983 resultados para Hyde, Edward, 1786-1832.


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The aim of the study was to examine the influence of school smoking policy and school smoking prevention programs on the smoking behaviour of students in high schools in Prince Edward Island using the School Health Action Planning Evaluation System (SHAPES). A total sample included 13,131 observations of students in grades 10-12 in ten high schools in Prince Edward Island over three waves of data collection (1999, 2000, and 2001). Changes in prevalence of smoking and factors influencing smoking behaviour were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-Square tests. Multi-level logistic regression analyses were used to examine how both school and student characteristics were associated with smoking behaviour (I, II, III, IV). Since students were located within schools, a basic 2-level nested structure was used in which individual students (level 1) were nested within schools (level 2). For grade 12 students, the combination of both school policies and programs was not associated with the risk of smoking and the presence of the new policy was not associated with decreased risk of smoking, unless there were clear rules in place (I). For the grade 10 study, (II) schools with both policies and programs were not associated with decreased risk of smoking. However, the smoking behaviour of older students (grade 12) at a school was associated with younger students’ (grade 10) smoking behaviour. Students first enrolled in a high school in grade 9, rather than grade 10, were at increased risk of occasional smoking. For students who transitioned from grade 10 to 12 (III), close friends smoking had a substantial influence on smoking behaviour for both males and females (III). Having one or more close friends who smoke (Odds Ratio (OR) = 37.46; 95% CI = 19.39 to 72.36), one or more smokers in the home (OR = 2.35; 95% CI = 1.67 to 3.30) and seeing teachers and staff smoking on or near school property (OR=1.78; 95% CI = 1.13 to 2.80), were strongly associated with increased risk of smoking for grade 12 students. Smoking behaviour increased for both junior (Group 1) and senior (Group 2) students (IV). Group 1 students indicated a greater decrease in smoking behaviour and factors influencing smoking behaviour compared to those of Group 2. Students overestimating the percentage of youth their age who smoke was strongly associated with increased likelihood of smoking. Smoking rates showed a decreasing trend (1999, 2000, and 2001). However, policies and programs alone were not successful in influencing smoking behaviour of youth. Rather, factors within the students and schools contextual environment influenced smoking behaviour. Comprehensive approaches are required for school-based tobacco prevention interventions. Keywords: schools, policy, programs, smoking prevention, adolescents Subject Terms: school-based programming, public health, health promotion


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J.W. von Goethen (1749-1832) merkitys ei rajoitu saksalaisen kirjallisuuden uudistamiseen. Hänen keskeisin antinsa filosofialle on pikemminkin hänen kehittämässään luonnontieteellisessä tutkimusmetodissa ja siinä ilmenevässä organistisessa luonnonfilosofiassa. Myös Goethen taideteoreettisia käsityksiä on hedelmällistä tutkia hänen luonnonfilosofiansa näkökulmasta. Tarkastelen pro gradu-tutkielmassani Goethen luontokäsityksen ja taidekäsityksen kehitystä välittömästi hänen Italiaan suuntautuvia matkojaan 1786 1789 ympäröivänä ajanjaksona. Tähän aikaan sijoittuivat paitsi morfologisen tutkimusmetodin syntyminen, myös Goethen kuvataiteellisten ihanteiden yhä vahvempi kääntyminen antiikin esikuvien puoleen. Tutkin Goethen luonnontutkimusten taustalla olevan tietoteoreettisen asenteen muotoutumista suhteessa tulkintoihin, joita hän muodosti Benedict de Spinozan ja Immanuel Kantin filosofiasta. Jäljitän hänen näin muodostuneen luonnonfilosofisen näkemyksensä ilmenemistä hänen Weimarin klassismia edustaneissa taideteoreettisissa kirjoituksissaan. Kysymykseni on, onko Goethen kuvaamassa luonnontieteellisessä tutkimusmetodissa yhtymäkohtia siihen tiehen, jota taiteilijan tai taiteentuntijan on hänen mielestään kuljettava päästäkseen oikeaan käsitykseen taiteesta. Analysoidakseni tarkemmin taiteellisen ja tieteellisen toiminnan samankaltaisuutta Goethella vertailen keskenään 1789 julkaistua tekstiä Einfache Nachahmung der Natur, Manier, Stil (Luonnon yksinkertainen jäljittely, maneeri, tyyli), joka pohtii taiteen kuvaustavan suhdetta todellisuuteen, sekä lyhyttä luonnontieteellistä metodia kuvaavaa tekstiä Erfahrung und Wissenschaft (Kokemus ja tiede) vuodelta 1798. Asetan rinnakkain luonnontutkijan etenemisen empiirisestä ja tieteellisestä ilmiöstä puhtaaseen ilmiöön eli alkuilmiöön ja taiteellisen toiminnan jatkumon luonnon yksinkertaisesta jäljittelystä maneeriin ja tyyliin. Epilogissa hahmottelen Goethen metodin yhtymäkohtia moderniin fenomenologiaan sekä arvioin Rudolf Steinerin (1861 1925) Goethen tietoteoriasta tekemää tulkintaa.


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En la Estación Experimental de Las Mercedes municipio de Managua, se inició en la época de postrera en 1991, un experimento de rotación de cultivos bajo diferentes niveles de control de malezas. El presente trabajo evaluó el efecto de los cultivos antecesores sorgo, maíz y pepino con tres niveles de control de malezas : químico, período crítico y limpias periódicas a la dinámica de la cenosis de malezas, crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo sucesor sorgo. Cuando antecedió el pepino la abundancia de maleza fue mayor con 504 Ind/m2 reduciéndose considerablemente a la cosecha obteniendo una biomasa promedio de 133.9 gr/m2. Sucedió lo contrario con maíz como cultivo antecesor ya que al principio la abundancia fue de 201 Ind/m2 y se obtuvo la mayor biomasa con 259.8 gr/m2 y para sorgo-sorgo tuvo valores de 232 Ind/m2 y a la cosecha en menor valor en biomasa de sorgo 130.0 gr/m2. En el rendimiento se enmarcó una tendencia a favor de maíz como cultivo antecesor con 1878 Kg/ha de sorgo, mientras sorgo-sorgo obtuvo un rendimiento de 1839 Kg/ha comparándose con pepino como antecesor con 1832 Kg/ha de sorgo. Comparando los controles aquí hubo diferencias significativas y en mayor valor le correspondió al control químico con 2048.0 Kg/ha, control período crítico con 1786 Kg/ha y el menor valor le correspondió a limpia periódica con sólo 1715 Kg/ha. En el control período crítico presentó mayor abundancia la maleza al inicio con 444 Ind/m2, teniendo una reducción hasta 62 Ind/m2 en la cosecha. El control químico tuvo un comportamiento similar que el control período crítico con 295 Ind/m2, reduciendo al final del ciclo con 135 Ind/m2. El control limpias periódicas tuvo al inicio la menor abundancia con 200 Ind/m2, reduciendo a la cosecha a 3 Ind/m2.


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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This paper includes information about the Pribilof Islands since their discovery by Russia in 1786 and the population of northern fur seals, Cailorhinus ursinus, that return there each summer to bear young and to breed. Russia exterminated the native population of sea Oilers, Enhydra lulris, here and nearly subjected the northern fur seal to the same fate before providing proper protection. The northern fur seal was twice more exposed to extinction following the purchase of Alaska and the Pribilof Islands by the United States in 1867. Excessive harvesting was stopped as a result of strict management by the United States of the animals while on land and a treaty between Japan, Russia, Great Britain (for Canada), and the United States that provided needed protection at sea. In 1941, Japan abrogated this treaty which was replaced by a provisional agreement between Canada and the United States that protected the fur seals in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Japan, the U.S.S.R., Canada, and the United States again insured the survival of these animals with ratification in 1957 of the "Interim Convention on the Conservation of North Pacific Fur Seals," which is still in force. Under the auspices of this Convention, the United States launched an unprecedented manipulation of the resource through controlled removal during 1956-68 of over 300,000 females considered surplus. The biological rationale for the reduction was that production of fewer pups would result in a higher pregnancy rate and increased survival, which would, in turn, produce a sustained annual harvest of 55,000-60,000 males and 10,000-30,000 females. Predicted results did not occur. The herd reduction program instead coincided with the beginning of a decline in the number of males available for harvest. Suspected but unproven causes were changes in the toll normally accounted for by predation, disease, adverse weather, and hookworms. Depletion of the animals' food supply by foreign fishing Heets and the entanglement of fur seals in trawl webbing and other debris discarded at sea became a prime suspect in altering the average annual harvest of males on the Pribilof Islands from 71,500 (1940-56) to 40,000 (1957-59) to 36,000 (1960) to 82,000 (1961) and to 27,347 (1972-81). Thus was born the concept of a research control area for fur seals, which was agreed upon by members of the Convention in 1973 and instituted by the United States on St. George Island beginning in 1974. All commercial harvesting of fur seals was stopped on St. George Island and intensive behavioral studies were begun on the now unharvested population as it responds to the moratorium and attempts to reach its natural ceiling. The results of these and other studies here and on St. Paul Island are expected to eventually permit a comparison between the dynamics of unharvested and harvested populations, which should in turn permit more precise management of fur seals as nations continue to exploit the marine resources of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. (PDF file contains 32 pages.)


