170 resultados para Hypothyroidism


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Thyroid hormone (TH) plays a key role on post-natal bone development and metabolism, while its relevance during fetal bone development is uncertain. To Study this, pregnant once were made hypothyroid and fetuses harvested at embryonic days (E) 12.5, 14.5, 16.5 and 18.5. Despite a marked reduction in fetal tissue concentration of both T4 and T3, bone development, as assessed at the distal epiphyseal growth plate of the femur and vertebra, was largely preserved Lip to E16.5. Only at E18.5, the hypothyroid fetuses exhibited a reduction in femoral type I and type X collagen and osteocalcin mRNA levels, in the length and area of the proliferative and hypertrophic zones, in the number of chondrocytes per proliferative column, and in the number of hypertrophic chondrocyres, in addition to a slight delay in endochondral and intramembranous ossification. This Suggests that LIP to E 16.5, thyroid hormone signaling in bone is kept to a minimum. In fact, measuring the expression level of the activating and inactivating iodothyronine deiodinases (D2 and D3) helped understand how this is achieved. D3 mRNA was readily detected as early as E14.5 and its expression decreased markedly (similar to 10-fold) at E18.5, and even more at 14 days after birth (P14). In contrast. D2 mRNA expression increased significantly by E18.5 and markedly (similar to 2.5-fold) by P14. The reciprocal expression levels of D2 and D3 genes during early bone development along with the absence of a hypothyroidism-induced bone phenotype at this time Suggest that coordinated reciprocal deiodinase expression keeps thyroid hormone signaling in bone to very low levels at this early stage of bone development. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Whereas it is well known that T3 inhibits TSH beta gene transcription, its effects on TSH beta mRNA stability and translation have been poorly investigated. This study examined these possibilities, by evaluating the TSH beta transcripts poly(A) tail length, translational rate and binding to cytoskeleton, in pituitaries of thyroidectomized and sham-operated rats treated with T3 or saline, and killed 30 min thereafter. The hypothyroidism induced an increase of TSH beta transcript poly(A) tail, as well as of its content in ribosomes and attachment to cytoskeleton. The hypothyroid rats acutely treated with T3 exhibited a reduction of TSH beta mRNA poly(A) tail length and recruitment to ribosomes, indicating that this treatment decreased the stability and translation rate of TSH beta mRNA. Nevertheless, acute T3 administration to sham-operated rats provoked an increase of TSH beta transcripts binding to ribosomes. These data add new insight to an important role of T3 in rapidly regulating TSH gene expression at posttranscriptional level. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Energy balance is maintained by controlling both energy intake and energy expenditure. Thyroid hormones play a crucial role in regulating energy expenditure. Their levels are adjusted by a tight feed back-control led regulation of thyroid hormone production/incretion and by their hepatic metabolism. Thyroid hormone degradation has previously been shown to be enhanced by treatment with phenobarbital or other antiepileptic drugs due to a CAR-dependent induction of phase 11 enzymes of xenobiotic metabolism. We have recently shown, that PPAR alpha agonists synergize with phenobarbital to induce another prototypical CAR target gene, CYP2B1. Therefore, it was tested whether a PPAR alpha agonist could enhance the phenobarbital-dependent acceleration of thyroid hormone elimination. In primary cultures of rat hepatocytes the apparent half-life of T3 was reduced after induction with a combination of phenobarbital and the PPARa agonist WY14643 to a larger extent than after induction with either Compound alone. The synergistic reduction of the half-life could be attributed to a synergistic induction of CAR and the CAR target genes that code for enzymes and transporters involved in the hepatic elimination of T3, such as OATP1A1, OATP1A3, UGT1A3 and UCT1A10. The PPAR alpha-dependent CAR induction and the subsequent induction of T3-eliminating enzymes might be of physiological significance for the fasting-incluced reduction in energy expenditure by fatty acids as natural PPARa ligands. The synergism of the PPAR alpha agonist WY14643 and phenobarbital in inducing thyroid hormone breakdown might serve as a paradigm for the synergistic disruption of endocrine control by other combinations of xenobiotics. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Resistance to thyroid hormone is an uncommon problem, which has rarely been associated with thyroid dysgenesis. We report a case with both thyroid gland ectopy and resistance to thyroid hormone and, thus, a reduced capacity to produce and respond to thyroid hormone. The patient presented at 2 years of age with developmental delay, dysmorphic features, and elevation in both thyroxine and thyrotropin. We document her response to therapy with thyroxine, with particular regard to her growth and development. Persistent elevation of thyrotropin is commonly recognized during treatment of congenital hypothyroidism. Resistance to thyroid hormone may be an important additional diagnosis to consider in cases where thyrotropin remains persistently elevated.


