889 resultados para Human experience
This article discusses one of Virginia Woolf's greatest literary concerns: the difficulty of expressing human experience through language. The focus is on The Voyage Out, her first novel, published in 1915, particularly the conflicts and contrasts present not only in the trajectory of Rachel Vinrace, the main character, but also in the structure of the novel itself, which establish a constant tension between reality and language.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
O objetivo desta dissertação consiste em analisar determinados aspectos da escravidão negra na cidade de Belém, entre 1871 (ano de promulgação da Lei do Ventre Livre) e maio de 1888 (quando a escravidão foi abolida). O foco da pesquisa está voltado para a “experiência humana” e o “cotidiano” de um contingente populacional, que, apesar de expressivo (pelo menos até meados da década de 1880), não costuma aparecer na historiografia sobre a Belém de fins do século XIX, comumente chamada de Belém da Belle-Époque. Elementos componentes deste contexto, como o boom da economia da borracha, a propagação das ideias de “civilização”, “modernidade” e “progresso”, e o crescimento da população livre, acabam não deixando espaço para os escravos que residiam e/ou circulavam pelos quatro cantos da cidade e matizavam sua paisagem. O processo criminal em que foi réu um destes escravos urbanos, Camilo João Amancio, será o fio condutor dos quatro capítulos deste trabalho, que abordam as seguintes problemáticas: a relação dos escravos com a polícia e a justiça; sua inserção no mundo do trabalho e no mercado urbano de escravos; os usos e significados do tempo de não trabalho de que dispunham; e as redes de sociabilidades que teciam com os mais variados indivíduos.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Homo Risibilis: ensaio sobre o processo de construção do humor nas obras infantis de Monteiro Lobato
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
The aim of this paper is to present and discuss Fred Dretske's (1995) suggestion for analysis of the problem of qualia. Such a problem was acknowledged following Thomas Nagel's discussion in his classical paper What is it like to be a bat. In the paper, Nagel (1974) postulates the impossibility of knowing aspects of human experience from a third-person perspective. He considers that qualitative aspects of a subject's experience, fundamental for characterization of qualia, would be lost during the course of objective descriptions of it. Based on his Representational Thesis of Mind, Dretske argues that if we were to consider mind to be the representational aspect of the brain, the nature of qualia would thus be representational. In this context, mental facts related to experiences would be representational facts: if we were to know the nature of these representational facts, we would also know the experience the system represents. Given this understanding, we discuss to what extent the Dretskean proposal constitutes (or not) an alternative for the problem of qualia.
The aim of this paper is to present and discuss Fred Dretske’s (1995) suggestion for analysis of the problem of qualia. Such a problem was acknowledged following Thomas Nagel’s discussion in his classical paper “What is it like to be a bat”. In the paper, Nagel (1974) postulates the impossibility of knowing aspects of human experience from a third-person perspective. He considers that qualitative aspects of a subject’s experience, fundamental for characterization of qualia, would be lost during the course of objective descriptions of it. Based on his Representational Thesis of Mind, Dretske argues that if we were to consider mind to be the representational aspect of the brain, the nature of qualia would thus be representational. In this context, mental facts related to experiences would be representational facts: if we were to know the nature of these representational facts, we would also know the experience the system represents. Given this understanding, we discuss to what extent the Dretskean proposal constitutes (or not) an alternative for the problem of qualia.
Dramatic changes occur in the lives of patients on peritoneal dialysis and his family life, changing lifestyle, professional and social activities. Considering the important role of family in treatment, is crucial for nurses to know how these families perceive their role as caregivers and their difficulties and needs, in the process of peritoneal dialysis. The approach chosen for the study was the phenomenological method, based on Merleau-Ponty, who proposes to understand the human experience, from the description of those who lived it. The study findings show that in the beginning of treatment, family members, feel impacted with the disease severity and eager to become responsible for maintenance treatment, fearing not match the expectations.Guided by staff, appear confident in taking care and deal with the difficulties and complications of treatment, supported by professionals. However, resent the great changes in their social activities and work, his life turns out to be quite limited, due to the dedication to a sick family member. Many feel overwhelmed because they are not supported by other family members. Some envision a future outlook for renal transplant, others seem skeptical, given the long waiting list, especially when advanced age of the sick family member. These results suggest the need for individualized attention to family caregivers, and to encourage the family to organize itself and develop a joint work. In this sense, the design of health care, taking care with the focus of the family, it seems highly appropriate in preparing the plan of family orientation, this is defined as a dynamic unity, which, working in harmony, can contribute positively in the treatment of health a sick member
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB