972 resultados para Household Travel Survey


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This article aims to analyze the occurrence of changes in the countryside, in Brazil, from the observation of variables such as type of job, income, family profile, access to consumer goods, services, and information and communication technology. There had been used exploratory analysis and logistic regression method, based on data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios (Brazilian National Household Sample Survey - PNAD) for the state of Espirito Santo. The study found that about 27.2 of individuals who had lived in the countryside report an urban profile, revealing that the urban lifestyle is encompassed not only in the city


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This article aims to analyze the occurrence of changes in the countryside, in Brazil, from the observation of variables such as type of job, income, family profile, access to consumer goods, services, and information and communication technology. There had been used exploratory analysis and logistic regression method, based on data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios (Brazilian National Household Sample Survey - PNAD) for the state of Espirito Santo. The study found that about 27.2 of individuals who had lived in the countryside report an urban profile, revealing that the urban lifestyle is encompassed not only in the city


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This article aims to analyze the occurrence of changes in the countryside, in Brazil, from the observation of variables such as type of job, income, family profile, access to consumer goods, services, and information and communication technology. There had been used exploratory analysis and logistic regression method, based on data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios (Brazilian National Household Sample Survey - PNAD) for the state of Espirito Santo. The study found that about 27.2 of individuals who had lived in the countryside report an urban profile, revealing that the urban lifestyle is encompassed not only in the city


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El WCTR es un congreso de reconocido prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la investigación del transporte y aunque las actas publicadas están en formato digital y sin ISSN ni ISBN, lo consideramos lo suficientemente importante como para que se considere en los indicadores. Policies trying to increase walking within urban mobility modal split usually highlight the importance of the functional patterns and the environmental quality of the urban space as major drivers of citizens modal choices. Functional characteristics would be mainly associated to an appropriate mix of land uses within neighbourhoods, whereas environmental quality would be associated to the characteristics of urban spaces. The purpose of this research is threefold: first, to identify relevant proxy indicators, which could characterize pedestrian-friendly land use mix and environmental quality. Second, to assess, for both traits, existing disparities among neighbourhoods in a major metropolitan area. And finally, to explore the association between both indicators and children mobility patterns: according to their built environment, which neighbourhoods have a greater proportion of children and, how is their mobility? Using data from the 2004 household mobility survey in the 128 neighbourhoods of the municipality of Madrid, this paper concludes that potentially favourable conditions at the neighbourhood level seem to have only a modest influence in,mobility patterns , in terms of both, selection of closer destinations and a higher share of walking within modal split. The citys policy choices, with intensive investment in road and public transport infrastructure may explain why short-distance mobility is not as important as it could have been expected in those neighbourhoods with more pedestrian-friendly conditions. The metropolitan transport system is providing mobility conditions, which make far-away destinations attractive to most citizens.


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Policies trying to increase walking within urban mobility modal split usually highlight the importance of the functional patterns and the environmental quality of the urban space as major drivers of citizens modal choices. Functional characteristics would be mainly associated to an appropriate mix of land uses within neighbourhoods, whereas environmental quality would be associated to the characteristics of urban spaces. The purpose of this research is threefold: first, to identify relevant proxy indicators, which could characterize pedestrian-friendly land use mix and environmental quality. Second, to assess, for both traits, existing disparities among neighbourhoods in a major metropolitan area. And finally, to explore the association between both indicators and children mobility patterns: according to their built environment, which neighbourhoods have a greater proportion of children and, how is their mobility? Using data from the 2004 household mobility survey in the 128 neighbourhoods of the municipality of Madrid, this paper concludes that potentially favourable conditions at the neighbourhood level seem to have only a modest influence in,mobility patterns , in terms of both, selection of closer destinations and a higher share of walking within modal split. The city s policy choices, with intensive investment in road and public transport infrastructure may explain why short-distance mobility is not as important as it could have been expected in those neighbourhoods with more pedestrian-friendly conditions. The metropolitan transport system is providing mobility conditions, which make far-away destinations attractive to most citizens.