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Objective- Convinced that periodontium, many times, can show alterations in human health, the aim of these studies was to investigate the periodontal situation in patients with endocrine-metabolic disorders such as, Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and acromegaly. Methods- Eight patients with Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome, 16 acromegalics, 30 hypothyroids, 30 hyperthyroids, and a control group with 35 patients were evaluated. Clinical attachment loss, probing depth, gingival bleeding index, gingival overgrowth and Index of Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth were measured in each patient. All ethical aspects were rigidly observed, being the study conducted after its approval by the University of Fortaleza Research Ethics Committee. Results- The presence of periodontitis was marked in hyperthyroids and in patients with Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome. Hypothyroids showed not much presence of periodontitis, while all acromegalics presented absence of periodontitis. Conclusions- The protective effect of periodontitis in acromegalic patients is a new finding, whose mechanisms are not yet clear, but may be related to the anabolic effects of growth hormone. The presence of periodontitis in Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome may occur due the early onset of diabetes. In hyperthyroids, the high prevalence of periodontitis could be linked to thyroid hormones effects on bone, explaining also the minor prevalence in hypothyroids


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Relata-se o caso de um eqüino com sinais clínicos clássicos e avaliação hormonal compatível com hipotireoidismo primário, decorrente do uso sistêmico contínuo de iodeto de potássio, na dosagem de 60g/dia. O tratamento consistiu na simples remoção da fonte de iodo, o que reduziu, gradualmente, as manifestações clínicas. Este relato de caso contribui com o estudo do hipotireoidismo iatrogênico em eqüinos adultos e, dessa forma, alerta para os possíveis efeitos colaterais indesejáveis de terapias à base de iodo.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of hypothyroidism in a sample of hyperlipemic patients and evaluate clinical and laboratory factors indicative of thyropathy among them. METHODS: Fifty-one hyperlipemic patients, grouped according to an earlier or recent diagnosis of their thyroid function into euthyroid and hypothyroid, were evaluated with clinical and laboratory examinations of blood levels of free T4 and TSH (by radioimmunoassay). Patients were on average 46.8±11.7 years old, predominantly of the female sex (62.5%); 31% had a previous diagnosis of hypothyroidism and were under treatment with thyroxin. RESULTS: Fourteen three percent of patients analyzed had hypothyroidism, which had not been detected before. Differentiating attributes of the groups analyzed were: a predominance of females among the hypothyroid patients and a higher HDL serum concentration among those recently diagnosed. CONCLUSION: In the present study, new cases of hypothyroidism in hyperlipemic patients were a frequent occurrence, yet few clinical and laboratory data except tests evaluating free T4 and TSH in the blood indicated which patients had thyroid dysfunction.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine thyroid hormone (TH) profile in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer (BC). Subjects and methods: 12 CaM patients stages I or II, without interventions that could interfere with tumor progression were selected, as well as and a control group with 18 postmenopausal women without CaM. We measured serum anti-thyroperoxidase antibody (TPOAB), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (T4L), estradiol (E2), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH), before and after surgery, besides immunohistochemistry for estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors. Results: Four patients with CaM showed changes in thyroid hormone profile: two had hyperthyroidism, one hypothyroidism, and one was positive for TPO-AB. All of them positive for ER and PR.TSH levels in breast cancer patients were not different from levels found in the control group (1.89 +/- 1.56 vs. 2.86 +/- 3.12 mIU/mL), but the levels of T4L in patients with CaM were statistically higher than those of the control group (1.83 +/- 0.57 vs. 1.10 +/- 0.20 ng/dL). Conclusion: These results reinforce the need for assessment of thyroid status in CaM patients, since in the absence of E2, changes in clinical HTs can act in E2-controlled processes. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(4):238-43


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O hipotireoidismo congênito (HC) é o distúrbio endócrino congênito mais frequente, com incidência variando de 1:2.000 a 1:4.000 crianças nascidas vivas e uma das principais causas de retardo mental que pode ser prevenida. Os Programas de Triagem Neonatal para a doença permitem a identificação precoce dos afetados e seu tratamento de modo a evitar as complicações da falta do hormônio. A maioria dos casos de hipotireoidismo congênito é decorrente de disgenesias tireoidianas (85%), entre elas a ectopia, hipoplasia ou agenesia tireoidianas, e os demais resultam de defeitos de síntese hormonal. As crianças afetadas (> 95%) geralmente não apresentam sintomas sugestivos da doença ao nascimento. Os sintomas e sinais mais comuns são: icterícia neonatal prolongada, choro rouco, letargia, movimentos lentos, constipação, macroglossia, hérnia umbilical, fontanelas amplas, hipotonia e pele seca. Várias estratégias são utilizadas para a triagem do HC. No Brasil, esta é obrigatória por lei e geralmente é feita com a dosagem de TSH em sangue seco coletado do calcanhar. A idade recomendada para sua realização é após as 48 horas de vida até o quarto dia. A confirmação diagnóstica é obrigatória com as dosagens de TSH e T4 livre ou T4 total.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os autores relatam os casos de seis crianças com síndrome nefrótica primária grave de padrão histológico renal incomum na rotina cotidiana dos nefrologistas e patologistas. O diagnóstico da doença foi realizado nas faixas etárias de 3 a 9 meses de idade (n = 4), aos 2 anos e 4 meses (n = 1) e aos 11 anos (n = 1). Um paciente foi prematuro, duas pacientes eram irmãs e seus pais eram primos de primeiro grau. Todos apresentavam edema generalizado; dois pacientes apresentavam desnutrição e hipotireoidismo e dois apresentavam hipertensão arterial e insuficiência renal. A histologia renal mostrou esclerose mesangial difusa (n = 3), proliferação mesangial (n = 2) e síndrome nefrótica do tipo finlandês (n = 1). Quatro pacientes faleceram, as causas de óbito foram infecção (n = 2), insuficiência renal (n = 1) e acidose metabólica (n = 1). Entre os sobreviventes, um paciente foi tratado com vitaminas, tiroxina, captopril e indometacina, apresentando aumento da albumina sérica e melhora do crescimento. O outro paciente apresentava insuficiência renal terminal, sendo tratado com diálise e transplante renal.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar morfológica e funcionalmente a tireóide de pacientes com diabetes mellitus (DM) acompanhados ambulatorialmente no Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu. MÉTODOS: No período de 1996 a 1998, a todo paciente com DM, exceto os com tireopatia prévia, era solicitada dosagem sérica de T4L, TSH, anti-TPO e TRAb e ultra-sonografia (US) da tireóide. Diagnosticou-se tireopatia quando havia dois ou mais parâmetros séricos ou a US alterados. Procedeu-se igualmente com pacientes ambulatoriais da mesma Instituição, sem DM e não-tireopatas prévios (controle). RESULTADOS: Os 256 pacientes com DM apresentaram maior freqüência de tireopatias que os 75 controles (51,6% vs. 38,7%; P<0,05). Entre os com tireopatias, ambos os grupos não diferiram quanto ao estado funcional da tireóide. Entre os pacientes com DM com e sem tireopatias, os primeiros apresentaram maior freqüência de mulheres, de DM tipo 2 e de história familiar de tireopatia. CONCLUSÕES: A elevada prevalência de tireopatias na população com DM conduz à recomendação de avaliação tireoidiana em todo paciente com DM.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Surdez no hipotireoidismo já foi descrita por diversos autores, porém a fisiopatologia é incerta. OBJETIVOS: Realizar avaliações audiológicas de pacientes com hipotireoidismo adquirido. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Grupos de estudo: hipotireoidismo (GH, n-30) e controle (GC, n-30). Parâmetros estudados: gênero, tempo do hipotireoidismo, co-morbidades, sintomas cócleo-vestibulares, exames bioquímicos e hormonais, limiares audiométricos, PEATE e EOAT. RESULTADOS: Todos os participantes eram mulheres; em GH 70% dos pacientes apresentavam tireoidite de Hashimoto e 60% tinham diagnóstico de hipotireoidismo há mais de 5 anos. Depressão e hipertensão foram as principais co-morbidades do grupo GH. Todos os pacientes de GH tinham valores elevados de TSH e 50% deles apresentavam diminuição de T4 livre. Surdez neurossensorial foi detectada em 22 orelhas de GH e em 7 de GC. PEATE mostrou-se normal nos participantes do GC e alterado em 10 orelhas do GH, havendo predomínio do aumento de L-V. EOAT estiveram ausentes em 12 orelhas de GH e em 4 de GC. CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes com hipotireoidismo apresentaram mais sintomas cócleo-vestibulares, limiares audiométricos mais elevados, prolongamento das latências absolutas de L-V no PEATE e ausência ou redução as amplitudes das emissões otoacústicas. Tais alterações não estavam associadas aos níveis de TSH e T4 livre.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a prevalência do hipotiroidismo subclínico e suas repercussões sobre o perfil lipídico e a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) em mulheres na pós-menopausa. Métodos: trata-se de estudo transversal com recuperação de dados de prontuários de pacientes acompanhadas em ambulatório de climatério. Critérios de inclusão: mulheres na pós-menopausa com dosagem do hormônio estimulador da tiróide (TSH) e de tiroxina livre (T4-L). Critérios de exclusão: hipertiroidismo e carcinoma de tiróide. Considerou-se hipotiroidismo subclínico valores de TSH superiores a 5,0 mUI/mL e T4-L normal. Foram selecionadas 320 pacientes (idade 55,2±6,4 anos) divididas em 3 grupos: função tiroideana normal (n=208), hipotiroidismo subclínico (n=53) e hipotiroidismo clínico sob tratamento (n=59). Foram analisados dados clínicos, uso de terapia hormonal, índice de massa corpórea (IMC=kg/m²), perfil lipídico (colesterol total, HDL, LDL, triglicerídeos) e DMO da coluna lombar e fêmur. Na análise estatística, as diferenças entre as médias dos grupos foram comparadas utilizando-se a análise de variância (ANOVA). Para múltipla comparação, assumindo que a variância era diferente entre os grupos, utilizou-se o método de Tukey. RESULTADOS: o hipotiroidismo subclínico foi diagnosticado em 16,1% dos casos. Os grupos foram homogêneos quanto às características clínicas, IMC e perfil lipídico e uso de terapêutica hormonal. Nas pacientes com hipotiroidismo subclínico ou clínico encontrou-se menor freqüência de osteopenia na coluna lombar e fêmur quando comparadas às eutiroidianas (p<0,001). Houve correlação negativa entre os valores de TSH e DMO da coluna lombar e fêmur (p<0,001). Não se constatou correlação entre os valores de TSH e idade, tempo de menopausa, IMC e perfil lipídico. O total de usuárias de terapia hormonal foi de 65,1%, duração média de 3,43±2,42 anos, não diferindo entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: o hipotiroidismo subclínico com prevalência de 16,1% na pós-menopausa associou-se à baixa DMO, mas sem repercussões sobre o perfil lipídico.