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A dissertação visa analisar a condição feminina no Rio de Janeiro do século XIX a partir de documentos judiciais de divórcio, investigando as experiências que as mulheres oitocentistas experimentaram quando demandavam ou eram demandadas na justiça. A documentação permite demonstrar o modo como elas vivenciaram as dificuldades sociais provenientes de sua condição jurídica e como estavam inseridas nos espaços institucionalizados de poder. Através das falas das próprias mulheres observamos como a Igreja e o Estado utilizaram-se da família e do matrimônio como instrumentos de manutenção da dominação sobre o universo feminino. A escolha do Rio de Janeiro como recorte geográfico deu-se em função da importância econômica, política e social que, como capital, a cidade assumiu no século XIX. O recorte temporal 1832 a 1889 tomou por parâmetros o surgimento de duas normas legais que vão trazer modificações significativas para a organização da Justiça do Império e para o tema específico do divórcio.


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Shell dimensions (length, height, width) and shell volume were evaluated as estimators of growth for Polymesoda erosa in northern Australia. Each parameter was a good estimator when applied to live weight (r2 values of 76-96 percent), but not to soft tissue weight (wet, dry, or ash-free dry weight) (r2 values of 13-32 percent). The b value for shell volume to weight relationship of clams collected during the dry season (June to October) was signifi cantly different than for those collected in the wet season (February to April).


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O objetivo desse trabalho é compreender a produção intelectual do autor palestino, Edward W. Said, cuja trajetória heterogênea representou em larga medida uma metáfora teórica dos seus maiores dilemas políticos e conceituais, alguns deles constitutivos do objeto dessa tese. Entendemos que Said define a Cultura como lócus privilegiado para compreender a dominação colonial e, posteriormente, incorpora um discurso político para a formação da chamada identidade nacional Palestina. Procuramos demarcar o paradoxo central da sua obra que diz respeito ao convívio teórico da abordagem pós-colonial com a busca da historicidade do ethos nacional palestino. Entendemos que o paradoxo do Nacionalismo, sua estreita vinculação com o debate pós-colonial e os percursos teóricos decorrentes do engajamento progressivo com a causa nacional Palestina subsidiam outras reflexões que possuem interrelação. São essas; a representação do intelectual na sociedade contemporânea, a relação entre texto e realidade histórica, entendida por meio do conceito de mundanidade, a categoria de exílio como condição ontológica e metáfora epistemológica e o problema da relação entre cultura e imperialismo. Esses percursos de análise orientam-se por um objetivo mais geral que é a análise da centralidade e respectiva atualidade da obra de Edward W. Said na Historiografia Pós-Colonial.


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The macroscopic scale used for determination of sexual maturity in shrimps was tested against objective parameters namely the gonad-somatic index and the size of oocytes. The two main species caught in Mozambique, Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros, were the object of the work. In order to reduce the subjectivity in the macroscopic exam, a table with the colours representative of each stage is presented. Since this study was conducted over a period of 13 consecutive months and there were observations from previous years, the sexual cycle of the two species is also presented, as well as an estimate of the size at first maturity.


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This study aimed at evaluating the production levels in terms of catch estimates of the artisanal fisheries of the Edward-George system in addition to providing information on the facilities and services at landing sites and the composition, magnitude and distribution of fishing effort to guide development and management of the fisheries resources of the Edward and George lakes and Kazinga channel. Specifically, the study was expected to come up with the following outputs:- a) Information on the number of fish landing sites on the basin lakes; b) Information on the facilities available at the fish landing sites to service the fisheries sector ; c) Information on the number of fishers; d) Information on the number and types of fishing crafts; e) Information on the modes of propulsion of the fishing crafts; f) Information on the number types and sizes of fishing gears including the number of illegal fishing gears in the fishery; and g) Recommendations on development and management of the fisheries of the Edward and George lakes and Kazinga channel. h) Beach values in terms of annual catches and annual revenue from the water bodies.


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The National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) on behalf of OPEP Consult Ltd undertook a baseline survey of the transition zone (basically along the shoreline) and near shore habitats of the Uganda apart of Lake Edward and Kazinga channel during December 2007 to January 2008. A major objective of the baseline survey was to generate baseline information on the aquatic ecosystem features related to the fisheries and socio-economics of the fish catch including issues raised by residents in the fish landing sites. Therefore, the baseline survey captured information on water quality, the aquatic invertebrate fauna, aspects of fish biology and ecology, the fish catch including facilities at fish landings, value in the catch and related fisheries socio-economic issues perceived by residents in the settled areas along the shores.