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Introdução: A caracterização dos padrões alimentares dos adolescentes permite analisar os efeitos da dieta como um todo sobre a saúde. Objetivos: Identificar na literatura científica as múltiplas soluções adotadas nas técnicas multivariadas para obtenção de padrões alimentares; Analisar a relação entre os principais padrões alimentares praticados por adolescentes brasileiros com o excesso de peso e obesidade e Analisar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos sobre os principais padrões alimentares praticados por um grupo multiétnico de adolescentes. Métodos: Esta tese foi composta de três artigos. O primeiro corresponde a uma revisão da literatura sobre padrões alimentares estimados por diferentes técnicas multivariadas. Para os demais artigos duas bases de dados foram utilizadas: a Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) de 2008 09 e o estudo Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) conduzido em 2006-07. A análise fatorial exploratória foi utilizada para obtenção dos padrões alimentares. O segundo artigo utilizou modelo de regressão logística para verificar a associação entre os escores dos padrões alimentares e o excesso de peso e obesidade ajustado para variáveis socioeconômicas. O terceiro artigo utilizou o modelo de regressão linear para avaliar a associação entre indicadores de renda e escolaridade e os escores dos padrões alimentares. Resultados: Na revisão da literatura foi verificado grande heterogeneidade na escolha dos critérios adotados durante as múltiplas etapas das técnicas multivariadas. No segundo manuscrito, foi verificado que quanto maior a adesão ao Padrão Lanches e ao Padrão Snacks maior a chance de estar com excesso de peso e obesidade. No terceiro manuscrito, 10 padrões alimentares foram identificados entre adolescentes de áreas urbanas no Brasil e Europa. Entre os adolescentes brasileiros, maiores níveis socioeconômicos e educacionais da pessoa de referência do domicílio foram associados positivamente com o padrão composto por queijo, cereais matinais, frutas e sucos de fruta, leite e derivados. Entre os adolescentes europeus, maiores níveis socioeconômicos e maior educação das mães foram positivamente associados ao padrão composto por bebidas lácteas, cereais matinais; leite e derivados, manteiga e margarina, além disso, maiores níveis socioeconômicos também foram negativamente associados com o padrão composto por óleos vegetais, nozes, sementes, pão, carnes, leguminosas, hortaliças e tubérculos, ovos e os maiores níveis de de educação materna foram associados negativamente com o padrão composto por pão; carne; bebidas açúcaradas e salgadinhos. Conclusão: Os achados mostraram a elevada prática de padrões alimentares baseados em alimentos com altas concentrações de gorduras e açúcares os quais estão sendo responsáveis pelo aumento no excesso de peso e obesidade entre os adolescentes brasileiros. No geral, os adolescentes que possuíram maior renda ou bens materiais e maior nível de escolaridade do adulto responsável praticaram padrões alimentares um pouco mais saudáveis. No entanto, no Brasil a maior escolaridade da pessoa de referência do domicílio por si só não está diretamente associada a melhores práticas alimentares entre os adolescentes, o contrário do que acontece na Europa. Sendo assim, o maior acesso à renda e a maior escolaridade dos responsáveis desempenham um papel importante na adoção de padrões alimentares mais saudáveis entre os adolescentes.


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Este artículo muestra una variedad de posibles soluciones ante las dificultades que los científicos sociales pueden encontrarse en la investigación cuantitativa con poblaciones elusivas. Estas dificultades son de dos tipos: epistemológicas y técnicas. Desde el punto de vista epistemológico, se subraya la necesidad de adaptación de la investigación a las características de la población objeto de estudio, pues la elusividad de la población no puede considerarse un obstáculo insalvable. Esta flexibilidad se muestra más constructiva, en términos de consecución de objetivos de investigación, que un posicionamiento más rígido o tradicional, más apegado a modelos preestablecidos. Desde el punto de vista técnico, se muestran las soluciones ante cada dificultad encontrada en el curso de un estudio de caso: la población turístico-residencial del destino Costa Blanca en el Levante español. Estas soluciones se demuestran, finalmente, como adecuadas al contrastar los resultados con encuestas oficiales tipo panel realizadas de forma tradicional en origen.


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The issues involved in planning for pedal cyclists are examined with reference to the West Midlands County. Working with a local cycling campaign group, the researcher uses action research methods to investigate and influence the campaign. Development of cycle planning is traced through the literature, focusing on bicycle ownership, bicycle use and cycling policy. UK practice is contrasted with the integrated approach of other countries. An extensive bibliography is provided. Local authority cycle planning through the TPP process is systematically assessed over three years. This provides a context for the information regarding cycling in the West Midlands. Existing data is presented from the 1981 Census and local police road accident and bicycle theft records. The developing relationship between the local authority and the cycle campaign group is narrated in detail, explaining the problems that can beset efforts to improve conditions for cyclists. The researcher was closely involved in this interaction, particularly with policy and a major public inquiry. A survey of the Cycle Campaign Network indicates that the local group was not atypical. To provide information relevant to the local campaign and for effective local planning, a survey of 3,500 West Midlands residents was conducted using a novel combination of questionnaires and interviews. It shows that 1) Bicycle ownership and use is considerably higher than indicated by the 1978/9 National Travel Survey 2) Cycling is most import to certain disadvantaged sections of the community, particularly the young, those without access to a car and in the lower SEGs. The broader issues of transport policy are discussed, concluding that cycling is regarded as a marginal activity and that changes in general transport policy, land use planning and fiscal arrangements are necessary conditions for cycle planning to succeed. An integrated package of cycling measures involving engineering, education, enforcement and encouragement is also required. Recommendations are made concerning central government, local authorities and cycle campaign groups. Subjects for further research are identified.


