identity to HIF-1 alpha, raising the question of its role in responses to hypoxia. We developed specific antibodies and studied expression and regulation of EPAS-1 mRNA and protein across a range of human cell lines. EPAS-1 was widely expressed, and strongly induced by hypoxia at the level of protein but not mRNA. Comparison of the effect of a range of activating and inhibitory stimuli showed striking similarities in the EPAS-1 and HIF-1 alpha responses. Although major differences were observed in the abundance of EPAS-1 and HIF-1 alpha in different cell types, differences in the inducible response were subtle with EPAS-1 protein being slightly more evident in normoxic and mildly hypoxic cells. Functional studies in a mutant cell line (Ka13) expressing neither HIF-1 alpha nor EPAS-1 confirmed that both proteins interact with hypoxically responsive targets, but suggest target specificity with greater EPAS-1 transactivation (relative to HIF-1 alpha transactivation) of the VEGF promoter than the LDH-A promoter. (C) 1998 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Erythrocytosis arises from a variety of pathogenic mechanisms. We sequenced a 256-bp region 3' to the erythropoietin (Epo) gene which included a 24- to 50-bp minimal hypoxia-responsive element spanning HIF-1- and HNF-4-binding sites in 12 patients with erythrocytosis and 4 normal subjects. Four polymorphisms were found, none of which affected the HIF-1-binding site, although one polymorphism was present in the HNF-4 consensus region. The data indicate that none of these polymorphisms cause erythrocytosis.


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Androgen withdrawal induces hypoxia in androgen-sensitive tissue; this is important as in the tumour microenvironment hypoxia is known to drive malignant progression. This study examined the time-dependent effect of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) on tumour oxygenation and investigated the role of ADT-induced hypoxia on malignant progression in prostate tumours. LNCaP xenografted tumours were treated with anti-androgens and tumour oxygenation measured. Dorsal skin fold chambers (DSF) were used to image tumour vasculature in vivo. Quantitative PCR (QPCR) identified differential gene expression following treatment with bicalutamide. Bicalutamide and vehicle-only treated tumours were re-established in vitro and invasion and sensitivity to docetaxel were measured. Tumour growth delay was calculated following treatment with bicalutamide combined with the bioreductive drug AQ4N. Tumour oxygenation measurements showed a precipitate decrease following initiation of ADT. A clinically relevant dose of bicalutamide (2mg/kg/day) decreased tumour oxygenation by 45% within 24h, reaching a nadir of 0.09% oxygen (0.67±0.06 mmHg) by day 7; this persisted until day 14 when it increased up to day 28. Using DSF chambers, LNCaP tumours treated with bicalutamide showed loss of small vessels at days 7 and 14 with revascularization occurring by day 21. QPCR showed changes in gene expression consistent with the vascular changes and malignant progression. Cells from bicalutamide-treated tumours were more malignant than vehicle-treated controls. Combining bicalutamide with AQ4N (50mg/kg; single dose) caused greater tumour growth delay than bicalutamide alone. This study shows that bicalutamide-induced hypoxia selects for cells that show malignant progression; targeting hypoxic cells may provide greater clinical benefit.


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PURPOSE. This study was conducted to evaluate whether regions of the retinal neuropile become hypoxic during periods of high oxygen consumption and whether depletion of the outer retina reduces hypoxia and related changes in gene expression.

METHODS. Retinas from rhodopsin knockout (Rho(-/-)) mice were evaluated along with those of wild-type (WT) control animals. Retinas were also examined at the end of 12-hour dark or light periods, and a separate group was treated with L-cis-diltiazem at the beginning of a 12-hour dark period. Hypoxia was assessed by deposition of hypoxyprobe (HP) and HP-protein adducts were localized by immunohistochemistry and quantified using ELISA. Also, hypoxia-regulated gene expression and transcriptional activity were assessed alongside vascular density.

RESULTS. Hypoxia was observed in the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers in WT retina and was significantly reduced in Rho (-/-) mice (P < 0.05). Retinal hypoxia was significantly increased during dark adaptation in WT mice (P < 0.05), whereas no change was observed in Rho(-/-) or with L-cis-diltiazem-treated WT mice. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 alpha DNA-binding and VEGF mRNA expression in Rho(-/-) retina was significantly reduced in unison with outer retinal depletion (P < 0.05). Retina from the Rho(-/-) mice displayed an extensive intraretinal vascular network after 6 months, although there was evidence that capillary density was depleted in comparison with that in WT retinas.

CONCLUSIONS. Relative hypoxia occurs in the inner retina especially during dark adaptation. Photoreceptor loss reduces retinal oxygen usage and hypoxia which corresponds with attenuation of the retinal microvasculature. These studies suggest that in normal physiological conditions and diurnal cycles the adult retina exists in a state of borderline hypoxia, making this tissue particularly susceptible to even subtle reductions in perfusion.


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We investigated, using the single-pass isolated perfused rat liver preparation, whether the centrilobular location of hepatic oxidative drug metabolism could be a contributing factor to the marked sensitivity of drug oxidation to hypoxia. Livers (N = 7) were each perfused for 130 min with 2 micrograms/mL (+)-propranolol, a drug metabolized almost entirely by oxidation in the rat. The direction of flow was reversed after 60 min, the order of flow direction being randomized. Normal oxygenation was used during the first 30 min of antegrade and of retrograde perfusion, but in the second 30 min perfusate was equilibrated with a N2/O2 mixture designed to reduce hepatic oxygen delivery by half. During normal oxygenation there was no significant difference between antegrade and retrograde perfusion in hepatic oxygen delivery and physiological parameters such as oxygen consumption and extraction, perfusion pressure and bile flow. During hypoxia, mean oxygen delivery was slightly lower with retrograde perfusion (retrograde: mean = 2.37 mumol/min/g liver, range = 1.56-3.17; antegrade: mean = 2.90 mumol/min/g liver, range = 1.96-4.08; P = 0.04), but there was no significant difference in physiological parameters within each liver (P > 0.05). Propranolol clearance during normal oxygenation was similar to the perfusion rate (10 mL/min) and was the same for both directions of perfusion (antegrade 9.88 +/- 0.07 mL/min, retrograde 9.88 +/- 0.13 mL/min, P > 0.05). Hypoxia reduced propranolol clearance substantially, but the decrease was significantly greater with antegrade perfusion (5.65 +/- 1.89 mL/min) than with retrograde perfusion (6.76 +/- 1.95 mL/min, P = 0.014). Oxidative drug metabolism is located primarily in the centrilobular zone and sinusoidal oxygen concentration is lowest in the "downstream" zone with both antegrade and retrograde perfusion. These findings suggest that the centrilobular location of propranolol metabolism may influence the effect of hypoxia on propranolol elimination, but is not a major contributor to the marked sensitivity of propranolol elimination to hypoxia antegrade perfusion.