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This paper investigates the impact that electric vehicle uptake will have on the national electricity demand of Great Britain. Data from the National Travel Survey, and the Coventry and Birmingham Low Emissions Demonstration (CABLED) are used to model an electrical demand profile in a future scenario of significant electric vehicle market penetration. These two methods allow comparison of how conventional cars are currently used, and the resulting electrical demand with simple substitution of energy source, with data showing how electric vehicles are actually being used at present. The report finds that electric vehicles are unlikely to significantly impact electricity demand in GB. The paper also aims to determine whether electric vehicles have the potential to provide ancillary services to the grid operator, and if so, the capacity for such services that would be available. Demand side management, frequency response and Short term Operating Reserve (STOR) are the services considered. The report finds that electric cars are unlikely to provide enough moveable demand peak shedding to be worthwhile. However, it is found that controlling vehicle charging would provide sufficient power control to viably act as frequency response for dispatch by the transmission system operator. This paper concludes that electric vehicles have technical potential to aid management of the transmission network without adding a significant demand burden. © 2013 IEEE.


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Purpose - The roles of ‘conventional’ (fixed-route and fixed-timetable) bus services is examined and compared to demand-responsive services, taking rural areas in England as the basis for comparison. It adopts a ‘rural’ definition of settlements under a population of 10,000. Design/methodology/approach - Evidence from the National Travel Survey, technical press reports and academic work is brought together to examine the overall picture. Findings - Inter-urban services between towns can provide a cost-effective way of serving rural areas where smaller settlements are suitably located. The cost structures of both fixed-route and demand-responsive services indicate that staff time and cost associated with vehicle provision are the main elements. Demand-responsive services may enable larger areas to be covered, to meet planning objectives of ensuring a minimum of level of service, but experience often shows high unit cost and public expenditure per passenger trip. Economic evaluation indicates user benefits per passenger trip of similar magnitude to existing average public expenditure per trip on fixed-route services. Considerable scope exists for improvements to conventional services through better marketing and service reliability. Practical implications - The main issue in England is the level of funding for rural services in general, and the importance attached to serving those without access to cars in such areas. Social implications - The boundary between fixed-route and demand-responsive operation may lie at relatively low population densities. Originality/value - The chapter uses statistical data, academic research and operator experience of enhanced conventional bus services to provide a synthesis of outcomes in rural areas.


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Doutoramento em Economia.


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With emerging trends for Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities, complex data transformation, aggregation and visualization problems are becoming increasingly common. These tasks support improved business intelligence, analytics and enduser access to data. However, in most cases developers of these tasks are presented with challenging problems including noisy data, diverse data formats, data modeling and increasing demand for sophisticated visualization support. This paper describes our experiences with just such problems in the context of Household Travel Surveys data integration and harmonization. We describe a common approach for addressing these harmonizations. We then discuss a set of lessons that we have learned from our experience that we hope will be useful for others embarking on similar problems. We also identify several key directions and needs for future research and practical support in this area.


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The impact of public relations on emerging fields such as travel journalism has not gained much attention, despite the broader growth of lifestyle journalism, and its particular dependence on PR. This study reports the findings of a representative survey of Australian travel journalists, focusing on their views of PR. Results show that travel journalists are wary of PR, although they believe they can be relatively immune from its influence and see some PR activities as quite useful. Cluster analysis identifies three distinct groups based on their views of PR, which range from a positive attitude to strong criticism. Their backgrounds and differences are explored, pointing to gender, job status, and background in mainstream journalism as main determinants for differences.


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Introduction and aims: Despite evidence that many Australian adolescents have considerable experience with various drug types, little is known about the extent to which adolescents use multiple substances. The aim of this study was to examine the degree of clustering of drug types within individuals, and the extent to which demographic and psychosocial predictors are related to cluster membership. Design and method: A sample of 1402 adolescents aged 12-17. years were extracted from the Australian 2007 National Drug Strategy Household Survey. Extracted data included lifetime use of 10 substances, gender, psychological distress, physical health, perceived peer substance use, socioeconomic disadvantage, and regionality. Latent class analysis was used to determine clusters, and multinomial logistic regression employed to examine predictors of cluster membership. Result: There were 3 latent classes. The great majority (79.6%) of adolescents used alcohol only, 18.3% were limited range multidrug users (encompassing alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana), and 2% were extended range multidrug users. Perceived peer drug use and psychological distress predicted limited and extended multiple drug use. Psychological distress was a more significant predictor of extended multidrug use compared to limited multidrug use. Discussion and conclusion: In the Australian school-based prevention setting, a very strong focus on alcohol use and the linkages between alcohol, tobacco and marijuana are warranted. Psychological distress may be an important target for screening and early intervention for adolescents who use multiple drugs.